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Joe Eyes Wren.... some more..

Brenn steps up to the port authority, "Hello, I'm Captain Henderson how may I be of assistance." He glances back towards what’s going on with the troops.

Joe looks up and down Brenn for a moment. "Well, I don't know but we had a shoot out here last night and it was between all the crews and ships here. So I don't know what their quarrel is but I just want the port safe for commerce and such. But it's all yours, the port is on lock down and well reports have it there were snipers here last night. So I don't know, but do what you guys do best, keep the peace?" Looking at the Captain for a moment.

Apparently deciding she had had enough of the fun for the day, Yinn gives another glance around the pad before turning and heading back onto the Dragon.

Brenn nods, "Snipers... And a shootout." He looks the port authority up and down and just shakes his head, "And nobody in custody? Which ships were involved?"

Joe looks around, "All the ships you see here, we ain't sure what started it or who started it but it ain't right. So your guess is as good as mine. Imagine getting reports about people getting their head shot off and all this shooting. See all the brass from all the shooting on the ground?" Kicking a few empty shells with his foot.

[100.00 MHZ] Foxtrot One(Brenn) says, "This is Captain Henderson of the Alliance Federals to all the ships involved in the shootout... Have your captains meet me in the spaceport now."

Brenn steps back from the port authority gent and sends out a broadcast.

Jovana starts moving down from the top of the Angel. Climbing down the ladder carefully and moving over towards Brenn once she hits the ground with her feet.

Wren startles a little at the voice coming over her comm, staring down at it as if it might be some kind of poisonous snake. Slipping down along the side wall of the cargo bay to sit, she wraps her arms around her knees and hugs them to her. She stares out at the landing field, but remains within the Invictus.

[100.00 MHZ] Grey says, "This is Captain Grey of the Invictus. I will be there shortly."

Jovana looks to Vetinari and says, "Well.. the Captain, Corin and Brady aren't here..that leaves me. Stay close to the ship please." Moving towards Breen slowly and clasping her hands behind her back, "Pardon me? Sir?" Grant exits from the Quaestor. She stops at the base of the Ramp looking around. Then she moves towards Captain Brenn. Stopping just behind his right shoulder. Brenn looks over towards the woman approaching him... "Yes ma'am."

Craig Keizai emerges from Kitsune, keeping an eye out for the Alliance Soldier which may have summoned him from his meeting with his Doctor, which was going sourly. Seeing Brenn, and the woman approaching, Keizai moves slowly down the ramp, sliding his hands into his duster's pockets and stepping softly towards the collective.

Jovana's hands move from behind her to clasp in front of her. A jeweled rosary dangles from her wrist on one hand and the other class on to a bible. "My captain is not available at the moment. He has a family issue he's dealing with at the moment. However I am one of the command staff if I would suffice?"

Grey makes his way back into the Spaceport, confident strides taking him back to his own ship, where he takes his place at the top of her ramp. Armored as he is, and standing proudly beside the insignia of the Invictus painted boldly above him, he awaits whatever is to come.

Brenn looks at the woman, "Are you the one in command of the vessel right now?"

Jovana says in English, "While the Captain, XO and head of security are gone, I run the vessel yes."

Wren is sitting just inside the cargo bay of the Invictus, hugging her knees to her chest as she watches the activity on the landing field. She shows absolutely no signs of being willing to move an inch beyond where she is, mostly hidden in the shadows of the ship. Grey's approach is observed without comment, though her hazel green eyes do study him as he stands at the top of the ramp.

Morgaine moves closer to the port, Stopping at the point that she can just see the port and the people moving around there. She has no intention of speaking with the Federals if she can avoid it and at the moment, she can avoid it just by staying back and out of sight. She looks over the tarmac and gates to see if perhaps there is a way to get back to the kitsune without speaking to anyone.

Grant stands at Parade rest but her eyes move over the landing pad. Keeping track of the movement of the crews of the ships.

Brenn nods, "Then you'll do. What was your ships involvement in the shootings."

Craig Keizai notes Morgaine's approach and shakes his head softly at her. "Come," he offers in a voice above speaking volume. With a motion of his pierced features, he repeats his command to her. He stands just by the ramp of Kitsune.

Joe looks around in the middle of the tarmac, "Anyone seen that little girl that was here yesterday?!" Knowing that no one would probably listen. But he had to try.

