Boros - Legionaire War: Let's Go To War II

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Boros - Legionaire War: Let's Go To War II
Location: Log_Location::Boros IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2540/07/17 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2017/05/04
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Faoite McGuire, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Willow Merryweather, Has Characters in Scene::Octavia, Has Characters in Scene::Jia
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Willow and Zank make their way into Occupied Territory while Octavia and Fao talk.
Log_Characters::Faoite McGuire, Zank, Willow Merryweather, Octavia, Jia

McGuire gets his cup of coffee and wanders back to the cargo bay. With a glance, he knows someone is missing. Rushing down the catwalk to the stairs, he quickly does the head count to know the oldest of the girls is not aboard the ship. Reaching the bay floor, he turns to the open hatch leading outside. Almost in a panic, he steps to the ramp to look out over the ridge of the cliff where they parked the ship. <English>

It took about a day with a bit of a MULE ride and a trek on foot once they made to the outter limits of the city and patrols of black armored Solider became more prominate. Willow and Zank find themselves in the a hide position a recelty abandoned home with a partailly collapsed roof and flooded 1st floor. Over looking a long strench of street. There temporary home looking down a long almost deserted street. Some soliders man a check point at the end of the street about 400 meters away. Zank has set up a table well inside the window back from the light and his rifle sits on the table looking out. Zank sits at the end of the table looking down the scope. A small spoter scope sits next to him for a spotter to watch as well. <English>

Directly at the edge of the cliff is where Octavia stands. Her hair is occassionally caught by a breeze that flutters it out behind and to one side of her. One of her hands rests at her side, and she lifts the other to simply feel the breeze sift through her spread fingers. A smile touches at the corners of her lips, and she seems... unaware of Fao's presence upon the ramp of the ship. <English>

McGuire turns quickly to the blanket that he layed on her when she passed out. Taking it up, he walks to the ramp and down. Crossing the space between the ship and this beautiful blond that stands on the edge of the cliff, he opens the blanket wide to cover her, placing it firmly on her shoulders to allow the blanket to fold around her. He touch is firm and he does not push in the least for fear she would loose her footing. <English>

Slipping in through a broken window, Willow crosses over to where Zank has set up the table, and she tilts her head faintly to one side, watching him. She was out for a visual look-see on the situation, and she reaches out to smoothly turn one of the chairs so the back faces him. Then she settles on it, folding her arms across the back of it as she simply watches him. Very nearly in his personal space. But just that hair outside of it. <English>

A surprised breath is drawn in when the blanket settles about her shoulders, her eyes widening slightly. One of her bare feet slips just a touch, but there comes no ill of it. She blinks a little bit, looking down briefly before shifting her weight back a touch to lean against Fao there behind her. "Fao... you surprised me," Octavia says softly, a bit of surprise to her voice. <English>

Zank looks up from the scope as Willow slips back in the window. His hand coming off the pistol on his leg as he sees its her. "I take it were clear" he says simply and matter of fact looking back down the scope at the check point a couple hundred meters away. "Anythin worth notein?" he asks glancing up again as she sits down just outside of his 'personal space'. He looks back down the scope. "I count 7. One of what im guessing is a Seargent...the rest grunts...ant seen a officer yet." he says <English>

McGuire whispers, "What could be so strong in your mind that you didn't feel me coming?" He wraps his arms around her, the cold mountain wind sharp against his cheeks, tossing his hair over Ocatavia's shoulder. He never go into hats, but up here so high, one sounds good right now. He holds her, looking where she was looking to see what he can see. His curiousity gets the best of him as he askes, "What happened back there in the bay?" <English>

Willow inclines her head ever so slightly towards him, a hint of a smile turning at the corners of her lips. "We are clear," she says softly, her voice near to the sound of a whisper in tone. "Nothing particularly noteworthy, out there. You will not likely see any officers," she says, a flicker of amusement to her voice. "They are... somewhat tied up, and likely to remain thus the rest of the night," she adds, with mystery in her tone. <English>

A slight shiver rushes through her at the wind that brushes past them, and she looks out over the land stretching out below the plateaus. "I was... searching, I suppose you could say," she says quietly, a faint smile touching at the corners of her lips. She looks up for a moment, her unusual eyes finding a flying hawk passing overhead. Then she looks back to him, lifting a hand to rub one of her arms a little bit. Chilled, perhaps. Her brow furrows a little bit. "It was a Calling," she says quietly, explaining no further than that for the moment. <English>

