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Eavesdown Docks - Persephone =>Persephone<=

This lesser kept portion of Persephone's port city is home to legions of disenfranchised entrepreneurs, each tent or stall vying with the next in line. Vendors shout their own particular brand of advertisements or allow the pyres of smoke from their grills to do the advertising for them. Practitioners of every walk of life fill the dirt-covered roads, buying and selling goods of every imaginable value. There are cargo containers stacked in high hills throughout the area creating a set of walls for the outdoor market with exits and entrances to each of the landing platforms that circumnavigate the area outside of the Market. Eavesdown is not well kept, as is a common Spaceport, and the lack of tarmac proves a disruptive force whenever a ship engages its powerful engines: kicking up the red dirt of the port relentlessly. To the Northeast, a section between two landing platforms begins the road to the Spacer's District, where those who are less restricted to Eavesdown may find additional business options.

Along with the various pedestrians roaming the streets, entering and leaving the docks, comes one gentleman dressed in dark clothing. His name is Laurent Passe, and he has been seen kicking around Persephone the past few weeks. He kicks the dust from his shoes as he enters the port. pleased to be on solid ground again, and his usually cheerful face has a frown, as he glances up at the clouds. He doesn't seem to like the approaching storm.

Passe heads towards the Invictus, desiring to be inside before it starts to rain, but then notices a small crowd near a Firefly and recognizes a couple of them. He pauses and then grins, always enjoying Wren's company, he decides he should join them. He heads that way with one more glance at the sky, praying it does not start raining before he can make it inside.

Gabriella's slender, petite form can be seen, a few minutes after Alabaster emerges, wandering towards Alabaster and Wren on the docks, her limp still slightly evident, the blood red marble cane still present. She had somehow managed to drift into their small circle without being obvious about it, though how the multi-hued, pierced, fanged, armored and armed form had managed that was anybody's guess. She does still seem to be lingering on the edges of sleep, a half dreamy expression lingering on her face, an unlit cigarette dangling from the over long fingers of her left hand.

Nagasaki looks around as well, frowning a bit as she fingers the collar about her throat. "Feels like rain too," she murmurs back in reply, her eyes slowly drifting up so that she can look at the sky. "Don't know what God is thinking is dirty, though. Could be the Docks..or maybe it's the people gathered.." Thought drifting off as does the words, Naga eventually shrugs and looks around again.

Delilah looks up at Alabaster's face with complete adoration for a few seconds before throwing her crutch-thing to the ground and throwing her arms around him, using him as support instead of the crutch, while squeezing him in a serious hug. "Oh, Preacher, I'm in need of some serious prayer, an' it ain't no joke 'bout it," she manages out, her voice trembling as she speaks.

The rapid comings and goings seem to be getting under Ashlyn's skin. She stands and makes her way over to Delilah, still staying mostly quiet. With all apologies to Wren, she seems to have had enough with meeting new faces of late. "Howdy, Mr. Smith," she says brightly, regardless of her edginess as to all the activity. "Pleasure seein' you again."

Alabaster Smith blinks at Delilah, any comments or responses he might have had to the other people around him preempted by her actions. Awkwardly, he puts his arms around her and pats her back. "There, there," he says comfortingly. "Ah'm never too busy to see to a troubled soul."

Solomon's deep chuckle rumbles from his broad chest at Naga's observation. "Could be a bit of both, pet." His eyes remain locked onto Gabriella's slender, petite form, even as he leans down a bit to kiss Naga on top of her head. "I'm thinking its a bit crowded out and about for me. Still feeling a bit bad about blowing the ear off that crazy girl." He smiles and tilts his head over towards Alabaster. "My priestly twin in white seems to be out. Go get yourself properly fucked, pet. I may stay aboard for the night"

Passe decides to join the small crowd gathered around the Chaos Theory and strolls up behind Alabaster and Gabriella. A smile grows on his face, overcoming he apprehension of the brewing storm. He steps up beside Gabriella and raises an arm onto of her shoulder in a mock-lean. "Bonjour," he says to everyone in general. He grins at Solomon's words and adds a wink, "Is that a suggestion for our cher Monsieur Smith here?"

