Zora/Logs/Greeting the Bird and Protecting Her Vagina

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IC Time: Mar 12, 2522

Zora appears at the entrance to the Commons, with a disposable cup of what appears to be coffee in her right hand. Her other arm is wrapped around herself, and she's peering around with wide, interested eyes. She notes Wren walking and quickly moves towards the other girl. "Would you like some help?" she asks, setting her coffee down and reaching an arm out to Wren. "That looks heavy, and I've had nothing to do all day. I'm awfully eager to be helpful." <English>

Kitty comes in and she stis down, yawning a bit as she does so. She had spent a part of her time that she's been aboard getting used to getting around the huge ship and another time keeping to herself a bit, that done due to a bout of shyness that has just passed. Sticking her head in, she looks around before slipping into the crew commons fully. "Heyya," she offers with a smile to those already here. "How are y'all doing today?" <English>

Grey arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Grey has arrived.

Wren pauses, blinking at the girl owlishly for several moments. Reaching out, she pokes the girl tentatively on the shoulder, as if checking for solidity. "It's heavy," She agrees slowly, studying this new person curiously. Then there's someone else entering the commons, and she peers at her as well. "Heyya. How are y'all doing today," she echoes, matching the tone and accent closely to the one Kitty just used. <English>

Zora blinks for a few moments when Wren pokes her, really not sure of how to respond. "Was...there a bug?" she asks slowly, glancing down at the spot Wren poked. Not seeing anything, she begins to scan the floor around them. "Does this ship have a bug problem? No one mentioned bugs. I am not what you'd call fond of small insects." She still doesn't see anything on the floor, and turns to Wren to ask something else, when Kitty comes in and Wren mimics her perfectly. Furrowing her brow, Zora nods to Kitty quietly and outstretches her hand toward Wren once more in a silent offer to help with the heavy. <English>

If Wren's mimicry bothers Kitty it doesn't show as she's smiling just like she was when she greeted her and Zora both. "Think we got a magpie in our midst. Or ma'be a parrot. Those thin's talk lots from what Ah heard told." She settles herself into a chair and looks around before offering a hand to Wren, leaning closer or standing back up to approach her if need be. "Mah name's Kitty. You are..?" <English>

Canting her head to one side, Wren returns her attention to Zora as she worries about bugs. "No bugs," she tells her, clear at least on that point. The hand outstretched toward her is view with some puzzlement, and then she extends her own to take it. "Very nice to meet you," she rattles off at her, very lightly clasping the hand in hers and releasing the instant she finishes speaking. "Wren, not a magpie. Or parrot," she corrects, attention slipping back to Kitty again. <English>

Grey comes out of the Captain's Quarters, mumbling under his breath with a cigarette between his lips. He nods to those around in the Commons and moves to sit down in one of the chairs, then gets back up and starts pacing again. "Anythin' crazy goin' on aboard today, mates?" he asks. "How'd ya find the ship, Miss Kitty? Miss Zora?" <English>

"It's all good here, boss," Kitty says while watching the Captain pace, that alone enough to make her want to do so as well. "Ah know we jus' met but.." She hesitates, not sure whether she should ask or not but decides to go for it anyhow. "Ah can't help but to notice how yer lookin' as nervous as a long tail cat in a room fulla rockin' chairs. Is everythin' a'ight?" She looks at Zora and Wren after she asks that, perhaps in an attempt to try to glean some form of understanding by doing so. <English>

Zora grins at Kitty when she makes the parrot comment, but when Wren takes her hand to shake rather than to hand her the bag, she peers even more closely at the girl. "Wren is your name?" she asks carefully, studying any reactions. "Well, Wren, might I help you carry whatever it is you have there to where you're going?" She puts her hand out pointedly once more, trying to emphasize her point in doing so. She watches Grey enter the room and though her eyes flick to the cigarette in his lips, she merely replies, "I found the ship just fine, Captain. Is something wrong, can I help you with anything?" She nods to Kitty when she inquires as to the man's wellbeing in addition. It's not a good sign when the man you're wanting a job from starts to pace. <English>