Zank raises his eye from the scope stareing at the women a second. He blinks once and then looks back down the scope. "Care t' place a bet on how long it will take em to notice?" he asks quietly. He sweeps the rifle slowly back and forth over the check point. "So your already what 2 up on me?" he says shifting the but stock of the rifle. The challenge left hanging in the air. <English>

McGuire mouths the phrase 'A Calling' silently to himself, holding her close to him to warm the blanket that surrounds her. Arms holding her close to him as he whispers in her ear, "Perhaps, some day, you will explain that to me." He notes the bird of prey on the wing and smiles. For him, that is a good sign for birds like that do not sore with the ground moving. He keeps his voice soft, "Does this mean we'll be on the move soon?" The final battle looming heavy in his mind. <English>

Willow gives a light breath of laughter, and then she lifts one of her shoulders in a slight shrug. "They won't notice," she comments, her green eyes showing a sparkle to them. "Their lack of presence will not matter. I did not kill them, they did not see me. They may well have a headache, come morning," she comments, quirking a bit of a smile. "There were two of them, yes," she says, giving a small and single nod to him. <English>

Zank smirks behind the butt stock of the rifle. "Guess i have t' play catch up then..." he says. He seems to be making up his mind. "Ya wanna choose which one gose look through that scope...make sure ya dont see nothin that might be civilan dressed up as Soliders...wouldnt put it beyond Legion t' do somethin that low..." he says. <English>

"It is an old sort of thing. I do not know that I can explain this and do justice to what it means... to what it is," Octavia says softly, her brow furrowing a little bit. She looks up at him for a moment, and then she looks out over the land spread out beyond. "I do not know if the final battle will be soon or not, but... it seems to be looming... waiting. There are, perhaps, pieces which are not yet present? A guess, an uncertainty," she says quietly, looking up at the sky once more. <English>

McGuire chuckles softly and hugs her to him. "These past three years have been a guess, an uncertainty, but each passing day lead us to here. Legion's final stand. Our final hope to end this. It'll happen when it happens." His hot breath against her ear, his soothing tone a melody of comfort to hear. He pulls a breath, taking in her scent and hugging her again. <English>

Octavia half closes her eyes, leaning a bit against him. "Has it been so long...? The days seems to blend into one another, so easily," she says quietly, a wistful note to her voice. "The last time...," she begins, then shakes her head in a slight dismissive gesture. "Legion is a dark stain upon the 'Verse, Fao... and it is upon us -- upon Amenadiel -- to stop them," she says quietly. Turning in his arms, she looks up at him. "What if we can't? What if we fail? There will come no third chance for it to be done," she asks quietly, her thoughts blocked from the others for perhaps obvious reasons. It's a rare few moments of less than optimistic words from her. <English>

Tilting her head a touch to one side, she studies the man for a lingering moment. Then a smile hints at the corners of her lips. "The one on the left," she says, without looking through the scope at all. "No civilians are dressed as Legion's forces," she comments, inclining her head slightly towards him. She seems entirely at ease, comfortable. "Here, it would not work, such a ruse," she adds. <English>

Zank stops breathing for a split second followed by a crack of the rifle. The bullet flys across the space in a flash. The bullet ripping into the Soldier head and tearing out the other side. Zank apparently loaded armor pericing rounds. The blood spray's against the wall in a bright red stain. Zank cycles the bolt action breaths again. "And now we wait to see what happens...beyond the obvious...Start the counting." he says seeing how long it takes reaction forces to arrive. <English>

McGuire looks down into her eye's and in his even tone says, "We wont fail. If we all die from this, the forces above will blow a new crater into this planet like they did on Shadow. Legion is not getting off this rock. It's just up to us to make sure we signal those forces up there that the job is done before the fires of hell are let loose." He is firm in his conviction and his words hold truth. <English>

Shifting her weight, Willow smoothly rises to her feet, and then she inclines her head slightly towards him. "Nicely done. Two, to one," she says, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. Then she steps back from the chair before another step takes her into the shadows, and she heads out the broken window to make her way through the night as well. This is the sort of thing she was trained for -- to be an assassin. Reaching her hands behind her, she draws the pair of katanas. And she steps out of an alleyway a number of doors down -- in time to use those katanas of hers to cut down a five person squad of Legion. One blade flicks, and then the other, and crimson droplets of blood scatter from the dark metal blades of the katanas. <English>