Nagasaki should be used to such comments from Solomon but she finds herself still fighting the blush that threatens to creep up to her face. "He seems busy, Daddy," she comments dryly while looking towards the girl who threw herself at Alabaster, her eyes narrowing a bit. "There's Gabriella," she then says, motioning to her with a nod. "Want to say hi while Alabaster's busy with the sacrificial lamb?" Passe's heard and she sighs. The battle to control her blush...it's lost! Her face is now bright red.

Sagging against the crate Tayen so recently abandoned, Wren scrubs a hand across her face. A moment of that and then she presses the heels of both palms to her eyes, holding there for a few seconds before letting them drop away. Blinking, she goes back to watching the assembled people.

Gabriella's head tilts slightly to one side, a slight shiver trailing over her form briefly, suddenly. Long, curved brows arch inwards, and her head drifts to turn over her shoulder, eyes scanning the vicinity for the source of the chill. And... ah, yes. Her icy white eyes raise to meet his, a indulgent, smile pulls at the corner of her lips for a moment, before she breaks the contact, and leans in to Alabaster to whisper something softly against his ear.

"I can't imagine he'd be too busy to speak with you, my lovely pet." His black-gloved right hand slides to her lower back, drifting down to offer a pinch to Naga's tushy as he pushes her gently towards Mister Smith and company. "And yes. I noticed the girl was present." he adds, a hungry tone to his voice.

Ashlyn grins slightly at the interaction between Delilah and Alabaster. Well, on the list of people Delilah might be indiscriminately throwing her arms about, this probably isn't so bad. She still doesn't seem terribly talkative with so many people about, so just hangs (somewhat protectively) about Delilah.

Delilah sighs into Alabaster's shoulder, not letting go as she speaks. Is that because her crutch is laying in the dirt? "Ain't seen a Preacher my whole time out in the Black, an' then when I went home..." She trails off, hugging him tighter. "I used ta always believe, Preacher, but now my heart jus' so much..."

Matty exits the Chaos Theory with a huge mug of steaming coffee cradled between her hands and a pair of dark sunglasses covering her eyes. Even so, she reels back from the light and stands in the shade for a moment, leaning on the frame. She might be standing there watching people behind the dark glasses, but it's equally likely that she's standing there asleep as she's not even yelling at Delilah for hugging people.

Alabaster Smith continues to awkwardly try and comfort Delilah, radiating all the peace and understanding of the Lord he claims to serve. "It's okay, mah child," he murmurs. "The Lord has a way of testing us, but rest assured, His love is undiminished and omnipresent. It's okay if your faith wavers, as long as you keep Him in your heart."

Nagasaki looks over to Solomon as she folds her arms about herself, her expression quite unreadable for a moment. "Not surprising," she says with a wry grin that eventually breaks that stony look about her face, her visage warming as she takes her Captain in. She leans against him and kisses Solomon's cheek, then, before moving on.

Passe seems quite pleased at the reaction generated from Nagasaki. He nods to her, and then the rest in general and seeing that Alabaster seems to know these people, he cocks his head towards him. "Well, Monsieur Smith, are you going to introduce me to your friends or leave me standing here all day?" he asks, his grin still apparent.

Gabriella straightens, after her murmur towards Alabaster, her eyes drawing back towards Solomon and Nagasaki, a few random, languid steps taken towards the pair without, apparently her completely being aware of the actions, the slightly dreamy look still evident in her eyes.

So much to look at. Wren's eyes dart from one face to the next, taking in as much detail as she can in that brief instant before she moves on to the next. Her gaze lingers on Gabby, noting the woman's expression, and then returns to Solomon and Nagasaki, her head canting to one side as she examines the leather around the woman's throat. Hazel green eyes continue to wander through the crowd, sometimes pausing on things that don't appear to anyone else.

