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Invictus - Crew Commons =>Invictus<=

This is the ship's common room, a place for the crew to relax, eat, and talk. In the middle of the room is a big table with comfortable chairs placed around it. To the port side near the Med Bay's entrance is a simple kitchen beside a basic storage rack for food and drinks. Starboard, the entry to the Crew Quarters can be found, as well as a number of large lockers for the crew's kit storage. To the room's aft are placed some couches opposite to a Cortex terminal and a large screen where currently some sort of gaming console appears to be hooked up. Between the couches, a small table holds some books and other things to read. Finally, to the front near the entrance to the Captain's Quarters, a corkscrew stairway up to the Bridge can be seen.

Annika strides into the common area from the crew quarters looking haggard, the dark smudges under her eyes like twin bruises. She doesn't look like she's slept well lately, obviously a lot on her mind. She glances around the room as she enters.

Wren is passing through the Commons, on her way down to the cargo bay, just ambling along. As she passes by the kitchen however, she stops and stares. Several items have been pulled out of the cabinets and arranged into a pattern. A quick, guilty glance at Annika and she's moving to hurriedly put things away.

Grey sits at the large table, carefully cleaning his detail stripped Fifty-Four R Sniper Rifle. Humming a little blues tune under his breath to himself, he's hard at work with a small rag and a bottle of CLP, wiping and oiling. Not really paying too much attention to what's going around him at the moment, but intensely focused on his task.

Annika raises her brows at the guilty look Wren casts her way, eyes following her a moment before she shrugs and heads right for her. Distractedly, she asks, "Whatcha doin'?" even as she reaches into a cupboard and pulls out a coffee cup, then sets about making up a fresh pot of coffee. With her back turned, she greets, "Captain." There's no pep in her words.

"Puttin' stuff away," Wren answers Annika, keeping her eyes stubbornly focused on her task as she puts away packages and cans. Poor Alabaster won't know where anything is, since she's simply shoving things back into cabinets as rapidly as she can, without regard for order.

"Annika," the Captain responds in kind, his voice more or less completely flat and dead, as is his visage. "Ya missed our little talk las' night," he says quietly, pointing the bore of the rifle up at the light to see if there's any carbon still clinging to the rifling. "Jus' some... ship's business... stuff," he says with a small shrug, putting the upper receiver and lower receiver groups back together before picking up the trigger mechanism. "Whoever thought of inventing a semi-automatic sniper rifle should be castrated," he mutters to himself.

Annika glances sideways over to the girl from where she's scooping coffee into the pot. "I can see that. What's it all doin' out in the first place?" Her question is clearly off-handed, asked without much thought given to asking it. She finishes putting several scoops into the pot and snaps the brewing pan closed. Her fingers numbly put the lid back on the coffee canister, functioning out of habit. She doesn't turn around to look at the Captain as she answers, "I didn't realize there was gonna be one. Musta passed out...." She lets her words trail off, perhaps assuming the Captain will fill in the details if he wants to. It's not like her to not be vigilant about such things, nor does she respond to his comment about the rifle.

Wren falters for just a moment, hands hesitating as she reaches for a shelf, but then the last of the items are away and she's closing everything up. "Dunno," she answers Annika simply, shrugging her shoulders as she turns back around. A quick glance to the other woman, and then her eyes settle on Grey with a worry clouded gaze.

Grey nods, still focused on his rifle - though now finished with the trigger mech, he moves onto the flash suppressor. "Musta," he agrees. "Weren't nothin' too big. I'm sure the others'll catch you up ta speed. Think I talked a bit too much las' night..." Finally satisfied with the state of his weapon, Grey puts it all back together, and performs a quick function test. "There." Next comes up the Striker, which he begins to disassemble methodically.

Annika shrugs to Wren, not having enough energy to pursue the topic, so she lets it go. She hits 'on' on the pot and turns around to lean back against the counter as she waits for it to brew. The sounds of water heating up, bubbling, starts up. "Alright.." That's all she says as she mindlessly watches him reassemble his weapon. It hasn't occurred to her yet to ask why he's cleaning it.

Wren's eyes shift from Grey to Annika, back to Grey, and finally come to rest on Annika once more. "Little Gabriella's gone missin', an' we're gonna bring'er back," she sums up very simply and rather hurriedly. Better she say it than get the Captain all fired up again, seems to be her premise.

