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St. Albans -- Spaceport =>St. Albans<=

Spaceport is a loose term for the primary landing zone on St. Albans. Ever it seems that snow falls upon the planet, continually blanketing everything only to be swept away by the winds and be replaced in turn. At the edges of the hard packed snow and ice coating over a flat expanse of rock are several small buildings, heated by fire, electrical, and by converted ship engines, allowing new arrivals an escape from the freezing temperatures.

The largest building overall, is the cargo offices, which needless to say are the most busy with people rushing in to do business and then hurrying back out and to their ships with cargo in tow on their MULEs. Several stretches of beaten path lead from the spaceport, leading to the close built township of the planet, and others leading towards the homestead ranches that have managed to survive on the frozen wastelands and forests that present themselves.

Tegan offers her quarter-eaten sandwich to Nysa, "I'm not good for much in a place like this, miss. I'm a fine cook, I've been told." she explains, appealing to any shred of compassion the pirate chief might still possess, "I can talk real nice to someone and help them feel better, and ..." she glances around, somewhat conspiratorially, "I bet it's a lot warmer in there, than out here." The sandwich smells -good-....hot, stuffed with meats and fresh vegetables, steam coming off of it still, even.

Naiya lifts her chin up and looks Nagasaki in the eye. Her jaw sets. The reply is simple. "Yes ma'am." No iffs, no ands, no buts. She slides her hands back in her pockets, then looks down and scuffs a bit of snow over a small blood-splotch on the ground. Ew. Someone's been leaking.

Nagasaki nods, looking calmer, her slight rise in temper depleted. "Alright. Now. I haven't had a chance to talk to you much about what it is you can do besides cook and patch up stupid people who get themselves shot but that's something we can discuss later. Right now, we just need to keep you safe."

Nysacire's nose wrinkles lightly at the response from Tegan, apparently still not quite pleased with the situation in the least. A side-long glance is given over towards Jessa as she speaks up, though swift is she to turn gaze back onto Tegan. The Chief Corsair makes not a single acknowledgement to the whisper, instead tipping her head to the side to mutter beneath her breath. A moment's silence, then more muttering happens. Shaking her head lightly side to side in a 'no' manner as the sandwich is offered, yet no verbal decline is given. A small sigh drifts past her lips as she glances over towards Jessa with a small roll of her shoulders forming a shrug. The gloved hands slip from her hips as she looks over to the group of sprogs carrying Persi. "Go get 'er to the doctor." Right hand extends outwards, pointing at three different sprogs, "The three of yah escort our guest in and stay with her." Next, she tips her head towards Jessa to whisper something within the pilot's ear.

"Thank you, miss," Tegan replies enthusiastically, the first hint of a smile creeping onto her features since she set foot on this frozen wasteland. She again makes an offer to the sandwich, "G'wan, take it." she smiles, "I ate all I can of it" she explains, rubbing her stomach idly. "It's fresh lamb and some kinda bird I never seen before." Her smile blossoms fully, warm and disarming. "It's real good, I'm sure someone will want it if you don't."

Naiya simply nods again to Nagasaki, "Yes ma'am." Now that she's not pissed the flush is leaving her cheeks and the tightness around her eyes is returning. "Instructions?" She asks, straightening up. Her eyes slid to the side to try and get a peek at what's going on with Tegan 'n that lot over there, but she keeps her mouth shut and her head down, gaze snapping back to Nagasaki.

Jessa nods firmly to Nysa before looking over to Tegan and the sprogs carrying Persi. "Alright, let’s not stand about all damn day.. inside let’s go..move it along" Herding the sprogs and Tegan along with them she sets off for the corsair, under her breath the occasional cuss can be heard along with a very clear, "And I'm still outta gorram rum.."

The ramp of the Invictus lowers, hot air and warm light flooding out into the Spaceport. At the top of the ramp stands Grey, fully geared and observant. His first gaze goes to the ships in port, taking note of them mentally; then to the people on ground, nodding to those he recognizes, though they might not recognize him as he's currently dressed. He walks down the ramp slowly, his finger riding along the trigger guard of his weapon. He speaks into his iComm interface briefly before casting another look across the Spaceport.