Wren turns as Grey enters, peering at the Captain now as well. Her gaze loses focus for a minute drifting away on the words spoken, and then focuses in on Zora as she speaks more plainly. "Okay," she responds agreeably enough, slipping the backpack down off her shoulder and passing it over to the woman. It never occurs to her she's been asked this three times now, and that's apparent in her demeanor. Glancing back at Grey, she watches him pace, her head canting to the side as he does but quiet for the moment. <English>

Grey waves away the concern. "Nothin' big, nothin' big. Jus' somethin' on my mind, is all." He pauses to take down a long breath of the cigarette. His eyes turn to Wren for a little while, just watching her wordlessly, before sinking back in his chair a bit and smoking some more. "So, ya both spoke ta Alabaster, Syna, or Lucas, correct? Now, I hain't spoken with 'em since las' night, so I don't have a final word ta give on the employment situation as of yet, but hell, ya both looked good ta me." <English>

Adila arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Adila has arrived.

Nodding, Kitty listens for a bit before smiling to Grey when he mentions Alabaster. "The Preacher. Yeah, Ah talk 'ith him last night. Come to find out that we're from the same place, roughly. Ironic, ain't it? He and Ah seem to get along right quick. Ah like him." She folds her arms under her chest as she considers something, her eyes narrowed a bit. "Ah can't say how much Ah appreciate the chance, sir." <English>

Isabella arrives from Redemption - Captain's Quarters - A Deck. Isabella has arrived.

Zora watches Wren closely for a few moments as she takes the bag from Wren - which is, in fact, rather heavy. Coming to some kind of conclusion, she nods her head almost imperceptibly, settling the bag into a comfortable position on her shoulder. "After you, Wrenbird," she remarks, not looking fazed by calling a woman she just met by a rather personal nickname. While she waits for Wren to lead the way, she responds to Grey. "I did speak with Smith, yes, same as Kitty, but not Lucas. Are the...decisions made that quickly here? Just a nod from them and we're in or out?" <English>

Wren blinks at Grey owlishly, watching him as he drops into the chair and then wandering over to him as he speaks. "Doesn't half to be big to be heavy," she notes solemnly, one hand reaching out to brush his forehead. "Just be careful," she admonishes before turning back to Zora and heading for the stairs once more. She is apparently leading the way. <English>

"It's a small 'Verse," Grey chuckles to Kitty. "An' more or less, aye. We conduct a full background an' security check based on yer references an' identification - then so long's as ya mesh with the crew an' the two officers who review ya give you the thumbs-up, you're good ta fly. We've had people come on in seconds 'fore, when the need was great. Or when we were thrust into a situation together and needed ta work together." He puts his cigarette out and blinks with surprise when she touches his forehead. It's not until she's almost to the stairs that he manages, "Thanks..." <English>


Redemption - Catwalk - B Deck

What was once the hallway leading to beautiful passenger quarters has become a long catwalk with the cargo bay 50 feet below. The quarters that used to be here have been stripped from the ship to allow more room for cargo. The catwalk itself is about five feet wide and made of metal with a waist-high hand rail. To either side of the Catwalk, attached to the handrails, are long rows of planters. They sit at all levels for all kinds of greenery, and there are planters hanging from the ceiling as well. It gives a very unique atmosphere to an otherwise bleak and dreary metallic walkway.

Zora follows Wren up the stairs, breathing in the scent of growth once they reach the top. "Doctor Syna told me about these yesterday," she says, choosing her words carefully and slowly. "She said there is a plant technician who watches over them. Would that be you, Wrenbird?" <English>

Wren glances over to Zora as they walk through the training room, and then out onto the catwalk. "Hydroponics engineer," she corrects but then nods. They walk past several planters which have already been filled with a potting medium, and then stop at a new set that stand empty. Setting down the seed packets in one of the planters, she gestures for Zora to hand over the backpack. It looks as if work is only just beginning on this project, as none of the containers hold any actual plants at the moment. <English>