Grey nods in confirmation of what Wren says. "This be your port of harbor iffen ya wanna get off the Invictus, Annika," he says, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I'm going to stop at no measure ta get my daughter back. You might not want to be here to witness that." And the Striker gets the same scrutiny that the Sniper did.

Those words really don't register on Annika at first, her brain so lost in its own haze. But slowly, very slowly, it sinks in. She blinks several times, a visible transformation occurring on her face as she goes from detached to alert. Color actually fills her unusually pale face, removing the ghostly pallor from her skin. Her eyes widen and her mouth goes slack. Staring straight at the Captain, she gapes, "Gabriella's gone?" The words are out of her mouth even as the Captain lays it out for her. She stiffens and straightens up, the transformation back to her old self like a bucket of cold water thrown onto her, "Hell NO, Captain. I ain't gettin' off this ship. Gabriella's just a child. What happened?" Her fingers twitch at her sides, as if they want to reach for her guns. The percolating coffee seems suddenly superfluous.

As soon as Grey begins to speak, Wren tenses, her expression pinched. She lets a slow breath out in relief when he stops at his own brief explanation. Only to have Annika ask for more. The hydroponics engineer scowls at her, clearly unhappy with this turn of events. NEMESIS. That's the word clearly forming in her eyes.

Grey shakes his head. "Don't know. Think she was kidnapped right after she wandered off the ship by herself. Could've been anyone." He falls silent then, and continues to clean the combat shotgun. "Once I have a lead, some kind of clue to follow on, I'll not stop until the end of the thing."

Annika completely misses Wren's silent cues and sinister looks. Pushing up from the counter, she starts for the table, "How in the hell did she get off the ship like that?" There's anger in her voice and she very obviously avoids commenting on her own lack of attentiveness, or how about the fact she didn't even know what the hell was going on. "How many days ago? Who saw her last?" Her mind switches to investigator mode, determined to catch up at lightening speed.

Wren winces at some of the words and then sighs. "Sage, rosemary and thyme-- gotta go," she declares, sidling out of the kitchen with as much space between her and her captain and crewmate as she can. She almost seems to expect a blow from one of them as she turns to flee the room.

Grey looks up when a comm comes through from Glenn Wise down below, and immediately stands up, putting his Striker back together as he walks and loading it at the same time - all while limping with a crutch. "Three days ago. Don't know who saw her last. Security camera caught her walking down the ramp of the Invictus into Eavesdown Docks." With that, he's going down the stairs, to meet this mystery man who's asking for his wife.

Eavesdown Docks - Persephone =>Persephone<=

This lesser kept portion of Persephone's port city is home to legions of disenfranchised entrepreneurs, each tent or stall vying with the next in line. Vendors shout their own particular brand of advertisements or allow the pyres of smoke from their grills to do the advertising for them. Practitioners of every walk of life fill the dirt-covered roads, buying and selling goods of every imaginable value. There are cargo containers stacked in high hills throughout the area creating a set of walls for the outdoor market with exits and entrances to each of the landing platforms that circumnavigate the area outside of the Market. Eavesdown is not well kept, as is a common Spaceport, and the lack of tarmac proves a disruptive force whenever a ship engages its powerful engines: kicking up the red dirt of the port relentlessly. To the Northeast, a section between two landing platforms begins the road to the Spacer's District, where those who are less restricted to Eavesdown may find additional business options.

The man standing guard on the Invictus' ramp is none other than the ship's most senior member, Glenn Wise - looks to be in his mid-forties, and wears a nondescript flightsuit with no distinctive markings. The very marked thing about Mister Wise is that he usually doesn't show any emotion or expression on his face, and he rarely ever talks. So Mera'din must've had one hell of a time trying to get him to call for Isabella.

In any case, a little entourage comes out from the Invictus moments after Glenn Wise speaks into his commlink. Led by a heavily armored man who limps heavily on his left foot, and holds a combat shotgun in his one hand, and wears NV/IRs over his eyes. "Mister Wise," he says to Glenn, who only nods to Mera'din. "You're lookin' for Isabella?" Grey asks Mera'din.

As Mera'din stands waiting, and people start exiting the Invictus, it's obvious that he stands there unarmed, a holster is at his side, but it is empty. His stature is one of a patient man, though when the ship starts spewing crew, none of them being Isabella, he furrows his brow. "Indeed I am..." he looks up at all the rest of the people there. "And you are?""

Jonathan stands near Mera'din his arms at his side. He watches as the area fills up with people.

More hesitant than Annika, Wren trails her and her captain, remaining half in and half out of the cargo bay as she peers anxiously outside the ship. Hazel green eyes silently study both of the men apparently waiting for them.