Trailing behind Grey, Wren steps out of the cargo bay a few moments after that. Her head tilts up to take in the weather, and she clutches her new coat closer around her, shivering. Cold is not something she is apparently familiar with.

Tugging at the corners of her lips, the frown deepens upon her features. The lithe arms coil within one another rather awkwardly across her stomach, showing more resistance than before about taking the sandwich. "I ain't hungry." Nysacire's head lolls towards the side, motioning towards the ship. "Best get yer ass movin' into there." Beneath her breath, incoherent muttering begins as she continues to watch carefully Tegan, awaiting for the sprogs and the rest to board.

Tegan shrugs, stuffing another bite of the sandwich into her mouth before following Persi and the rest onto the Corsair. She waves a little wave, "Bye!" she says enthusiastically, making her way inside.

Corin steps down the ramp of the Red Angel and he looks around, pulling his long coat closer around his body to ward off the chill of the frozen planet that they have landed on. He looks back over his shoulder at the Angel and then he grins in an offhand way. He slips his hands into some heavy gloves and pauses at the bottom of the ramp and then takes a slim thermal bottle from his backpack and he removes the cap, pouring some of the steaming coffee into the mug that he dug out from his back. He takes a sip from the mug and looks around at the positive flurry of activity on the landing pads.

Nagasaki shakes her head. "Just hang back. Help where you're allowe.." She pauses as she looks around, frowning slightly as she notices more people. "Gorramit!" She tenses as she begins to count heads but gives up, the woman getting lost before she can even start to get an accurate count. "This better not cut our pay any.."

Naiya glances about, then leans in and whispers something to Nagasaki.

"Ho, Corin!" Grey shouts to the man when he comes down from the Red Angel, lifting up his hand in greeting. He makes his way over to the Angel, steam rising from his every breath. "What's the Angel's business here?" he asks, getting straight to the point. "Could it be that you've heard the news as well?" He glances back and forth between Corin and Wren, lifting up his NV/IRs for now. "Corin, this is Wren. Wren, Corin."

[Invictus] Grey says, "This is Grey. Red Angel's in port, as is the Devil's Corsair an' the Arctic Raider. Looks like our stage is set..."

Wren lifts her hand in a small wave of greeting as Grey makes his introductions, but she quickly shoves it back inside her coat pocket, hand clenching into a fist with the cold. "Hi..." she greets, looking from him to Grey and then back again.

Corin half turns on a heel when someone calls out his name, his hand dropping to the handle of his HK. "Oh.." He says with a grin. "Hey Grey.." he says and then half shrugs. "Not sure.. I came here cause Daniel said to." He explains. He bows his head to Wren and smiles. "A pleasure." he says to her. He looks back at Grey for a moment and then quirks a brow. "And heard about what..?" He asks. "We have been out and about for quite some time." He says. "I have not really been keeping up with current events." he says and then walks over closer to Grey. "What's going on?" He asks and then he glances once more at Wren and offers a smile. "Yeah.. it's cold.." He says to her. He then turns his attention back to Grey.

Naiya leans in, continuing to murmur quietly to Nagasaki, and shrugs. She turns, watching the new arrivals.

"Gabriella's been kidnapped," Grey says flatly to Corin, his gaze going out over the spaceport once more. "Don't know who or why yet - nobody's made a claim of responsibility. Been 'bout a week now, or more. Received intel that she's out here on Saint Albans... Got that piece a info from Frost an' Lareina, an' from the looks of it, they've gathered theirs here as well..." He sighs and fumbles through one of his pockets to pull out a pack of cigarettes. "Didn't want people gettin' shot over me an' mine... But it always happens, don't it?" He carefully draws out a cigarette - not an easy task with combat gloves on - and lights it with an old beaten-up Zippo.

Nagasaki coughs at something and laughs. She shakes her head to Naiya and waves a hand before she turns to look around, chuckling a bit as she does so. With so many faces, many of which are unfamiliar to her, she simply watches for now, waiting until names are used to put them to the faces she doesn't know.

