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Invictus - Bridge =>Invictus<=

The ship's bridge is not that large, and therefore only the bare basics are put there. The Flight and Co-Pilot consoles are placed beside each other with the NavSat sitting between them, and the Captain's Chair sits some six feet behind them centered as to give the best panoramic view. The Comm/Sensor Console is located to the right of the Captain's Chair. The front view ports of armored glass are sizable and provide a clear and relatively unrestricted view. Behind the consoles to the back of the Bridge lies the stairway down to the Crew Commons, able to be locked with an armored hatch.

"Maybe," agrees Tyr watching Gabriella closely. "So when did you come on board?" he wonders. "I mean, I'm new myself, so I don't mean it like accusing or anything."

"Yesterday, Mr. Bannik. And at the moment, it's only for this job." Gabriella informs Tyr, taking another long draw from the cigarette held loosely between her index and middle finger. "My interview with the Cap'n got kind of interrupted." She says with a wry grin.

Tyr ahs and nods his head. "Well, that would make sense," allows Tyr. "And gosh, why do people keep calling me Mr. Bannik? I'm just Tyr." He chuckles and shakes his head. "Really."

Gabriella smiles again, glancing towards her console as a soft 'beep' is heard and her feet drop to the ground as she leans forward, fingers finding the keys in rapid succession. "Hah!" She says triumphantly, as a image and file pulls up on her screen. With a nod, she types in another sequence of code, and then leans back once more. "Tyr it is, then." She says, glancing back to him. "So, how long you been around?" She questions.

The sound of booted feet climbing up the stairs onto the bridge precedes Wren's head popping up. There's a short pause while she searches the room, first noting Gabriella's presence, and shortly thereafter Tyr's. Focusing in on her fellow new crewmember, she continues her climb up and into the bridge.

"Hey! Wren!" Tyr seems happy to see the familiar face. "Come on in and join the non-party." At the 'ha!' his head jerks over. Tech things. Oh. "Uhm. Couple of weeks."

Annika fixes her gold eyes on Wren for a while, noticing how the girl turns skittish whenever she's around. The slowest of smiles creeps across her lips, barely discernable. She crosses her arms over her chest, content to stay in the background.

Gabriella glances back behind her again as Wren and Annika enter, a fangy grin given to the two of them before she turns her attention briefly back to the console in front of her as another soft beep emits from it. Eyebrows arch slightly upwards at the tone of the little one from the night before, and she glances sideways again with mild curiosity, albeit through half-lidded eyes. At least she was attempting some kind of discretion.

"Sure, Wren," says Tyr with a little nod of his head. He gets on up to his feet. "Wanna do this somewhere that's not the bridge? We can go get some tea in the Commons and we can chat."

Wren darts a glance over to Gabriella, a brief uncertainty showing before she looks back to Tyr. "Tea's nice," she affirms with a nod, turning right back around to head down to the commons.

Annika lets her eyes slide from Wren over to Gabriella, her expression unreadable as she studies the woman for a minute or two. She's aware of the constant beeps from the console and the way the woman seems to never leave it. Turning back to Wren, she finally speaks, "She wants to warn you she sleep walks and things can get violent. Not so sure I like having her on a ship I've gotta watch out for." Bah. She just spoiled the surprise.

Tyr glares at Annika. He's decidedly Not Happy. "Hey. If a person wants to not have to say somethin' in front of people she don't know, I think others oughta respect that, don't you?" It's not really a question. "Come on, Wren," says Tyr. "We'll go get some tea and you can tell me yourself in your own way."

Gabriella seemed to either have no reaction to Annika's report, or hadn't heard it, her face remaining neutral, though the corner of her lips to the side facing away from the woman quirked up slightly. A small glance given over her shoulder to Tyr at his defense of Wren's honor, but then turning back to the console, tapping in a few more sequences of code before dropping back into the chair once again, letting herself relax, fingers clasping over her stomach.

Annika turns the full measure of her gold eyes to Tyr, completely unapologetic, "My job is to protect this ship and its crew. I don't give a shit if she's uncomfortable with me spillin' the beans. She brings her ass on this ship, knowing she could get violent. It's my business. If she don't like me tellin' her secrets, she can bloody hell get the fuck off the ship!" She actually raises her voice as she straightens up to face Tyr.

Wren's only taken about two steps down when Annika speaks up, and her head pops back into view to look from her to Tyr. A brief conflict of emotions flows across her face, and she seems of two minds about whether she should say something or not, her mouth opening and closing a few times. When Annika begins raising her voice her eyes widen, and she begins to shake her head rapidly. "Secrets are tiny little pricks, distracting. But he was there, ask him!" she states, frustration and anxiety edging her voice.

Tyr steps forward, apparently not one to back down on this. "I don't care if you care or not, but you ain't makin' the ship any safer by shoutin' people's problems from the rooftops. I guess it's easier to be an ass about it when it ain't you people are callin' messed up, but I care 'bout the folks I ride 'bout the 'Verse with, so you can shove it. Ship's just a bucket of bolts without people on it. That's what you're protecting."