Delilah finally lets go, leaning back to gaze at his face again, before taking two shaky steps back. "But my faith ain't jus waverin', it's..." She brakes off distractedly, attempting to bend at the waist to grab her crutch-brace, and not quite making it. "It's...oh, I don't know how ta explain it here." She glanced around, asking those around her, "Would someone mind handing that to me?"

Solomon smiles and returns that kiss of Naga's, then walks forward towards Mister Smith and company. He tips his black hat towards those present, peering with an amused grin at Delilah. "As it reads in Hebrews, 'Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.'." His smile only broadens, though twisted into something a bit more predatory, as his gaze sweeps over Gabriella’s form, lingering where curves are seen. "Brother Smith. The Lord Above seems to believe this place needs a good washing. Do you so believe?"

Matty lifts her mug to her face and leaves it there, just under her nose, inhaling the fumes with a deep breath. Putting her lips to the rim of the mug, she tips it and takes a long drink from the strong brew. She moves her head this way and that, scanning the crowd, but still doesn't move from her resting place against the frame and her dark glasses finally stop at Delilah and Alabaster, and Solomon as he comes over. She gives a light cough, either to alert people to her presence or to warn Delilah against saying too much in this very public place.

Nagasaki falls back behind Solomon. It's not an act of obedience or anything like that so much as she is just not wanting Passe or anyone else to see her blush which she has the habit of doing when around Solomon. "Hello, Gabriella," she murmurs once she's close enough, her brow arched upon seeing that look in her eyes. "Have you been hitting up your ship's medical supplies? You look...stoned."

Alabaster Smith smiles some more at Delilah, his expression paternal and understanding. "Ah understand, you've clearly had a rough road, mah dear. But whatever Ah can do to help you regain that grip on your faith, Ah shall. It would be a terrible shame for someone like you to fall from grace." He glances to Solomon, splitting his attention a little. "Ah believe Eavesdown Docks can always use a good wash and scrub... it's the sort of place that tends to get very dirty without regular attention," he says lightly.

Passe moves from his Gabby-leaning-post and bends down to snatch up Delilah's cane. "Mademoiselle," he says, presenting it to the redhead, and glancing up behind her as Matty makes her presence known. He throws Matty a grin, and then tells Delilah, "The name is Passe, Laurent Passe, and don't hesitate to call if you need anything else." He adds with a very innocent smile, "Anything else."

Gabriella's gaze draws from Solomon, then, to Nagasaki as the other woman draws near, blinking a few times, a smile curling at the corner of her lips. "Ah. Well. Good dreams, is all." She says with an easy grin, revealing the elongated and pointed canines along the upper row of her teeth. A glance is given, then, between Solomon and Alabaster, but the bone white eyes eventually drift back to Nagasaki, though there is another slight movement... that an extremely perceptive eye might see slightly hampers Solomon's direct view of Wren.

"How very gentlemanly of you, Mister Passe." Sol's clear blue eyes squint in amusement as he regards the man for a moment before moving on to reply to his fellow Shepherd. "Indeed. And I see you're having a bit of mana from heaven. Good luck in your efforts," he notes cheerfully regarding Delilah's faith issue. "Oh, and by the way. I've cleared my scheduled services for Nagasaki here if you'd like to well and truly bed her down for the night. Just don't make her too unserviceable for tomorrow, if you'd be so kind." A wink is thrown to Alabaster and then his full attention crushes down upon Gabriella. "Hello, girl. 'Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.'."

A gust of wind hurtles through the docks, blowing bits of paper and trash every which way, the sky darkening as the storm grows ever closer. Wren is almost pushed off balance by it, taking a step away from the crate she was leaning against and then jumps a little at the sudden crack of thunder. Starting forward, she begins to move toward the safety of her crewmates, but then pauses, staring between Alabaster, Solomon and Gabriella. Her brow creases deeply, as she watches, and then she darts forward, stepping between the dark Preacher and Gabby unless someone stops her. "Every Prophet in his house. His OWN house," she states, eyes flashing.

