Shaardul Singhji

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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Full name Shaardul Akhilesh Singhji
Date of Birth October 31, 2495, Santo
Parents Akhilesh Jishnu Singhji (father) Majidah Amatullah bint Nasir (mother)
Siblings 3 full blood, 30+ half siblings
Spouse Bachelor (unmarried)
Assignment Blue Sun: Public Relations
Gender Male - bloodtype: AB+
Eyes and Hair Dark brown or black eyes, black hair
Height and Weight 5'10" a lean 175 lbs
Status Active


Expensive taste. That is the first impression one might have of his man. In his mid 30's he stands 5'10 tall and slender. His Indian-Arabic features are regular, well balanced and cleanly formed with dusky bronze skin, short black curly hair with dark eyes. Just a hint of stylish facial stubble trimmed up sharp and left intentionally. His gaze is watchful, quick to smile charmingly when appropriate.

Dressed very nicely, Mr. Singhji is clothed in a sleek black silk business suit with a crisp white dress shirt. For work he wears a strange blue and silvery tie. Within the nanotech weave is the Blue Sun logo repeated in a pattern. It seems to slowly crawl like writhing worms in and out of the fine fabric as though alive, and might be anything from facinating to repulsive, depending upon the viewer. Creased black slacks in a modernized but otherwise old Earth-that-Was style fall to lay neatly against matte black dress shoes. Appointments are minimal - thin black belt, gold cufflinks, fashionably hidden buttons on the dress shirt without breast pockets.

Pre IC History


Shaardul, a Hindi name that means 'the Tiger' was born on Santo in 2495 to a wealthy family with at least twenty seven brothers and 9 sisters, most of them half sibs (with more on the way). Of Asian Indian descent through his father, and Arabic through his mother, Shaardul is blessed with good looks and an easy early life. The family's primary business is owning and managing high end casinos and hotels, as well as many lesser known income sources. The Singhji's are not quite a Noble family in modern circles though they would like very much to think of themselves so and would not hesitate to do whatever was necessary to ascend to that rank amid the Alliance's House of Lords.

Shaardul's father, Akhilesh (Lord of the Universe in Hindi) is a man of extreme high tastes in most things pleasurable. Along with a beautiful wife, he is known to boast many mistresses and many, many children. More even than Shaardul is aware of himself. The Singhji family line is an ancient one descending from Hindu royalty (Rajahs) all the way back to Earth-That-Was of the Ks.atriyas (Warrior and Ruling caste). There are standards and traditions to be upheld. Some of which Shaardul had no interest in upholding... in time he wore out his welcome, chaffed at the family expectations, and decided it was best to move on. He's not to return until he's made something of himself and is willing to conform to his sire's demands. However, Shaardul perhaps has other ambitions....

IC Timeline

**December 25th, 2523 - Departed Santo and arrived on Persephone. Looking for a new start, Shaardul began to look for work and traveling, applied to Blue Sun.

Sendhil Ramamurthy.jpg

**January 1st, 2524 - Employed by Blue Sun Corporation through Persephone offices. Applied for standard Agent position but was elevated at once to Department Head, Public Relations! Shaardul must have made a good impression at his interview! Met Breona Ree, an agent of Blue Sun. Invited to and attended Lord Warrick Harrow's belated New Years Eve party. Met Lord William Winchester as well several others. Later introduced to Miss Amber Wu, Lord Winchester's sales associate, while visiting Hera.

**Febuary, 2524 - Applied and was accepted for the Companion Guild's Client Registry. Engaged Mr. Verain Xiaowen for a very enjoyable rapier fencing bout at the Persephone gardens. Met Jezebel Suriah Zhou and became friends after a hairy experience that involved Marcus taking a strong dislike to Shaardul. Also met Mr. Taylor Kim of the Companion's Guild and struck up an association with the painter.

**March, 2524 - Purchased a private estate on the edge of the Residentual District, Persephone, near to the gardens. Estate grounds and house needed some repairs. Engaged Miss Helena Byrne of the Companion's Guild for an enjoyable weekend outting to Newhall. Was accosted by a woman named Cennaire who claimed Blue Sun had murdered her husband!

**April, 2524 - Moved into the Singhji Estate (click to see the estate Wiki page), remolding, cleanup of the garden, and repairs still underway. Met Miss Nakita Venizelos and began a valuable friendship. Asked her if she might be engaged as his part time gardener and cook.


**May, 2524 - Repairs and remolding completed on the estate. Had Mr. Quintus Aemilius Yee and madam Maija Turidas, the former High Priestess of House Daska, over for a house warming dinner.

**September, 2524 - Met Miss Terra Takamoto and began a friendship with the young woman. Never lovers, Shaardul tried to mentor the young woman to find a greater stability within herself.

Met with Taylor Kim of the Companion's Guild to discuss a future art show. Mr. Daison requested Shaardul's assistance with setting up the event and Shaardul agreed. Quintus Yee has gone mysteriously missing.