Annika is but a half step behind Grey, her gold eyes flashing as she looks over the man Mera'din and any companions he has. Armed to the teeth, all the weapons out in the open, she has that look of someone who's used to expecting trouble. She is silent during the exchange, her mere presence speaking volumes more than any words could.

Grey looks Mera'din up and down, his eyes hidden behind NV/IRs. "Isabella ain't available at the moment," he says at last. "You'll hafta talk ta me instead. I'm her husband." His right hand still stays on the trigger mechanism of the Striker he cradles. "What's your business?"

Slipping out of some building or another, Nagasaki arrives at the Docks as she usually arrives somewhere, quiet and watching her surroundings carefully. She notices voices as she happens past a knot of people and she stops, pausing in her exit of the slum-like landing area to watch and eavesdrop.

Mera'din's face lightens when Grey mentions he's her Husband. A look of sympathy crosses his face for a brief moment. "Ah. Good." His eyes flick to the others flanking the man, then back to him. "I've been looking for Gabriella ever since coming across your wife looking for her on the street..." He pauses a moment, cutting himself off. "Anyway. I've been asking around, and I've found out that someone tried to place a contract through the Bounty Hunter's Guild for recovery of a child that fit Gabriella's description. Nobody there was willing to take the contract, but the fact is that someone out there was willing to place it."

Jonathan pats Mera'din on the shoulder and coughs. "Well looks like you got this handled I’ll see you over there." He points at a dumpster. "In about five minutes." He looks at weapon in the other mans hand and coughs again. "Might be longer." He tips his hat to those around and moves as far as possible from Mera'din. When he hears the other man speak he dose an about face and returns to his side. "Or I’ll stay right here."

Creeping further out of the Invictus, Wren frowns at Mera'din, her gaze bouncing between him and his companion.

Grey nods slowly, taking in Mera'din's words. "I see," he says, his grip on the Striker relaxing ever so slightly. "The recovery, probably put in by Corin." He takes in a deep breath, tilting his head a bit to the side. "What's your name, mate, an' what's your connection ta Isabella?"

Well, now, that's interesting, definitely the kind of thing that catches the tall woman's attention and causes Nagasaki to linger all the more despite her inner-voice telling her she should move on. With a frown, she finds herself staring at Grey for a moment before she shrugs, only one name being one she knows.

Annika relaxes barely enough to be noticed, obviously not finding Mera'din's desire to be helpful very relieving at a time like this. His comment about bounty hunter's perks up her attention, though, and she leans in to whisper something to Grey.

"Ah. Pardon me, where have my manners gone. Mom would be appalled." Mera'din extends a hand, slowly, so as not to spook the person he's facing. "Mera'din." He pauses a moment to see if the other will accept the handshake, and drops his hand if Grey doesn't move to respond in kind. "Only connection I have to Isabella is that I found her on the street crying about Gabriella's loss. Couldn't claim myself to be a civilized man if I didn't stop to help a woman in distress." He pauses for a moment "Don't know much about the inner workings of the Bounty Hunters Guild, but I did say no one there took the contract. ... Do you have reason to suspect Corin placed the bounty?"

Jonathan pats the man next to him on the shoulder and smiles. "I'm here as moral support for him. Yea, team that sort of thing." He clears his throat and stops talking before he makes a bigger fool of himself. He is obviously very nervous.

All these people with their guns and fierce demeanors and Important Business. Wren seems more than a bit befuddled at what to make of all of it, but Jonathan's discomfort grabs her attention. "Hi," she chirps up at him, offering a smile and a small wave.

Grey takes Mera'din's hand and shakes it firmly. "Grey," he responds in kind, introducing himself by the name he's most well-known by. "Corin's a good friend of mine an' Isabella's. He's the acting Head of the Guild right now. I know a few in the Guild... I kin find out more 'bout that through them." Taking a half-step back, he nods to Jonathan as well.

Tyr makes his way down off of the Invictus and stands near Wren and Jonathan, trying to be cheery for them as well. "Hey, Wren," he smiles. "Hi." This to Jonathan-the-new-person.

Mera'din turns to look at Jonathan, arching an eyebrow before looking back at Grey. "Well, now you know one more." He shrugs. "Soon anyway. Following up with your wife's plight has prevented me from checking up on the status of my Guild membership application."

