Thunderdome Shower Style

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Location: Redemption, Showers & Crew Commons
Date: 11 October 2523 (04 November 2008)
Players: Adila, Crow, Jander, Kitty, Maggie, Pixie, & Remus.
Summary: Some old faces return to Redemption, only it doesn't quite go smooth. (Does it ever?)

 Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck     =>Redemption<=

Of all the places on the ship, this is the most comfortable and relaxing. Keeping in theme with the rest of the ship, the decoration is ancient, modeled after a luxury seafaring vessel of Earth-that-Was. Subtle track lighting keeps the room softly bright, adding to the ambience of the decor. On the walls are hung elaborately framed pictures, mainly of various spacefaring vessels. There is enough furniture in the room to accommodate all the crew and then some. As with all the rooms on the ship, there are ashtrays in convenient places for the smokers.

Two Cortex terminals sit on two opposing desks against the wall, both wired into the huge screen hung on the far wall for media display and gaming. A long conference table is in the center of the room surrounded by large chairs. There is a Holo-Emitter on the conference table, a smaller and lower-quality version of the one on the Bridge.

To starboard is the Infirmary, behind a fireproof double glass sliding door, and to port is a large ornate door leading to the Captain's Quarters. Double ballistic doors lead fore to the Bridge, with the same leading Aft to the Crew Quarters, and the Shuttle Bay beyond it. Just beside the Captain's Quarters is the Operations Room, also sometimes called the briefing room or the ready room.

Adila has never been much of a social person. Since her return to the ship the usually silent woman has been impossibly quiet. One hand in her pocket, she lingers there at the edge of the common room, simply listening. The other hand is perched, per her usual on the leather of her low slung belt, her thumb over the snap that keeps her weapon in place. Shoulder nudged up against the wall, her eyes turn further into the commons briefly before returning to the pair of women. <English>

The sound of something dropping comes from the shower, a distinctly male voice, muffled, grunts. "Ruttin..." a curse emits. Nonetheless, the shower ensues. <English>

"I guess so," Kitty says after a bout of thought. "It's just a bit difficult having mourned and for...well, not nothing. It's good that he's alive but...well, yeah. Still odd." Sensing something from the background, Kitty turns to look over her shoulder only to find Adila standing off a bit of the way and she blinks and tenses. The tell-tale sound of coffee being brewed can be heard but if Kitty notices it she doesn't move to pour anyone any of the freshly-brewed joe, leaving Maggie and the others to do it themselves if they want any. <English>

Maggie says in English, "You'll get there." She gets up and grabs coffee before the locusts descend. "even if it takes a while.""

Adila's eyes lift, narrowing down to near slits as the cursing is heard from the shower. For just a moment, she is very, very still, without breath or movement. That gaze still narrowed, she turns for a brief moment to look to Kitty, but says nothing. No movement at all really, her eyes unfastening from Kitty after a heart beat or two worth of observing her and passing to a chair. Pushing from the wall, she makes her way towards a seat. <English>

Crow continues to shower. Having washed the shampoo out of his hair, he curses his sore toe after dropping a bottle on it. "Son of a bitch...two legs and I drop shit on the real one..." He grunts, shaking his head and taking a moment to enjoy the feel of the water over his back. Tipping his head low, the outside world continues to hear the shower running. <English>

There's only a brief glimpse of Pix as she trundles out of the crew hall with a huge fluffy towel, wearing a kimono style robe, hair up. She does a Uie as she passes the showers, then shoves inside. Apparently, the one in her cabin is indisposed for some reason, because she's going communal! The discerning eye might note the crookedness of the robe due to weapons in each of the pockets, but then she's gone again. Three, two, ... <English>

Following Pix' peramulations is always entertaining. Maggie watches - hoping for screams from the steam-filled room behind the door....? Who knows. She'll catch the woman on the way out. "Any shortbread left?" <English>

Once animated, Adila moves with an easy, confident grace. Finding a seat that's far enough away from the pair, as not to interrupt the ladies conversation, she pulls out a beaten silver cigarette case. Drawing one of the hand rolled cigarettes out, it's caught between her lips as scarred, slim hands and fingers begin to move, pocket by pocket, seeking a light. Matches are the result of the search, Adila strikes one and lights her smoke. With a puff of grey rolling past her lips, she watches Pix pass and can't help but smirk as she waits... <English>