The slightest of frowns pulls at Gabriella's lips as the words fly back and forth between the crew, a rattle heard as a pill is palmed from the orange plastic bottle that appears from her jacket, and slipped between her lips. Her gaze draws back towards the others, briefly, before turning back to the console, something having attracted her attention, or so it would seem.

Annika quirks an eyebrow at Tyr as he gets riled up. Rather than continuing to yell, she drops her voice and says matter of factly, "You gonna be the one to pin her down when she attacks someone? You gonna take a bullet or a blow to the head from her when she gets violent? She wasn't brought on board to be our friend. She was brought on board to do a job. Same as me. Same as you. If her sleep walkin' means we can't do our jobs, then she don't belong here. This ain't no home for lost causes. It's a business."

The sudden torrent of words flying about the room has Wren's eyes unfocusing, one hand reaching to grasp the stair's railing in a white knuckled grip. Her head turns a bit towards Gabriella and the sound of the rattle, but her gaze remains unfocused and vague.

"I ain't gonna argue this because it's only gonna upset people, and that ain't /my/ meaning, though you don't apparently give a damn." Tyr shakes his head. "If all this is is a business to the Cap'n and everyone else, maybe I oughta just find a new place to roam. Because I ain't just in it for the credits." He turns to Wren, offering her his arm. "C'mon, Wren. Let's get some tea."

Annika's eyes harden a bit, but she lets it go, "I said my piece. Baby her all you want." With that, she turns those eyes back to Gabriella, wondering just what the woman is up to. She doesn't seem concerned that Wren has gotten all worked up. Let Tyr deal with it.

It's a long series of heartbeats before Tyr's words filter through to Wren, and another few beats before she takes the proffered limb. "Tea," she echoes faintly with a nod, letting him draw her down to the commons.

You head through the exit labeled <Down> Crew Commons. You are entering Invictus - Crew Commons.

Invictus - Crew Commons =>Invictus<=

This is the ship's common room, a place for the crew to relax, eat, and talk. In the middle of the room is a big table with comfortable chairs placed around it. To the port side near the Med Bay's entrance is a simple kitchen beside a basic storage rack for food and drinks. Starboard, the entry to the Crew Quarters can be found, as well as a number of large lockers for the crew's kit storage. To the room's aft are placed some couches opposite to a Cortex terminal and a large screen where currently some sort of gaming console appears to be hooked up. Between the couches, a small table holds some books and other things to read. Finally, to the front near the entrance to the Captain's Quarters, a corkscrew stairway up to the Bridge can be seen.

Tyr leads Wren on down into the Commons. "Come on now, Wren, and grab a seat. I'm sorry Annika was all yellin' and that I raised my voice. I didn't want to let it just pass on by." He 'drops' her at the couch and heads for the galley to get a kettle of water on.

Wren settles onto the couch, tucking her feet under her and twisting a little to continue to watch Tyr as he goes through the tea making ritual. "People're always gettin' mad at me an' yellin'," she tells him with a little shrug, entirely unsurprised at Annika's response. "I never get the right words," she adds, frowning deeply.

"Well, that's not always a bad thing," suggests Tyr. "Makes you more genuine. Sometimes you don't need to say anything, after all. The smile says it all." He tries to cheer her up.

Resting her chin in the palm of one hand, Wren considers that statement for a while. "Like plants," she finally says in agreement, nodding slightly.

"Like plants," agrees Tyr with and nod of his head, even if he's not 100 percent sure what he's agreeing to. The tea kettle whistles and he picks it up, pouring the hot water into two mugs.

Wren shifts her gaze to follow Tyr as he answers the kettle's whistle and sighs a little. "They don't make everything jumbled and tangled up," she offers as a rare explanation into her thoughts. Even if it isn't a particularly helpful one.

"I guess animals are kinda the same way," agrees Tyr, as if actually understanding, which is eerie enough in itself. He gives Wren a small grin. "I know what you mean."

That statement takes a moment of thought from Wren. "I 'member the cattle, an' horses... But things didn't get jumbled then," she says thoughtfully, a slight frown creasing her forehead. "But I think they'd be okay now, too," she decides with a nod.

Tyr hands her the mug of tea, going to sit next to her. "Yeah," says Tyr with a nod of his head. "So that'd be good. People make things all mixed up. 'Specially when they get mean."

Wren accepts the mug, cradling it in her hands as she stares into it. "People say things fast when they're mad, an' I can't keep up," she says with another shrug of her shoulders, not looking up.

Tyr nods his head at that. "Is there something I can do for you?" he wonders, gently. "Some way I can help?"

Wren lifts her mug, blowing gently across its steaming contents before taking a sip. It's clear she's mulling his offer over, but eventually she shakes her head. "Don' think so," she tells him with a grimace.

Tyr nods his head once to Wren. "All right," he says, though he's perhaps a bit doubtful. "You positive, Wren?"

That draws a sigh from Wren, and she looks down into her mug again as if searching for answers there. "Use nice words," she finally tells him.

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