Between Solomon's greeting, oogling Gabriella's 'curves', and his Nagasaki comment, Delilah is so shocked her creamy complexion has gone shock white. Eyes wide, she glances from Alabaster to Solomon, squeaking out, "*You're* a Preacher?" Hearing Matty's cough, she glances up at the ship, her mouth hanging open. She starts to call out to Matty, but is so flabbergasted, all that comes out are a few stutters here and there.

Passe glares at the sky and cocks a head softly down at Wren. "Prophetesse, peut-etre?" he murmurs softly to himself before returning his attentions to Delilah. He keeps his voice soft and says, "Self proclaimed it seems, or perhaps of a very... shall we say 'free' belief? Certainly not something I'd see chez-moi."

Ashlyn, who has been hanging about Delilah somewhat protectively in silence, smiles as Matty appears. "Hey Matty," she says before her eyes suddenly widen a little. "Oh, Matty!" This second is added as if the significance of Matty has suddenly dawned on her. "I got somethin' ta go over with ya back on the ship."

Matty shifts her covered eyes toward Passe, shifting her position just slightly as she lifts the mug to drink again, her head turned toward the group, though there's nothing to indicate who exactly she's looking at. Finally, as more people start moving in on the crowd, she starts her way down the ramp, slowly and with measured steps, wincing at Ashlyn as she calls out. She gives a nod to the engineer and cracks a smile with dry lips. "I think I can guess..." she mumbles and continues on toward Delilah, a protective kind of stance coming over her figure. "Del. You okay?"

Gabriella's gaze is easily drawn and locked by Solomon's, that slow, simmering heat building in her gaze as his voice washes over her again. Her lips part at the end of his words, a breath taken as if she is about to reply, when the unexpected appearance of Wren brings her lips snapping shout, overly long hands reaching out to snag Wren by the shoulders, pulling the girl back against her, arms sliding to hold the girl against her, in a manner both protective and intent on securing the blonde girl in place. Her eyes dart from Solomon, to Wren, and back again, brows furrowing slightly. "It's all right, Wren." She murmurs, "No need to fret on my account."

Alabaster Smith quirks an eyebrow at Solomon. "Mah dear colleague," he says mildly, "Ah appreciate your consideration in the matter, if not how you describe things. As you can see, there are people here who believe a preacher should be much more ... subtle in his affairs. And some of them are in need of genuine counseling in matters of faith, and trust. Remember... Ah preach the Lord's love and forgiveness, you deal with the unrepentant sinners."

Nagasaki leans against Solomon's back some and wraps her arms around him as they talk with Gabriella, smiling from over his shoulder at her as they do. "Dreams. About Solomon, I'll wager,thanks to how you're making with the..." She waves a hand, indicating Gabby's expression. "Very sweet." A cant of her head has her cheek pressing to Sol's cheek as she whispers to him but then she laughs and shakes her head. "So how have you been since we last talked Gabby?"

Solomon regards Delilah for a moment, no hint of amusement in his expression. "I am a preacher and a monster. Little more. Little else." His eyes then slide over Wren and a tilt of the hat is offered. "Into my own house?" A long sigh follows. "Just so." He offers Alabaster a nod then locks eyes with Gabriella, speaking softly to Nagasaki. "I'll be aboard the Hunter, pet. Should anyone be looking for me."

"You keep forgetting to exist, so I gotta for you," Wren states, tilting her head up to regard Gabriella. She doesn't seem to mind having been caught, so long as she remains in front of her. Dropping her head back down she glares at Solomon, jutting her chin forward defiantly. "An' stay there," she adds for good measure. Sometimes she just doesn't know when to shut up.

With the chaos of new people and storms wearing her a little thin, Matty present and informed, and Delilah seemingly safe, Ashlyn takes the opportunity to excuse herself back to the calmness of the ship, if any ship bearing the name Chaos is ever calm. "Mr. Smith," she says with a pleasant smile, "Was a pleasure runnin' inta you again." And since she's largely unfamiliar with the rest of the crowd, a wave and a polite, "Goodbye, all," will hopefully suffice as she slips back up the deck, gathering her toolbox as she goes.