Instead of noticing Morgaine, The Captain Keizai remains by the ramp of the Kitsune, awaiting his turn with the Alliance.

Jovana nods to Brenn and says simply, "Our involvement is simply this. That we only shoot when shot upon. And not before. There were snipers shooting and if anyone from our ship was shooting back it was in self defense and nothing more."

Jovana's tone all the while is simple and emotionless

Joe walking up in a hurried fashion, "Excuse me sir, there was a little girl here last night, but I do not see where she went too. But from reports we received she was last seen getting onto a ship that is currently docked here." Putting his radio back into its pouch.

Brenn just stands there in the middle of the spaceport, "So you shot back at snipers? Then your crew could see them. How many where there and where were they at?"

Grant stands behind and to the side of Breen. Listening to the conversation.

Jovana shakes her head, "I am afraid I wasn't out here when it was occurring sir. And from what I was told there was too much commotion to get a clear idea on how many snipers there were."

Morgaine circles the port at a distance and enters a gate near the kitsune since it is at the far edge of the port. As soon as she passes through the gate, she moves to the kitsune and up the ramp to enter the ship. She glances at the captain outside as she moves to enter. From her height, gate and hair coloration, she is not likely the girl being sought.

Brenn nods, "So they were firing without knowing where their targets where. Very reckless. LT, have anything to add?"

Grant shakes her head, "Firing blindly into anything is flat out stupid. what is there was a farm or something just the other side of the trees?" she shakes her head. "Were the ships firing at each other?"

Joe tapping the shoulder of the woman Alliance officer, "Ma'am there was a little girl that everyone was trying to get onto their ship and no one here is claiming they have added any passengers to their manifest. She was a rather smallish young girl."

Jovana shakes her head, "I said they were uncertain of how many there were. Not uncertain of their targets." Her tone still as emotionless as ever. "From my perspective they were not. However again, I am only going by what I was told... " Those grey eyes tracking from Brenn to Grant and just staring blankly.

Grant turns to look at Joe. "I'm sorry. Where did this child come from?" she looks around at the ships. "What if she wandered off to hide during the firing and then shot her." she turns back to Brenn, "Lock down stays till we have found the child. or the body." It is not put as an order but She is not going to take no for an answer.

taking a step back from the Alliance woman, Joe stands up and tries to look important, "Well ma'am reports say that she boarded one of the ships, but I am not to sure which one. But again the reports say she didn't wander into any ship she was trying to get away and someone finally was able to persuade her to board their ship for ....safety? According to my reports."

Morgaine mutters softly to her captain as she moves to board, "From what I saw, they started here and spoke with Annie. This lockdown has blocked me from arranging to load the new cargo though I did manage to get the cows out and to their owner." She then moves so she is inside the cargo bay and works to finish the clean up of the side effect of 100 tons of cows transported here."

Brenn nods in agreement towards Grant and turns back towards Jovana, "Lockdown remains. The child needs to be found. I suggest you muster your crew and have them help search if you want to be able to leave anytime soon. And your crew was shooting at the snipers and the ship's weren't shooting at each other correct?"

Grey crosses his arms, standing atop the Invictus' ramp, looking out over the Spaceport through his NV/IRs. His gaze rests on none for more than a second, whether they're civilian, Spacer, Alliance, or otherwise. His right foot begins a-tapping on that metal - he's none too patient when he's not in the mood to be. "So. Tax credits hard at work," he says aloud - maybe louder than he should.

Jovana says in English, "Correct."

Grant separates herself from the fray. She stands at the bottom of the ramp and looks up to Gray, "I realize you don't give a crap whether you killed that child or some pervert has made off with her. But think of it this way , Sir. The sooner we find out what happened to her the sooner you can get back to now giving a shit. do I make my self understood?"

Tap tap taptaptap. Wren watches Grey's foot with an absurd, avid interest normally reserved for favorite television programs and movies like Serenity. She doesn't even look up at Grant's response to her Captain's comment, remaining focused on that one thing. TapTapTapTap...

Jovana tsks a bit, "Really such vulgarity isn't needed to get ones point across."