Looking up at him, Octavia manages a little bit of a smile at his reassurance. Lifting one of her hands, she lightly presses her palm to his cheek. Then she gives a small nod. "We cannot fail, Fao," she whispers softly. "We cannot let the Alliance destroy this planet... so many innocent lives would be lost. Would we be any different thanLegion, if we allow that to happen?" she asks quietly. <English>

McGuire sighs, his first thought is Alliance is Legion in a lot of regards. This is why he left them so many years ago after seeing the reckless abandanment that faction does. He gives her a nod, "We will. I truely believe it." <English>

Zank watches her go and sees her appear a few doors down. He watches her move gracefully and is about to cover her as the squad moves upon her. He stops mid trigger pull as she cuts down the squad. He blinks and makes a few mental notes to keep that women at several arms lengths. Zank twitchs though as one more Solider comes out of door way behind Willow. Zank fires hitting the Solider in the eye falling just behind the assassin. He picks up his rifle and meets her outside. "we should move..get outta sight...there gonna swarm this place when they see what's happened." he says "it's a good start." <English>

A small smile touches at the corners of Octavia's lips at his words, and she slips her arms around him to lean into him. She closes her eyes, resting her head against his shoulder, and she lets the warmth of him ease her worries. <English>

One of the katanas earns another flick, blood trickling from the end of it. Shifting her stance, she turns her head to look over her shoulder to him. She has blood on her clothes, a bit on her face, but... not much of it is actually hers. A hint of a smile touches at the corners of her lips, and she gives a small nod to Zank. "Seven to two," she says softly. Keeping count. "They are on their way, no doubt," she adds. A moment is taken to look along both sides of the street, and then she starts to head for another alleyway. Some of her best work is done in the dark. <English>

Zank follows her eyes scanning everywhere for any signs of what he seeks. Nothing yet. "got a last name willow?" he asks as they move. Nothing like impending religious zealots descending on you to wanna strike up small talk. <English>

The redheaded woman takes a moment to look over her weapons, and then she sheathes them. She steps into the shadows of the alleyway, and then her green gaze turns to him, studying him for a moment. "Merryweather," she offers, inclining her head towards him. "Or at least, that's the one I most commonly go by," Willow adds, a smile quirking at the corners of his lips. <English>

Zank shakes his head looking over his shoulder every few second. "y'all alliance types always with ya secrets. reminds me of Kyo" he says. <English>

"I have a lot of secrets, and I keep a lot of secrets. They are my life, and they mean my life," Willow says softly, an odd note of sincerity in her voice. "Just because I'm an operative, does not make me a part of the Alliance," she adds, inclining her head slightly towards him. <English>

Zank pauses at this and gives himself a second to think. "fair enough" he says. he reminds himself to ask about that. He decides to share a secret then. "look for a symbol . Three circles in a triangle shape connected by lines meeting through the center and out. will means there's a place we can hide." <English>

Willow looks over to him as he shares a secret of his own, and she raises an eyebrow slightly. "Interesting. I'll be on the lookout for it," she says, a smile coming to her features. Reaching the end of the alley, she peeks out to look both ways before withdrawing into the alley. Leaning her back against the wall of the building behind her, she lifts her right hand to lightly -- perhaps carefully -- touch her upper left arm. Her right hand returns to her side, and she looks to him through the veil of her lashes briefly. "There is a squad coming from both ways. Five, no doubt with two trailing guards," she offers. <English>

Zank frowns and puts his rifle over his shoulder pulling out his pistol checking it quickly and pulling a knife from his belt. "would rather not fight the entire army today...ambush?" <English>

"Oh, this is only a fraction of the forces that Legion has," Willow comments, glancing towards the mouth of the alleyway. She idly rubs the fingers of her right hand against her outer thigh, and her brow furrows a touch. "I would guess it to be an ambush, although that would indicate they had knowledge of us being here... which may not bode well," she adds. <English>

Zank grunts "not them ambushing us..meant us getting them. or can we let them pass without them finding us?" he whispers.