Not hearing someone enter the communal shower, Crow runs a hand through his sopping wet hair and dips his head again. His eyepatch removed reveals a fairly mangled left orbital, complete with a cataract and vertical scars that look like mercenary surgery or knife wounds. Sighing, his back is to the outside as he's remained fairly quiet since his accident. <English>

With how she stands Kitty doesn't see the erstwhile Pix wander into the Crow-occupied loo. No, she's still too busy giving Adila a bit of a staredown. "Thought you left," she eventually says, not bothering to try and keep the barbs out of the query or her tone of voice. "Not that it's any of my business. Just didn't expect to see you around." She shrugs again and moves, twisting from her waist to regard the perking brew. "Looks like the coffee's done, Maggie. How do you take it again?" <English>

"With shortbread?" says maggie hopefully, but she's been with the crew long enough to know the survival time of anything edible left around. "One sugar, milk, but I can drink it bitter and black if we're out." <English>

The verbal barbs don't even stir the woman's gaze. Focused down the hall, maybe on the showers, maybe on something else, she doesn't rouse more than to take another drag. Another plume of smoke exits her mouth and nose, reaching to ash the smoke in a small astray nearby. "You're right, it's none of your business." Adila drawls, her alto voice a little rough. She leans back in her seat, letting her legs stretch out. <English>

There's about twenty seconds between Pixie coming in and realizing she's not alone. Mostly because it's steamy and someone's moving around. The first thing is to drop her stuff, kick off shower shoes, and stow weapons within easy reach. That is, of course, when she glances over. That's not Remus or Passe. Knife in hand, she peers through the steamy room. Wait, it's... what. That's. Not right. That guy looks like a really wrecked version of--"AHHHHHH!" The volume of the shrieking is epic. "BACK DEMON!" <English>

The stairwell hammers with hasty, heavy footsteps slamming against the backplates noisily enough to reate an approaching doppler shift in the reverberations. From this rhythmic hatchway comes the bulky frame of Cousse Jander, his greatcoat flowing behind him... grumbling all the way. "... ammit, ain't like it's hard to fill out a pissing checklist." The armslocker thumps and then slams as he thumbs in a code and tears it open, a quick once-over of the contents eliciting a low growl. "Arright, which one-a yous thinks inventory sheet's just for looks?" Jander barks, whirling around to take stock of just which 'yous' there are in the commons proper. <English>

"WHAT THE F-!!!" Crow yelps and suddenly dodges, naked as a jaybird when a knife goes sailing past his face. The blade clatters loudly off of the tile with a small crack, and slides across the floor. Not having many good reactions for this sort of thing, and never having been attacked by a nearly naked woman with a half-off robe, Crow does the only thing he can think of at the time: He throws a punch right at her fucking face. After initially realizing that he's not stabbed, he takes a quick step forward and throws a haymaker at Pix's jaw. <English>

Kitty simply rolls her eyes at Adila but she's busy listening to Jander and then the sound of pancky voices coming from the bathroom which has her stunned silent. <English>

Ahh, yes. She knew it couldn't be long. Maggie smiles a sort of 'here comes the rain' smile' as a scream erupts from the shower containing Crow and Pix. A glance at Jander "Don't look at me. Only weapon I know one end of from another is a rifle, and for some reason folks won't give me one after hearing how 'good' I am with it." <English>

Ayup, that epic scream, is what Adila was waiting for. That rather satisfied grin is interrupted by the near ship trembling footsteps and the snarling that comes from the man who rips open the arms locker like it said things about his mama. A crane of her neck, twisting just her head around to him, "Wasn't me hoss." she mumbles, turning back to the real event, which is in the shower. Crow's half cursing scream, the sound of tussling. Ah, home sweet home. "Someone better go break 'em up 'fore it gets bloody." Of course, she doesn't even begin to rouse from her lounging pose in the chair. "If it ain't already." <English>

Holy crap, apparitions fight back! Pixie shoves a hand into the other pocket of her robe, even as she dodges the punch. Woah! "AHHHHHH!" Good lungs on her, huh? Her previously flung weapon clatters off the wall, and along the floor in the shower, skittering into the corner far out of reach. Punches are being thrown, so she does the mature thing and lets fly with a knee to the stomach, just as mangledCrow's momentum brings him within reach. "AHHHHHH!" <English>

