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Latest revision as of 12:58, 8 February 2008

Wren walks alongside Gabriella's stretcher as far as the entrance to the medbay, and then stops. Peering anxiously into its confines, she balks at actually entering the room once more, letting the men carry the woman the rest of the way without her.

Annika follows behind the stretcher looking pretty damn exhausted. Not only was there a scare when they got locked on the ship, and a bomb to survive, but now she has to live with knowing there are just some things she can't protect the crew from. And that's her job. To protect them. It seems to be hitting her harder than she expected. She looks up, a little shell-shocked herself, as she walks into the med bay. She glances over to the doctor. She starts to say something, but then hears Gabriella yelp in pain. She turns sharply toward the girl and finds her eyes, "You're doing good Gabby. That's right. Tell me the code.. You will figure it out." She's starting to sound dejected, her voice softening.

Gabriella is carried in to the medical bay on a stretcher by two miscellaneous persons Wren had recruited. Wren stands beside her, still pressing cloths to her shoulder which still had open gashes, and, from the sounds that had emitted seconds after the explosion, most likely several broken bones. Her eyes were closed, her breath somewhat ragged, a series of soft grunts escaping with each step of her carriers. "Asterisk seven u percent underscore a one ninety-two z dot backlash asterisk w d c r d." She yelps suddenly, her eyes flying open as she searches for Annika, as if it was the holy grail.

The Arabic woman smiles a little, more with her eyes than her mouth, and she glances up at the man's face. "Zahara," she says simply before saying a few words into her iComm unit.

She waits a second and then glances over as Grey is brought in, still in his boxers. "I'm going to have to deal with his wife again, I see. Wonderful. More insurrection in my medical bay," she murmurs dryly. "Just what I need. I think I'm just going to have someone reset the locks on this room until I get people patched up and out of here. I -will- not have this place turning into a circus like it did last time."

She exhales and reaches out to the bed to steady herself as she suddenly sways on her feet. Her eyes are pain-filled and a little dazed for a moment until she blinks rapidly, seeming to force herself to pull lit together. That bandage on her head is looking rather bloody now, and her face is pale from blood loss.

Alabaster Smith waves woozily at the new people, briefly. "Ladies," he greets. Ah apologize for not getting up, but the Lord's told me Ah'm better off lying down. Ah expect a full report of why Ah'm in tremendous pain, later."

The doctor looks up, still holding on for a little extra support. She gestures to the bed meant for Gabriella, and then looks back at Wren. "Wren?" she asks wearily. "Would you please go to the kitchen and find me some orange juice? I'll also need something salty to eat please, or just some salt on a napkin."

She glances over at Gabriella and then back to the man with the broken back. She waits a few minutes and then nods. "Alabaster," she says softly. "I'm going to give you a corticosteroid called methylprednisolone. This will help reduce any swelling around your spinal cord. You're also experiencing some spasticity in your leg muscles... I'm giving you an injection of botulinum toxins to counter that. Then, when I'm sure that your brain functions and breathing are fine, I'm going to begin surgery. Your spine should be numb by now from the shot I already gave you. Right?"

The doctor looks like Death warmed over, but she's hanging in there dogmatically. She is a workaholic, after all, and her patients come first before herself. Case in point.

"Up, down, touch the ground. In the mood... for food." Gabriella says, echoing part of Alabaster's words in a sing-song voice. A giggle escapes, her head struggling up off the stretcher in search of the source of the voice. "Preacher man?" She asks hoarsely before her head drops back down again. "Blown up. Better here than in the black. Turn grey in the black." She mutters.

Her eyes fall close again, a shiver slipping over her skinny form once again. "Salt in the wounds, stings like a bitch." She mutters, apparently only catching bits and pieces of the conversations around her. "Salt. NaCl. Sodium Chloride. Number (I have no idea off the top of my head but the charrie does) on the periodic table of elements."

Zahara sighs and looks over at Annika. "Nika. I need to you do me a favour. All crew are accounted for, and with the Captain and First Mate out of the count, command falls to me, this being a medical issue. Please go and make sure that the rest of the ship is secure."

She glances down as she gives first one then the other shot to Alabaster. "I'll need you to check on Isabella and the children as well. Make sure that she knows the Captain is -fine- with only a fractured leg, and that I am in the middle of surgery. Restrain her if you have to. Promise her that as soon as I am able, I will have the Captain transferred to their quarters. But now is -not- the time to have frantic spouses with the Reverend's back on the line."

She looks back up and purses her lips. "And please. Don't mention that I asked you to restrain her if she won't stay away? She already seems to think that I'm trying to keep her from Grey..."

Wren stares at the doctor for a long moment, and then turns away mumbling 'one' as she does. She crosses into the kitchen area and then stands there, looking around uncertainly. "One," she repeats, and then adds, "Five." That prompts her to a cabinet where some crackers are stored, which she collects. "Five," she says again, going this time to the fridge and pulling out a carton of the juice. With both items in hand, she returns to the entrance of the medbay and holds them out to Zahara, seeming almost to exist in a bubble of privacy as the words spoken around her slide by without comment or notice.