A moment is taken to consider him, and the weapon he has, and she grunts softly before lifting one of her shoulders in a slight shrug. "I do not know if we can ambush them. If luck favours us, then we ought be able to succeed. How good are you with that rifle?" she asks, taking a moment to look over it. "It might be better to let them pass without finding us. We can hunt one group or the other," Willow offers, one of her eyebrows quirking up a touch. <English>

Zank shakes his head. "let em pass...we don't need to draw to much attention to ourselves just yet. let's find a place to hunker down get a lay of the land and make a plan...taking out one or two squads ant worth alertin there hole command structure." he says hushed. <English>

Willow studies him for a moment, and then she gives a nod. "We'll draw enough attention with the dead bodies that we're leaving behind," she says softly, a small smile touching her lips. "We might be looking to cause chaos, but we don't want them to think there's a significant force out here hunting them," she adds, giving a nod to him. "Once they've passed, we'll cross and see if we can find a hidey hole for a little while." <English>

Zank nods and ducks into the shadow of the alleyway. He is quiet and watches as the Soldiers pass. Once they do he stays still waiting for any stragglers. Once he's sure he comes out of the shadow and peeks out the alleyway. "there another alley across the street....say we try there." he says. He peeks out again. "Go" <English>

Willow watches as well as the soldiers pass, tarrying a few moments once they have. She tilts her head slightly to one side as she watches him, and then she gives a small nod. Then she rushes out from the alleyway in order to cross the street and head into the alley on the other side. There, she leans against the wall of one of the buildings, and she idly checks her upper left arm with her right hand again whilst waiting for him. <English>

Zank follows not far behind comeing into the alley quickly and finding a shadow giving them a second to see if anyone spotted them. Satisfied he scans the alley way slowly. <English>

The redheaded woman takes a quick look out into the alleyway as he crosses as well, ready to be able to provide him with cover if he needs it. "So... any hunches as to where your friends might have set up hidey holes for us to be able to use?" she asks, a smile touching at the corners of her lips. <English>

Zank shakes his head "could be anywhere if I'm honest...don't know nothin bout the ones here. just hoping there is something here" <English>

Lifting her right hand away from her left arm, she lightly traces her fingers over the brickwork of the building. Her brow has a slight furrow to it, and she gives a soft grunt before looking to him. "I think I find something here," Willow says softly. "It seems they do good work, with their symbol." <English>

Zank looks at her and then we're she is searching. He stands and moves to the wall. He starts moving his hands along the brick. "yea well lotta years of practice" he says simply "your arm ok?" he asks still searching the bricks tapping them seeming to listen. <English>

Moving aside her hand to make room for him to feel out the symbol etched there, her fingers brush his briefly. She lowers her hand to her side, idly brushing blood to her pantleg. "And you're only paranoid if you're wrong, so... it bodes well that they know how to disguise their symbol," she says softly, giving him a bit of a smile. She leans a bit against the wall, and then gives a small nod. "It will be fine," she says quietly. Her words, oddly, are a little bit slurred. <English>

Zank grins as he looks still tapping the bricks until he finds one he likes. "yea well with as big a fed presence there is here better to be paranoid than dead...kept me alive all these years" he say and turns to her "what's wrong" he says turning to her hearing the slur <English>

"True. It helps a great many people to stay alive, I'm sure," Willow says softly, managing a little bit of a smile. Her skin has turned paler, though it's perhaps difficult to tell for the shadows that they stand in. And there's a bit of a gleam to her skin that has nothing to do with any actions she's taken. "I would suspect a poison," she says softly. <English>

Zank curses "shit.." he mutters and quickly presses the brick he's found. There is an click heard at the end of the alley and Zank puts a arm around her and brings her along "come on you ant gonna die on me here...we're just getting started to have fun." <English>

The redheaded woman raises an eyebrow slightly, and she manages a faint laugh. "I have no intention of dying," Willow says quietly, giving a faint nod to him. When he puts an arm around her, she doesn't argue, and she does lean a bit against him. She manages to walk with his support, at least, which is a good thing. <English>