Grey looks down the ramp at Grant. If it's possible to look cold through NV/IRs covering one's eyes and the top half of one's face, well, his face right now would be it. "Me? I didn't kill the child. I killed the one who was trying to kill /her/." He tilts his head a bit to the side, studying Grant for a moment before speaking again. "It's really no problem, Lieutenant. But when a certain group of nobility, who are waiting for me to return with their cargo and information don't get their shipments on time, I'll be sure to tell them exactly what happened - the Alliance locked down the Spaceport of a Rim World because they couldn't find a girl. Won't be me that suffers for it. I get paid either way."

Brenn shakes his head, "I'm sure its not, please gather your crew to look for the girl sooner she's found the sooner your ship which was... Wait which one was it again?"

All this time, Craig Keizai has done nothing but stand sentinel by his ship, shaking his head at Joe when he asks about the young girl, and also at Morgaine as she slips into the ship - but ultimately, he is just standing there listening to the tales be told, as much as he could hear.

Grant grins back, "I get paid the same whether I do my job or I scrub toilets. Now you can have your crew search your ship for the child. Or you can let a squad of federals search. I am like so totally sure they'd love to explore every nook and cranny of it. Every little place that might be used as a hiding place for one very small child." her stance does not change. Her tone never rising above a conversational tone.

Morgaine scowls at what she is hearing as she gets the last load of Manure off of the Kitsune and calls to the Federales from the ramp of the Kitsune, "there were a whole group of pirates here that were shooting at one of the groups here and had one of their number shot. They aren't here now. Odds are they were landed somewhere in the jungle and they took the girl and left while the ships here were the only ones not going anywhere. Your girl could be on her way to any planet around by now."

Grey looks down at Brenn with that same look. "That'd be the one I'm standin' on," he says. The crossed arms unwind, and he points up above his head to the Lion Guardant Rampant and the red lettering underneath it: INVICTUS. "This ship. /This/ one." He glances back into his cargo hold, then shrugs to Grant. "I know the child isn't on my ship. Because she was on my ship last night, and I very clearly saw her leave of her own volition. You can have your men search my ship, but the only little girls you're gonna find aboard are my two daughters." He just keeps tossing this information out there like it's not worth a second thought.

Wren scrunches back against the hull she's leaning against, trying to make herself even smaller than she was before. Her eyes lift from Grey's foot to his face, watching his lips as they form words with that same avid concentration.

Grant nods, "thank you Sir. If you had offered that bit of information before you smarted off and before you threatened me with your high placed friends and employers, It would have gone alot smoother. Now. Thank you. we do not need to search your ship. but you will stayed locked down until we either find her or find she is no longer here. Have a good day." The about face she does in academy perfect. Then she walks back towards Brenn.

Jovana mmm's and nods, "I will look but you will find that no children are on board our ship that aren't still in the process of waiting to be born."

Glad to see that Morgaine is going ignored, Keizai only spares her a vicious glare at her outburst. Once he feels she has more than likely gotten the point of his envenomed eyes, he turns his attention back to the Federal Soldiers, his arms cross his chest and he waits, still.

Grey calls out after Grant. "Hey! If you're gonna keep us locked down on the gorram dirt, at least have the courtesy ta tell us what the story is! Is the girl dangerous? Should we be tryin' ta apprehend her, what, is she a criminal, should we avoid her, or what? I've got two kids on board, an' a crew what needs takin' after!"

Brenn nods, "I'm not worried bout where we find her as long as we find her. Thank you for your time." He stands there and places his hands behind his back as he waits for the captains to report to him as ordered.

Jovana turns then to head back to the Red Angel, moving to Vetinari along the way and motioning him on the ship.

Wren exhales in a long rush of air, slumping a little as the Alliance Officer turns away. She stares at Grey as he yells after the man, thoroughly unprepared for this turn of events. Enough is enough, is apparently her thinking. Quiet as a mouse, she slinks further inside the ship, disappearing entirely from view.

Grant moves to flank Brenn again she actively ignores Grey, "The Invictus is clear. The woman over yonder says there were pirates firing at one of the ships. They were probly the snipers. No captain from the dragon and only the Kit 's captain to interview."

[XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "Invictus, this is Grey. We've been cleared by Alliance. I'm gonna go out and try to figure this shit out... Why would they keep us in lockdown over some gangster's daughter? I'm takin' the MULE with me, so if anyone comes askin' after me, tell them I went way up into the Jungle to pick up medical supplies that we're gonna be shipping out when the lockdown lifts. Keep up the good shit - I might be gone a little longer than normal. Grey out."

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Wren Pearson