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Greenleaf -- Spaceport                                         =>Greenleaf<=

This large metal platform that is used as the tarmac for the spaceport has black burn marks that could only be made from ship's engines. Surrounding the landing pad is a ten foot high, hi-voltage fence. The presence of independent Drug Corporation security forces are obvious here in the Spaceport as the precious natural narcotics are loaded into the private Drug Company Transports nearly 24/7. All around the landing pad is the forest for which this planet is famous, the foliage making it difficult to catch glimpses of stone and metal structures hidden deep within the lush jungles. Tall trees rise up around the landing pad allowing a view of the Greenleaf sky only by looking straight up, though the supple vines and thick moss slowly weaving through the trees threaten to block even that from view. The base of the clearing is carpeted with a thick layer of a mixture of fresh and dried leaves.


The ramp of the Invictus lowers with quite a considerable amount of noise, revealing a fully suited-up figure complete with NV/IRs who looks out cautiously, his hand on his weapon - apparently, he doesn't trust Greenleaf much. "Friggin need to oil up that ramp," he mutters to himself when he figures the coast is clear enough to lower his guard a bit.

Wren peers out at the landing pad from a few steps behind the fully suited figure of her Captain. "You're all scary again," she comments, biting her lip pensively.

Grey grins back to Wren, the smile almost wicked in contrast to his gear. His weapon now hangs down by his side, one hand on the grip of it, his finger riding along the side of his trigger guard. "I don' trust this place. Gang activity an' all. Better safe'n sorry." Shaking his head, he starts walking from the Invictus slowly, keeping a few steps ahead of Wren. "Jus' wanna get in touch with our contact here, then get right back to our other jobs. I don't come to this world for a gorram reason."

"But we're here now," Wren points out with disturbing reasonableness, trailing along behind Grey. Hazel green eyes sweep the area from side to side, looking for any hidden dangers. "What kinda gangs? Tigers? Lions?" she wonders after a moment of contemplation on the scenery.

Jovana looks to be sitting on the ramp of the Red Angel. Looking over what’s in her bible while she now and again looks to the sky and then back down at her book again. Her concentration does not seem to be on her reading however.

Jovana looks around, seeing all of the people coming in that wasn't here before. Her hand goes to her BT and she sets it next to her within reach.

Vetinari is looking around and getting a bit nervous. "I wonder what is up with all these people." Muttering to himself.

Jovana shrugs a bit to Vetinari, "People come and go. Greenleaf can be at times a good place for cargo."

Grey raises his free hand in greeting to those he sees on or around the Red Angel. "Ho, Red Angel!" he calls out. "Safe business to you!" While not familiar with the particular people he sees, he seems to be familiar enough with the ship. "Drug cartel," he says to Wren as they continue walking. "Mostly. I've heard of a few kidnappings here, too." He shrugs one shoulder, apparently not too worried about it. "Every world's got something overshadowin' it, even them bright an' beautiful Core Worlds. I jus' happen to not like rainforests or jungles, so I keep 'way from Greenleaf, mos'ly."

Jovana looks over and nods a bit and waves her head, "And to you!"

Wren looks to where Grey is waving, canting her head to the side at the red ship for a curious moment before her attention returns to the conversation. "Lions an' tigers'd be better," she opines, and then sneezes at something drifting on the wind.

Yinn steps down onto the ramp of the Dragon, calling back a "That was the last of it." back over her shoulder to some unknown person or persons in the cargo bay behind her as she does. Her gaze draws quickly to the scene before her, flickering from each occupant to the next in rapid succession, one hand resting loosely and familiarly on the handle of the bolt thrower that rests at her hip until she determines no immediate threat. The hand drops then, but she remains for the moment on the ramp of the Dragon, watching.

Lucas emerges from down the loading ramp, scratching his hands through his hair slowly. Stopping at the foot of the ramp his eyes slowly drift along the sudden collection of unfamiliar faces. Furrowing his brow he slides his hand down and slowly starts scratching the faint stubble on his chin. Eyes drifting from person to person to find a familiar face. Grey, No clue who he is. Wren, another lost cause. Ooo, pretty ship. Oo, shiny attached to Jovana and she is familiar! With that Lucas starts to walk towards Jovana's general direction.

Jovana looks up as Lucas nears her and she lifts a hand in his direction. "There you are!" She closes her bible a bit and moves to rise slowly.

Lucas slows his approach and stops like a deer caught in headlights at Jovana's comment. Looking over his shoulder quickly to someone who must be behind him then back over to Jovana. Pointing his finger at his own chest, "Wha... Me? What did I do? I swear I thought that the door was shut all the way. I didn't think anyone would see me doin.." With that his voice trails off before he incriminates himself too much.

Jovana's brow lifts a small bit and her lips quirk the smallest bit, "I don’t think I want to know."

Vetinari is watching the two, and couldn't help but over hearing, "You were doing what, Lucas?"

Grey smiles slightly and nods to Jovana, then continues on his way, conversing with Wren. "Yeah... they really would," he chuckles. "Better'n sharks, anyway." By the way he shakes his head, maybe there's more to that random statement that warrants a later storytelling. "You ever been out these ways 'fore, Wren? I figure you'll get to see a lot a interestin' places with us that ya never seen 'fore."

"Never seen a shark," Wren admits, an odd expression flickering over her face for an instant. "Nope, never have been out here before," she continues after a second's hesitation, resuming her trail behind Grey. "We stayed mostly in the Core," she agrees with a nod.

Grey stops his walk abruptly when he gets nearer the high-voltage fence, flicking modes on his NV/IRs and scanning for a moment. "We'll stay inside the fence for now, until I receive word that our contact is ready ta meet us," he says with an idle nod, flicking off his eyepiece. "I don' wanna take ya outside the fence jus' yet, until everything's ready. Should be jus' a nice, short talk where we get information an' give up some money." Under his breath, he adds: "If anything would ever work out as friggin' planned..."

A dangerous curiosity prompts Wren to lift a hand toward the electrified fence, but she stops just short of actually making contact with it. "Don't like fences," she states, making a face at the barrier where she and Grey stand. There are clusters of groups from other respective ships milling about around the landing pad as well.

Yinn finally steps down off the ramp of the Dark Dragon, stepping into the outer flow of traffic in the area, steps carrying her rather aimlessly at the moment. Her hand occasionally shifts to find the hilt of her bolt thrower and readjust it slightly, her gaze drifting from one armed guard to the next, keeping towards the middle of the landing pad and trying to stay out of their direct line of fire should anyone decide to get itchy trigger fingers.

Lucas clears his throat and starts looking around quickly, "Umm... Yea.. I was.." Coughing loudly he look points over to the Dark Dragon, "Hey, that’s the Dark Dragon I just saw her the other day in Persephone. Wonder what she is doing out this way." Looks over to Jovana and Vetinari, "So what all is going on, seems pretty festive tonight around these docks."

Jovana just shakes her head faintly at his feeble attempt to change the subject and then lets it go as she says, "There's probably some good cargo. I haven't done anything with it yet since we don't know when we're lifting off."

Yinn's head swivels in a manner similar almost to an owl's as she catches a very familiar name, eyes scanning for the source of said sound... Until she brings Lucas into her fore sight, her head canting to the side to study him, taking in the slightly disheveled and stubbly appearance with one arched brow and a slight frown as she tries to place him. Finally, failing miserably, she lets one shoulder rise and fall in an unconscious shrug, continuing on her rambling path while keeping Lucas and the small cluster of people he was with in the corner of her eye.

Grey's hand tightens on his weapon when Wren lifts a hand toward the fence, ready to take his shotgun and break her arm with the stock of it if he has to in order to break the current. But luckily, she doesn't actually touch the thing. Grey relaxes with a sigh of relief. The last thing he needs is a fried Wren. "Sure. Fences. Don't like. Well, this is one fence I /do/ like. It's jungles an' rainforests I ain't so fond of. Hot an' muggy as hell."

Wren is oblivious to the additional danger possibly posed by her Captain and his shotgun, her eyes fixed on the offensive fence. "Fences are traps," she states decisively. "Muggy," she repeats the word as if trying it out, and finally breaks her stare to glance over to Grey. "How come?"

Lucas looks back to Jovana. He peers curiously and just inquires, "Good cargo? Everyone just sitting around like a contract is going to fall from the sky?" Sliding his hands in his pockets he slowly rocks on his feet as he waits on the answer. Glancing back over his shoulder briefly to the Red's loading ramp as if looking for something.

The sun isn't anywhere near penetrating the thick canopy of the rainforest, but that doesn't mean much to crews who've become accustomed to the artificial cycles of life aboard ship. But perhaps it's surprising that the small contingent of pirates appear as they do, utterly without a ship.