Jonathan tips his hat to Wren. "Morning Miss." He looks a Grey and reaches around Mera'din to offer his hand. "Me I’m Jonathan Brind." He tips his hat to all about that aren't within reach. "Nice ta meet everyone."

Wren turns to smile at Tyr as he comes out of the ship, stepping back a little so as not to be in Jonathan's way. "They're here 'bout Gabriella," she whispers to him as an aside.

"Well, now," Naga drawls slowly as she passes especially close behind Mera'din, her smile now a coy grin that actually reaches those odd, dual-colored eyes of her. "Ya say yer a bounty hunter? Ah didn't realize just 'ow many there were in the 'Verse. With as finely dressed ya are, Ah'd have you pegged as ah doctor or somethin'." Her eyes drift over his shoulder to look at the ones he has been speaking to, faces taken in, dedicated to memory. "Is there some kind ah problem?"

Annika waits until the last possible moment, her arms moving to cross in front of her chest. Finally, she shares her own name, "They call me Nika. Well met." Her fierceness doesn't show in her voice, suggesting it is not directed at the new pair, but in fact elsewhere. The tense alertness never leaves her body as she listens to everything with finely tuned ears.

Tyr furrows up his brow and nods his head when Wren says why the fellows are here. "We got some sort of lead on where she is?" he asks, softly, all on edge now.

Grey nods and takes Jonathan's hand as well with his hard armored gloves. "This is my current head a security, Miss Annika; our resident Hydroponics Engineer, Miss Wren; an' a security hand an' animals expert, Mister Tyr." Grey indicates everyone in turn. "A small portion of the Invictus crew." He leans heavily onto his right side, supporting himself on a crate to take the weight off himself.

Mera'din turns his head to follow Naga for a moment, commenting. "Not a member yet, like I said. Unless my application has already been accepted and I've not been told." He looks back to Grey. "That's about all the news I have now. Ear still out listening for more, and I won't give up the search. I figured Isabella, and you might be interested to know what likely happened. Saves time on the street looking for a girl that's likely not lost."

Jonathan looks at all the people looks at Naga and smiles. "Me I have the license. Mera'din is having his application reviewed. If he needs me I am here for him, but this is his case." He straightens himself and watches the surroundings. His discomfort seems to fade.

Tyr's question draws a grimace from Wren. "Maybe?" she answers uncertainly, glancing back to Grey and the rest. Just in time to see the new person join the conversation briefly. Canting her head to one side she studies the woman as she passes by.

Nagasaki nods and leans over, looking like she might kiss Mera'din's ear, obviously having no issues with doing so as she does so without thinking twice. Once done, she leans back and reaches up to try and run a finger along that same ear she just spoke into. "Well, Ah see. But ye'll be one soon, yes?" She hears Jonathon and nods a bit before she falls back a bit more, taking a few steps back.

Tyr looks thoughtful as Wren gives a response. And then he turns when he hears his name. "Howdy, folks." He tries to be friendly, but also wary at the same time. Worried, more like it.

Annika also notices the newcomer, finding it curious the woman (Nagasaki) feels there is no problem with her interjecting in personal business. She takes a step closer to the woman, not close enough to be threatening, but close enough to let the woman know she's watching her. Giving a nod to Mera'din, she speaks to him while her Captain mulls in silence, "Any news is good news. How can we reach you if we need the help?"

Grey nods a little bit. "The question is not what happened to Gabriella. The question is /who/ - the list of potential kidnappers is far too long for me to even begin to narrow it down until I have any clues." He draws out a cigarette and lights it quickly with an old and beaten-up Zippo.

Freya yawns a little as she disembarks from the Phoenix. She rubs at her eyes and looks around the docks. She slips her hands into her pockets and stands there for a few moments as if she were considering where to go next.

Mera'din glances over at Nagasaki and smiles before turning to look at Annika while Grey ponders. "Wouldn't exactly call this news good, but I've been staying at <insert random hotel name here> until I can find a more permanent bed. You can likely leave word for me at the Bounty Hunters Guild." He glances at Jonathan then back. "I'm sure someone can get hold of me through there." He turns back to Grey, listening. "Well, that still is the question, yes. Like I said. I won't stop till we find out who the Mi Tian Gohn is who would sink to such a level and kidnap a little two year old girl." He gets a half grin. "And that’s on top of the Mi Yong Ma Duh Tse Gu Yong who would place the bounty in the first place."

Jonathan gives Mera'din a nudge. "Why you sly dog." He nods his head to Naga but speaks to him. "When did you two hook up?" He backs away from Mera'din so he can talk more privately with Annika. It dawns on him that his humor is not as cute as he hoped it would be.