The hatch of the Invictus opens again and a second later Jiao emerges. He's taken the precaution of throwing on several layers of clothing, including a heavy brown coat. A bit of a smile tugs at his lips as he stands at the top of the ramp for a moment. ".............." Several loud metallic clanks as his heavy boots strike the surface of the ramp later and he steps into the layer of snow on the ground and joins the others. <Arabic>

Corin's weapon draws Wren's attention as his hand drops to its grip, a small frown crinkling her brow briefly. "Cold," she echoes in affirmation, bobbing her head once, before she looks back to Grey. Worry clouds her gaze as she watches her Captain, a faint grimace twisting her lips. For the moment she makes no comment, turning back toward the Invictus as she hears Jiao's boots clank against the ramp.

Exiting the Invictus with Jiao Long, is a man about the same height, of obviously middle eastern descent. "Heh..." he remarks softly under his breath, though to what is uncertain. He too, has piled on extra layers for the duration of his stay.

Taylor is just one of the thirty or so minions in grey and purple coat milling around setting up tents, moving boxes, generally going about whatever it is that sprogs do.

Corin narrows his eyes when Grey tells him the news and his hands clench into fists. "I'm so sorry Grey.." He says. "Anything that you need.. you just ask." He says. "I'll put out some feelers and see what I can find out.. I got some folks that might have some idea of what is going on here." He says. "And I gotten shot over a lot sillier reasons than Gabby.." He says to his friend. "So.. I am in.." He says, shifting the large frame of his combat shotgun from on hand to the other.. overcome with a sudden urge to break something.. or someone. "We will get to the bottom of this.. and I swear to you.. that there is going to be someone paying dearly for this.. very dearly.." He looks over at Wren and nods. "This is one of my least favorite planets.." He says and then turns his head to look out over the other ships that are docked currently. "Looks like you got a fair share of help here.. provided that all these ships are here on your account.. could be why Daniel had us come here.." he says and then looks over at Wren and holds out his coffee mug to her, the steam being whipped away by the wind of the landing area. "Coffee?" He asks her.

Naiya has, apparently, borrowed a parka from the arrrrr pirrrrrates, decked out in their purple and grey. She is, however, keeping well aware from their ships, standing off to the side with Nagasaki with her hands in her pockets. Corin's statement about 'least favorite planet' gets a quietly muttered "Hear, hear." That probably doesn't travel far enough for most to hear.

Taylor pauses near Grey, "The recon team came under fire from a sniper near the mine. Woman named..." and thinks, "Persi." and shrugs, "We pulled back here. Excuse me for interrupting, but I ain't seen you, and I figgered to let you know what'd gone on."

Nagasaki is also wearing a parka that has been so graciously provided by their employers. She still watches the comings and goings, looking more and more in her element as she finally starts to figure out who is what and everything.

Grey nods to Corin. "Thank you," he says softly. So calm, for one whose daughter has been kidnapped. "One stipulation. Whoever's responsible for this, I get them alive." His eyes flash with a mix of emotions for the first time. "And they will stay alive. I will make sure the Doctor sees to it." His jaw sets against any more words for a moment, but seeing Wren look back to the Invictus, he looks also and waves Jiao Long and Sunan down to their vicinity, just near the Red Angel. "Mates, this is Corin, an ol' friend a mine. Corin, two newcomers 'board the Invictus, Jiao Long an' Sunan." He smokes idly and takes a step back, giving people room to get acquainted or punch each other as they wish, when Taylor comes up and offers him a short report. "A sniper near the mine?" he asks, his voice sharp, the cigarette dropping from his lips. "Details. How far out, an' what do they know? Only one sniper? What kind of shot was fired? Fifty-cal? What direction from here, precisely?"

Wren hunches her shoulders against the wind, eyes becoming vague for a heartbeat before they refocus on Corin. The mug is examined with a distant sort of incomprehension for a few moments before she manages to connect the word with the object. "Coffee," she echoes, extending a hand to the proffered beverage cautiously. The feeling projected as she takes it is that any hint that this is the wrong move will have her drawing back in an instant.