Zora hands over the backpack, looking from planter to planter quickly. "What exactly are you needing done? Is there anything I can help with, or did you just need me to bring it up?" She moves to the planter that's empty and peers inside. "What are you growing?" <English>

Wren hesitates just a moment while Zora speaks, and then continues her unpacking of the bag, reavealing a jug of some green colored solution, and several packets packed tightly with some dark substance, and finally a length of tubing. Tearing the plastic packets, she drops one each in several of the empty planters. "Herbs. Vegetables," she answers eventually, glancing over to the woman again. You can pour," she tells her, indicating on the jug the amount, precise marks along the side making it easy to manage the correct amount. <English>

Zora nods and begins to inspect the things Wren has pulled out, but suddenly straightens up with a start. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she exclaims quickly, moving towards the stairs. "I have to check on Sam, who isn't feeling well. I'll come back later, Wrenbird." And with that, she's gone. <English>


Redemption - Double Cabin 8 - A Deck

Seems like your average crew quarters but the inside of it is washed with a dark blue over the walls to give a little color to the room. Around the ceiling are some old fashioned Christmas type lights that give the room a very faint illumination. To one side sits a bed that is is a sore sight of disarray, as if the occupant hadn't made it since the first time. At the end of the bed is a storage locker with a lock on it. Hanging on a cord from the ceiling is a rather beat up and mangled gold ring. Across one wall are pages that look to be from a book of Shakespeare's plays and are plastered about to make some kind of wallpaper.

So when last we left our friends, Syna was in mask and holding the door open for Zora to enter while looking around the room and calling out for Sam. "Sam? Sam, we're coming in..." <English>

Pretty much the only decoration in this room at the moment is the wall and the pile of clothes and guns in the middle of the floor. In the bed, probably to Syna's satisfaction, is Sam. The woman is curled up in a fetal position and wearing only a pair of PJ pants and a T-shirt. "Go way." She mumbles out, pulling the sheets over her head. <English>

Zora takes the mask she got from Syna and holds it over her mouth, peering into the room after Syna has entered, though she moves forward enough for Sam to not need to continue holding the door. In her free non-mask hand is a tray, with a glass of cold water and a plate of crackers on top of it. "Should I introduce myself?" she whispers to Syna, unsure of what this Sam person would be comfortable with. <English>

Smiling as she sees Sam on the bed and her mumbly reply, Syna closes the door behind Zora and nods to her as she walks in. "Hello dear, I'd like to introduce you to Zora, she's a new nurse we're considering hiring. Now, we brought you something that would be light for your stomach though I'd really like to see if you have a fever..." Moving to the side of the bed, Syna tries to gently reach out and pull the covers back slowly. "So, let me help you feel better, okay?" <English>

The noise that comes from within the bed is more suited to a Wookie. Sam pulls the covers back up and over her head. Her face is slightly pale and she scrubs it down into a pillow. It's like a 10 year old in a grown woman's body. Seems when Sam is sick... She reverts to Brat. "Don't wanna." She growls out and peers up to the two women, giving Zora rather dirty look. <English>

Zora's eyebrows raise a bit when Sam responds in a way not very conducive to the feeling better process, but hey. If she could handle snobby rich bitches in their third trimester on Bellerophon, she can take on a sick ten year old any day. "Hey, honey," she croons, nodding to Sam with her best 'I make everything better' smile. "I brought you some water and crackers. Would you like to have some now, or wait till later? I bet a washcloth soaked in water would feel good on your forehead, though." She glances around for somewhere to set the tray, but not finding anything other than a storage locker, she hangs onto it for now. <English>

Syna smiles at Sam's response and then begins to tug on the blankies again, slowly pulling them down once more. "What, you don't want to feel better? C'mon, Zora and I are here specifically for you, to make you feel better and happy again. If you -really- dont' want to feel better, we can leave you alone and you'll be sick at least three times as long, or maybe even DIE!" Maybe striking the fear of death into her will let her wake up a little. <English>