Zank chuckles "shines least we're on the same sheet of music then" he says "thought you operative types were supposed to be tough" he says teaseing her "guess I was wrong" he says brining her towards the door. Zank opens it and brings them inside. It's a simple long hallway that leads to a small cargo elevator. Zank calls it with a push of his pistols barrel and gets them inside when it open he pushes the down button. The elevators descends with a jerk. It's a about 30 second trip as it goes deeper and deeper. The elevator stops and the doors slide open to a pitch black room. only the elevator light illuminates them showing parts a large warehouse looking area. with crates and selves stacked several stories high. "hu.." he says "guess no ones home" he says <English>

"So, we sing the same song, at least," Willow says, looking sidelong to him. She gives a faint breath of laughter at his second comment. "Guess I'll have to prove it to you later," she adds, giving a nod to him. She follows his lead, still offering up no arguement to the fact he lends his support to her. Though as the elevator jerks into descent, she gives a bit of a grunt, finding the movement jarring. Once he's led her out of it, she takes a look around a bit. "Is someone supposed to be...?" she asks. <English>

Zank looks into the Darkness "wasn't sure t' be honest they musta went silent when the invasion started...wasn't sure what was gonna be here but it looks like a storage trade and refit hub" he says "usually couple hundred people working one this size." he frowns. "never seen one on a alliance world this big though..its impressive." he says. "let's see if we can find ya meds"

"Stop!" a voice yells out of the dark and Zank levels his pistol at the blackness in a snap... <English>

"Well... pockets of resistance can be like that. Communications went out, so... they'd have stopped getting orders, and probably started figuring their own out," Willow says quietly. Lifting her right hand, she rubs one of her cheeks a bit, leaving a touch of a blood smear behind. "It's... a large space. Impressive," she adds, giving a small nod. As there comes the voice from the dark, she turns quiet, looking into the shadows. <English>

Zank stares into the dark. "these arn't freedom fighters...or that new brown coat movement." he says pistol still leveled. "they ant Soldiers". As if ok cue the light click on to revieal 3 men and 2 women all with guns leveled at Willow and Zank. "who are you?" one of the men call. Zank looks at willow a monument "this is a janitor crew" he says with a smirk before looking back. "we need help she's been poisoned" he says. <English>

One of the men holding a gun in the two steps forward. "don't care how dead she is..who are you. You got till 0 to answer...5...4..3..2" Zank speaks up "I'm captain Zank Lines of the Jia..I run cargo" he says "our ship crashed when the invasion happened...we're your Floor boss?" Zank knowing that last 2 words gives the man pause. <English>

Shifting her weight, she moves to no longer be leaning against him. Instead, she moves a bit away from him to lean against a section of the wall. She likely has other weapons besides the katanas that she could make use of, but she makes no attempt to draw any of them. She brushes her cheek a little with one of her hands, trying to keep an eye on the others here. But it's becoming harder for her to focus, not that she says anything at the moment. At the last of his words, she raises an eyebrow slightly, looking to Zank inquisitively, a bit confused. <English>

Zank takes a breath. The man that seems to bed in charge seems to hesitate and looks to one of the women with a gun. Zank see the eyes shift and looks to the women. "I don't have time for this miss direction bullshit" he says to women who stares hard back at him. "where is your floor boss!!!" Zank now yells in a rather commanding voice. it booms across the open space. His voice echoes die off as the women speaks "gone left with the rest of the crews tried to get out before the whole planet got locked down...the rest are still on world locked down or just gone" she says. Zank grunts "shines then your in you have any meds anything to help combat poisoning. I it's a neuro toxin." Zank says to the women. "why should we help you?" the women asks "don't screw over each other" Zank says.

At that again the women blinks "Giles take em to the racks...Kiben see what you can find...I'm sure there something here in all this no one will miss" Zank sighs and holsters his pistol and moves to get Willow. "come on...before they change there mind" <English>

The one seeming to be Giles moves towards Willow gun now holstered "Let me help ya miss" <English>

When Zank yells, she winces slightly, his voice loud in the space as well as with the effects of the poison in her system. She starts to sink down a little where she's leaning against the wall. "We'll try... to save them," she says quietly, her accent a bit more pronounced than normal. She blinks a little bit, trying to focus and follow what's being said. "If we don't help each other... we're all as good as dead," she adds, giving a slight shake of her head. When Zank returns to her, she looks up at him, and then she gives a small nod. "Thank you," she says, managing a faint smile. As the help is given by both Zank and Giles, she gets back to her feet and then will go along with them to where they take her. <English>