Nagasaki looks quizzically at Solomon, her head angling to the side. "Did..I do something wrong, Daddy?" She doesn't know why Solomon's leaving like he is so she can't help but to feel as if she might have upset him. Color her paranoid or something. She turns towards the ship but doesn't move, not sure if he wants her to follow or not, the puzzlement easy to see on her expression.

Gabriella's lips part again as Solomon's eyes snag hers, her breath frozen in her throat for a long moment. Her body leans ever so slightly, as if her feet would move forward in protest of his departure, but she finds herself moving nowhere... at least not without trampling poor Wren. And as it seems she's not willing to make a sacrificial lamb out of her unexpected protector, instead, she remains still. Almost painfully so, arms still hugging Wren close to her, silently.

Delilah glances over at Matty, and then back at Solomon. "Do ya know him, Matty?" she asks quietly, before turning to Passe with soft eyes. "Thank ya for that, Laurent Passe. Laurent. Laurie? Can I call ya that?" Her back to Solomon, as though she can't bear to even look at him, she remarks to Alabaster, "I surely would like ta talk to ya sometime, Preacher, in a more quiet settin'. Would that be alright?"

"No pet. Nothing wrong at all." Solomon turns to head back to his ship, pausing for a moment to peer over his shoulder at Wren's last comment. He gives no voice to further notions, instead choosing to simply walk away and up the ramp of the Headhunter's belly. It's doors remain open behind him.

Alabaster Smith smiles at Delilah, and nods. "But of course, mah dear. This was hardly the ideal setting for confession or counseling, for all that a great many people said a great many things. Look me up at your leisure, and we'll arrange for something." He glances to his crewmates, ascertaining that they're okay, or at least not -un-okay for the moment.

Passe cocks a grin at the unusual preacher's words, something inside of him relating to what he says, but he takes care to not show this on the outside, except for his grin. He cocks a brow at Wren's comment, but knowing that her guardian angel is with her, he decides not to contribute to the conversation.

Looking back at Delilah, and noticing that the hovering angel of death above her shoulder is preoccupied with Ashlyn, Passe continues his conversation. Not sure he likes the sound of 'Laurie', he simply smiles and replies, "Cheri, you can call me anything your heart desires." He starts to ask her about her leg, but cuts himself short, not wanting to interrupt her conversation with Monsieur Smith.

"He's bad news, so jus' try'n stay away from him, hmm?" Matty replies to Delilah and takes a sip of her coffee, then nods to Alabaster with a slight smile, before turning back to Delilah. "Much better off speaking with this bloke, I reckon." She gives a look over at Passe, tilting her head forward a little as if looking at him down her nose. "Not the right time fer flirtin', mate."

Wren's heels are dug in to the well-packed dirt, just in case Gabriella does try to step forward, so it's probably good that she doesn't. She tracks Solomon with her eyes as he returns to his ship, only relaxing once he is fully out of her view. The burst of energy adrenaline gave her vanishes in the same instant and she sags against the Bosun.

Gabriella's breath is found again as the form of Solomon fades from sight, though her eyes lingered on the hatch for a moment, until the near collapse of even the slender Wren almost send her off balance, precariously as she'd been standing. "Son of a..." Gabriella gasps as the cane clatters out of her hand as she tries to readjust her hands to support the weight. "Preacher man... Passe... one o'you!" She calls, her concern overriding her more primal instincts. "Could use a hand here, for a minute." She says, her head shifting towards Alabaster.

Nagasaki blinks at something but then nods. "Alright," she says although her Captain won't be able to hear her as he has already boarded the ship. "Gorramit." Her hands come up, one to her throat where she touches the collar at her neck while the second is lifted a bit higher so that she can run her fingers through her hair. It takes her a second to collect herself and only then does she turn. The sight of Gabriella and Wren has her shaking her head but she doesn't offer any assistance as she has been told what to do. Alabaster is approached and, with a slight smile, Naga says, "I'm supposed to visit you," the tone of voice she uses meek, Naga not the overly-aggressive woman she was at the bar for some reason.