At the lead of the group as they venture into view of the small congregation of ships is a big man, already drenched with the pre-dawn heat and humidity of the jungle. The heavy trench coat isn't suited for this environment, and the pack he carries can't make it any easier. "Mother fucker," Mark grunts, the sudden profanity signaling to his small group the need for a sudden stop just before they walk into Mark's back. "Gorram it, when I said I wanted to have a fuckin' look to see who was about, I didn't think the whole ruttin' 'verse had decided to take a fuckin' tropical vacation right the fuck now!"

"What else did you expect?" comes Amila's answer from just behind Marcus, amongst the small group that has come all together. An arm bends to allow her hand to push back the right side of her coat and settle on her hip. "Honestly, you'd think that they all thought th' heat was enjoyable." Well, it might be if she'd bothered to take off her coat.

Grey shrugs, drawing out a cigarette since comm channels seem to be quiet for now. "I dunno. I'm jus' made more for open spaces, cool breezes, an' oceans. You know. Londinium. Newhall. That kinna place. This place is jus'... I can hardly /breathe/ here. I imagine you like it better, with all the vegetation an' all. That's more yer kinna thing, ain' it?" Looking out through the fence, he watches the security detail's patrols for a moment before his attention is caught by the incoming pirates.

*BOOM*, *BOOM*, *BOOMBOOM* *Braking Engines*

High in the dusky sky 2 ships, make atmo, and streak across the sky, looking as if they are coming in more or less together. The two ships look to be trying to get into the port first, flying in an arc trying to viaing to get ahead of the other ship, each taking more chances then the next, it was as if honor, or something depended on getting in head of the other ship. As the pair if Firefly's come into view, One is painted Red, and One is painted Black, with TONG lettering on the ships, its hard to make out as the ships via for who is going to get in first.

Jessa trots along-side the others in her small group, one hand shoved into her pockets, the other holding an as-yet unlit smoke between her slender fingers. Giving a faint grumble with respect to the heat she lets her cool blue gaze sweep across the crowd. "Gorram peachy..maybe they'll put on a show?" and with that she smirks over at Amila playfully. Looking up she focuses her attention on the latest arrivals, a few curls falling across her face.

Yinn's head turns back over her shoulder as she heads towards one of the exits, Marcus' loud and booming voice drawing her attention as it inevitably does, taking a moment to study his new companion. Her gaze is quickly drawn upwards at the cacophony of noise above her, and she quickly sidesteps to the far side of the landing pad area, hopefully far out of range of either of the racing vessels should they take a rather unexpected landing.

"I like plants," Wren agrees happily, another small movement of her hand making it plain she's just aching to get some samples of the foliage that's out there. The pirates don't draw much of her attention as the sounds of twin ships coming down in a hurry captures most of it. Tilting her head all the way back, she peers up at the sky, watching the race with great interest.

Jovana looks up at the sound of the ships coming in alot less like most do. Moving to pick up her BT and her rosary as she lets her brow furrow and shakes her head.

"Somebody's puttin' on a fuckin' show." Mark snarls as the sudden echoing booms shatter the pre-dawn stillness. Reaching up to grasp the brim of his cap, tilting it back enough to let him catch a glimpse of the sky, his right hand resting comfortably on the MP slung under his right arm, "Glad we didn't land at the fuckin' spaceport. Somebody's gonna get busted up."

"The hell!" Grey shouts over the sudden noise of the two Fireflies competing in low atmo. The disturbances in the air make him bite down hard to keep the cigarette in his mouth as he watches the two ships with a frown. "Those idiots're gonna end up killin' each other."

Fingers plugging both ears, Wren doesn't make a response to Grey's shout. She's fully engaged in watching the ships coming in, a small smile curving her lips upward. The idea that they might not land so much as crash doesn't seem to have occurred to her at all.

Looking up to the sounds Lucas steps out to get a clearer view as he watches the two ships racing. Glancing briefly to Jovana he mutters under his breath, "Well this is going to be a really interesting landing. Hope they are heading to another pad. If not it's going to get ugly quick."

Amila tilts her head back, her hand lifting from her hip to shield her eyes to give her a better view of the ongoing race. "An' for once it ain't us puttin' th' show on. Kind o' nice t' do th' watchin', wouldn't you say?" she mutters at Marcus, a smirk crossing her face as she offers that tidbit.

The Red Firefly makes it in first, by only about a few moments. It lands in the far side of the port and its ramp drops and about 10 Gang members, an older looking man and an attractive looking young woman, disembark.

The Black Firefly, seems to respond in kind, having not made it in first, it decides to do a swoop drive over the top of the Red Firefly, and arc around for a landing in a few moments.... still in the air as it tries to slow down enough to come in and land at the port.

'Fashionablely late' comes another of the pirate variety. Voice lifting to pierce the distance between herself and the rest of the pirates, irritation dwelling within her words. "Yah stupid fug-" The yell swiftly is cut off as the slender eyebrows narrow downwards, intensifying the emerald orbs as they tilt up towards the display in the sky. "Ah mother fuckers are attemptin' t' copy me flyin' skills! Fuckin' copy cats. Ain't nothin' safe anymore." In replacement of 'my', she uses 'me' in the typical Irish fashion with the pronunciation of the word. Nysacire's boots continue to grope across the ground, echoing out a thud with each passing as she gains ground towards the pirate group while keeping her gaze settled on the twin fireflies and those that emerge from within it.

Jessa smirks, her hands moving to her hips as she eyes the ships with a frown. "Nah they be copying you chief.. it woulda looked a might better." Giving a wry grin she chuckles darkly her gaze moving back to the crowds as she falls quiet.

Grey grips his weapon tightly to prevent it from blowing back and forth when the Red Firefly lands, his eyepiece giving him protection against the winds to see clearly what's unloading from the vessel - and more importantly, the writing on the ships themselves, which he'd missed earlier. "Fuck!" he hisses.

Yinn slips around the edge of the crowd slowly, back towards the general vicinity of the Dark Dragon, in case she requires an immediate and accessible source of cover, her hand dropping to nestle on the handle of her bolt thrower as the Tongs unload from the ship. A small frown tugs at her lips, but is gone as quickly as it comes, her face falling back into it's typical neutral position, her other hand raising to press a button on the icomm at her waist, muttering softly under her breath.

Despite the general jocularity and good humor of his companions, Marcus doesn't seem to join in, letting the others have their fun while he stands a bit apart, watching the activity on the pads while his hand slides across the receiver of his weapon, pushing back the bolt with the satisfying sound of a round being chambered, "Fuckin' bastards.. Don't know what the fuck this is about, but reeks."

Glancing back to Jovana and her silence Lucas folds his arms across his chest as he watches the two Fireflys landing. Frowning slightly he just mutters, "Umm, Jovana.. should consider loading up just in case or.." Shifting his weight slightly he resumes watching the posturing match between the two Tong ship crews.

Amila shakes her head slightly in Nysacire's directions, grinning faintly as she offers the encouragement she can, "You're still able t' out fly them in your sleep, Nysa, don't you worry none." That said, her attention slides to Marcus, his distance unusual to the doctor. Arching an eyebrow, her smile fades slightly before she starts in his direction, voice dropping as she comes up just behind his right shoulder. "Things ain't lookin' so simple now, are they?"

Jovana is eyeing those ships though and says in a distracted tone. "We're packed up we just need to get... who is that?" Moving to step up a step on the ramp to try and see over peoples heads. Her grey eyes squinting a bit.

Right hand cuts through the air, fingers beginning to coil inwards besides the middle in the direction of the fire flies until her actions suddenly pause. "Aww, shucks. Y'all think I'm that damn good of ah pilot?" A mocking smile forms across the Chief Corsair's lips as she dips her head in a 'shy' manner for a moment. Though, the act lasts all but a few moments as hand comes to drift back down to her side. "Monkeys," she says with a nod of her head. "This is 'bout that horny monkey." Nysacire remains standing beside Jessa. As Amila begins to make her way towards Marcus, Nysacire moves to the other side of Jessa to keep the pilot between her and the doctor.

Jessa tilts her head slowly, her cobalt blue gaze sliding over to Marcus a moment. As if to match Amila her brow arches skyward slowly, bringing the smoke to her lips before returning her hand to her hips its tip still remaining unlit as her attention seems somewhat split at the moment. Dark curls whip about her face, as she gives Nysa a side-long questioning look. "monkeys?"

" Keeping a hand in front of her face to shield it from the flying debris kicked up by the two ships, Wren nevertheless contrives to keep watching the spectacle through a small crack she makes between her fingers. There's a short pause to digest Grey's reaction, and then she asks, "This is bad?"

This could be very bad," Grey mutters, his eyes staying locked on the two Fireflies and the personnel that come out of them. His thumb flicks open a part of the sling, making his weapon available if need be. He brings his left wrist up to his lips and murmurs into an iComm interface there before starting to move away from the fence, walking on a tangential course toward the Red Angel and Dark Dragon, since his own ship is very close to the Tongs' ship.

