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news Multiple


Multiple actions are the ability to perform more than one action in a round. Because generally multiple actions are only done in combat, this will be separate of the time mods. Any other circumstances, time mods should be used. Multiple actions and their modifications and use are as follows:

Players must declare they are planning to use multiple actions before the round begins publicly, and how many actions they wish to use. Certain actions do not require an 'action' to be used, as long as it is limited. Speech is one, and there are others (Give me a few days to think of others)

Now, once the number of actions you declare is given, you must determine your roll modification. See the table below. However, there can be no more than your adjusted agility divided by 10, rounded down, OVER your one action. So, if your agility is 45, you would get 4.5, or 4. You could do up to a maximum of 5 actions in one round.

There is a twist to these rolls, automatic 'reactions', such as dodging/ awkward parrying/reactions. Dodging or other awkward 'reactions' to another's action requires a use of one of your upcoming actions. However, if you are out of actions, you can still dodge and such, but you must use one of your next round's action to cover the remaining dodges, and you must pay for it. Now, if you have to dodge more than once between your actions, it only counts as one action, but the difficulty of each roll goes up one from the table each time you must dodge in between attacks.

If you wish, you can 'save' your action until the next time your action comes up. You can 'save' your actions up. However, if you have to 'react' during this time, such as dodge, unnatural parry, and so forth, you lose your saved actions, but you don't have to take a difficulty modification for up to the number of actions you have saved up. It --IS-- possible to use your saved actions to 'intercept' or 'react' to another action, say, your buddy gets shot at, you can attempt to take the shot in the head as a chest wound for yourself or similar, depending on your skill level.

For the round, everyone takes a turn using their actions one by one, unless some task takes more than one round/action to perform, setting up an e-web, for example. Using multiple actions for a multi-action/multi-round event can cause an increase in difficulty on top of the difficulty already stated.

The difficulty modification is as follows:

Actions: |   1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10
Diff mod:|   0     +5    +10    +15    +20    +30    +40    +50    +75   +100

These mods effect ALL rolls in a round, except those which don't require a roll.