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Dart Heng (In progress)

PHOTO - Models being auditioned..

HISTORY - Dart was born to Thrandus and Meiwrong Heng on March 19, 2514, on a remote ranch on Deadwood. The ranch was owned by his father (bought with old war money), who was mostly abroad during his early youth. He knows little about his mother, not much besides her name and that she died during childbirth. Dart keeps an old image of her among his personal belongings. He was the first and last child his parents had, and they themselves didnt have much family to speak of either. He had nannies and caretakers at home, but began traveling the stars as soon as he was old enough to stow away on his dad's transport vessel. It was there that he picked up his technological accumen, developing a keen mechanical sense and in addition to that, some decent piloting skill. Dart's dad was always a strict disciplinarian, and being a former alliance gunboat captain, he always established a strong presence and commanded respect.

The senior Capt. Heng tried to get his son into the shipping business, teaching him the rudimentary theories driving supply and demand, but Dart, while acknowledging the usefulness of knowing the basics, never took a strong shining to the merchant trade.

RECENT EVENTS- The two most important parts of Dart's life have recently been torn from him, within the last couple of years. While on a shipping job without his son, the senior Capt. Heng has gone missing, with clear evidence pointing towards his transport's destruction. This caused somewhat of a collapse throughout the Heng estate, other ships and property having to be sold to pay off debts. All in all, it's been a tumultous time for young Dart, but he's managed to come out in one piece, with a few credits to his name, and a positive outlook.

More recently, Dart has decided to take his fate into his own hands, and has signed on with the Praemia as their mechanic(March-2532). With a rather uneventful tour of duty so far, he's been gently easing himself into his new/old lifestyle of travelling the stars.


-Honest - The guy ain't scared of speaking his mind, although his thoughts are usually not controversial. -Curious- Dart is a fast learner with an inquisitive nature, and loves a mystery, as mysteries sometimes lead to knowledge and enlightenment. -Loyal - Dart knows that sometimes things don't go as planned.. He's there for his people, through thick and thin. -Confident- He know's he's good at what he does, and he knows theres always a good chance he might succeed trying something new. -Careful- Likes to live and usually watches out to ensure the loss of life in any endeavor is minimalized.

RP HOOKS- -New Mechanic on Praemia- -Loves engines (not as much as Kaylee tho...)- -Enjoys a good drink, in the right atmosphere- -Is often caught unarmed at the wrong time-