Lucas stepping closer to the ramp he nods slowly, "Do you know who they are?" Sliding his hands out of his pockets he runs his fingers through his loose hair.

The young woman remains close to the older man who disembarks from the red Firefly and she doesn't seem to be very happy. Her arms are folded tightly across her chest and her eyes are narrowed as she looks up at him. "I don't care what you say, I'm not going to do it and you can't make me!" her tone is very angry and as she finishes speaking, she takes a few quicker steps away from the older man and the guards, putting herself a few paces ahead of the group.

"Fuckin' Tongs." Mark snarls in reply to Amila's question, turning his head just enough to speak over his shoulder to his crew, his merely voice a low rumble to others not quite near enough to make it out, "Hell if I know what the fuck they're up to.. Keep your gorram guns in the holsters, but safeties off." Turning a bit in the other direction, he looks to the blonde in his group, asking her, "Am I fuckin' seein' shit, or is that the fuckin' Royal Yacht sittin' over there?"

Wren watches Grey anxiously, slipping along beside him as he heads over toward the Red Angel and Dark Dragon. Quiet as a mouse, she keeps her eyes sharp, trying to find trouble before it finds them.

Amila blinks at the revelation from Marcus, her attention shifting from him back towards the groups which have disembarked from the earlier racing ships. Her hand shifts down to undo the button on her coat, and adjust the strap on her holster, and the safety on her gun before moving on to check that, yes, indeed, she has her medkit with her. "I gotta say, I ain't likin' th' sound o' what you're sayin', Marcus."

Jovana starts singing softly to herself in Latin as she stands there. her hands continuing to clasp in front of her as she watches those form the ship as well as the two ships.

Lucas looks to Jovana and blinks blankly at her singing a moment. Watching her curiously a few moments he realizes something else is going on and turns his attention back towards the Tong ships. Sighing lightly, "Well that is one way to cope with it..."

Yinn continues to slide along the outskirts of the ramp towards the Dragon, though not making a direct bee line for it's boarding ramp just yet. Her gaze finds Grey and Wren, giving them a quick once over before turning her attention back towards the people off loading from the first Firefly, frowning slightly as she strains to catch what the argument seems to be about...

The older man looks to her and says, "This marriage is the only way we have peace between our houses and you will do what honor requires of you, I'll not have this on my head any longer...you will stand up for your family now Mia!" A few of the guards move in closer to the young girl...

At about the same time the Black Firefly makes land fall on the opposite side of the port... putting the ships parked in the middle... in the middle, out spills 10 gang members and a young looking man, walking with his father, the man was attractive, tall, 6 foot tall, with jet black hair and dark eyes, wearing a black tux and trench coat. Both the Tongs from each side had AK-47s and looked rigged for combat....

Jovana stops her singing to herself and steps back, bringing her BT up to bare. "Lucas.. I hope you remembered to load your weapon because I think it’s about to be a very bad day."

Nysacire's head tilts over towards Jessa's direction, "Horny monkey wanted t' make Marcus her new bitch." Her attention is soon distracted over towards Marcus's direction. A slender eyebrow arches as puzzlement washes across her features for a few moments, "Eh? There's ah safety settin' on guns? Fuck, I nev'r knew that." At the mention of the yacht, her emerald gaze drifts over towards the Arch Angel. "Ah fuggin' 'ell.. It is." The shoulders roll back lightly as her hands sweep over to her hips, bypassing the holsters of the twin colts to settle upon them. The corners of her lips curl downwards forming a faint frown as she glances back over towards the action.

Grey gets to the Dark Dragon first and crouches behind a bit of cover, nodding to Yinn. "How are ya?" he asks, his voice light and jovial. "I'm Grey, this is Wren. That's our ship right there - " He points to the Invictus, pretty much dead between the Red and Black Fireflies. "And I'm willin' ta wager that somethin' bad is gonna happen. Min' if I take a quick rest behind your fine ship here?" Without even waiting for an answer, he takes off the shockproof case on his back and opens it, and starts to take a few things out of it.

Wren gives Yinn a cheerful little wave in greeting. "Nice to meet ya," she says with practiced politeness. Despite the fact that Grey is crouching down, it hasn't yet occurred to her that perhaps she might want to do the same. So, she's simply standing there, bright and shiny.

Lucas blinking blankly a second at Jovana's comment he looks down to his Slipshot. "Umm... yea.. loading.." Eyes trail over the gun as he suddenly draws a blank on if he did in fact load the pistol or not. Guess soon enough the world will truly know the answer to that and life’s other little questions.

Jessa grumbles, a quick nod given to Marcus her hands still resting loosely on her hips. Choking back a small laugh at the mention of horny monkeys she schools her face back to a serious blank, though there is still a hint of amusement in her eyes. Turning her attention back to the firefly's she tilts her head slightly a few curls falling across her cheeks. Her gaze shifting from the first group to the other she keeps quiet watching everything with silent reserve.

From his crouched position behind the cover of the Dark Dragon, Grey's head suddenly snaps up for a second, apparently spotting something from afar. He flicks modes on his NV/IRs for a moment, trying to determine something, then continues to unpack and assemble something from his shockproof case. "Wren... /Get down/," he hisses quietly. The object in his hands is becoming more and more recognizable as a weapon as pieces are taken out, oiled, and assembled with expert ease.

Lucas looks down at the Slipshot now all the more fascinated if it is loaded or not. Tugging at the top he hums slowly. Stepping off the ramp he walks behind it slowly as he waves the gun around a few times. Slowly looking it over, he does show some restraint in keepin the barrel away from himself and other people he recognizes. Finally he sits down at the foot of the ramp and starts looking for the clip release. Finally he sighs in frustration, "I knew I should I have really messed around with this thing last night."

"Safety, fuggin' unbelievable.." A look of contemplation casts itself across her features as emerald gaze continues to remain on the scene. "Wonder if'in they'll answer.." Her words trail off as boots begin to grope across the ground. A very slow stride is taken as fingers uncoil from around her hips, dropping the arms to hang beside her. As she walks, the end of the brown duster nips at the back of her calves like ravaged dogs. Nysacire's path heading towards the little scene, though taking it very slowly to the point that it will take her a while to actually get to the group.

Jessa growls, her cobalt-blue orbs flashing to something in the distance, "Uh..Chief... gorram it.. Doc you might want to be finding somewhere to be hiding.." Stepping forward she seems to glance between Nysa and something in the distance then decides on finding a good bit of cover instead, the whole time grumbling and swearing behind her unlit smoke.

"Fuck." Mark states, ever eloquent, utterly unamused. In fact, he seems downright put out by all of this, his gravely voice dripping with impatience as he glances at his people, "Doc.. Jessa. Duck behind a fuckin' crate or somethin'.." Moving on to look to Nysa, he shakes his head, telling her, "This ain't any o' our fuckin' business, Blondie, but there's gonna be fuckin' trouble, and the admir..."

Midsentence, the big pirate's cut off as the glimpse of the muzzle flash deep in the jungle is followed by the roar of the Archangel, dusting off. And when he turns back to Nysa, he finds her wandering off, directly towards the group of heavily armed men. The pirate captain can only shake his head, waiting for the inevitable conflagration to begin.

"I'll duck behind, but don't be expectin' me t' stay there if th' shit hits th' fan," Amila answers Marcus dryly as she turns her to look for just such a crate to drop behind.

The right brow on Yinn's face arches almost painfully in a very Spock-like impression at Grey's introduction and actions, a brief nod of greeting given to Grey and Wren. "Yinn. Sure, as long as you promise not to try and blow 'er to pieces. I'm not sure which'd have my head first, her Cap'n or her mechanic." Yinn says with wry amusement, casually unslinging the bolt thrower from across her chest and letting it drop over one shoulder instead, fingers smoothly moving to drop an arrow into place, though somehow managing to do so without looking overly obvious about it. "Might want to get down, meimei." She directs towards Wren as she herself slides a step or two closer to the Dragon's hull... Just in case.

Mia stops and looks back to the older man that is now yelling at her. Her arms still folded over her chest as she addresses the man. "Honor? What would you know about honor? If you knew anything about honor, you wouldn't be forcing me to do this! It's because of you, that our family is in this situation. Don't expect me to shoulder the responsibility for something you did. What you're doing to me, is no better than slavery!" She turns away from him again and starts to stalk off in the opposite direction of the man that is presumably, her father.

As she continues walking, it's then that she catches sight of the man in the tuxedo and she stops. She looks him over for a moment and offers an approving nod. She waits for her father to catch up with her and she says quietly to him, "That's him?" Her arms unfold from across her chest and she smoothes out the front of her dress, then brushes her long braid back over her shoulder. "Well, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all," she says with a smirk.