Sam grumps and finally turns over. "Looks like you ain't gonna let me sleep til you get a look." She just frowns as she looks to the two women. A slight chuckle comes from her lips, "Masks look funny." She then winces as another wave of nausea flows over her. She is, indeed, sweaty and seems to be working through this as best she can. A large leg brace is off to one side and Sam catches a look at it before she looks to Syna, "Now, you done told me I didn't have to wear it when I was layin down." She then shakes her head and lays back down. "Gorram it... And you want me to eat?" If someone counted, she's been a couple days without something staying down. <English>

Zora looks over at Syna and whispers something from behind the mask, hopefully loud enough for Syna to hear, but not Sam. Looking concerned, she glances over at the nearby sink, spotting a washcloth sitting on the counter of said sink. Crossing over, she sets the tray on the lockertop and grabs the washcloth. She sniffs it suspiciously, but apparently it meets her standards, because she straps her mask on to free her hands, runs some water over the washcloth, and folds it into a nice, long wet strip. "Hold still, Sam, and let me put this on your forehead. It'll feel much better, I think." She advances towards the bed, nearly choking on laughter when Syna threatens Sam with death, though she bites her lip and keeps her mirth in. "May I put it on you?" she asks, waiting for a response before coming near the woman. They only just met, after all. "How long have you been feeling sick?" <English>

Sam tests her Listen against a 65 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-7).

You whisper, "She's definitely got a virus or something, she certainly doesn't seem to be sick due to pregnancy. I mean, not that she couldn't still be pregnant, of course. But I'm willing to bet she's caught a bug. Not sperm." to Syna.

Sam raises a brow to Zora and looks to Syna before just giving a shrug of approval to put the washcloth on. "Few days. Ever since I came off the planet. Just..." She holds her stomach, "Better not be talkin about it too much unless you want to get splattered." She gives Zora a good look over and then gives a sniff. "I'm guessin I'm your specimen for a test for your new recruit?" She pulls her sheets up closer and eyes the crackers a little bit. "What? No beer?" <English>

Syna pulls back, allowing Zora to treat Sam. She watches how Zora interacts with Sam, though when Sam looks at her, she offers a smile and a nod with a little grin. "I'm sorry Sam, but this really is an ideal situation on how she handles treating the crew. Especially when they're at their worst." She winks and then moves to sit near the foot of the bed to give space. "Sam, did you use the protection that I gave you when you were having your date?", she asks pretty bluntly after Zora whispers to her, but doesn't specify names. "If we give you any antibiotics it's always best to know first." At the crack of no beer, Syna gives a grin and looks over at the crackers, "Hmm, well, I'll get you beer when you can hold it down, no use wastin' it, right?" <English>

Sam peers THROUGH Syna when she asks about protection. "Yes. We used it. Don't want no kids yet!" She then becomes a grumpy 8 year old. "What's it matter iffin I had sex or not?" She folds her arms across her chest and looks as if nobody is gonna get me to talk no how. She pouts up and closes her mouth, glaring. <English>

Zora doesn't seem to be fazed by either Sam's dirty looks, nor her sniff. "I don't mind if you throw up," she explains gently, sitting down next to Sam on the bed and lightly placing the washcloth on her head, touching the woman's skin first. She nods to herself as she smoothes Sam's hair. "She definitely has a fever," Zora remarks behind her to Syna. "Do you want the crackers and water?" she asks Sam slowly, moving back to the locker to pick up the tray once more. "If you hold these down, I'll bring you up some soup later, and maybe some toast. But right now, I need you to focus on eating these, alright?" Zora avoids the sex explanation, as it doesn't seem like Sam is of the mindset to hear it just this second. <English>

Syna smiles at Sam with her anti-glare state. She looks so peaceful. Is she enjoying Sam's regression? "Well, good, that's all I needed to know." Looking at Sam's leg and then the brace, she nods, "Yep, yer allowed to take it off when you're horizontal." Smiling, she looks over at Zora and says, "I'm not sure if we should give her food just yet. She won't keep it down. What would you suggest to give her to settle her stomach, also, what about her fever and symptoms?" Uh oh, now she's testing it seems. <English>

