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Invictus - Crew Commons =>Invictus<=

This is the ship's common room, a place for the crew to relax, eat, and talk. In the middle of the room is a big table with comfortable chairs placed around it. To the port side near the Med Bay's entrance is a simple kitchen beside a basic storage rack for food and drinks. Starboard, the entry to the Crew Quarters can be found, as well as a number of large lockers for the crew's kit storage. To the room's aft are placed some couches opposite to a Cortex terminal and a large screen where currently some sort of gaming console appears to be hooked up. Between the couches, a small table holds some books and other things to read. Finally, to the front near the entrance to the Captain's Quarters, a corkscrew stairway up to the Bridge can be seen.

From out of the corridor leading off to the crew quarters, Annika saunters into view. Dressed in her typical black leather and armed to the hilt, she moves about the ship with the ease of one who's gotten quite comfortable here. She glances casually around the room, a habit born of years of being alert. She spots a new face and pauses, "Hello." It's not exactly friendly, but rather indifferent.

Wren has just stepped into the Commons herself, coming from the opposite direction, and pauses as she is greeted. "Hello," she responds in kind, though it seems almost more a question when she says it. "Annika?" she makes an educated guess.

Annika gives a nod to Wren, "Yep. You must be Wren?" She resumes her movements, heading toward the bowl of the fruit on the table. She reaches out for an apple, appreciating how the Preacher always keeps fresh fruit around when he can.

Wren moves a little further into the space, watching Annika while worrying her lower lip with her teeth. ""Cap'n says I gotta talk to you," she says without any real preamble, or even confirmation that the woman is right in her guess as to her identity.

Lights around you flicker on as the main reactor powers up. [XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "*grumblemumble* Persephone." Terminals all around you power up as the computer systems are powered. The air turns fresh and a gentle hum can be heard as life support is activated.

Annika pauses at the table, raising her apple up to her mouth, raising her eyebrows at Wren's comment, "Oh?"

You feel a sudden rumble as the engines activate. The ship sways and bumps as it lifts from the surface of the ground. A loud roar is heard as the steering thrusters activate.

"Yeah," Wren confirms, fidgeting where she stands and developing a sudden interest in the deck at her feet.

Annika braces herself on the edge of the table as the ship takes off. Annika crunches into her apple, letting the look of bland disinterest come back into her face. She chews it a bit before talking around her mouthful, "So talk."

The ship shudders as the pulse drives are engaged.

[XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "*grumblemumble* Forty minutes. *more incoherence*"

The uncomfortable pause continues as the ship lifts, Wren swaying a bit with the motion. She chances a quick glance at Annika, noting the blandness of her expression, which actually seems to help. "Grey says I hafta let the rest a the crew know that it might be possible, regardless of what precautions ya take, that you mi' be wanderin' out in the night-time, not quite in yer right mind." The words are spoken by her, but the inflection and speech pattern sound a lot like the Captain's, a recording-like quality to them.

Annika cocks her head to the side, that one eyebrow quirking again, "I might be wanderin' round? Don't you mean you?" The bland disinterest is now replaced by mild curiosity and some disbelief. She takes another bite of the apple, staring at you with her golden eyes.

"Me," Wren concurs, nodding at Annika and edging around toward the corridor leading to crew quarters.

Annika's face relaxes once more, the momentary look of concern passing on by, as if it was never there. She gives a brief nod and shrugs nonchalantly as she swallows and says, "That don't bother me none. Long as you don't come bangin' into my room at night." Her eyes narrow slightly as something occurs to her, "You get violent when you do it?"

Wren watches Annika's face as it relaxes, but continues to make her way over to The Escape Route. "I walk..." she repeats uncertainly, "things happen."

Annika frowns a little as she watches the gal retreat. She straightens up, her tone suddenly harder, "Wait a minute. You tellin' me I might need to protect people from getting hurt?"

"People get hurt, all the time," Wren answers, reaching the open corridor to the quarters. "Doesn't matter what you do," she adds before turning to flee down the hallway. The door to her room slams shut.

Annika's frown turns into a scowl as the woman tries to escape without explaining further. Rather than move after her, she studies the woman as she flees, like a scientist studying a new specimen. She mutters under her breath, "This conversation ain't over."

Wren's RP Logs