Get down? What? OH! Those thoughts clearly flash across Wren's face in response to Grey's command. Dropping into a crouch beside her Captain, she watches the assembling of the weapon with interest. Occasional darting glances keep a check on the activities of the two gangs.

For seemingly no reason at all, this very attractive man, picture of youth and handsome son of team leaving the Black Firefly, his head seems to explode, gray brain and red blood and white bone spray seem to fill the air as what was left of the man fall to the ground, spilling out blood all over the tarmac, a moment later, the report from a 50 Cal round fired a mile and half away deep from the jungle is heard. It seems to fit the Report is clear clacking sound, that sends the Tongs reeling for a target.

The father of this Asian man just looks to what was left of his son and falls to the ground... the old man wasn't hit, but he falls to the ground.

Mia's Father looks to this and says in a loud voice, "NO ONE SHOOT... Take cover!" The old man grabs his 18 year old girl and falls on her knocking her to the ground.

Grey has finally finished assembling his weapon, and puts it through a quick function test and gets it loaded just in time to look up and see the Asian man's head explode. "Huh," he says, apparently not fazed at all by this. "Don't worry. I know your Captain. I knew the Dragon's previous Captain, too. Was on better terms with her than with Sink, though." During that little spiel, the Captain of the Invictus has brought up his weapon and stabilized it on a small cargo container, bipods extended, eye on the scope.

Lucas jumps at the sound of the 50 cal round and people screaming. Quickly refastening his hands around the pistol in his hands he dives to the ground behind the ramp and pulls the pistol up to rest on the ramp. The pistol sways wide in it's sweeping gaze of the events as Lucas suddenly catches up and notices the pool of blood from the headless Tongman. Not really sure what is going on, if his gun is even loaded or if he should just scream like a ninny and run up the ramp? This cover and pointing gun tactic seems likes his best choice of actions until he can figure out what's going on.

Nysacire's head pivots towards the side, calling out towards Marcus over her shoulder, "I just got ah question for 'em. It's important too. Dontcha worry. I ain't interested in this lil whatever the fuck it is." It becomes quite obvious that her attention is not on the ones doing all the talking, but instead the AK 47 wielding folks. As the distance begins to be cut moment by moment, she finally calls out towards the group. "Hey there! Y'all gots ah fuckin' safety settin' on 'em?" Obviously, her curiosity is never-ending, especially when it comes to this new little fact. Nothing ever lasts long, including her attention which seems to switch around like a child in a candy store. The sight of the man's head exploding sends her to a dead halt. A slender eyebrow arches skywards as she glances around at the grotesque mess that it leaves behind. "Well, I be feelin' sorry for whoever's cleanin' up that mess. Brains tend t' stick t' things. Gotta scrub pretty 'ard an' use.. Crap.." She pauses for a moment, "Uh, I'll get back t' y'all about that cleanin' thing." Almost completely unfazed is the blonde pirate from the head explosion, and the chaos that unravels soon after. Apparently the whole 'take cover' command isn't heeded by the blonde pirate, who continues to stand in place, glancing over the mess of the head explosion then onto the others around the spaceport.

Jessa shakes her head a wry smile on her lips as she curses in a never ending hiss, finding a place to stand where cover is assured without blocking her view she whistles over at Nysa, "Uh.. Chief.." Shaking her head she seems exasperated with the Chief, her gun finding its way into her hand easily though she keeps it lowered her side pressed against some large cargo containers.

"Fer fuck's sake." Marcus mutters, fingers drumming on the receiver of the weapon slung at his side as he takes a few steps sideways, edging a bit to Nysa's flank, "Right in the fuckin' line o' fire," he grumbles, "Dizzy fuckin' blonde.."

Before she can find cover, though, the sound of the gunshot and the dropping bodies catches Amila's attention. Cursing quite colorfully under her breath, the medic does what comes naturally. No, not run for cover. She runs straight towards where the dead Asian man and his father has fallen, the hem of her coat swinging behind her as she dashes over, ignoring the fact that those with the AK-47's may well misinterpret her intentions. She didn't see if the older man was hit, but she's going to find out. Pulling out her medkit as she runs, half crouched over to make herself less of a target, the red cross on the little kit may just be enough for those around her to figure out what she is. Over her shoulder, in Marcus' direction, she calls, "You can shoot me later for disobeyin'!"

Yinn's face drops into a small but fierce nonetheless scowl as the sharp report echoes, and her gaze snaps towards the noise, just in time to see the fragments of skull bone and the volcano of gray matter spew out from the unfortunate groom-to-be. She either did not seem to find that particular scene overly repulsive, or else was more interested in the reactions of the multitude of weapon-toting persons around her, dark eyes darting from one to the next, slinking back against the hull of the Dragon, trying to keep out of sight and out of line of stray bullets should they begin to rain from the sky. "She's not with us anymore, in case ya hadn't heard." Yinn directs towards Grey, though her eyes remain focused on the scene in front of her, shaking her head slightly at Nysa's attempt at interaction with the Tongs. "Not as in not with the Dragon... she was killed a while back." She informs him.

The horror of what she had just witnessed, doesn't even have time to set in, as all of a sudden, Mia's father is tossing her to the ground and covering her. She lands with a soft thud as she groans in pain. She pushes up with her tiny arms, in an attempt to raise herself from the ground and try to get out from beneath her father. "Let me up!" she shrieks out from beneath her father, unable to wiggle herself out from under him. "What does your honor say about this sort of thing?" she asks in an irritated tone.

The kitsune swoops in for a landing and settles into the field and as the ramp opens, the old spacer starts to come out only to see a mess on the ground and people hiding. She backs up to the top of the ramp worried. Especially since there is a low mooing coming from behind her in the hold. The sign of a full load of cows in the ship. The spacer hits the close on the ramp and then jumps down before it gets more than a foot or two. she takes cover behind a leg strut.

The men with the AK-47s don't really know how to react but when Nysacire asks a question of them they turn their attention on her, looking for signs of a weapon, one man screams at her in Chinese, "DROP YOUR WEAPONS?!" This brings the attention of other Thugs and they aim a gun on her, moving, to advance on her, "Down on the GROUND now... you move we shot you...DOWN on the GROUND..."

A mussel Flash again, and a 50 cal round finds its target, it was the pair laying on the Ground... the old man on top of Mia was hit in the back, he looks to her and says, "Run... get... out... of..." And all sound is replaced by rushing blood sound...

One of the men from the Red Firefly says, "Sota is hit... Fall back to the ships... RUN!"

The Black team was responding to Nysa...

Still no one has fired on each other but alot of Chinese men with AK-47s looking for a target and looking desperate.

The Report from the 50 cal rifle again.

Wren jumps at the sudden cracking sound that almost seems to reverberate through her bones. Eyes very wide, she stares out at the splattered remains of the Tong's brain. There's a morbid, bizarre curiosity in her eyes as she takes it all in, leaning a little closer to the scene. "Ashes..." she murmurs under her breath, the voices of Grey and Yinn not seeming to register with her at all. Another shot, and there's more blood and chaos. "Betcha they all die," she gambles with herself.

"Which one?" Grey asks Yinn almost conversationally as he scans through the scope, trying to track down the shooter. "I know Mou Lee passed 'way, I was at 'er funeral. But Daenerys? Have ya heard word of her?" The second report has him grinning. "Gotcha," he hisses. His breathing evens, then stops; his trigger finger squeezes ever so slowly. The Fifty-Four Cal Sniper Rifle issues a harsh bark as the shot is fired.

Lucas ducking again as the second shot rattles out he starts looking around feverishly trying to decide what to do. Crazy people in way of bullets good. Other people in cover also good. Lucas decides to glance over his shoulder just briefly, in the general direction of where the shots seem to keep emerging from. Calling over to the crew ducked next to the Dragon he yells out, "Hey Dragon Crew People over there! Put up some smoke or something.... Can't shoot what you can't see!"

A puzzled look crosses over Nysacire's features at the reaction from the AK-47 wielding men. Turning her attention onto them, she tilts her head lightly to one side as the hint of a frown dances across her features. "I'll take that as ah no then. Y'all sure yah ain't got safety on dem? Hand one ov'r an' I'll be able t' tell yah for sure I betcha." Shifting a bit in her stance, the fingers brush across the holsters of the twin colts at her side. Despite the close proximity to the holsters and her hands, she does not draw them out. The boots begin to slowly begin to cross the ground, in a back peddling manner. "I see y'all are busy now an' I'll just be moseyin' along."

Jessa slips around her cover her gun disappearing quickly so as not to offer any threat, "gorram it... this is why I don't touch rock people.. simple question my lily white ass.. I swear I'm going to shoot'er myself one of these days.. then the friggin doctor.. who's going to clean the chief up if she's all corpsified...." Her voice fades off in another endless stream of cussing and cursing, very unladylike as she moves out towards Marcus and Nysa abandoning her well found cover.

