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 Greenleaf -- Spaceport                                         =>Greenleaf<=

This large metal platform that is used as the tarmac for the spaceport has black burn marks that could only be made from ship's engines. Surrounding the landing pad is a ten foot high, hi-voltage fence. The presence of independent Drug Corporation security forces are obvious here in the Spaceport as the precious natural narcotics are loaded into the private Drug Company Transports nearly 24/7.

All around the landing pad is the forest for which this planet is famous, the foliage making it difficult to catch glimpses of stone and metal structures hidden deep within the lush jungles. Tall trees rise up around the landing pad allowing a view of the Greenleaf sky only by looking straight up, though the supple vines and thick moss slowly weaving through the trees threaten to block even that from view. The base of the clearing is carpeted with a thick layer of a mixture of fresh and dried leaves.


Joe is nodding and writing down everything that she mentioned. "Ah nothing, just a simple questions miss to make sure we can get to the bottom of this whole mess, plus." Joe moves in closer to her. "The Alliance is making a stop here and we don't want to get caught with our pants down. Thank you miss." Flipping to a blank piece of paper and moving to the next ship. Making his way over to the Red Angel and looking around and then picking up his radio and speaking into it again. Looking up again at the Red Angel, "Okay, who is in command of this ship?" Pointing at it.. and looking directly at the man and the woman who was standing on the ramp of it.

Jovana looks to the one speaking and says, "The captain isn't available right now. I'm Jovana, head cargo mistress." Her hands clasping in front of her delicately setting the rosary to swinging as the bible is held in front of her "How might I be of assistance."

Daniel Wallace walks down the ramp of the Red Angel and moves over to the Fuel lines and hooks up his ship, it was going to take forever for him to fuel up anyways, more or less right passed Jovana, not stopping as she says he isn't available... cuz in his mind he wasn't.

Joe the Security Officer is looking at the woman, "Well, miss, I am looking to find out who is the captain of this Ship the Red Angel and to find out what was your last port and if you had any cargo and dropped off any or picked up any while you have been here?" Trying to stay professional.

"Right... Well. No problem." Yinn mutters to the officer, letting her feet carry her back up the ramp of the Dragon. Not quite boarding it, but lingering close to the bay. After all... Alliance plus Tongs equals trouble last time she checked.

Jovana's hands continue to stay clasped in front of her, "No we haven't had any cargo for some time now. Merely waiting for the crew to get off leaves that had them spread out all over. Our last port was Persephone." She says simply and tilts her head to one side, sending the white hair over one shoulder as she looks to the cope with that unblinking gaze.

Joe looks at her, "Umm who is your captain miss? You have not mentioned who she or he is yet."

Jovana says simply, "Captain Daniel."

Daniel Wallace hooks the fuel lines up, and starts the pump, taking a rag he whips his hands, trying to get off some of the grease form his hands and says in a happy tone, "Captain Daniel Wallace of the Red Angel..." Dan offers a smile looking at the man's name tag, "Port Master Joe...what can I do for you?"

Jovana steps back as Daniel walks up.

Mia continues to walk along with Grey, not paying anyone else, any sort of attention. Her dark gaze is focused solely on the man next to her and she doesn't seem to notice any other sort of activity around her. "So, where should we go? I'm none too familiar with this planet, so if you are, I am open to suggestions. I have only been here once or twice, ever. Though, I really would not mind just walking along and enjoying the scenery. Considering present company, it's more than enough for me. Makes no difference where we go."

Smiling a bit, "Sorry sir, I am not the port officer I am just the assistant, I am going around here to make sure all these ships match the registry since the Alliance is going to be dropping by and well we want to make sure we have all the information." Jotting down a few notes on his note pad.