As Zora reaches in to stroke Sam's forehead, Sam softens slightly. "Well. Iffin you want to take care of me and all. Tuck me in and feed me coup?" Sam slightly cuddles up to Zora, already feeling better. "What about my other symptoms? How about a full physical?" She gives the woman a wink and then another wave of nausea hits and Sam's best attempt at being suave goes out the window as she pukes right in Zora's lap. Luckily, there's no food to it. Just fluids. <English>

As Sam seems to warm up to her suddenly, Zora grins down at her, but doesn't pay close attention, as she focusing on what Syna's asking of her. "Well, she's sweating, so we need to keep her hydrated. I'd suggest water, with some juice. Depending on how high the fever is, I'd give her aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen, depending on if she's ever had a reaction to one of those before. I know many people have stomach troubles especially with aspirin. If the nausea gets severe, and if we have it on hand, we could always fit her with an IV bag of Lorazepam. This many days into it, through, I'd be willing to bet it will pass before - " That's as far as she gets before there's a Vomit River in her lap. She closes her eyes and sits still for a few moments, breathing in and out slowly. After about three or four seconds, she reaches out and puts her hand on the back of Sam's head. "It's alright," she whispers to the other woman. "Don't be upset, I told you I didn't mind. I'm going to stand up and take my pants off now, so that I don't get anything all over your room, and then we'll get you some new blankets, okay?" <English>

At the mention of Zora losing her pants, Sam just grins widely. "Already taking her clothes off for me." She winks up to Syna and then with a groan, she lays back down on the bed. "Don't care what... Just make it stop." She gives a painful laugh as she holds her stomach. "Make it stop and I'll take you out to dinner." Sam says as she curls back up on the bed. <English>

Maybe Syna saw this coming, because she really is at the far side of the bed. She nods as she listens to Zora and smiles as she listens, though when Sam pukes in her lap, she winces a bit. Just a bit. Smiling, she rises and goes over to the sink. "That's gotta taste horrible..", she remarks as she gets a towel and wets it. Bringing it back over, she leans over to wash at Sam's mouth, "Go on Zora, take off yer pants." Chuckling at Sam's response, she says, "Yeh, yer just a lady killer aintcha?" Her tone is teasing and she looks over at Zora then. "I think we should give her something to calm her stomach, set her up with an IV to get her rehydrated because it's been days before she called me over and we might as well get her hooked up now. Only a bag or two, but it'll definitely help. Then I wanna take some of her blood to check for infection... other than that, the rest sounds good. Something to reduce fever, rehydrate and stop her throwing up will be first and foremost and then we can let her body take over in the healing process. We need to find out what it is, maybe make a flu shot if that's what it is.." <English>

Zora nods, agreeing with everything Syna says - though, even if Syna suggested they put a banana in Sam's ass, she wouldn't really have a place to argue. "Do you want to leave her here, and bring those things up, or should we try to move her to the medbay?" Shimmeying out of her pants quickly, her underwear is revealed to be boy-cut shorts, the kind which purposefully ride slightly up the buttcheek. Her thighs are round and shapely - she's certainly not the anorexic model type. Looking sheepishly down at her lower half, she mumbles to the other women, "Well. They, uh...well. Don't mind me." That said, her face is obviously flushing behind her mask as she moves to toss the pants into the sink so they can be rinsed out later. "We've got to get her some new blankets and sheets now, anyway. Does moving her to the medbay sound good?" <English>

Sam takes all the opportunity to look over Zora, shameless really. "Just change my sheets and maybe a sponge bath?" She suggests and beams a smile before she then adds, "And a toothbrush and some toothpaste... My mouth tastes like ass." She gives a smacking motion with her mouth as if she just tasted that taste. She wrinkles her nose and then once again loses her ability to be suave as she almost throws up again... But instead just sinks down in her bed. <English>

Standing in the middle of the room, Syna looks thoughtful. "Actually, I think it would be best to move the stuff down here to be quite honest. If Sam -is- contagious, it'd be best to just keep it contained in this room... but Sam has her comm so she can ring us like a bell whenever she wants to us." Grinning at Sam's suggestion, she looks over at Zora and shrugs, "And some basic cleansing of the area wouldn't be bad.." What, did she agree with Sam about a spongebath? Maybe... depends on how you heard it. <English>