"What the FUCK this is not how it's supposed to..." Crow barks aloud, narrowly dodging a knee to his stomach, which to the mind of a man, was a shot at his gearshift. Planting the bottom of his forearm on her knee to block it. Pulling him off balance a bit, Crow goes dirty fighting and turns on his heel, sending a defensive fist towards Pix's exposed breast in an attempt to punch her and push her away all at the same time. <English>

"I know it ain't you!" Jander snaps at Maggie's denial. "You keep track the drugs just fine." Adila gets a narrow-eyed glare (along with most of the room itself) while the security goon reaches around in the locker for the stun-guns. His chest inflates, face turns red, and a vein starts to throb in his forehead for a moment before the man explodes in a Sergeant's holler. "GAWDAMMIT!! IF I GOTTA CLEAN ASSFUCK OUT THE SHOWERS AGAIN SOMEONE'S PAYIN BLOOD!!" The verbal explosion comes as he marches toward the showers and checks over the tazer. Whether the weapon was chosen for being nonlethal or for the amount of water involved is debatable, considering his mood. <English>

Kitty mutters and unholsters her gun. "'scuse me," she mutters after hearing more shouting and crap come from Crow and Pixie. "Ah got sum' asskickin' to deal with." Storming towards the door, she kicks at it while screaming, the Bosun's voice cracking a bit thanks to how shrill it gets. "Yew two get th' fuck outta 'ere otherwise Ah'mma goin' to come in an' pistol whip the both of yew!" She doesn't know that weapons and the like have been drawn but she's serious. She has to go in there and she's going to try and crack some skulls when she's able to. <English>

Maggie scratches the side of her neck and checks the level of the coffee pot. Far be it from her to get between a Pix and its target. Thats danger-pay territory, and she doesn't draw any. On the other hand, maybe some of the cheesecake she made is still left... <English>

Out of her other pocket comes another knife. This small blade is hurled at Crow with force, even as she skitters out of the way of his reaching groping hand. "AHHHEY!" It's gone beyond the realm of weird. Now it's just, "Don't touch the merchandise, SCABBY!" Just out of reach, she slides a little as she pauses only a few feet away, balanced on the balls of her feet. She's not drunk. This is clearly the problem. Pixie uses one hand to pull closed her robe. At least she stopped screaming, right? Weaponless, she remains poises with her crooked robe off one shoulder, a spray of water down the side making it cling a little to one hip. It's not sexy so much as it adds to that whole aura of freaked out. " <English>

"Ta ma duh." Adila mutters in a swift streak of Mandarin as the big guy behind her bellows. A finger is plugged in her ear, twisted around and pulled out with a sigh. Another drag of her cigarette, she watches Kitty head to the door and shriek for them to stop. "You better go in there, Pix ain't showerin' without at least half a dozen sharp metal objects in that robe 'o hers." Adila shifts in her seat, fingers that hold her cigarette tugging on the brim of her hat. <English>

"Merchandise??!?!" Crow blinks both of his eyes this time, ignoring Kitty while he's seemingly fighting for his life. His left eye is visible now, cataract and all. Furrowing his brow, he blinks at Pix before he comes in again. Almost slipping a little, he tries to get Pix into a headlock and ram the top of her head into the tile while. "I'm not...your ruttin...cockshow!" <English>

Jander shoulders up beside Kitty, clicking the zapgun's selector to the 'psychotherapy' setting. He swipes his fingers over the showers' lock, and the slow privacy-cycle begins--complete with the chime on the wet-side that lets occupants know there's another coming. "I were you," he offers low to Kitty, "I'd just grab the other Ariel and zap the lot of us. It's wet, you'll get us all, and it ain't gonna kill no one." <English>

Kitty's kicking slows only to cease entirely once Jander speaks and she looks at him, her expression grim. "Yeah...le' me go grab one." Muttering, she goes to the weapons locker and she grabs one as well as a battery, the latter being slapped into the former with a rather resounding 'click'. Gorramit, fuckin' people gotta ruin mah reunion wit' 'im...gonna zap tha' gal right in 'er ass." Returning to the door, she nods, signalling she's ready. <English>

Maggie refills her coffee and chimes in herself "And its a lot more fun than me sewing people up." <English>