Grey leads her toward one of the large gates leading out of the Spaceport, in the general northeasterly direction. "I hear that the city near here's pretty nice," he muses aloud, "an' if I'm not mistaken, there's a path through the jungle ta get there this way. It's a bit more indirec', but hell, I think indirectness is kinda good sometimes. People get too hung up on gettin' from Point A to Point B in the mos' efficient way they can sometimes that they forget some a the other things - it's not always the destination that matters, aye?"

Morgaine continues to follow Mia and Grey and thus get further and further from the ships though she has already moved a distance away from hers which is one of the ships at the edge of the field. She really doesn't know the full details of the ship's registry anyways. She will leave Annie standing near the ship to answer questions while she plays bodyguard. Away from the port is best with the Alliance showing up in force.

Joe's radio began to squawk, his radio a bit louder then what it should be. "Joe this is Port Master, there is an unregistered MULE on the Tarmac and they are not responding to radio comms, go check it out for me and tell me what is going on with them. Port Master out." Sighing and slapping the radio. Looking back up at the Captain and the lady, "Well, folks sorry to have bothered you and have a good day." Making his way over to the unregistered Mule.

Creeping out of the Invictus, Wren doesn't leave the safety of its ramp. Instead, she peers out across the field, searching out the signs that still remain from the previous day's violence, murmuring softly to herself.

Annie puts her one unslinged arm on her hip. "Morgaine! I know ya hear me, ya goose. Get back here now, I don' care how scared a needles ya are! Yer gettin' shot an ye'd best say 'thank you ma'am' for it!" She starts after the woman. Whatevers going on isn't her business.

Yinn continues to linger on the boarding ramp of the Dark Dragon, arms crossed loosely over her chest, eyes drifting around the landing bay, though keeping the path of Mia and Grey in the corner of her vision.

The guys around the MULE seem to look at Joe the Port Master... young for a port master and one of the men smile and start talking to him softly in Chinese. The man shows him a Badge, Joe looks at it, shakes his head, and walks off, looking very confused.

Joe scratches his head and nods, picking up his radio and speaking into it, then nodding again at the men and turning away and walking back towards the ships again.

Mia seems to be intently interested in every word that Grey says to her, the smile never once leaving her lips. "Oh, well..the path sounds nice. I don't mind taking the long way. Besides, it will give us some more time to talk. To..get to know each other." She smiles again and continues walking along side of him, her arms slipping a bit tighter around his, drawing herself closer to him. "So, your ship. What kind of ship is it? I can't say that I know a whole lot about ships and things of that nature. I know one or two, but that's about it.."

The Alliance Patrol boat makes land fall...

The Squad of 10 men all in black smile, as the one that seems to be the leader of the pack walks for it, this is the man that flashed his barge at poor young Port Master Joe...

Standing still for a moment, "Um.. I thought, you guys were already here? I mean I just saw a badge just like that from those guys." Pointing over at the Mule Joe just came from.."So, I suppose you can never have enough back up?" Nodding again and then taking a few steps back.

Jovana glances to Daniel silently and moves to stand next to him. Murmuring faintly under her breath.

The man carries an 8X10 picture of someone... swinging his arm as he moves, one could see the face on the picture... as he moves for the Alliance Patrol Boat...

Grey glances back over his shoulder - his eyes widen for a moment at what he's pretty sure he sees even from this far a distance, having seen the object in question before. He picks up his pace a little bit, walking toward that gate out of the Spaceport. "Right. Uh. Well, she's A Dragonfly-Class Transport - not too far off from the Firefly, they're kinda sister designs, I guess you could say. But honestly, ya don't wanna get me talkin' 'bout ships. I'll bore the ears right offa ya." He flashes a grin to Mia, glancing out from the corner of his eye for just a second toward the Alliance boat that just landed.

Wren's attention snags on the officials gathered around the MULE, and she cants her head to the side to watch the exchange. Her brow furrows as she observes the black clad squad making their entrance, and she catches her lower lip between her teeth, biting down thoughtfully.