**October, 2524 - A boy named 'Alan' was encountered in the Gardens. Accusing the Blue Sun man of murder, Alan attempted to shoot Shaardul, knife him, and even gouge his eyes out! Luckly Jezebel kept disarming the boy who then managed to escape them.

November 25th, 2524 - Gone to meet a Blue Sun Director who arrived at the Persephone Space Port, Shaardul is badly injured when a bomb explodes close by. Hospitalized on board the Guan-Yin for a broken shoulder, shrapnal in his back, and serious burns to the right side of his face and hand.


December 8th, 2524 - Shaardul is invited by Fess Higgins to attend an Engagement Ball at the Helios Grand hotel for the purposes of being screened in consideration for the Nobles by the House of Lords. Depsite his recent injuries, Shaardul makes the effort to attend with Miss Nakita Venizelos as his consort for the evening. Though he went wearing a mask to cover the skin grafted side of his face, and his left arm in a sling, Shaardul managed to survive the evening.

December 17th, 2524 - Informed by Mr. Tsuzuki that his consideration for elevation to Noble status has been declined, Shaardul is deeply disappointed. There is nothing to do but chin up, dredge on, and slowly continue recovering from his recent disfiguring injuries. Thankfully there is such a thing as plastic surgery.

August, 2525 - Things have been very quiet. Nakita has drifted away, Quintus remains missing. Jezebel has once more circled back into his life. There is contemplation of leaving Blue Sun, but what then? Blue Sun is said not to let go those whom she sinks her claws into...

September 1st, 2525 - Shaardul is called back to Santo by his sire. His lady mother has been abducted. Healed from the burns that marred him, Shaardul disappears and is not heard from again for weeks, then he flees Santo by barging onto a cargo ship. Jezebel is waved and finds Shaardul with a gunshot wound. He swears it's a private family matter he will not discuss.

Late December, 2525 - Mending, a special delivery arrives to the estate. Two birds; a peahen and matching Indian Blue peacock! They are young yet, approaching their third year and an exceptional gift from Jezebel! Shaardul could not be more delighted!


Late Febuary, 2526 - Lord Carmichael arrives unanounced at Shaardul's estate while he has a day off from the Blue Sun offices. Shaardul gets a tantilizing invitation to visit Bubastis - very unofficially. Shortly after he arranges to have legitamate business at the Blue Sun Corporate offices on Osiris in order to follow up with the Duke.

Late March, 2526 - Shaardul agress to help the Duke in a con on an arms dealer who does contract work for Blue Sun. Carmichael has evidence that the arms manufacturer is leaking proto-type goods to those responsible for murdering Priestesses of the Companion's Guild! Shaardul is placed in a key role to fake Blue Sun's awareness and strong disapproval of such a misadventure. And indeed Blue Sun would not have been pleased. Amazingly they pull it off and come away with a name.

April, 2526 - Carefully, Shaardul manages to use Blue Sun databases to look up the name and build a basic profile. The man turns out to be a high level executive of Weyland-Yutani. Informing the Duke quietly on another visit, Lord Carmichael thanks him and informs Shaardul that the Compantion's Guild will take care of it. One can only wonder what that means?

May, 2525 - While on another visit to Bubastis, Shaardul has opportunity to fence against the Duke in sparring practice. Lord Carmichael bests him yet grants him a boon to introduce Shaardul to the Baroness Kennedy Sinclair.

June, 2524 - Shaardul attempts to warn a Mr. Invalid of two men in a crowd carrying assault rifles in the Persephone City Center. Shaardul himself is nearly shot and is beaten with a riflestock before Alzarath kills the two men.

Also, a brief, secretive visit from Maija Turidas, the former High Priestess of House Daska. The two discuss the murders of members of the Companion's Guild. Maija assures him it is being stopped.

May, 2525 Blue Sun offices reorganize and Shaardul takes leave from the Company under good parting. He is reassigned to Alliance directly under Public Relations though he might be happier elsewhere.

November, 2525 Shaardul let's go his estate on Persephone, prefering to travel the 'verse more frequently. As he is not there to enjoy the estate there is no need for it to be a drain upon his resources.

Febuary 2526 A return to Santo to reopen negotiations with his sire. Still the family outcast of sorts, Shaardul slowly begins to wile his way back into family matters. He has not maintained contact with past individuals such as Carmichael, Jezebel, and so forth as he has been absorbed with matters on Santo when not diligently working in an Alliance office somewhere.

Religion & Diet

Very few except some of his more intimate associates know that Shaardul is very loosely a Vaishnavas Hindu. However, due to a rather lax sire who by no means keeps to strict dietary or religious practices, and through the influence of his once Muslim lady mother, Shaardul also is a very lax practioner at best. He is primarily vegetarian though he accepts sea food within his diet and chooses not to forfeit garlic in his hummus. Upon rare occations he might partake of chicken though he knows he should not. He most certainly has no compunction against drinking alcohol or visiting the various other pleasures life has to offer that would otherwise make a devout Vaishnavas shun him with disgust. Obviously he's not really a gentleman who worries over much about his rebirth.

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