Annika stands sort of uselessly near Gabriella as she is loaded onto the bed. Seems like she's going to stick to the only job she's got left with a dogged determination, even though she's starting to look dead on her feet. She glances up when Zahara addresses her, the look in her eyes positively grateful, "Yes, Ma'am. I can do that." She can do something that doesn't deal with people she couldn't protect. This is the doctor's domain. Nodding, she briefly touches Gabriella's shoulder, "You're going to be okay Gabby. I've got to go for now.. but I'll come back to check on you later." She tries to make sure the woman won't wonder where she is. As she moves to leave, she adds, "I'll keep her out as best I can. You patch these folks up, doc, you hear?" And then she makes her way out.

Zahara merely nods. "I'll do my best even if it kills me," she says. And she obviously means it. She waits for the medicines to kick in, moves to Wren and accepts the food and juice with a weakened smile of thanks.

For now, she drinks a little, eats a little, and watches her charges with a tired but well-trained eye.

Gabriella is quiet for a minute or five, her eyes drifting open and staring up at the ceiling through a somewhat unfocused gaze. She turns her head towards the rest of the room finally, bracing herself with her good arm and pulling herself upright into a sitting position. "Y'know, I really am feeling better." She murmurs, dropping unsteadily to her feet with a woozy grin. She takes a step, then starts the second, before her eyes roll back half way into her head and her knees buckle out from underneath her.

As soon as she is relieved of her two items, Wren is moving back and away from the threshold into the Medbay. Her footsteps are wandering, not seeming to head in any particular direction, except AWAY. So, she doesn't notice Gabby's attempt to make her own escape, or her subsequent failure.

Zahara drops the juice and crackers on the floor just outside her medbay, where she stands where Wren was, and dashes with the clicking of frantic heels forward to snag the tiny girl before she hits the floor. "That's it," she murmurs. She begins to examine the woman's pupils and skintone.

Easing her back onto the bed, with some difficulty, she swiftly restrains the girl, loosely. Not enough to frighten, but enough to keep her from falling -off- the bed. She moves to the medbay door swiftly.


The voice is commandingly firm and more than a little concerned. "I need to ask you something. It's very important before I try to help Gabby any more that you tell me -anything- that you might know."

Wren is halfway across the commons when Zahara's voice reaches her, forcing her to stop and turn to face back in the direction of the Medbay. "I know too many things... It always hurts and won't heal proper and scars last forever, especially the ones you can't see," she says, eyes wandering and refusing to stay focused on any one area.

Zahara gestures back to Gabriella. "Did Gabby -take- anything? She's showing signs of drug induced behaviour..." She shakes her head very gently. "This is insane. I have surgery to go to... Wren, please... I know that you don't like medical bays, but if I leave the door open... Won't you sit with Gabriella? I really don't want to sedate her, but I can't be with both her and try to save the Preacher's life..."

Gabriella's pupils are extremely dilated, her skin pallor white beneath the typical golden hue. Her eyes are unfocused, her breathing incredibly shallow for a long moment as Zahara catches her and replaces her onto the bed, her body limp and not reacting to any of the sensory input. Until, a moment later, her consciousness apparently returns, and she tries to move.... Panic creases her face, as she tests first one limb, then the others, a gasp of pain as her broken shoulder bones grate against each other, her other hand pulling in a spasm against the binding, snapping the cloth... Yay for adrenaline! "No, I won't!" She cries, though as to what exactly she wouldn't do, was anyone's guess.

Zahara swears and turns at the sound of ripping restraints. "................................" she says in a tone meant to be soothing. "...................................................................................................................................................................."<Arabic> The woman whips up her iComm unit and begins to broadcast.

[100.00 MHZ] Zahara says, "This is the Invictus. Are there any other ships in the Boros area?"

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "What cha need Invictus?"

The doctor's voice is imploring, but Wren's feet remain rooted to the floor. There's a silent battle no one witnesses, her body tensing to a vibrating pitch as she hears the sounds of tearing restraints. One heartbeat. Two heartbeats. Three, four, five, and she looks about ready to break in two when she finally does take a step back in the direction of the bay. "Little girls have to take their medicine," she says, her voice taking on an odd, alien quality as she nears the entrance. Menacing.

[100.00 MHZ] Morgaine says, "This is the kitsune, We are taking off from Sihnon now and can divert there quickly."

[100.00 MHZ] Morgaine says, "Is there need of Assistance?"

[100.00 MHZ] Zahara says, "Kitsune. Thank you. This is Doctor Zahara Ayasha of the Invictus. I am in need of medical supplies and an extra pair of hands. ETA?"

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "I a medic Do, can I help? Well I can if I can get the ok to hop a shuttle to where you are."

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "er Doc."

[100.00 MHZ] Morgaine says, "Soon as the space lanes allow us. we have some spare supplies since we always negotiate extras when carrying cargo of that sort. Our Doctor is asleep but I can perhaps assist."

[100.00 MHZ] Unknown says, "Here's ah fuggin' idea. How 'bout all yah chattie fucks make yer own lil channel t' continue yer tea party."