Damn right she's going to sit back and watch. Jander shoulders his way up beside Kitty and Adila simply watches with that, make you wanna slap it off her face, grin. Her cigarette is taken to her lips again, the last drag coming perilously close to burning her fingers. Snubbing it out, she raises up slowly but it's only to get a better look. That hand drops to her gunbelt and she just waits. "Damn I wish I had a camera." <English>

Pixie shrieks as she's lunged at, once again, by a nudie version of Crow she never thought she'd ever, ever see. Mostly because he's supposed to be dead, but also slightly because he's Crow. Seeing his dongle... that's just not right. Not. Right. "Stop TOUCHING ME!" The slippery mechanic doesn't totally avoid a grapple, but the momentum of her turning, and Crow's ramming speed, send the former crewmates slamming into the tile wall together, shoulders first. That is going to leave a mark. A left hook follows a heavy grunt from Pixie, but the momentum of it, coupled with the wet floor, sends them crashing down near one of the drains in a heavy tangle of limbs, with that glorious sound of bodies thudding onto a wet, unforgiving surface. Though hitting people with closed fist can be hilarious, it hurts like a mofo if you connect wrong. "OW." She mitigates her pain with a hard elbow to Crow's ribs, and the two go rolling across the shower floor. Seems the combatants are a liiiittle too busy beating on each other to heed warnings called by those outside the immediately vicinity. "You're supposed to be dead!" Flail. Elbow. Punch. <English>

Wrestling around on the shower floor, utterly soaked by the still running shower head and the floor, Crow and Pix punch and claw at eachother like a pair of wild dogs. Taking an elbow into the ribs after nearly having the wind knocked out of him at their stumble, Crow grits his teeth in pain. What was left of Pix's robe has gone flying by now as the two are having a bonefide locker room deathmatch. Taking a hard punch to the jaw that rattles his skull, Crow responds with an elbow to her cheek. Shoving her into the wall, he tries to brace her for another punch. Landing another solid crack into her jaw, she kicks him in the groin and sends him sprawling across the tile floor. Momentarily on his stomach and bleeding freely from the nose, Pix is immediately on his back, trying to dig her nails into his eye sockets. Struggling across the floor, Crow blindly tries to shake his head to protect his eyes as his hands scramble for a weapon. Not finding the knife, he instead finds a can of "Barbamesh" (complete with a Gilgamesh styled warrior on the front) can of shaving cream. Rolling over he baseball throws it into her forehead, sending the can to ricochet off of the walls with a metallic 'tang' like a wild bullet. Shoving her off of him, resulting in her sliding across the floor, he lunges to attack her again, getting a square heel of her foot in his stomach as the two collapse onto eachother again. <English>

Finally, 'Girl From Ipanema' finishes, and the shower door slides open. The frontheavy tazer wobbles around the shower as Jander takes brief stock of the situation, then twitches. Darts fly out and are slammed down by the falling water; their impact with the floor triggers the desired reaction. Significant amperage flows into the water at a very uncomfortable voltage: In other words, enough electricity to give six men a very bad day floods the shower-room floor in the space of a second. Once the high-pitched keening fades, Jander drops his weapon and marches into the tile room with two things on his mind. First, to pull away anyone who moves. Second, that he's got precious few seconds to do so before if Kitty follows the plan and zaps the room again for good measure. <English>

Kitty sighs as she watches Jander shoot but she follows along, more than willing to play the 'let's shock the literal shit outta 'em' game right along side of her fiance. Yes, it does cause her to wince out of sympathy when she depresses the litte button that launches the probes into the room but the sympathetic expression is soon replaced by a cackle of glee - quiet at first, the maniacal laughter grows louder as she waits, the anticipation of seeing the results of their actions getting the better of her. <English>

Maggie whistles. 'hi ho, hi ho, its off to work we go' and gets up to peer into the shower. She's a doc, after all. Perfect excuse to look at nekkidness and zapped crew - members <English>

That electric on water sound is heard and Adila takes a few steps to the side, just so she can see better. A small craning of her neck, raising up on one booted foot to see inside the shower. Fingers even reach to brush that hat brim back so she can get the full view of the chaos. "Oh, she's going to be madder 'n a wet hen when she gets outta there." Adila mumbles with humour lacing her voice. Now, she steps back, keeping her eyes from the male part of the naked crew, shifting her gaze away, that grin still remaining. <English>