Zank and Giles manage to help/ drag the redhead to a bay full of bunks. They lay her down pulling off her swords and other gear so she can lay comfortably. Zank rolls up the women sleeve to see what she was playing at earlier. Giles, once Willow is situated seems fascinated by the swords and picks one up. Zank looks over "hey be useful here to go help your friend find the mess...anti toxin blood cleaner I don't care." he says clearly annoyed at the mans behavior. Giles grunts "peice of Gose" the man mutters <English>

The redheaded woman half stumbles a little, and is helped by them to get to the bunks. She doesn't seem to have an arguement to offer as her swords and other gear happen to be removed, though she does try to pay attention to where they're placed. She gives a quiet murmur as Zank rolls up her sleeve, and he'd find a rather wicked looking five inch slash on her upper arm. The edges of the wound look angry and red, and the wound is swollen, veins and arteries near to the wound standing out a bit. Blinking a little bit, she looks up at Zank, managing a faint smile. "They don't all use it... but some do... the poison," she says quietly. Her skin is pale, a bit clammy. "They put it on their knives." <English>

Zank looks the wound over. "what kind of Poison Willow? can you tell me what kind?" he asks. Kiden runs in from the warehouse. he seems to be the youngest of this group early 20's. "I found some blood cleaners an a few bags of anti biotics." Zank looks at the kid. "get a Iv set up" he yells out to the hall way "and bring bandages and anti bacteria cream." he looks back to Willow. He's calm in this but stress urgency "Willow what kinda poison?" <English>

Lifting her uninjured arm, she lightly reaches out to touch one of Zank's arms. "It is... a neurotoxin. Travels swiftly through the blood," she says quietly, doing her best to block out the pain. "It... makes the pain worse," Willow adds, looking to him for a moment. She looks past him, to the kid that comes in, and then her gaze turns back to Zank. "Blood cleaners should work," she whispers, managing a faint smile. "Sorry I wasn't... more help," she murmurs softly, her eyes falling closed. Unconscious, still alive. <English>

Zank nods and lets the kid set up the IV drip. when the bandages arrive he dresses the wound and cleans it experienced hands find the work easy. "get some rest. Let the meds do their work." he says. He squeezes her hand gently. "we can hunt these bastards when your feeling better." he says to her unconscious form. "bring anything else you can find medical wise. Well change the bandages in a couple hours....thank you" he says. The two leave staying quiet both looking back as they head out. Zank sits near the bed until he to falls asleep head resting against the wall. <English>

It's quiet in the warehouse, the only sound is softing echos of the talking janitor crew else ware. Zank sits next to the bed Willow rests on. Her gear having been placed on the opposite bunk. Zank is resting eyes closed with a map spread out infront of him next to her bunk. <English>

A quiet murmur of sound slips past the redheaded woman's lips. She stirs, ever so slightly, beneath the blanket used to cover her over. Then there comes silence, enough to make a person wonder if there actually had been a sound at all. Willow's lashes flicker slightly, and she slowly opens her eyes. <English>

Softly, she lightly pats his knee a little bit, a faint smile touching at the corners of her lips. "Didn't mean to surprise you... or wake you," she says quietly, watching him for a long moment. The bandages have bled through, but it seems to have happened sometime during their respective naps. "I'm still ahead... but no, I have no intention to let you fight it by yourself," she says softly, a faint smile turning at the corners of her lips. "I feel better, thank you," she adds, a bit of colour managing to come to her cheeks. <English>

Zank nods chuckling "Dont worry bout it, dont sleep very well anyways" he says with a very dry real tone. "Well lets get ya bandages changed atleast before we send ya off t' kill everyone." he says with a smile. "Your color is comin back, good sign" he says finding some new bandages "Sit up if ya think ya can." <English>

"These days, I would be surprised if anyone did sleep well," Willow says, a faint smile touching at the corners of her lips. She keeps her hand on his knee for a moment longer, and then withdraws it back to the bunk. "We'll need to get word to the field medics, to carry at least some blood cleaners in their kits," she says softly, her brow furrowing a moment. Her gaze turns back to him, and she gives a small nod. Though she waits a moment longer before trying it, she does set about the bit of a struggle required to end up sitting up. <English>