2 of the men fire on her for not getting down on the ground as ordered, now they have a target... and it’s anyone around Nysa, "Get down on the ground now!"

The Shots fired make the men off the Red Firefly run faster to the ship and its reactor comes on line...

"Fuckin' broads!" Mark exclaims in exasperation, yet another of the maniacal women in his command dashing past him in her hurry to run between all the men with big bad guns, "C'mon... For fuck's sake.. thos're his ruttin' brains all over the gorram tarmac, you ain't gonna do shit.."

Mark raises his weapon at the same time as he keys his comm with his left hand, "Nysa, down, ya crazy bitch. Rest of ya, weapons on the ones in fuckin' black.. Only black. If you're near the fuckin' spaceport.. Get the fuck here now!"

Grasping the grip of the repeater with the his free hand, leveling it at the Tong mobsters across from him, the big pirate captain advances on them, his booming voice bellowing out "You mother fuckers better take a good fuckin' look at our colors before ya fire one more ruttin' time," he roars at the chinamen, "Or ain’t' none of ya walkin' the fuck out of here today!"

Amila cringes, but doesn't stop, as the second shot rings out and hits Mia's father. Kit in hand, she drops to her knees next to the man, moving first to press her fingers to a pulse point to check for the first rule of combat medicine...don't try and save someone who’s' already dead. Yup, beyond her help. And then the sound of the AK-47's going off has the medic spinning. "Fuck." Eloquent it isn't, but to the point...well, that's important right now, isn't it? "Nysa!" she calls, eyes widening for a moment before they narrow...and she starts in that direction. She isn't going to jump in until the bullets slow down, at least, and hopefully that's in time. She keeps the red-cross marked medkit in one hand, but pulls out her own weapon in the other. Captain's orders.

Yinn growls softly as the next shot rings out, watching the guns swivel towards the pirate.... "Aw, gorram fuckin' hell." She mutters, knowing it's only a matter of seconds before one of the handful of pirates or any of the two dozen Tongs get a twitch in the wrong fingers. And... there it goes... "Ashes, ashes, they all fall down. Take your own advice, mei mei." She snarks to Wren, reaching to tug the girl down if she doesn't respond on her own. Her gaze shifts back to Grey as he lines up his shot, following his line of sight towards the forest, but quickly turns her attention back to the Tongs, bringing a finger to rest on the trigger of the bolt thrower, though not bringing it to bear on anyone yet. "'Fraid not. Not seen hide nor hair for quite a few months. Looks like she's fallen off grid as far as anybody's been told, least wise as far as I know." She replies, taking a quick glance out into the mess of people to judge distances and positions, a glare given in the direction of Lucas. "Great idea, if'n I had anythin' other than grenades to be doin' such." She mutters. She winces slightly at Marcus' bellow, exhaling softly... "Gorram pirates." She mutters under her breath, her ears ringing slightly.

The pair of man look at the ship and then to Nysa and one of them smiles at him, "Next time have your whore lay down as ordered Pirate scum...Let’s leave now..." The Black team starts to fall back, dragging the father of the young man who was the first to die with them... the Red Ship is already reading to take off... Leaving Mia behind...

As her father is shot and killed, Mia manages to crawl herself out from beneath him, his blood covering the front of her dress and her arms. She manages to get herself to her feet, her dark gaze turning down towards her now dead father. Rather than being able to run anywhere, she just stands there, completely frozen. She can't seem to draw her gaze off of her father. She's trembling slightly, looking like a deer in the headlights. While her head is telling her to run, her legs are not seeming to get the message.

Morgaine sees the man shot in the back with the girl under him and she instantly reacts. She is a browncoat officer and an idealist that translates into needless heroics. "Thank Goddess that Strian had this spare jacket." She mutters about the flak jacket under her brown coat. Relying on the fact that a sniper scope can't track fast, she looks for good cover so she can run out to the girl, grab her moving past and get to cover. Speed is the key and using her protected body to shelter the girl from shots.

It's the sound of the gun firing right BESIDE her that finally draws Wren's attention back to her immediate surroundings. "Should be fire an' burnin'," she whispers, staring at the barrel of the gun even as Yinn pulls her down lower to the ground. "Burnin' flesh smells sweet... It's the fat that burns an' burns, like a merry candle," she continues to mumble, eyes wide and unfocused.

Nysacire's head tilts a bit towards one side, muttering beneath her breath with few pauses in between. Perhaps a conversation solely to herself, or another hidden reason behind it. The lips moving come to a dead halt mid mutter as the familiar pain of bullets riddling her body send a short-lived painful scream to pierce the air. The features of her face washing over with a grimace as she takes a mere step backwards until collapsing down onto her back. Rise and fall of her chest becoming a bit more ragged as within its flesh and bone containment, the heart's beating comes to a rapid pace. The strewns of muscles surrounding her mandible tense, gritting her teeth together as she tilts her head to the side. A single word manages to drift through the gritted teeth, "Ouch." That basically sums up the intense pain of becoming swiss cheese to a point. No sign is there to rise from her laying position as head lolls back against the ground.

The Juggernaut descends upon the scene from the north, his hand upon the gun attached to the hip of his armor as he approaches in a half-skipping walk. Dark eyes look about cautiously as he approached, and he speaks into his icom, keeping an eye out for where a response might come - amidst the chaos. His movements are sharp, but his body is clearly wracked with an intention to cause very much harm - distress - and property damage.

Lucas winces to the shot that rattles off from Grey. Glancing to Yinn and her response he points to his ears and shrugs like he couldn't hear her. Reaching down he picks up the small transmitter and starts rambling into it. Eyes watching the people darting around before he makes a move just yet from the safety of the landing ramp.

Grey glances up from his scope, using his natural eyesight to see now. "Sniper's down, not moving," he mutters under his breath. "Lost contact. Friggin' hell." Coming out of his tunnel-vision world, he takes in the scene before him - people rushing this way and that, Tongs retreating back to their ships, Wren being /extremely/ creepy, and Nysacire down on the ground. "No fire, no burning, no Captain flambé," he says to Wren, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Wren. Get back to the Invictus and get to safety. There's no guarantee that this is over yet." He nods to Yinn, and starts to move away from the Dark Dragon - lighting a smoke at the same time, of all things to do at a time like this. "Tell Sink that Grey said hi," he says with a wink before he moves out of cover and toward open ground.

Jessa growls, her eyes narrowing as she crosses the distance to the Chief, the motion fluid advances towards Nysa to help her up. "Gorram it woman.. " Dropping down by her fallen crewmate she checks her over quickly, "Doc.. You’re needed for your own people right about now.." Her voice lifting over the din of the spaceport.

As the Tong men leave, Mark is striding straight towards, them, snarling as he waves his MP-12 about, pointing it at the Tong, at Morgaine.. At anyone who doesn't bear a Jolly Roger who dares get near the fallen blonde, or by extension, the young Chinese woman in the Cheongsam. He doesn't run, but long strides have him moving across the tarmac quickly, his gravely voice booming across the landing pad as he keys his comm once again, "Get the fuckin' ship warmed up, somebody grab that ruttin' chink girl, and somebody get the fuck to Nysa. I don't want anybody but us takin' another gorram step till we fuckin' say so." To make his point, a steely blue gaze, a threatening sneer, and the pirate's MP-12 are subsequently leveled at Morgaine, the nearest non-pirate to this mess.

With a whurr and a thunk the seals and locks of the Dark Dragon's hatch opens. Sink steps out and to one side keeping his profile tight against his ship. He carries a long rifle by the grip, but he keeps it pointed down. He looks around the starport, looking for the source of gun fire he heard. He looks down at the rear of the Dragon and sees Grey moving away. He grits his teeth and locks his jaw and quietly moves down the ramp and towards Yinn, "What's going on out here?" His eyes look up at the departing Fireflys.

Pausing less than half a dozen steps from Mia, Amila spins on her heels and backtracks to grab the woman by the arm. "C'mon, darlin'. Best you come with us, ain't safe out here." She's surprisingly gentle in her tone as she offers that particular gem of knowledge. Tugging on Mia's arm as she turns to start right back to Nysa. She'll leave the 'chink' in someone else's care so she can deal with the corsair.

Yinn glances towards Wren as she mutters, an odd expression crossing her face, releasing her hand from the girl's shoulder. "Right helpful one you've got there." She says dryly towards Grey about Wren. "Right cheerful, too." She mutters, sighing and turning her attention back towards the cluster fuck that was the main landing pad. "Will do, pleasure makin' your acquaintance 'n'all." She calls towards Grey as he steps away.

Wren turns her head to look at Grey's hand as he places it on her shoulder, and then follows along his arm up to his face, watching his lips move as he speaks. "No guarantees," she whisper echoes, watching him as he begins to walk out from behind the cover of the ship. She's still watching him as he lights up, the small flame drawing her forward just like the proverbial moth.