Dunstan threads his way through the cargo crates and vendors, emerging near a man selling sausages on a stick. What the sausages are made of isn't advertised, and Dunstan eyes them with suspicion. He makes his way toward the ships, looking for crew members sitting outside. Jobs there.

Delilah grasps Alabaster's hand in hers, assuming he lets her, and holds it for a moment before nodding in agreement, "I will do that, thank you so much, Preacher Smith." She smiles lightly at Passe, and her face relaxes slightly, until Matty speaks. "Well, Matty, figure he's one I ain't gonna fight ya on, an' that's no joke. I can't believe people like 'im exist, that's jus..." she searches for the right words, giving up finally. "Well, I don't know exactly what it is, but it ain't right."

Passe looks up innocently at the gun-toting woman but before he can say anything, a call for help pulls his full attention. "Excusez-moi," he says to both Matty and Delilah, his eye and smile lingering just slightly on the redhead, before hopping over to give aid to Gabby and Wren. He comes up on Gabriella's side, a supporting arm on the small of her back, and his other hand grabbing Wren's arm to keep her upright. "Ca-va, les filles?" he asks with concern.

"............" Gabriella's words are spoken through slightly gritted teeth, as she tries very hard not to fall on her ass rather ungracefully in the middle of public. ".................................................." She offers to Passe.

Alabaster Smith allows Delilah's grasp, smiling at her. "Mah pleasure, dear. May the Lord keep you safe and happy in the meantime." He looks to Gabby and Wren, and is visibly relieved when everything there seems to be taken care of quickly, since he had no time to react. "Good man," he tells Passe earnestly. It gives him a chance to look to Nagasaki and smile. "So Ah noticed. Lovely to see you again, mah dear."

Wren stumbles a little as Gabby also has trouble maintaining her balance, and would probably knock them both over, but for Passe's timely intervention. Getting her feet back under her, she blinks at the Frenchman. "Still can't feel'em," she mumbles at him, wavering slightly as she rubs at her eyes. Her gaze shifts to Gabriella then and she frowns at her. "You're a lotta work," she declares irritatedly.

Matty glances over toward Gabriella and Wren from behind her sunglasses, but doesn't move to help and instead takes a sip from her coffee, letting Passe do that instead. "Glad t' hear it, Del," she notes and turns her head toward the Headhunter, drawing in a breath as she shakes her head slowly, then sips from her coffee again.

Passe winks at the preacher and says softly, "I know," before returning his full attention to Wren. "Come on, ma petite," he says, steadying her. He grins at Gabby and says, "You are, you know. But that's why we love you." In stabilizing the small engineer, he leans Wren against him for support, perhaps just a little bit longer then necessary.

Dunstan pauses by the Headhunter, coincidentally enough; he swings the backpack slung over one shoulder down and starts to dig around inside it, pulling out a battered piece of low-quality paper.

Nagasaki nods. "Good to see you, too. Didn't expect to see you again so soon. Was expecting it to be a bit since I know you're often busy." She watches the trio of Gabriella, Passe and Wren as they work to get the latter back upright and she tilts her head curiously to the left. "What's with the chick with the jello legs?"

Her moment with Alabaster over, Passe both gone, Delilah looks over to Matty and remarks lightly, "You an' me should talk, soon..." before moving away and looking up at the Chaos Theory once more. Taking in a deep breath, she begins the slow climb up the cargo bay ramp...it takes her a while, and is laborious, but compared to her pace in the wheelchair, she's floating. Reaching the doorway, she looks out once more, before disappearing inside.

"Wren... I'm going to let go now okay? So I don't fall over." Gabriella says softly to Wren, giving a slightly grateful, slightly irritated all in one look towards Passe, crouching to scoop up her cane to further steady herself. "You all right, mei mei." She says, concerned."

Shaking her head as if to clear it, Wren is in no position to object to Passe's extra support, not even seeming to notice it. She squints a little at Nagasaki, brow furrowing. "Where?" she wonders, looking around with interest even as Gabby removes her support. "No, but it's okay," she adds absently in answer to the Bosun.