Gabriella shudders as her body screams in pain as the bones grate again as she falls back against the bed, eyes wide, nostrils flared, teeth grating. ".................." She whispers, lids sealing closed, a set of tears slipping down her cheeks. "............................................................"<Romany>

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "Fuck yerself jerk. Someone needs assistance. Ya don't want to hear then turn your friggin com off. That is.. O.. f.. f. Incase you don't understand."

[100.00 MHZ] Jovana says, "Jewel. Stow it."

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "Invictus, on my way with some supplies."

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "er damn. Sorry Invictus, no shuttle from here."

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "Jov can we head to Boros and you drop me off?"

[100.00 MHZ] Zahara says, "Thank you, Kitsune. Expect to see you soon. And that's alright. No need to stress yourself, ma'am. I'm sure that the Kitsune will be the aide we need."

[100.00 MHZ] Unknown says, "Red Angel does it better."

[100.00 MHZ] Jewel says, "Sorry bout that doc. I'm the Red Angel medic if you need help later."

Zahara casts a look over at Wren. "Be calm, Wren. It's alright. I've got help on the way." She looks back at Gabriella and pats her idly. She then moves over towards the now prepped Alabaster and murmurs something in the man's ears before setting up her operations.

A steady progression of steps continues to bring Wren back to the entrance of the bay. Measured. Deliberate. Unhurried. And eminently calm. She steps across the threshold, her head swiveling to look at Zahara briefly. "Can't let the mice run out of their cages," she comments in that same alien voice.

"......................." Gabriella whispers, her body too weak now to respond over much to her attempts at movement, her head turning to face the wall in resigned defeat, oblivious to the ongoings in the rest of the bay.<Gaelic>

[MHZ] Morgaine says, "This is the kitsune landed on Boros, what is situation."

"Sit down, Wren. There's a chair by the door."

Zahara's voice is very calm, and her eyes are trained on the now uber creepy girl. From seemingly out of nowhere, a Lightfoot is produced and then placed into the labcoat pocket, hand still around it warily.

"You can watch Gabby from there. What..." She pauses. "Did you give Gabby, Wren? I need to know so that I can help her and help you. But I need you to be calm and do exactly as I say."

Despite the gun's appearance, Zahara seems genuinely concerned with Wren's well being.

Grey is unconscious with a splinted leg. Alabaster Smith, the First Mate, seems to have just had surgery on a broken back. Gabriella, is on another bed, broken restraints about her and gibbering incoherently. Even Zahara is wounded, a bloody bandage about her head, and her face far too pale from blood-loss. But Wren... Well, poor Wren is advancing menacingly into the medical bay, without an apparent scratch about her.

Morgaine comes in liberally covered with boxes. Two are strapped to her back, one under each arm. She has to be carrying 50 lbs of supplies and looking like she is about to collapse from the weight. She appears to be struggling as if badly overloaded. The older spacer is not very strong. She will worry about the fuel cost and supplies for settling with her captain later. There goes the rest of her paycheck. She is ignoring any alarms that her entry might have triggered.

Zahara moves as swiftly as a woman in heels and with a head injury can do. She stops just out of Wren's reach and uses her longer arm to gently get the girl's attention. "Wren. Wren... Stop. Wren... Good little girls do what they're told."

Morgaine shakes her head, "I got these supplies when I negotiated a cargo off Greenleaf earlier in the week, I hadn't even turned them over to our doctor yet but she will likely skin me when she finds I turned them over to someone else. " She sets them down and looks around, "What the hell happened?"

Morgaine's entrance is noted with a swift flick of her eyes in that direction, noting and dismissing her presence at the same time. Zahara's feather light touch draws more attention, and Wren turns to look at the woman. Hazel green eyes hold all the warmth and compassion of the Black, bleak and empty and pitiless as she stares. "Little girls do what they're told," she concurs, and then stops.

An intermittent spurt of things that might be words stumble out of Gabriella's lips, her head lolling slowly towards the room at large, unfocused eyes drifting towards the center of the room, happily oblivious to the situation at hand. <Gaelic>

Zahara breathes out heavily, as if relieved, and her face pales even more. She nods weakly. "Then little girls will sit by the door until told otherwise. Now." She watches warily to see if Wren will comply. She looks only then at Morgaine.

"Explosive, high yield, on the Lady. Grey managed to get it off while Annika and I did as ordered and kept exploring the ship. It broke my First Mate's back, broke Grey's leg, sheet metal lodged in Gabby's shoulder damn near, and console from the Lady Antoinette to the back of my head. I had to complete a surgery on Alabaster, while baby-sitting Gabriella, and making sure that Grey stays stable. Not to mention this one here..." She gestures at Wren.

She looks back over at Gabby and begins to speak in first one, then another language. Zahara says, ".............................................................." <Arabic> Zahara looks at Wren but continues speaking to Gabby, saying: "......................................................................................" <French>

A shudder passes through Wren, her eyes gradually returning to their normal vague but harmless state. Another shudder wracks her frame as Zahara speaks, and then a fine trembling takes hold of every muscle. "Monsters," she declares in a whisper, turning and bolting from the room as quickly as her feet will carry her.


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