Taylor pauses and turns back, "Small caliber, high velocity round, a 5.56 or the like...From just over a hundred meters, atop a building, wearing snow camouflage. One shot only before he moved, and recon withdrew."

Nagasaki looks at Grey, overhearing his questions. With a nod, she approaches him, being sure to act in a nonsuspicious manner as she does so. "Must've been near the mines," she offers softly. "We had gone there to scout. We went east, then to the north and then the northeast and back northish a bit." She looks at Taylor. "Is Persi going to be alright?"

Mocking that of a living statue is the Chief Corsair, standing near the ramp of the Devil's Corsair. Lithe limbs awkwardly twined within one another across her stomach. The slender eyebrows continue to be narrowed downwards, intensifying the emerald orbs as they scan across the scene continuing to play out before her. Her physique adorned within obsidian infantry armor. The chest plate baring the symbol of the Arctic Raider, but with a twist of her own. Behind the grinning skull with crossing katanas, flames tangle within one another almost to the top of the chestplate. The helmet to this ensemble is attached to the belt at her lower back by a strap. The strewns of muscles surrounding her mandible tighten, grinding her teeth together. The features of her face depicting one not in the best of moods. A soft red hue colour has painted itself across her nose and cheeks from the infringing cold. Nysacire shifts a bit within her stance, remaining eerie silent for one that usually is speaking quite often.

Naiya shifts forward a half step behind Nagasaki, sticking together with her XO like white on rice. Other than the movement, she's again simply faded into the background noise.

Taylor shrugs, "They took her into the Corsair, to the medbay...It was a through and through, so she'll probably be okay."

Corin nods to Grey. "I get my hands on em and I'll deliver em to you complete with a bow." He says, then he narrows his eyes when Taylor tells him of a sniper. "I think that a sniper is something that might be worth looking into." He says to Grey. "It could be that perhaps whoever that person is.. might have some idea of what is going on here.. and that is something that I wanna know." He says. "I can grab my 54R and we can do see about negotiating with this wayward sniper." He says. "I am -very- in the mood to hurt someone.. no one should come after a child.." he says.. there is a darkness in his tone that gives even himself a bit of a chill.. and not from the cold.

Jiao moves through the snowfield without really batting an eye; he looks, for the most part, quite content with his surroundings. One gloved hand slides into a pocket of the jacket and comes back with a cigarette that he lights a moment later; when Grey introduces he and his cousin, he gives a slight bow, and grins. "Ni hao, Corin." He's only just caught the tail end of the conversation, so he just stands there puffing on his cigarette momentarily. "Biao xiong, I forgot how godawful cold this planet is. But it's beautiful. Call me crazy, but I like it." He smirks, exhaling a thin stream of smoke, and turns towards Wren. "Wren shao jeh. Enjoying the scenery?"

"Crazy." Sunan replies to Jiao Long, before also dipping into a slight bow to Corin. "Ni hao. Sunan Rettburg, security on the Invictus." his gloved hands slip into pockets in his duster, and he shivers slightly. "Godawful cold just about describes it. Didn't like it before, don't like it now. But I s'pose we're here for a reason." Then, one of his hands does pull free from a pocket, only to delve into another on the inside of his coat, coming back out with a small flask.

Grey blinks for a second, then goes down to a knee and draws out the shockproof case on his back. He nods as more information is given. "Time to fuck shit up," he chuckles under his breath as he opens up the case and starts to assemble some kind of weapon. "Jiao Long, Sunan, you're with me." Cleaned and oiled pieces of the weapon come together, are snapped into place, and a quick function test is given to the assembled weapon before Grey stands up, pulling the NV/IRs down over his eyes once more. "Wren... You stay behind." His jaw locks once more for a moment as he deliberates for a few seconds, then he finally says: "If I don't come back in a few hours, an' I don't send a comm... Tell Alabaster that he has command of the ship, and he's to take it to Londinium immediately. I have a house there. It's a safe place for the crew to stay until a resolution comes to this." He fishes out a mag from one of his pockets and loads his weapon. "Let's," he says to Corin with a mirthless grin.

Lost & Found, II

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