Passe hears footsteps on the plank behind him and quickly glances at the parting Delilah. Ah, opportunities come and go like the wind, and this friendship looked promising. He very slightly shrugs to himself and then says to Gabriella, "Don't worry, I've got her," and he keeps one arm locked with Wren to let her lean on him. He enjoys offering help to the blond.

Matty turns back to Delilah and frowns as she watches the cook head up the ramp. "Everyone wants to talk...." she mutters and sips from her huge coffee mug again and gives another glance at the group nearby. Everyone busy with others, so the XO shrugs and moves away to sit on a crate near the Theory's ramp to continue drinking her coffee in the hopes of making her hangover go away.

Alabaster Smith smiles wryly at Nagasaki. "It's one of those days. Ah'm afraid Ah missed whatever was going on there... but then again, we're full of surprises." He glances over to study his crewmates again, a mixture of concern and curiosity on his face.

Nagasaki nods and then hmmms as, with a pivot of her stance, she notices Dunstan...finally. "Hey!" She shouts out while trying to get his attention, waving her hand to him as she tries to get his attention. "Sorry," she then offers to the preacher she stands beside, grinning as she does so. "It isn't every day that someone's brave enough to approach our ship. Best see what he wants."

"Let's get you to the ship, hm?" Gabriella says to Wren, "Get some coffee, and cookies or the like." She offers, a sideways, lingering look given towards the hatch of the Headhunter, a slight twitch at one corner of one of her eyes coming and going in the same moment. Her gaze draws back to Wren, with a soft sigh. "Sound like a plan, mei mei?"

Dunstan looks up from his paper, raising an eyebrow to determine who shouted. He blinks over at Nagasaki, raising his hand in something half greeting, half salute before jerking his thumb toward the Headhunter with an inquisitive expression. "Howdy," he calls back.

Where is this girl with jello legs? Nowhere Wren can see, judging by her expression as she scans the area and then turns back to Nagasaki. Her mouth opens and then closes again as the woman starts yelling to get the attention of the job hunter. Sighing, she gives up hope of seeing the exotic vision, and looks down, seeming surprised to note Passe's arm still around her. "That's how come I came out," she notes to Gabby, rubbing at her eyes again.

Passe nods in agreement with Gabriella and starts walking slowly towards the Dragonfly Invictus, prodding Wren to come along, his arm still around her for support. "Cookies and coffee sound like a fine plan," he comments.

"Not so loud...." Matty mumbles at whoever shouted, then sets the mug down beside her to start rummage through a pocket. She comes out with a bottle and inspects for a moment before popping the lid. She shakes out a couple of pills, then mutters to herself and adds a third. She takes the pills and then reaches for her mug lifting it to add coffee to the mix in order to swallow them.

Alabaster Smith nods to Nagasaki. "Of course," he says cheerfully. "One should never ignore business except for the most pressing of matters. Never know when it'll be a client, or that crew member you need the most." He glances back to watch his crew bond, and dips his head in approval. "Leave me a few of the chocolate chip cookies," he calls to them.

"Will do, preacher man." Gabriella says with a faint smile towards Alabaster, a slightly wider smile and nod given to Nagasaki as she passes the woman, before her attention turns back to Wren. "Come then, mei mei." She says, and heads for the ship.

Wren starts back to the ship at Passe's prodding and Gabby's urging, pulling away from the pilot as she walks. "Bad plan," she mutters, shaking her head, though she doesn't mention exactly why she thinks so. She may not be rock steady, but she seems capable of getting back into the ship on her own two feet.

"Couldn't help but to notice you were standing before my Daddy's and my ship," Naga offers to Dunstan with a wry grin. "Is there something you were looking for or were you just staring at it for shits and giggles?" She leans casually against Alabaster while watching Gabriella and the others board the ship, her brow knitted. "What the hell was that all about?"

Passe follows his crewmates onboard the Invictus, shrugging to Nagasaki as he enters. Sometimes he doesn't understand them at all, but they're his family now.

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