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. Pixie and Crow are treated to the glory that is free flowing current sliding gleefully through conductive water--water which coats them and everything in the room. When's a bad time to be naked and all well? Now. Now is a bad time to be naked and all wet. Muscles lock up, and it isn't really all that long before consciousness becomes a questionable state. The Ops Officer and Crow (you will recognize how hard it was for someone to NOT say, 'This is the really real world. There ain't no comin' back'), are rendered quite stunned by the zap. Pixie falls quite still once the initial blast gets her good. <English>

Crow falls over after the kick to his stomach onto the floor, immediately rolling over onto his side. A split second passes as his mind takes check of the fact exactly how much his balls ache. Another split second passes as he reaffirms to himself that he thinks he's winning the fight. Those thoughts are abruptly ended by the SEARING sensation of electricity coursing through his body. Shuddering and spasming in the effect that only lasts a few seconds, his brain reboots as he finds himself laying on his side in the fetal position, hands protecting what he values much. A split second passes, and in that second of time he thinks. 'thank god it was only once...'. "....fuckin..." He murmurs painfully. That thought is -also- cut short by ANOTHER SEARING ROUND OF ELECTRICAL NON-AWESOMENESS. When all is said and done, he's unconcious in the corner of the shower stall. A can of 'Barbamesh' shaving cream finally ends its journey of bouncing around the shower to roll into his face and stop, propped against his nose. <English>

"WOOOH!!" Is that the power of Pine Sol? No, it's the power of capacitors, baby, flowing through metal, water, and flesh. "WH!! AMIIIIDAJESUS!!" That high-pitched voice really is Jander, believe it or not, and after a moment of stiff silence gripping Pix's upper arm he drops to his knees in the pool of water, then flops over the two nude pugilists as his brain tries to figure out if he just divided by zero or something. <English>

Adila has to work hard not to laugh out loud, she wipes her hand over her face and literally pulls that smile off her mouth. The effort lasts only a second tho, already it's already returning, the expression refusing to be muted in the face of this amusing chaos. Stationing shoulders to the wall, she waits for the parade of electrified nakedness to exit the shower and likely be carried right into the infirmary. "I can't tell who won that one." She remarks, digging a hand into her coat to pull a flask from the inside. Unscrewing the cap, she takes a long drink, her tongue passing her lips before the muscle slips over teeth and back into her mouth. As if suddenly remembering something, she reaches into her pocket, taking out a small device. FLASH! Yup, documented moment in all it's wet glory. Dropping the device away she steps back. <English>

A soft cough as the medico hanging around attracts attention from the Doom Zappers. Or the concious one, anyway. She peers at jander. tsks. Never step in your target zone. hasn't he heard of friendly fire? "Anyone bleeding or not breathing?" Maggie asks "or can I return to the Hunt For Cheesecake while you lot work out how to escape Pix' wrath when the comes to?" <English>

"...." Oh damn. Kitty, in all her enthusiasm, failed to miss the fact that Jander entered the very same room she was to shoot into so, when he falls, she has one of those WTF-moments, complete with facefault. So shocked, she forgets she's pushing the button which means the wet probes are still discharging the electricity that fell Crow and Pixie before Jandy. Thirty seconds pass before she looks down and, with a gasp, her finger lifts, sparing those in the head from the shock. Pausing, she finally says the one thing that comes to mind in a softly squeaked and largely awed tone of voice. "...hat trick..." <English>

Meanwhile, Pixie remains still on the floor of the bathroom, with one leg across Crow's, and a Jander on top. She's face up on the floor, arms akimbo. It's like kinky post apocalyptic sculpture, but with pierced nipples. She might be drooling a little. She's probably drooling a little. If anyone checks, she's breathing. <English>

Crow grunts with the added weight crashing around him. Barely seeping back into consciousness slowly, he's still breathing but he is definitely bleeding from the nose. A long moment passes before his eyes open and start to blink slowly. A low, pitiful groan escapes his lips as he rolls over, clutching his junk. " ruttin toolbox..." He complains, trying to find the energy to collect himself. <English>

Wisely, Maggie says nothin', and confines her activities to peering over shoulders. Safer. <English>

