Giant Turtles

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Invictus - Crew Commons =>Invictus<=


This is the ship's common room, a place for the crew to relax, eat, and talk. In the middle of the room is a big table with comfortable chairs placed around it. To the port side near the Med Bay's entrance is a simple kitchen beside a basic storage rack for food and drinks. Starboard, the entry to the Crew Quarters can be found, as well as a number of large lockers for the crew's kit storage. To the room's aft are placed some couches opposite to a Cortex terminal and a large screen where currently some sort of gaming console appears to be hooked up. Between the couches, a small table holds some books and other things to read. Finally, to the front near the entrance to the Captain's Quarters, a corkscrew stairway up to the Bridge can be seen.


Grey thinks for some kind of reply to Gabriella's exit line, but no, nothing until she's disappeared down the hall. Cursing silently under his breath, he looks for something to either smoke or drink, and comes up with nothing there, either. He rubs the back of his neck, muttering something under his breath for a while and pacing back and forth, agitated. His fingers keep flexing into fists every once and again, the muscles his bare upper body tightening every time he does. "Not since Daenerys..." he mumbles, shaking his head. He looks up toward the Crew Quarters, then down to his bare feet. What a clusterfuck.

Wren pays no attention to Gabby as she passes her in the hall, she might not even be there as far as the girl is concerned. Lost in her own rambling mutterings, she stalks toward the commons.

Grey is also lost in his own rambling mutterings and drunken sway-walkings as he rummages through the fridge for another bottle of gin. He lays out about five cheaper bottles of gin before he decides he's not going for the lower-end stuff, and digs out a gift from an old friend from long ago on his old ship. Now that's the good stuff.

" it," Wren continues her muttering as she stalks across the commons, her eyes darting about the room but returning always to the same place: the entrance to the medbay. Grey is barely noted, his drunken state and dress only seeming to reinforce whatever it is that's driving her. "Smash it, burn it, kill it," her voice is starting to rise, the closer she gets to the medbay, the words easier to understand.

Grey doesn't notice Wren is there until he's had a healthy does of that nice ol' gin. "Fuckin'... Gorram ruttin'..." He continues to mutter and swear under his breath, frowning slightly, continuing to clench and unclench his fist, his entire upper body flexing and relaxing with the movement. And then he finally sees Wren and his lip twitches a bit, her words not quite registering in his mind yet. "Not my puppeteer..." He looks down toward the Crew Quarters again.

It's almost as if there's an invisible force field across the entrance as Wren steps up to it and then halts. "Have to, have tohave tohaveto," she tells herself, the rhythm of the words odd and halting in places, and running together in others. Peering inside the room, she shifts a little to one side, as if trying to find an angle that will let her enter.

Grey frowns and watches Wren for a moment. "The fuck are you doin'?" he asks at last, his head tilted to the side. He sways back and forth as he walks toward her, taking another drink from the bottle. He's swaying so badly that it seems at times as though he might fall over, but he always keeps his balance.

Near-silent footpads from the direction of the hall to the crew quarters are indicative of an approaching person.. it turns out to be Jiao, currently dressed in a rather rumpled dark red bathrobe. A pair of spectacles rests on the bridge of his nose, and he's carrying a large ceramic jug of.. something, in one hand. When he gets to the entrance to the common area he glances around, his cool blue eyes going from Wren to Grey. He looks momentarily perplexed, then shrugs and holds up the jug with a smirk. "Who wants sake!?"

"Make it stop," Wren answers Grey, looking over to him and watching his swaying movement critically. "No more drillin' holes an' games-- they'll break you too," she tells him, a fierceness in her words and demeanor that is rarely seen from her. Her gaze darts to Jiao as he speaks, but she simply shakes her head at him, turning back to the medical bay entrance.

"Make a what stop who? I'm not drilling anyone right now. No games. I ain't a puppet." Is the Captain rambling? The Captain seems to be rambling. He glances over at Jiao Long when he enters with sake, and back to Wren, who's wandering toward the Med Bay. "I think she's finally completely lost it..."

A shrug is directed at Wren, the smirk on Jiao's lips remaining firmly in place. "Your loss, Wren shao jeh.." He sidles over to the kitchen and, after grabbing a cup, pours himself a drink with flourish. His gaze flits between Grey and the woman for a second, and he raises it, mumbling mostly to himself: "To.. logic." He downs it, pours another, and snickers at Grey's commentary, then pours a second cup. "Finally?" He moves over to where Wren is - well, doing whatever she's doing - and extends it towards her. "Wren shao jeh, drink. It's good for your health."