Lucas scrambling with the transmitter he shoves his slipshot in his pocket. Not really the best holster but it functions ok. Pulling out the transmitter he smacks the side of it and looks at the display as he mutters under his breath, "What the.. give the new guy the busted ass com unit.. guess I have to sit here and make scary faces and hope people leave me alone.."

Morgaine carefully tries to keep Mia between some cover and herself. "Stay down, girl. I have no idea if that sniper is still around and trying to shoot." is said to Mia quietly. The woman sighs as she feels a slight muscle ache from the sudden all out exertion. "Gorram, I am not as young as I used to be. I am feeling down right old about now." she mutters softly. She glances towards the one pointing the gun at her and considers her options. "I will see to the girl and her protection."

The eyelids veil across the emerald orbs, closing them tightly for a few moments as a groan emerges from Nysacire. A few long moments pass until the emerald orbs are once more revealed, glancing up towards Jessa. "Ruined 'nother outfit," she mutters out between the gasps for air. Left hand creeps across her hip, palm brushing across one of the bullet holes that riddle her physique. Lifting skywards, she glances over towards the now bloody palm. "Ruttin.. Fuckin'...assholes," she manages to strain out before another groan drifts from her. Not quite able to move from the spot that she has come to rest upon, instead glancing slightly around as the voices and commotion drift around her.

The Juggernaut, upon visually spotting Marcus, snatches his HK-MP7 into his hands and proceeds towards the Captain of the Pirate Fleet (Marcus, again), his sturdy face contorting into a snarl. "Where's Nysa?" he calls to Marcus as he approaches, having heard the com transmission. At that point, by either luck or by Marcus's help, the Juggernaut's eyes land on Nysa, and he moves towards her - blind of other danger - in order to retrieve the Chief Corsair (again, Nysa), from her current predicament. He lowers his shoulder and offers to her, "Climb on," as his massive arm moves to help her slouch over his shoulder.

Vetinari stands on the ramp of the Red Angel and is not quite sure where all the folks came from but is finding this situation interesting...

"Right," Grey says, stepping forward toward Mia. "She'll be much safer on your boat." He grins crookedly to Amila, Sniper still in hand, not much intimidated by the Pirates' actions or threats. Disregarding the presence of Morgaine, Marcus, and all other possibly hostile elements around him, Grey tries to make eye contact with Mia as he continues moving across the tarmac. "Sniper's down," he says to those within earshot. "Not dead. But down. If he shoots again, he'll be /dead/."

A swirl of color descends down the ramp of the Dragon, pace light and easy. Until the carnage on the docks snares a patchwork girl's attention. Soft brown eyes go wide, darting quickly among those gathered, well before she reaches the base of the ramp. First, to her captain her attention falls ... and then she seeks out any other of her crew ... and a certain mountain of a man.

Jessa grins wryly down at Nysa, "You’re one crazy woman chief.. come on.. let’s get you back to the ship so you can get a few more names etched into ya" Looking over the fallen woman she tries to figure out how best to carry her back to the ship, and given her own slight frame its not going to be easy. Thankfully Jeremiah arrives "Great.. can you carry her.. and be gentle like.. dun wanna make nuthin worse.." Turning over her shoulder she shouts again.. "DOC any day now ..."

Mia finally snaps out of her daze and realizes that there are all sorts of people around her, trying to persuade her to go with them. As Amila grabs her arm, she quickly jerks away. "Don't touch me!" she shrieks at the woman as she takes a few steps away from her. "I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not going with you." And then, Morgaine gets her attention. "And I certainly don't need -you- to protect me. Just because my father is dead, doesn't mean that I need a babysitter. I'm a grown woman, perfectly capable of taking care of myself." When Grey mentions that the sniper is down, she looks to him and gently nods. "Thanks," she offers softly.

Daniel Wallace walks down the ramp of the Red Angel and take a moment to take note of something... taking it all in...

Amila blinks at Mia before she shake her head, and turns away. "Have it your way. G'luck." she mutters before she turns and moves quickly to close the distance between herself and Nysa. She's more than slightly relieved to see the Juggernaut there helping the corsair. "Good...I want her in the medbay quickly. An' gently," she adds with a wry smirk, shifting her attention to Nysa. "I'd ask how you were feelin', Chief, but frankly, I'd be shocked if you even felt bein' shot anymore."

"Peachy," comes the muttering response from Nysacire to Amila.

Sink looks back to Patchwork as she arrives and he waves her over to him and Yinn, with a slow hand gesture. He watches the drama unfold on the docks and waits for Yinn to fill him in.

"No.. more names.." The ending of her words come with a hissing gasp as she shits a bit within her laying position. A corner of her lips curls upwards into a faint half-smile as the sight of Jeremiah comes into view. "Sorry, co-" The words cut off short as a grimace washes across her face followed by a groan. Apparently being riddled with bullets isn't as much fun as it may seem like. Right arm begins to shift, though barely an inch does it come from the ground until dropping lifelessly to be followed by a short lived scream of pain. Gritting teeth fiercely together, Nysacire next crosses over her left arm to attempt to grab onto the Command (Jeremiah).

Lucas looks up at the sound of heavy boots on the ramp. Standing up quickly he stuffs the iComm back into his other pocket as he exclaims, "Finally!" Pointing towards the yelling Chinese woman, "Ok.. soo... she showed in a mad race with another Firefly, then there was yelling and all of a sudden.. BOOM.. this Chinese guys head explodes. So they all scream and I take cover.. then.. BOOM.. the dad of the screaming Chinese lady goes down..." Hands bounce in the air as he explains this story to Vetinari, not really sure who the other guy is yet but he must be part of the crew. He did walk down the ramp after all. Motioning toward Grey, "So that guy over there fired a shot off into the trees and then all went quiet.. and before the Black and Red Firefly took off they shot at the crazy blonde lady for walking up on their business." Looking back and forth between the two he finally calms down to ask a question, "So.. we staying or leaving?"

Wren follows Grey silently, padding along behind him until she gets to where the blood is pooling amid the splattered brains that once belonged to a young Tong. Crouching down, she dips a finger into the red and then lifts it up to inspect at close range. "Still warm," she murmurs thoughtfully.

The sound of a high caliber round hitting the side of a ship can be heard... it was over the head of Mia and hit the only ship big enough to be in the way... The Red Angel...

Daniel Wallace looks at the side of his ship for a moment and says, "Who the fuck just took a shot at my boat?"

Morgaine shakes her head at the woman, Mia, "You need some help. There are obviously people trying to kill you. I can give you some shelter and passage to safety. In the meantime get down and get into cover. I am wearing an armored jacket, you are not." She is ignoring Marcus as if he is insignificant and to her, he is. Only Mia matters at the moment.

Eyes fixed on Lucas and not to sure what to say, but the shot bouncing off made Vetinari flinch. Now ducking down and looking Lucas square in the eyes. "What in the gorram hell we doing here? I mean come on and who is that girl that everyone is trying to coax on their boat?!" Now standing up again and looking around drawing out his little pea shooter of a gun but drawing it anyways as his eyes begin to scan the area.. "Seems to be a sniper somewhere....."

"I'll take that t' mean you can still feel it when you're shot," Amila mutters with a grin as she digs into her kit, pulling out a small, easily administered dose of strong pain killers. "Won't stop it entirely, but it'll take th' edge off." she promises, glancing past the Corsair to the Juggernaut. "Faster," she mouths, nodding back towards where their ship set down.

"Grey says hi." Yinn says towards Sink, one hand snaking out and tugging Patches behind her as soon as the colorful girl is in reach. She jerks her chin towards where the man stands holding the sniper rifle. "Gorram hell!" She snarls as the sound of a bullet ricocheting can be heard again, sliding back against the hull of the Dragon, dark eyes scanning for the source of the shot. "Some gorram kid in a tux volunteered to redecorate the landin' pad. With bits of his brain." She says, looking towards the afore mentioned body. "Another one got reamed in the back while trying to get that runt o' a girl out o'the way." She says, gesturing towards where the pirates and Morgaine/Grey stand arguing over said girl.

Marcus joins the utter clusterfuck at the center of the landing pad, his MP-12 leveled at Morgaine's forehead, snarling at the woman, "Nine." He snaps at the irritating woman, his lips curling back from his teeth as he sneers at her, adding, "That's the number of fucking bullets you're going to have crashing through your empty ruttin' skull in the next gorram second if you don't shut the fuck up. I've got myself a powerful headache tonight, and you ain't helpin' in the least." Mia, for the moment, is ignored as his pirates gather their fallen comrade up, the Captain turning his attention to Grey, "Are you just gonna flap your fuckin' jaw, or are you 'bout ready to put that fuckin' cock extension to some use and kill the mother fucker this time?"