Daniel Wallace looks to Jovana and smiles a little at her, "Good Lass..." Dan smoothes his Browncoat a little and takes a moment to remove it... folding it and handing it to Jovana, "No need in wearing a red flag... please stow this for me..."

Morgaine slips out the gate just ahead of Grey and Mia hoping that first off Annie is just guessing she is out here and hasn't seen her in detail, second that the port master or alliance detain Annie to ask her about the ship and three, she gets out of the port itself without having to be questioned by the alliance or port master. The idea of a long walk keep an eye out on the couple from a short distance away is really pleasing to her if it keeps her away from the alliance.

Annie sees the picture, but the face is unknown to her. "Morgaine! Ya can' run forever! Good golly gosh, when you get back here I'mma make it hurt too!" She stands in the middle of all this, screaming at the gate. Her cheeks are pink with anger. Morgaine just...left! That's so horrible! She slumps and starts to stomp, like an angry child, back towards the Kitsune.

Jovana tucks the duster and sword, then nods, "Yes captain." And then pauses and puts a hand on his arm, "Captain." Her voice dropping as she looks to the men who came out of the alliance men and then picture.

Joe the Port Security picks up his radio and speaks into it. Being rather frustrated. Looking at the gentlemen that flashed him the badge, "Gentlemen the port is on lock down so then no one is leaving from this port." Turning around and quickly trying to leave. Having a bad feeling about this.

The Man in black talk with the Alliance Officer... no one is really in a place to see the bits and peace's of the conversation between the to men, it ends with the Alliance Officer taking the picture and showing it to his squad of 10 Alliance men...

"Oh, I hardly doubt that you could bore me with anything. I'm sure that hearing about ships, would be quite interesting. They fascinate me. While I don't much like being inside one, I wouldn't mind learning about them. Never know..it might come in handy one day." Mia offers just a quick glance around as they continue walking on, but she still doesn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary. All of her attention seems to be focused in one place, and that seems to be on her companion. "But, if you would rather not speak of ships, what would you -like- to talk about?"

Yinn's weight shifts slightly from one foot to the other as the crowd scatters in the path of the Alliance inquisitors, her face kept in a carefully crafted neutral mask, her eyes half hidden between slightly lowered lids as she continues to lean against the cargo bay door at the top of the ramp to the Dragon. Occasionally, one hand would rise to press against the icomm piece in her ear and she would murmur softly into it, but other than that she stays quiet.

The man with the Badge seems to walk off to the MULE and offer a smile to Joe and says, "We're not planning on leaving..."

The Alliance Troop makes it way for the first ship on the Row, that of the Kitsune...looking for signs of life...

Morgaine is much too far away to notice the picture being passed around let alone even a clue as to what is on it but she keeps watch on the port idly. She has made it out the gate thankfully and Grey and Mia are about to exit as well. That she has escape Annie who is about to walk back up onto the Kitsune is even better for her though she winces briefly as she pictures what is to come when she does return to the ship.

Joe follows the Alliance officer, "I couldn't not get any information from that ship, Kitsune, but it's a registered ship sir. If that helps at all." Looking at the Alliance officer.

Annie is actually in front of the Kitsune, about to stomp her grumpy way up the ramp. She'd cross her arms too if it weren't for the damn sling. Annoying, that is, being shot in the shoulder. She stops, looking over at the Alliance Troop. Blink. Blink. "Howdy ya'll."

Wren squints her eyes, trying to focus on what it is that's being shown around between all those Officers. Her head tilts first to one side, and then to the other, and finally she stands on one foot-- though why that might help is impossible to say. There's a flash of recognition finally, and she lets out a little eeeeep of dismay.

Joe looks at the person walking up the ramp of the Kitsune, "Excuse me miss, do you have a moment? My name is Officer Joe and I am part of the port authority here and I have a few questions for you if you are par to the crew to this ship." Standing with a note pad in his hand and a pen ready to write.

