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Grant Vega
Full name Grant Alejandro Vega
Date of Birth 05 October 2508
Birthplace Santo
Parents Unknown, orphaned
Siblings Unknown
Spouse None
Children None
Assignment Corporal, Task Force Alpha
Specialization Rifleman
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Grey, Brown
Height and Weight 6' 0", 202 lbs
Status Active
Education Information

2508 to 2526 - School of Hard Knocks, Santo.
2526 - 2535 - Alliance Military Academy.

Military Service

Active Service, Alliance Military.

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


Orphan. First fifteen years spent in an orphanage on Santo, rescued by Alliance soldiers. Next three years spent in boarding school on Santo. Enrolled in Alliance Military at eighteen. Graduated middle of class, assigned to Persephone unit. Fought with distinction at the Battle of the Bleeding Hearts. Denied permission to rescue Heather Jacy from imprisonment. Transferred to Task Force Alpha one year later under command of Heather Jacy. Participated on assault on Osiris Spaceport and Bubasis compound. Called in orbital strike that slew Damian Carmichael.


First things first, there is no way in hell you can mistake this man for being a civilian. Grant Vega is a flat six foot in height and stands almost permanently at attention, a dead giveaway. His skin is olive, his eyes dark, his head and beard completely shaven. His face is round and would look friendly if he weren't scowling all the time. He's built like someone who constantly visits the gym, stocky despite his height.

Vega is wearing half of the standard Alliance purple/grey camo BDU, with only the pants and a purple shirt with the nametag VEGA and his Corporal insignia. His shaved head is adorned with a blue beret and his feet are covered with solid black military boots. His service firearm is at his hip, along with other gear on his belt.


Cold and to the point. Loyalty to the Alliance is total, behaviour bordering on zealotry. Little respect given to non-Alliance citizens. No compunction against dangerous methods to achieve objective, behaviour bordering on ruthless.