Annika acknowledges Mera'din's words with a curt nod, "We'll find her." She sounds convinced, and though she doesn't say at much, she looks to share his sentiments exactly. Glancing back to her crew, she announces, "I'm going to head out and ask around. I've got my own connections here. I'll catch up with ya'll in a few hours." She turns to head out, "Captain," by way of parting.

Mouse steps through the docks this fine evening, weaving in and out of the crowds. He hasn't got his guitar as he usually does. Likely, he's looking for work today instead. As he passes the group

Wren blinks rapidly at Nagasaki and Mera'din, her brow furrowing as she tries to figure out their connection. His commentary on the unknown kidnapper draws a wince from her, however, and she quickly drops her gaze. Taking a step closer to Tyr, she nods absently to Annika as the woman announces her intentions.

Mouse steps through the docks this fine evening, weaving in and out of the crowds. He hasn't got his guitar as he usually does. Likely, he's looking for work today instead. As he passes the group, he considers speaking to them briefly, casting a casual glance up at the ship. But as he spots the name Invictus, he is immediately reminded of the woman he encountered just one day prior, and decides that these must be those very same people, and further that he shouldn't bother them. So he shrugs, and starts to move on.

Tyr raises a hand to Annika when she makes her way out. He places his hand near Wren's, frowning as he hears more about a bounty put on Grey's little girl.

"The boun - oh," Grey says, when he realizes that Mera'din means the kidnapping of Gabriella was put up for the Bounty, not the actual recovery of her. "...Oh." His hands ball into fists, the hard armor of the gauntlet cracking as he grips hard. "Well, then. I suppose I'll have to send my old friend Corin a little Wave, and see if he knows who put that up on there."

"Did someone lose someone," Nagasaki asks, the drawl dropping for now, the desire to speak at more than a near snail's pace causing her do let the accent go for now. "Or am I total off base here with my line if thinking?" Her brow furrows as she notices Wren's doing the same as she is looked at, her own confusion allowing for the expression for form on her features. "I'd offer my help but it seems like there are already too many cooks with their hands in the pot. Still, if you ever need assistance with this, all you need to do is look for me."

After some thought Freya makes up her mind where to go and starts weaving her way through the crowded docks in a northeasterly direction. She glances at Mouse, noting the kid's appearance in that almost absent way one has of noticing people in a crowd. Turning her head she sees the group near the Invictus but not recognizing them she doesn't move that way.

Odell is walking around, looking particularly bored when he notices a lot of people roaming around the docks.

With three loud *clangs*, Nano starts hopping down the ramp. The strange noises can be attributed to her one-footedness. Why, you ask, would she hop down on one foot? 'cause the other foot's in the air, having a boot yanked onto it. The unkempt woman looks like she just woke up-- not just from the boot-yankin', but also the frizzy hair, and the half-closed eyes. Nearly tripping, she hits the bottom, pinwheels her arms for balance...and looks around. "........" <Gaelic>

Annika separates herself from the rest of her Invictus crew and makes a path for the north part of town. Her step is determined, a woman with a mission.

Mera'din looks over at Nagasaki. "Ma'am. When it comes to finding a kidnapped two year old girl, I'm not sure there IS such a think as too many cooks in the pot."

The sound of Grey's cracking armor pulls Wren's gaze to him, and she peers at the heavily equipped man. "Don't break it," she advises earnestly, before her attention returns to Nagasaki. She is frowned at again, as the small hydroponics engineer tries to figure out what's going on once more. The abrupt clanging interrupts any real conclusions she might be able to draw, making her jump a little and dart a glance in that direction.

Jonathan looks around at the people around them. His eyes squinting in the sun. Otherwise he stays quite.

Grey starts to back up toward the Invictus. "Perhaps that's the truth," he says on the tail of Mera'din's comment to Nagasaki, "but the enemies I have are many an' deadly. Don' get yerself involved in this only ta see yerself killed. But should ya decide that it's worth yer time an' the danger..." He nods to the ship as he turns on his heel. "My comm frequencies are always open, an' my WAVE address is public domain." The Invictus' Captain disappears inside the ship, and Glenn Wise stays outside, arms crossed, looking passively disinterested.

Odell continues to make his way thru the crowd, when he at first hears the clanking of Nano comming down the ramp, then he overhears someone mention a kidnapped two year old and raises his brow. He decides to make is way over to where Nano is to see if she requires any assistance, before inquiring about this missing kid.