Stepping up behind Kitty, staying clear of the woman's personal space. "Doc, you might want to check." She ain't goin' in there with Kitty still holding that high powered zapper, no way. Pulling her hat off, she rakes a hand through her hair. Still grinning, she fans herself in lazy motions with the hat. "Make sure everyone's still..." She stops, her train of thought derailing, "Pix...pierced her nipples." The tone of voice is akin to shock and she quickly looks away, pacing a few lengths down the hall. <English>

Maggie looks. Yup. Pierced. "What's wrong with that?" She asks, making sure Kitty's finger is off the button before stepping inside and yelling cheerily 'WAKEY WAKEY' to see who flinches. <English>

"Hrnh." Jander shoves his hand down to right himself, and slips until it contacts tile. "... the hell?" he whimpers, rolling gingerly aside until he can get on all fours on a surface that isn't soft and smushy. A slow pan of the head side to side reminds him of where he is, and with a broad Cheshire cat grin he offers softly, "Well... that was m-more fun that it oughtta' been." <English>

Adila, a little red faced, she has no answer to Maggie's question. Still fanning her face with the hat, she steps up close again only to peer carefully around the door. She grunts, rolling her eyes to the ceiling, trying to keep her eyes from naked man parts. A glance at Kitty, and yes... she really says: "That, was shockingly amusing." For once, there is no sarcasm, she simply turns her eyes back to the room, "Hey doc, if you need help haulin' the bodies out..." Of course, she means Pix. The men can drag themselves out. Digging into her pocket, she flips the little camera open again and looks at the little screen. A look again to the slowly waking group, she snaps another picture. <English>

Pixie doesn't show any sign of coming to just yet. Maybe she's been hit with the taser a few too many times in the past. Always the last princess to the ball! <English>

Flinching at the sound of Maggie's voice, Crow blinks a few times and starts to crawl towards the door. Grabbing his clothes on the way out like a walk of shame, he's slow moving and attempts to protect his dignity at all times. "...Why can't I...God this...GARRGH..." Crow grunts as a few lines of thought seem to intersect and crash like a demolition derby. Stopping near the door, he pushes himself up to stand and shamelessly doesn't cover himself as he grabs his workout bag in one hand and his clothes in the other. "Scuse me..." He says to the others, giving them a polite core-worlder style smile as if he's simply passing them at a cocktail party. "Scuse me...scuse me..." He slowly steps out the door, and then suddenly stops and turns. His face doesn't look angry, merely more confused as his mind suddenly realizes what just went down. Yelling naked in the hallway, he points at the shower. "BY THE WAY...THERE IS A CRAZY NAKED BITCH IN THE SHOWER WITH KNIVES!!!! WATCH OUT. She -miiiight- ruttin kill someone and cut off his..." He looks down, breathes a sigh of relief, and turns to head towards the guest cabin. "I won that shit..." He trails off down the hall. <English>

Kitty sheepishly put her hands behind her back, much like a child caught pilfering cookies. Nevermind the fact that the little wires that connect the taser probes to the base are still trailing into the bathroom. She didn't do it. She didn't....mean to do it. She....shit. "I'm SORRY!" Wailing, the offending electrical device clatters to the floor while Kitty does the only thing she can think of doing, that being running to and placing herself inside the lesser full of the two lockers. Door slamming shut, she takes to cowering, forgetting the fact that such lockers usually do not have holes for air to circulate from. Shit. <English>

Maggie chuckles. She reaches in, grabs towels, throws a couple of Pix and jabs a finger after Kitty. "i hope," she tells Jander "you know the comination for that locker." <English>

Finally, Pixie stirs, groaning at the all over body ache. She's confused for a moment, head lolling a little as she relearns to use her body. "Dead guy totally tried ta punch me," Pixie mutters, struggling to get her feet under her. She doesn't even bother with the robe. "What the gorram hell is with this boat? Ain't security supposed ta have a handle on who's on, who's not, an' who's ruttin' dead?" You can't shut her up for very long. "Where's... why... how come I's on the floor?" <English>

She turns her eyes to follow Crow, realizing he's going right in the cabin she's been occupying since her return. "Hey!" She strides after him, her eyes wide, "HEY! You Sah Gwa! That's where I'm staying!" Adila's on his tail, well, not literally, but jogs a few steps, just in time to get to the door as he shuts it. A flood of Mandarin cursing comes from her, enough to embarrass some pirates. A raised fist knocks on the door, "Get outta there, you ruttin' ..." She trails off, talking dirty to the door. <English>

Maggie says in English, "You slipped" Maggie tells her. No need to mention zappers and such aiding in it "And Crow's not dead, he was drinking coffee this morning.""