"Not yet," Wren tells Grey darkly. "Won't let them drill into you-- you'll get strings, not hair," she continues, shaking her head. A glance to Jiao, and she stares at the cup he extends toward her. There's a pause, and then she snatches it from him and hurls it into the medbay as hard as she can. "Nide muchin shr ega da wukwei! (your mother is a big turtle!)" she yells after it.

SHIP ANNOUNCEMENT: Gabriella broadcasts over the intercom: 'Computer's Voice: The Med Bay has been locked and secured. Repeat. Med bay has been locked and secured.'

"Drill into /me/? Hell no, I won't let 'em drill into /me/!" Grey, half-naked and barefoot, is gripping a very fine bottle of gin (made by a company which no longer exists) by the neck, swaying back and forth like he's /very/ drunk. He watches blankly as Wren hurls a cup of sake at the Med Bay, reaching out a few seconds after the cup shatters against the viewport. Too late. "Mate, this is possibly when 'security' figures inta things," he slurs quietly to Jiao Long.

A door opens and shuts loudly in the Crew Quarters, followed by a set of footsteps coming hard and fast towards the Commons. The Doctor soon appears.

"What in the name of all that is holy and obscene is going on with my Medical Bay?" she says in a deathly quiet voice. She looks ready to kill someone.

Jiao Long says in English, "Ta ma duh.." Jiao curses, staring at Wren as she flings the glass of sake into the medbay. He.. finishes up his own cup in a single swallow, sets it calmly on the floor, and walks over to Wren, grimacing. "Wren shao jeh.. go hwong tong (enough of this nonsense!)." He reaches down and sets both hands on her shoulders - rather firmly, but not really forcefully - yet - and smiles. "Nap-time. Let's go take you back to your room, shi?" You crazy sake-wasting freak."

Zahara slips her com unit back into the pocket of her bathrobe-- It would seem that she was bathing when the call came (at least, if the wet skin and still soapy hair are any evidence at all)-- and glares about the room, her eyes pure fire.

"Jiao... Please tell me what's going on?" she says softly. "Before I sedate half the room and put them in restraints?"

She looks then at Wren, and the anger melts as she notices the terrified girl's face. She sighs. "This is going too far," she murmurs softly, more to herself than anyone else. "She needs medication and therapy." <Arabic>

Wren whirls, startled by the sound of Zahara's voice, eyes going wide. A hand shoots out, trying to grab onto Grey and drag him back away from both the medbay and the doctor at the same time as Jiao is placing his hands on her shoulders. She shakes her head at him, panicked eyes desperate. "No more sleeping!" she retorts, trying to drag both of them back with her. Which really doesn't go so very well, since Jiao has both leverage and weight over her.

Grey tilts his head to the side, eyes somewhat glazed over, the smell of gin permeating an actual aura around him. "No more sleepin'?" he asks. "But I weren't sleepin'..." He shakes Wren off - or tries to, at least - and casts Zahara a blank look. A beat. "Mongoose," he snickers suddenly, and starts to sway in the direction of the Crew Quarters.

Gabriella's door slides open in the hallway, and if anyone glances down that way, they might see her half peeking out, but she makes no move to get in the way of the chaos.

"Honestly? I have absolutely no idea," Jiao says plaintively, switching into Arabic to avoid freaking out the distraught girl. He gets tugged forward slightly by Wren's sporadic dragging attempt, but doesn't budge much. He keeps his hands on her shoulders, ready to grab her and cart her off elsewhere depending on her level of flipped-outedness. Grey's departure gets a shake of his head. "Shouldn't we take her somewhere else?" <Arabic>

Gabriella's head disappears back inside her room, and emerges a moment later, crutches under her arms. Swinging down the hallway, a sideways glance given as she scoots by Grey, half expecting him to stumble the crutches out from under her.

Grey pulls away from Wren, and she tries to follow him, but there is the problem of the man holding down her shoulders, preventing her from going anywhere. Her hand remains extended out after him, a silent, desperate plea to her drunken captain who just continues to move away from her. She whimpers, actively struggling now to get away from him and Zahara both.

Gabriella continues down the hall, bypassing Grey with a small shake of the head till she appears in the entrance way of the commons, a long sigh escaping. "Wren.... Let her go, please." Gabriella says calmly to Jiao, her eyes lingering on the form of the girl. "Wren, honey, look at me, please."