Grey chuckles lightly, acutely aware that her attention is on him and him alone, and so that chuckle sounds just a bit nervous. "Well, why don't /you/ tell /me/?" he asks, turning his eyes on her. "Tell me what kind of things you're interested in. You must have hobbies, pastimes, daydreams... What's on your mind?" With their backs to the Alliance and the men dressed in black, Grey is trying his damned hardest to make it look like he and Mia are a couple so they'll be overlooked, but at the same time, turning the wedding ring on his finger.

Annie nods. "Sure, yeah. I kin help ya. I'm Annie Foster." Giggle. "I'mma doctor, actually." If you can believe that. The girl turns to walk towards 'officer Joe' and stumbles on....her shoe? Hard to say what she stumbled on. But she stumbled. Weird, that is. "Oopsie! Watcha need now?"

Joe nods, "Well, who is the captain of the Kitsune miss Foster?" Offering her a smile and seems to be rather taken by her.

Jovana makes her way back off the ship and over towards Daniel giving him a silent nod.

Annie flips back her blonde hair with her good hand. "Cap's Keizai, but he ain' here now. Went out ta do somethin. Whatever tis cap's do I spoze. I was just comin' out lookin' fer Morgaine. She owes me a shot or two." The problem with Annie? She overshares. Everything. "She thinks she's allergic to needles but she ain'."

Joe smiling at Annie, "So does this Captain Keizai have a first name miss Foster?"

Morgaine moves slightly further off into landscape around the port though looking back at grey, Mia and beyond them to those at the port. She does her best to blend in with the plants and her brown coat helps out.

Annie has to think about that one. "Craig, I spoze. I think that's it. He told me it once but that's the only time. Just call him Cap now. He's the nicest man, he really is. He's quiet, I spoze, but...well he's nice in a quiet way." She giggles again. Silly country girl!

Joe unbelieving this but he had a small crush on her. Now smiling like a foolish school boy. "Ah thank you miss Foster, I do appreciate your time, oh one last question, so have you guys picked up any passenger or cargo from your last port and what was your last port and did you drop off any cargo landing here on Greenleaf." Pausing a moment, "I guess it's more then one question if you know the answers..I would really appreciate it." Offering her a smile and a wink.

Annie can't help but blush as she giggles. "Cows. Smell's all over everythin now. Most everybody else's sick of it but it makes me think of home." She pushes her hair once more back behind her ear. "Beaumonde I think, that's where we were last." The blonde wrinkles her nose a bit. "Good gracious what a dirty place. Ain' green ta be seen atall."

Look left, look right, look behind. No joy. Look up just on general principle. Still no Captain in sight. Wren worries at her lip, trying to decide what to do. First she takes a step back, then she steps forward again, and casts a guilty glance over toward the Alliance. Finally she backs up into the cargo bay of the Invictus and takes provisional cover behind a support strut. Fishing out her iComm, she begins a halting conversation with it.

[XXX.XX MHZ] You transmit, "H-hello? Umm, Grey? Can you hear me?" [XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "Yep, I'm readin' ya, Wren. What's the word over there? I'm with Mia, by the North East Gate."

Mia's smile grows even wider now as she listens to Grey. "The sort of things that I'm interested in, likely aren't topics for public conversation," Mia replies with a wink. She seems to notice the fact that Grey is fidgeting with the ring on his finger and she looks down at it for a moment. "So, you're married?" she asks softly. "How does your wife feel about you rushing out to protect young, beautiful damsels in distress?"

[XXX.XX MHZ] You transmit, "Oh... Umm... Might not wunna say that too loud. Cuz, there's a picture. It's not a very good picture, but it's still a picture..."

Joe looks at Annie, "Ah well don't say that miss Foster this place is my home... I know it ain't much but it's my home. But thank you for your time miss." Moving onto the next ship and writing down the notes in his note pad, quickly making his way to the Invictus, standing in front to of the ramp. "Hello anyone aboard? This is the port Authority just want to verify your registration is all.. just a routine inspection and need to verify some questions! Hello?!" Trying to peer into the cargo hold of the Invictus.