Lucas ducks his head quickly and scrambles around the ramp to the other side, "Sweet skies now they are shooting at us.." Pointing towards the forests, "The shooter is out there.." Looking back to Vetinari he adds, "I have no clue who she is but they were arguing about something, she pouted, guy died, dad died and I am sure she is important. I say piss on it and let them get shot while we get to the safety of the Black!"

Jessa catches Marcus out of the corner of the center of crazy. "friggin hell.." Chief off and running in the arms of the big man she moves over to Marcus her gun out to offer what cover she may her dark blue eyes falling on Morgaine "Problems sir?" and with a grin to Marcus she looks back out on the mess.

Patchwork slowly walks forward then, sidling up behind Sink. She rises to her tip toes, to peek over her captain's shoulder, poised as she looks across the tarmac. "Golly ... just like another evening on Persephone ..." her words are an easy country deadpan, light spoken and gentle. "But we are on ...." Patchwork's words are cut off by the sharp kahlang of the shot. Immediately she turns ... first towards the hit ship - a moment held, before she takes an educated guess to trace back along that ricochet.

Grey nods to Mia. "Jus' wanted a safe path to my ship for my crew," he says, jerking his head back to where Wren was. And when he realizes she's not there anymore, he looks around for her and frowns - and doesn't have a chance to even think before a shot is fired, and he's immediately down by instant reaction, yelling at Mia, "DOWN!" Eye to the scope once more, he tries to spot his target once more - this time, he shoots to kill. Sight focused on the head instead of center of visible mass now, Grey squeezes the trigger slowly, and that old Fifty-Four blasts a shot true. "There," he says, getting back on his feet and dusting himself off a bit. "Now he's really dead."

"Whoa...," snickers the Juggernaut as the bullets repel off of the metal. With minor effort, he lifts Nysacire and shouts, "Captain, 'm 'eadin' back with the Chief Corsair!" With a roar, the Juggernaut stands and lifts Nysacire's form onto his back. Then, as the scene recommences, the Commander finds himself running to the north. Towards the Raider.

Daniel Wallace looks at his ship, and the hole in the gas tank... "GET to the pumps...he hit the fuel tanks... we've got to pump this fuel off the ship... MOVE!"

"I- FUCK!" The original statement swiftly replaced by that of the curse word as another familiar sting comes to surface within her arm, though followed by the goodies of the best kind. The chaos unraveling even further around her goes for the most part unnoticed. Nysacire lets out a small strain of a scream as movement surfaces across her physique as she is lifted up by Jeremiah. For the most part, she is literally dead weight.

Daniel Wallace runs over to the hose lines for the fuel station and starts to hook them up... "Little fucking help here... would be nice..." Once the line is hooked up he runs to the fuel station and starts to pump fuel off his ship...

Not even another shot, followed by Grey's return fire is enough to draw Wren's attention away from her bloody contemplation. Rocking gently, she hums a little tune to herself. At least she is low to the ground...

Vetinari looks at Lucas, "Well.." But he is interrupted when he hears Daniel Wallace, "Comin' captain! Better keep your head down." Moves over quickly to assist Daniel.

Lucas blankly looks at Daniel then Vetinari; he turns and darts to the other end of the hose, scrambling to hook up the other end to the ship. Muttering under his breath, "Just like a transport.. it's just like a transport.." the whole time he hooks up nozzles to the hull for the fuel to get siphoned.

Amila is on Nysa's and Jeremiah's tail, leaving behind those who are able to take care of themselves. She hopes.

Sink hears the shot hit the Red Angel and looks around for the shooter, only spotting him when Grey kills him with a gory head shot. He grips his rifle and looks around for another shooter or any threats to his crew. "Aye, we are on Greenleaf. Got a quick contract to fly out here. It appears we landed in the middle of a little drama." He listens to Yinn without looking at her, is attention external. He glances at Patches, "You shouldn't be out here without armor." He squats down and places his rifle down and removes his mesh armor, "Here." He offers it to her, then looks to Dan and his fuel pumping, "Lets see what we can do to help."

Morgaine speaks to Mia, the damn pirate with his itchy trigger finger making her nervous. Since he turned away to talk to Grey, she speaks quickly, "let's get you aboard the kitsune and safe and then we can talk about what is next. As long as you are out here, you and everyone else is in trouble." She does her best to convince Mia to come to a safe position.

"/Fuck/," Grey says harshly when he sees the state of the Red Angel and immediately crushes his smoke between his fingers. "Lady, I don't know who you are or why people're tryin' ta shoot at ya, but you ain't safe here. Sniper might be down, but that fuel's all bad." He nods to the Invictus. "That there's my boat. I'd welcome ya to take a rest there briefly, until this all gets sorted out, an' maybe we kin contact somebody ta come an' get ya."

Patchwork blinkblinks, "Not that anyone would be wanting to shoot at me ..." Patches raises a brow too, but it is her captain's word of course, so she speaks as she draws the armored shift over her shoulders. "Heavy ..."

Daniel Wallace runs around to the starboard fuel tank and dumps pressure from it, AIR spins in the tank and the ship vents cool air from all points... As the pressure in the tanks reach zero, the leak stops... Air is pouring out of the Red Angel with a rush as he vents all the pressure from the tanks...and air is still pouring out of the ship...

Fuel is beginning to mix with the blood and gore that remains on the tarmac, a distinctive odor that is enough to get Wren's attention at least momentarily. "Shouldn't mix..." she mumbles to herself, and then immediately defies that by dipping her finger into a bit of the growing pool. All the chaos swirls around her, people yelling, running, but she doesn't take notice of any of it, lost in her own little world.

Lucas stops for a second as he watches the guy run around as he calls out, "Is that our oxygen tanks leaking or just the fuel tanks? Please say it's just the fuel tanks..." Running around to the ramp's base he pulls up the iComm and rambles into it.

Vetinari looks around and watching Daniel and Lucas work at whatever they are doing. Not knowing a lick of anything close to engineering he keeps back and keeps his pea shooter at the ready to scare anything off. Trying to make a path towards the little girl to try to persuade her to get somewhere safe rather then in the open.

Daniel Wallace says, "Get some sand on that fuel spill.... someone... we can't have fuel on the tarmac... no one do any run ups you all hear me... Vetinari... call port control... land lock tell them we have a fuel spill and need a land lock... I don't want my ship to go up in flames..."

As the shot whizzes over her head, Mia instinctively ducks, covering her head with her arms. As Grey fires off another shot, this time killing the man, she slowly stands back up, lowering her arms back down to her sides. She waves a dismissive hand at Morgaine as she continues to try to get her to go along. "Are you deaf? I told you, I'm fine on my own!" She shakes her head and starts to step away as Grey speaks up. "Why is it that you all seem to think I need looking after? I'm just supposed to run onto some stranger's ship, all by myself, with no weapons or any sort of protection. Yeah. No thanks. I'm not stupid." She mutters beneath her breath and moves off on her own.

Lucas’ eyes dart around as he gives up on attempting to ramble into the iComm. Running over to a nearby cargo crate he yanks off the top and starts rummaging through it. Not having any luck he notices a barrel near the fuel station. Quickly making his way over towards the barrel he removes the lid and finds what he is looking for. Grabbing handfuls of the sand he quickly starts throwing it around the station where the fuel has leaked, then starts working his way along the lines to sand the spill.

"Where the gorram hell we supposed to find sand?!" Yinn asks exasperatedly to Sink, glancing around the vicinity for anything to use to diminish the chances of them all going up in the fiery explosion Wren had mentioned not that many minutes past... Speaking of which, she turns her eyes about the landing pad, trying to find the little waif of a girl in the throng of people scattering about, but can't see to find the small figure as of yet.

Vetinari pulls out his icomm from his pocket and calls the port authorities, reporting a fuel spill. Then pocketing his icomm and in a steady quickened paced trying to catch up with the young girl. Finally, catching her and then offering his pea shooter to her, "Well if you ain't gonna trust anyone then, take this.. and I hope you can use it."

Morgaine scowls, "because a ship can take you places in safety and a ship has a metal hull to protect you from harm. Now I admit that Kitsune ain't big but she is fast and to get you somewhere safe, you won't find faster or better. You had a sniper shooting to kill you and that one is dead doesn't mean that there aren't others after you. A few allies won't hurt." She does her best to persuade with a hint of command, the authority of years of experience in her voice.

Sink nods and gives Patches a quick smile then reaches down to pick up his rifle. Then nods to Yinn and straps the rifle behind him, moving toward the Red Angel. He suddenly realizes he has no tools to help with the work and goes towards the Dragon, climbing the ramp. Soon he returns with the wheeled mule and two small spades. He drives it down the ramp, "Every backworld plant has sand." He calls out to Yinn and drives the mule off the landing pad.