Jiao sort of stares at Gabriella, his cool eyes somewhat hesitant to do as she says. He'll glance at Zahara.. and, presuming there are no indications to do otherwise on her part, will let Wren go. But not look entirely happy about it. <Arabic>

Zahara sighs, but keeps a distance from Wren, though she continues to speak softly into her com unit. At last she looks back up to Jiao and shakes her head. "Let her go," she says softly. "But if you can... Would you back up to this side quickly?"

She smiles wryly. "I've a feeling that there is going to be a little bit of a storm..." <Arabic>

Wren looks to Gabby as she speaks, and at the very first opportunity wriggles away from Jiao and darts behind Gabby, almost knocking the poor girl over in her haste to get behind her.

Gabriella had anticipated something of a similar sort, and had very carefully tucked her leg back and out of the way, face cringing up slightly as the girl speeds by. And breathes out a low sigh of relief as Wren somehow doesn't bowl her all the way over. "Hey honey. How you doing?" She asks, half glancing over her shoulder but keeping her body mostly facing the commons to provide a 'barrier' for Wren to hide behind.

Zahara moves over towards Jiao and shakes her head, speaking low enough that likely only he would hear. She keeps glancing at Wren in an almost sad sort of way.

Subconsciously, she draws her robe a little more tightly about her and swipes at the last bit of soap in her hair. She looks up at the man beside her and tilts her head as if waiting. <Arabic>

Wren peaks out from behind Gabby, looking into the commons at Zahara and Jiao. "I don't wunna sleep-- bad things happen," she tells her, voice a breathy whisper. There's a faint, fine trembling running through her that betrays just how terrified she is as she hides her head on the woman's shoulder.

"It's okay, honey." Gabriella says softly to Wren, giving a slightly warning glance towards Zahara. "I know you're scared.... and that's okay. But you don't have to be. You don't have to sleep if you don't want to, right Zee?" Gabriella calls towards Zahara. "You're not going to hurt anybody, are you Wren?" She asks softly.

Whatever Zahara says to him, Jiao merely shakes his head, his gaze darting towards Wren for a second while he seems to consider her words. In the end, he merely shrugs. "I think perhaps everyone had better go back to their quarters until things smooth over a bit, shi?" He crosses his arms over his chest, and reaches up to pull off his spectacles. They're soon tucked into the front pocket of the bathrobe.

Wren shakes her head, the movement disturbing some of Gabby's hair as she peaks over her shoulder again. "My brains're mine, that's all. Mine now," she asserts, watching Zee and Jiao anxiously.

Zahara looks back at Gabby/Wren and shakes her head. "No. You don't have to sleep, Wren. Not if you don't want to. And nobody wants your brains, dear. You can have them all for yourself. We don't want them... Promise."

She looks back up at Jiao and then back at the couple. Once again, she says something softly under her breath, but the tone of her voice is a lot more calm than before.

"That's right. And nobody's going to be meddlin' with what isn't theirs." Gabriella says soothingly, glancing half back over her shoulder again. "You want to come with me to my room for a while, Wren?" She asks, her brows furrowing down slightly at the whispering back and forth between the other two. "We can play a game, or read a book?" She suggests.

Jiao and Zahara are given a wary look as the doctor assures her they have no interest in her brains. "Your brains're yours to soggify," she tells them, relaxing just a fraction. "Or eat strawberries," Wren suggests, nodding a little to Gabby.

One thin dark brow is raised sky-high at Wren's, uh, interesting additions to the conversation. He blinks, then looks over at Zahara and nods. "That.. sounds good." He kneels down and picks up the cup he'd set on the floor a moment ago, then walks into the kitchen and gets the jug of sake left on the counter. "Shall we, then?"

"Oh, aye. That’s a good plan too." Gabriella suggests, "They've always been my favorite." She echoes from the day before. "So, you want to come to my room, or should I come to yours?" She asks, half turning, but waiting for Wren to move before actually trying to hobble down the hall.

The Arabic woman grins weakly over at Jiao, gesturing to her... ah, indisposed condition. "Do you mind if I change first?" she asks softly. "Or would you honestly prefer that I run about in public more naked than not?" She sounds vaguely amused. <Arabic>

Keeping one eye on the commons, just in case someone tries to pull a fast one, Wren considers the choices. "There's a lotta plants in mine," she notes after a moment, frowning as she considers space. "Could take'em with us," she offers. The plants or the strawberries?

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