Gingerly Jander rises to his feet. He takes a moment in the shouting to rinse off his face under the shower, with streams of water buzzing down the tight-woven wool of his overcoat. "Somebody grab that... at... at person," he groans, stepping away from the water. His eyes drift down to the unconscious form, then rocket back up as quickly as his cheeks pink. "Doooc! Naked chi-oh," he starts to bellow, right up to when he notices Maggie already tending to Pix. The man nods to her, then, and carefully makes his way to the locker. Walking is a touch tricky, still, after all. <English>

The door to Adila's room open and Crow's there in a stupor, his cargo pants barely hanging on, but at least he's covered himself a bit. "Sorry I...s'not my room..." He mutters, lurching out of her room as he stands dizzily in the middle of the crew cabin quarters. "Uh..." He blinks, turning and pushing a door open. There's the sound of a thump as he passes out on the floor. <English>

Crow heads through the exit labeled <Aft> Crew Quarters. Crow has left.

"Bloody hell man!" Adila nearly bellows, watching the wet man exit her temporary room. Sighing, she slips into her room, and the door slams shut. <English>

Adila heads through the exit labeled <Aft> Crew Quarters. Adila has left.

Maggie says in English, "Well, that broke up the monotony."

Kitty is still in the locker. Getting a bit stuffy in here....what just brushed over her hand? <English>

The locker echoes with each press of its buttons as the passcode is entered. When the lock disengages, Cousse lifts the handle... but lets it simply hang open and ajar as he unlocks the other one as well. Once both are opened, the man tromps over to the couches, one of which sighs with his heavy flopping. "Wow... goes straight to your head..." <English>

"Some people use it for fun" Maggie informs him. "You've been bitten before? know the danger signs?" <English>

Pixie squints, her body pretty well re-attached to her brain. She gets up from the floor, and makes her way more or less directly to the pile with her towel and another knife, and her shower shoes. She's bare ass naked. Everyone else is clothed who's still in the shower, just around the corner from the Commons. "Oh, crap." So much for a shower today. Rolling around on the floor in water is close enough, right? "How long's he been on this ship, an' whose dumbass ain't tell ever'body? One day we're all gonna get blowed up by somebody sneakin' on an' killin' us all in our sleep." <English>

Maggie says in English, "dunno, thought you knew, and thats your job.""

A squeak is followed by flailing which sends a very tiny spider flying out the locker, one that's so small it surely wouldn't have done more than tickle. The supply locker slams closed again, this time in an attempt to hide from the critter, Kitty over her fear of what Jander might do to her if he were to get his hands on her. <English>

Jander frowns at something he can't put his finger on. After some squirming, he realizes it's something he's put his bottom on, and gets up to remove his jacket. The shower drowns out most of Pix's voice, and really most of Maggie's too (whom it was that had gone in to check on the girl, yes?), so he's not entirely sure what was said. "Ears're ringin'," he mumbles to himself, only partly mentally present as he shuffles to the locker, thumbs the code, and with a glazed expression hands the spent tazer to the lockerkitten. <English>

"I ain't security," Pixie pulls the towel around her body, tucks the ends in, and wipes a dribble of blood from the corner of her mouth. "Else he'd be dead, cos I'd always have a gun. After that dang fiasco with them people boardin' unannounced... I hate this planet." Pix doesn't even continue on with her little story. She gimps along a little. Crow got in a few shots of his own, looks like. She steps out of the showers, barefoot, and heads out into the hall. She doesn't submit to any further doctoring now that she's up on her feet, however. "I smell coffee earlier?" <English>

Maggie nods. "Coffee's on, and i can make toasted cheese if you're upto coping with food. You plan on beating Crow up?" <English>

A clompity clompity clomp echoes down the quarters hallway, heralding the approach of either a large horse and rider, or just Remus and his stompy boots. Honestly, it's a toss-up as to which right up until the pilot's head peers through the doorway, followed by pilot-torso and finished off with pilot-legs. He almost, -almost- considers putting the hastily closed backpack he's carrying on the floor, filled as it is with junk and other various items obtained around Ezra. Instead, he settles for standing, peering, and giving the universal sign of... something. "What." <English>