Tyr frowns slightly as the conversation continues, perhaps unsure of what he can say to help. So he just lingers with Wren.

Mouse offers no more greeting to Freya than he would to anyone he passes on the street. However, he apparently notices the satchel strapped to her chest, a moment after she's passed. He pauses briefly, looking over his shoulder at the woman, and then turning to face her, one eyebrow quirked downward to simulate the other one being raised. This is around the time those three clanks can be heard, but he pays no real mind to that, catching the movement out of the corner of his eye. As long as it stays there, instead of coming toward him, he doesn't care. He recognizes the woman's voice, though, and the unusual language, so he casts a quick glance in that direction, reflexively, before looking back after Freya, curiously.

Nano stands, silently, broodingly, and glares at Odell. Out of anger? No...OK, it's more a 'squint+anger at being woken up hating on the stupid sun.' "............." she grumbles, elaborating on her earlier unhappiness. "............................" Lovely...when one is so sleepy that one can't choose their language. <Gaelic>

Nagasaki nods, relieved to get some form of answer as to just what it was that is going on out of someone. "I see. I'll try to help. Anyway I can get the statistics on the child as well as on the events?" Grey then speaks to her and she can't help but to laugh and many weapons start to come out of hiding from her person, none unconcealed in a threatening manner but rather in a way to show just how well armed she is. "I don't think I'll have to worry," she murmurs even as he begins to depart. "Well, this is...lovely."

Odell pauses a bit as he notices the glare, and does his best to hide the growing smirk at seeing nano in such disrepair. He calmly walks up to her and gives her a slight bow. "Greetings lady Nano, do you require any assistance?" as he cocks his head at the dangling boot, and her unkempt appearance. While waiting for a response he turns his head, to see if he can spot the individual who mentioned the missing kid.

Mera'din appears to have said what he came to say, he turns his attention towards Nagasaki, moving to get off the boarding ramp of the Invictus. His eyebrows are some of the raised ones. "Quite the arsenal you carry miss..."

Freya turns her head at the noises and chuckles a little at the sight of Nano until the woman falls over that is. Then Freya looks concerned and starts to move that way a little. She doesn't understand what the woman is saying, but from the general facial expressions being revealed guesses Nano isn't harmed by the ordeal and turns away again, her gaze flitting once more towards Mouse and staying there long enough for her to nod his way and say, "Hello."

Nano continues to semi-glare, at Odell. She plops down, shakes her head, grumbles more, and starts to try again, in an easier position. Nah, she mutters. "......................." She silences, for a moment, and stares around, quietly. Why's ever'one here? <Gaelic>

Jonathan backs away a little more and keeps his eyes on the crowd.

Odell kneels down beside Nano while she continues to finish getting dressed, or what ever it is she has to do. "I’m not entirely sure lady Nano, was just walking around, when I noticed the crowd. I believe I overheard someone mention something about a missing two year old female. So far nothing else has been mentioned that I could overhear."

"Nagasaki," she says softly. "Name's Nagasaki. And you are?" She casts another look about the area, starting with Wren and ending with Jonathan, the man getting the brunt of her gaze as she watches him curiously. "I see you and Jonathan have met. Or at least have made each other's acquaintance." She leans back a bit as she suddenly realizes there are more people around than there had been previous to now and she shifts, moving her weight from her right leg to her left as she winces.

Mouse raises both eyebrows now. He hadn't expected her to turn back around. Shrugging a bit, though, he returns the nod. "Interesting bag. I've never seen one carried like that." The statement seems to be just that, more than a request for information, but it could be he was trying to hurry the conversation along to this point before Freya left: "I don't suppose you're on a ship that's looking for a decent engineer?"

Nano stops. Well, bugger. That wasn't fun. "....................................." With that oh-so-eloquent thing spat out, she flops onto her back, closes her eyes, and groans. "Blarg. They better find 'er." <Gaelic>

Because Mouse mentioned it Freya's gaze is drawn to her bag and she grins at him. "I carry medical supplies in it usually. Need to refill it actually." She cants her head and looks him over, "An engineer? I can't say really. I was only hired on a while ago myself. I could ask for you. What's your name kid?"

Most of the people who seemed to have business with the Invictus are moving off, but a crowd is continuing to form near their boarding ramp. After a few moments of worried consideration, Wren decides retreat is the better part of valor. And hightails it back inside the Invictus.

Take me back to Wren's RP Logs