Annie nods and waves. "Have a fun day!" She says, then turns and makes her way up to the Kitsune.

[XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "What kind of picture would that be, Wren?" [XXX.XX MHZ] You transmit, "Oh... Umm, they’re here now. Gotta go." [XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "Leave the commchannel open - then I can hear them through your iComm."

Wren blinks back at Joe, hazel eyes a bit wide as she sets her comm down behind her. "Hi-i.." she responds, taking a few quick steps forward. "We don't need any, thanks," she adds with a firm nod.

Joe seeing a woman look at him, "Err miss, I ain't selling anything, just need to verify who the captain is and if you have picked up any passengers and cargo and dropped any off on Greenleaf?" Looking at her curiously. "Are you okay miss..."

"I'm very well, thanks," Wren answers with the rapidity of long practice. "You're not sellin' anything? Our Captain's not here right now. He's out. Outside. In the air, though he doesn't like it much, too many plants," she continues in a rush and tumble of words.

Joe sighs, "Miss, I am wondering what is your captain's name I need to verify this and I need you to answer the questions I asked early to the best of your knowledge." Trying to smile.

Jovana watches the goings on from the middle of the ramp on the angel. After a while she looks around and moves to find the ladder that leads up to the top of the ship. Putting her BT on her shoulder she moves to climb up it.

"Captain Grey," Wren answers with a bob of her head. "Answers. Answers need questions. What was the question?" she wonders, shifting anxiously from side to side, her complexion pale and pasty and rather ill looking.

Joe nodding, "Hrm okay have you picked up any passengers or cargo from your last port and what as your last port?"

Brenn and his 10 peons step into the spaceport glancing around until they spot the port authority. The captain motions for his purple people eaters to start ensuring the area is secure as he starts to walk towards the port authority.

"I don't have any passengers," Wren answers, her hands wringing together. "We... I think it was Persephone," she continues, shoulders hunching a little.

Yinn can't help but give a slight sympathetic glance towards Wren as she goes all wobbly under the inquiry of the Port Authority... And she makes a mental note not to trust Wren overmuch with any of her deepest darkest secrets. Her eyes continue to wander around the landing pad again, glancing towards the aforementioned purple bellies as they march in, a soft sigh breaking from her.

Joe watches the woman, "Hmm, okay so what the captain's full name. Besides Captain Grey? So then you had no cargo bound for Greenleaf?" Continuing to look at the woman as he was making notes on his notepad.

Wren shakes her head silently in mute denial, eyes still wider than normal.

Joe lets out an irritated sigh, "Ms. I need your captain's full name, it is either me or the those Alliance personnel asking you? But you have no reason to be afraid of me." Picking up his radio again and telling all the information from the ships to the man on the other end to verify the ships information. While looking at the woman.

"I DON'T KNOW IT," Wren suddenly bursts out with, rising up on her toes to shout back at the poor Port Authority representative.

Jovana stands up on top of the Red Angel. Her white hair whipping about her face as she peers down at the yelling Wren and then tries to peek around and see where the alliance people might have gone.

Joe looking shocked at the woman, "Er, sorry ma'am, I am just trying to verify information didn't mean to upset you." Closing his note pad and then speaking in this radio. Then looking up, "Have a nice day miss.." Then turning around and walking away.

Yinn twitches at the outburst from the petite Wren, her head snapping back towards the Invictus ramp. Her brow furrows slightly, and she hesitates for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to try and calm the girl down, half leaning forward as if to jump off the side of the ramp.... But, no... erring on the side of caution, she straightens again, she leans back against the side of the cargo bay doors, arms crossing over her chest once again glancing towards the Alliance.

Wren gulps big breaths of air as Joe turns away and begins walking off. Her hands are visibly shaking, and she most definitely does not look well as she backs into the shadow of her ship.

Second Half

Wren's RP Logs