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Revision as of 05:02, 25 November 2013 by Esmail (talk | contribs)
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Type WeaponType::Blade
Availability WeaponAvailability::Uncommon
Cost WeaponCost::95
Accuracy WeaponAccuracy::100%
Weight Weight::2.5
Range WeaponRange::0
Ammo Max WeaponAmmoMax::0
Modes WeaponModes::Broadside, WeaponModes::Swing
Skills Skills::Melee Attack
Ammo Use WeaponAmmoUse::0
Stun WeaponStun::9/15
Damage WeaponDamage::17/5
License Required WeaponLicenseReq::None
Description [[WeaponDescription::This katana is a work of art, crafted in much the same way for over a thousand years. The slight curvature of the blade and steel alloys folded many times over make it both light and powerful, as well as sharp enough to cut through armour, flesh, and bone.]]
Picture [[WeaponPicture::Katana]]

<Melee Weapons should have Str% not true numbers>