Zora glares at Syna, though it's a good natured glare - more of an, 'How could you?' expression. "One of us should probably stay with her while the other gets those things," she muses, glancing around the room in search of something. "You're certainly right, though. If she has something communicable, this could put the ship out of commission for quite a while." Zora moves over to grab the glass of cold water and hands it to Sam when she complains of her mouth tasting badly. "Try this for now, and we'll get you some toothpaste and whatnot while we're changing the stuff on your bed, okay?" <English>

Sam takes the water and sips from it slowly. "Yeah. That works, I spose." Sam eyes the crackers for a bit and decides to not risk it. She takes another sip of the water and tries to get to her feet. "Guessin I should at least change as well." She begins to stumble towards her closet and is already shucking her shirt along the way. <English>

<OOC> Sam grins. "ALL MINE!" :P

<OOC> Zora meeps and hides her vagina.

Chuckling, Syna says, "Sam can wash herself though, so just help her and change the bedding. I'll go get the items since you don't really know where they're at and it will take less time for me to get it. I'll also get the medications we'll need." Turning, she heads towards the exit and pauses to look at Sam. "Sam, be good or I'll give you something worse... " With that threat, she slips out. <English>

Sam glares over her shoulder at Syna, "What?" She says, sarcastically. "I wouldn't throw her down now. I'm sick!" Sam says and gives a winning, but sickened, smile to the two. "I mean... I wouldn't be able to perform at all!" <English>

Zora watches Syna go with a tiny bit of panic in her eyes, but she blinks that away and focuses on the matter at hand. She is, after all, a professional. While Sam is dealing with her closet, perhaps searching for the double headed dildo Grey mentioned the mechanic works miracles with, Zora takes advantage of the opportunity to strip the bed of sheets and blankets, till the mattress is out bare. "Do you have clean bedclothes in here, Sam?" she asks, steadfastedly attempting to ignore the blatent references to Sam's fever-induced lust. "And how does one clean oneself here on a ship like this?" <English>

Syna just gives a beautific smile to Sam, with a glint in her green eyes as she glances at Zora. "I'll be right back..", she offers and steps out, closing the door behind her. <English>

Sam pulls a clean shirt down over her body and looks to Zora. "I suppose you uses the shower. There's a community one for us lower types and the higher ups get their own. Special, I guess." And Sam just shows Zora her ass as she bends over to remove her PJ bottoms. <English>

Zora simultaneously squeezes her eyes shut and brings her hand up to cover them, which has the effect of her actually facesmacking herself. After a muffled 'Owww', she removes her hand from her face and continues balling up the sheets and whatnot for the laundry. "Alright, we'll have to head down there, I suppose. Do you keep your shower supplies up here, or in the community shower? Towels, shampoo, all of that?" Her eyes are completely averted from the area of space Sam occupies, as...well, God knows what she's going to flash next. <English> Sam pulls on a clean pair of pants and stumbles back over to the bed before a set of heaves send her right back to bed. "There's a bag, by the sink. Just various things in it." She points, curling back up and then sitting right back up to try and find her water/ <English>

Sam pulls on a clean pair of pants and stumbles back over to the bed before a set of heaves send her right back to bed. "There's a bag, by the sink. Just various things in it." She points, curling back up and then sitting right back up to try and find her water. "Where'd it go?" She's on the bed, searching hard for her glass of water that she put down... Somewhere. <English>

Zora quickly grabs the shower bag that Sam points out/describes, and rushes to the side of the bed as Sam searches for her water. "It's right here," she says softly, grabbing the glass and directing Sam's hand to it. "Just drink this, and we'll head to the shower. Don't worry about getting sick, I'll be right there with you for you to lean on as we walk." Zora looks down at her underwear, which show the majority of her ass, and sighs as she looks over at the difference between her legs and the sickie's. Everyone knows the best way to get hired for a job is to parade half-naked in front of your potential employers. <English>