The Ariel Arms answer to a taser is taken by Kitty who is stuffed into a locker and is infact sitting in the bottom of it. "Thanks." She looks around and then sighse while standing up and she hesitantly steps out of the metal coffin-like box. The weapon's left inside it - don't worry, she'll put it into the right locker later - and then she bolts for another part of the crew commons when she hears Pixie and Maggie talk. That is the Kitty Remmy happens to see. <English>

Maggie points at the coffee in silence. "You missed the naked shower combat test. Kitty won. Pix and Crow lost, Jander - not sure if it was a pass or fail. Fail, I think. <English>

"'M always up for food, Mags." Pix reaches up to twist her hair up again, re-securing her hair stick. She drops down onto a couch a little heavily, wincing just a little. "Oh god. I'ma kill him." She doesn't sound very threatening. Pixie didn't quite make it to the coffee. <English>

After handing his weapon over, Jander heads back for the staircase to descend it and sit at the bottom; should anyone disturb him, his reaction is simply to move a few feet away for some mantra-mumbling privacy. <English>

Maggie busies herself making coffee and toasted cheese. Lots of toasted cheese. <English>

Turning on his heels, Remmy lets the backpack drop from the shoulder to hang by a strap from his arm. Barely managing to resist craning his head around for another look, he instead settles for shaking his head slowly and giving one last "What." before heading back towards the aft bay. Clomp. Clomp. Distant-and-quiet "Wh-..." Clomp Clomp. <English>

Kitty clears her throat and, with a cheesey used car salesman-esque smile, she addresses Pixie in a falsely cheerful voice. "Wow, Pix. You and Crow really went at it. For a moment I thought you two were just engaging in some kinky foreplay to make up for all the lost time from when you two'd spent all that time flirting (read that as 'all that time bickering') but didn't do anything. Took me a bit to realize you two were" The mantra-seeking Jander's groaned at quietly and then she looks at Maggie, trying to figure out what to say next while her mental gears grind together noisily only to have them come to a screeching halt. "Jander fell while trying to seperate you two. Nasty. Next time pick a boxing ring...oh hey, Remmy. You missed it. Your girlfriend was trying to get her hands on Crow's goods." <English>

"I think she got a knee in" adds Maggie helpfully. <English>

Pixie turns her gaze on Kitty. It's level, and direct. She stares at the other woman for a long moment. "Yeah." She looks toward Remmy, and says, "Hey. You bring me some tequila?" She kicks up off the couch, almost steadily. "Be back," she mutters. Now that her limbs are cooperating, it's time to find some clothes. <English>

Somewhere from the aft of the ship comes an echoing yell, Remus' voice bouncing around the corridor and into the commons like an over-energetic patient of the straightjacket variety. "S'in the training room. Snowglobe and some other crap down there tooooo." Yeah. He dragged the 'too' out because it's fun playing with echos. What of it? <English>

Pixie heads down the corridor to the crew quarters, past the scene of the earlier ruckus. "Why's it in the trainin' room?" She's behind Remus, but she doesn't turn to follow him--she just calls down the direction he's going, then ducks into her quarters for clothes. Ow. <English>

"Cause if it wasn't, you'd have had half of it by now and be even worse condition." is all the reply Pix gets. Sure, Remmy is about as forward-thinking as a cattle-prodded cow, but hey. Doesn't mean he can't act all smug about not being electrocuted. <English>

"That don't make no sense," Pixie yells from behind her door. "Remus!" She kicks a pair of shoes strewn on the floor, and bitches up a storm in Chinese, a string of lewd, crude, exceedingly rude phrases follow. Thud. Apparently her reaction time isn't what it should be. Electricity is de debil! <English>

Maggie winces, and gets out flour. Time to make gingerbread. Lots and lots of gingerbread. What do they say about carbs and pacification? Maybe it'll work .... <English>

As for Remus, he's either taking the smart route of staying silent, or finally got himself out of earshot. Who knows! Maybe it's both. <English>

And thus passes another evening on the Trans-U known as Redemption. Man, who hit the bong hard enough to think that was a good name for this crew's ride? <English>