First Time on the Bridge

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IC Time: March 20, 2122

Redemption - Bridge - A Deck

The Bridge of this ship is ergonomically and efficiently planned allowing for a small amount of crew members to operate the ship in flight. The Bridge is midships, high above the nose with a slanted canopy. The fortified ballistic glass wraps around the room, allowing a 180-degree view outside. Unlike the rest of the decadent ship, the Bridge is a feat of engineering and modern equipment, glass and lights.

This area is flat and wide with consoles circling the main command area, where the large Captain's Chair sits. Forward and to the left of him is the Flight Controls station, and symmetrically mirrored on the right, the Co-Pilot. A Holo-Emitter is positioned next to the Captain's Chair, from which images can be cast into the air above.

The evening sky casts a dull light into bridge of the Redemption. Most of the indicator lights are off, though a few flash here and there. One station has a few more lights on than the others, and sitting in it is the Frenchman Passe. He's facing the controls and at first glance, it looks like he's looking at them, but really he's looking through them. Obviously his mind is not on his work. There is no smile on the man's face, no dimples to be found. Whatever has his attention must be serious, for he is of a somber mood. <English>

You test your Perception against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (12).

Zora peeks in the room, smiling lightly when she sees Passe. "Hey, stranger," she calls, making her way fully inside with a cup of tea in her hands. "Are you feeling any better? Don't let me bother you, I was actually just coming to see the Bridge, haven't Yet." She trails off as she notices Passe's expression. "Is something wrong?" <English>

Passe snaps up when he hears a voice. "Hm? Oh, no," he says, inhaling deeply. Other than a cursory glance, he doens't look at the young lady. "I think I'm over that illness." He tweaks a nob idly, losing himself in his thoughts again. But before he's too far gone, a thought occurs to him. He looks up with curiosity, "Have you seen Sam lately?" <English>

Zora blinks, probably surprised at the randomness of Passe's reaction. "Umm, no?" she says, thinking and raising an eyebrow. "Not that I remember. Although I ended up catching the sickness myself, and only really got better yesterday, so I haven't seen much of anyone, to be honest. Why do you ask?" She gulps some of her tea, making a face. "I really, really hate tea," she adds, <English>

Passe's brow furrows and he thinks about what Zora said. "Yeah, me too," he agrees absently, "Especially when we're out of honey."

Sighing, Passe leans forwards and flips off a couple switches, the lights on the console fading. He looks really concerned and he says moreso to himself than to anyone, "I haven't seen her since, well, in a couple days either. I wonder what she's up to?" <English>

"Yes," Zora replies with an odd expression, "Being out of honey is bad. Is Sam the kind of person one would worry what she'd get up to in a few days time?" Zora looks at him with an odd mixture of worry and amusement. <English>

Passe shakes his head, though still looks quite concerned. "No, she's a big girl, she can certainly take care of herself," he says, standing up. "But last time I saw her, she was a little, distraught. Partly because of me," he confesses. "I figured I hadn't seen her because she was avoiding me, but if no one's seen her for the past couple days..." He trails of, thinking about where she might be. <English>

Zora shrugs. "I really don't know her very well, beyond what her ass looks like naked and that she likes to flirt with women," she remarks dryly. "I wouldn't have the slightest idea where to find her. Does she carry an iComm?" She lifts the tea to her mouth once more, but she looks at it, making a face, and setting it aside before drinking it. "Fuck this shit," she grumbles. "I'm getting some coffee, caffeine be damned." <English>

Passe starts to head towards the stairs, but stops in his tracks, doing a double take on Zora. He nods approvingly and then continues towards the stairs. "Yes, caffeine be damned," he agrees louding and finally a smile emerges on his lips. "I'm going to go look for her while you get some coffe. Ping me on the iComm if you stumble by her, will you?" <English>

Zora smirks at Passe and gives her tea another filthy look before turning to follow him out of the room. "I'll try. I need to sit down and figure this thing out, how it works and what to program. But I'll let you know, either way." <English>