Jewel waltz's down the ramp, having just woke, and jerks on her coat, before ruffling her hands through her hair, which nearly pulls out the tie. At shots ringing out, she stops cold. "What the hell..." She hasn’t taken no life oath and all that, so she pulls up her gun and readies it, just in case, yelling over to Daniel. "Cap, where do you need me? Anyone need medical?"

Mark puts up his weapon, shaking his head as Morgaine's jaw keeps running, despite the fact that he's initially fairly certain she's pissed herself. Of course, it becomes abundantly clear that the liquid pooling around their feet is actually starship fuel moments later. Turning away from the whole mess, he grunts at Jessa, "Get to the fuckin' ship. Get ready to dust off. Evidently, he's going to follow the pilot, snarling as he turns to leave the scene of the disaster, "I'd shoot the fuckin' cunts if we weren't ankle deep in fuckin' fuel.."

Patchwork turns then and scampers up the ramp of the Dark dragon, bustling into the dark hollows of the large freighter.

Jessa smirks, taking off towards their ship at the Captains orders. "Ain't fuck'n worth the bullet sir.." Her long strides making a rather happy sounding splish in the spilt fuel as she tears across the tarmac assuming the Captain is following.

Daniel Wallace looks as he pumps most of the fuel off and screams at Jewel, more or less ankle deep in fuel... "One spark and we're all going sky high... so put the guns away...” he looks as the ship stops leaking fuel. Dan sighs.

Beckett emerges from the Dark Dragon, like a semi-malevolent genie, toolbox in hand, grumbling under her breath. "Okay, okay, fine, point me in the direction of whatever the gorram hell needs my attention. And if I hear one gorram gunshot, I'm outta here."

"Wren..." Grey says to the girl, eyeing her cautiously, remembering the events from just a few nights ago. "Wren! Snap out of it!" No time for subtleties now. "I need you. Focus. Get inside, get the preacher, get everyone you can. This spill needs to be taken care of now, before something real bad happens, dohn mah? This ain't jus' Captain Flambé, this is Red Angel Flambé and Invictus Flambé in the makin' here, all ri'?" And of course, he realizes that Mia's starting to walk away. "Hey," he calls out to her, then scrambles to think of something to say. Crossing over to her, he walks her away from the chaos a bit. If she's not going to accept help, he can at least offer a bit of advice to her before she goes on her way. He speaks in a voice barely above a murmur amongst the shouting and yelling going on in the Spaceport.

Lucas continues furiously tossing sand down as he sloshes through the fuel. Calling out, "We need to shove this stuff off somewhere or suck it up.. if not we aren't going anywhere for hours before the cleanup crews get here." Looking around he points to some of the barrels, "We need one of those things emptied and a tube.. maybe we can siphon some of this fuel off the ground into the barrels!"

Sink gets to work filling the cargo bed of the wheeled mule with rich Greenleaf dirt. Not exactly sand, but it'll start the process. It'll take him a butt load of time. He glances towards the landed ships through the fence and uses his com when he sees Beckett.

Yinn breathes a silent sigh of relief as the small Patchwork girl disappears into the cargo bay of the Dragon, hoping to high heaven that there weren't any other snipers in the forests around them that should choose to think her Captain looked like a tasty morsel. Feeling rather useless at the moment, she prowls back and forth in front of the boarding ramp... Only to let out an soft growl as she sees Beckett putting herself in the middle of the mix... "Can't gorram win for losin'." She mutters nearly incoherently, dropping into place beside Beckett as the mechanic steps onto the pad, and points her towards the Angel. "Have fun." She grumps, her eyes darting back and forth between every one with a weapon raised, intent on throwing herself between the mechanic and trouble should it start up again.

Seeing that someone has got through to the girl, Vetinari turns around and heads back to the Red Angel and moves next to Lucas, "Alright mate, what do you need help with?"

Fuel eddies around Wren's ankles collecting in the lower points on the tarmac, and she watches the way it swirls together with the red blood, creating a macabre design. It's with quite an effort that she lifts her gaze over to Grey, staring at him for an extended moment. "Get inside. Get the Preacher. Get everyone," she repeats back to him, finally rising from her spot and dashing back inside the Invictus.

Daniel Wallace looks over to Sink and says, "We dumped about 200 Gallons... from the looks of it... I got all the pressure out of my tanks but its going to take me some time to get to the hole and find it... my tanks are dry now... as are my air tanks..." Dan starts to get a spill kit and lay out everything...

Trandyr stumbles down the ramp, rubbing sleep out of his eyes with one hand, the other steadying a huge bag slung over his right shoulder. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp and feels the fuel sloshing around his feet, he suddenly comes all the way awake. Muttering "Wren wasn't freakin' kidding, was she?" under his breath, he turns to the assembled group. "Okay, I got about a dozen sandbags and a hose here. Waddaya want me to do with 'em?"

Daniel Wallace looks to Lucas and says, "If I didn't know better I think this guy was trying to ground us... he hit the ship at the only weak point in the armor... at a fuel assess point...Lucas put that on the list of areas to armor up..."

Vetinari nods at Lucas and then stands back a moment to look at the hole. "Huh, that is a nice hole there." Watching the hole for a moment. "It could have been worse he could have shot the fuel point itself...?" Then standing back and looking at the hole again.. "Hmm..so how would one go about patching this kind of whole up?"

Daniel Wallace looks to the spot again, pointing it out, "See the panel above and below... it’s all up armored...there is a square 6 by 6 inches and that fuck managed to hit it..."

Lucas nods slowly as he quickly adds to the order, "I will put it on the list.. just keep in mind I have no fucking clue how to do it. I just fly the thing... Well eventually at least..." Sighing slowly as he shuffles through the fuel towards Daniel he extends his hand, "I think the shooter thought we were with the Tongs because of the Red scheme."

"Chances are wrong place, wrong time." Yinn directs towards Daniel as she hovers nearby, useless when it comes to fixing anything, but doing a fair enough job of acting the part of bodyguard for the time being.. And as she used a bolt thrower and not a fire-arm of any kind, she rest assured in knowing that she wouldn't blow everybody up in the process.

The Port master walks in with one Security guard, responding to the call.. looks at the port and gets on the phone...

Vetinari nods in agreement with Lucas and Daniel, "Yes, and I bet we are looking like pretty nifty targets right now....." At that moment trying to shrink down some to make himself not as visible. "So applying anything with heat could cause us to be toasty crispy things, so what, do we use glue to close up this hole or something?"

Trandyr sighs as everyone ignores him and his supplies, then drops the huge bag on the ground. Opening it up, he dumps out several sandbags onto the ramp leading down from the Invictus. Turning towards Grey, he throws him the hose with a quick, efficient motion. "Mind getting that setup Sir, while I take care of the standing fuel? Thanks." Turning back to the sandbags, he picks the first one up, cuts a long slit down it with his survival knife, and dumps out the sand to soak up the fuel. Taking up the second, he repeats the process. Finally, annoyed, he turns towards the others gathered and points back into the hold, where more sandbags await. "You lazy deadbeats gonna help, or just stand there gabbing? This fuel ain't gonna clean itself up."

Patchwork returns down the Dragon's ramp, her arms clutched around an ... well ... armful of bulky objects, looking very much like orange trimmed blankets. Down the ramp she rushes, faster than a country lass probably should. She skids across the metal, looking at the path the flowing fuel has taken. She takes a glance across the field ... and then starts to lay out the fire blankets to both soak up the liquid keep the flow away from ... the Dark Dragon.

The Security guard looks over at the Port Master, "So sir who is going to pay for this clean up?"

Grey nods to Mia - of course his giving-up words get through to her. Figures. He looks down at the fuel pooling around his ankles, then up to the Invictus to see - with a sigh of relief - Trandyr coming out. So Wren /did/ manage to get to them. And he'd bet that Alabaster was getting things ready on the ship. "I'll bring you aboard," he says with a nod. "My wife might have something... that maybe you can change into," he adds, assuming that Mia wouldn't want to stay in her current clothes after all that's happened and all the gore that's gone flying. "Here, follow me." He starts to lead the way back into the Invictus when Trandyr tosses a hose his way.

Beckett continues to mutter under her breath, the price of her technical assistance apparently being that one has to listen to her. "This is gonna suck. I mean, your structural integrity ain't ever the same after a blowout like this... Patch job'll get you goin' okay but you don't wanna go long at all without a total overhaul of the tanks n' such."

Lucas glances over his shoulder towards Trandyr, he also notices the Port Master, "Well we may want to see what they want to do.. they probably don't want sand flooding their system if they can reuse it." With that he points to the Port Master and security guard talking. Not really keen on waiting due to the amount of fuel he drags down another bag and yanks on the strings along the top until it splays open. Grabbing the bottom of the bag he tilt is upward dumping the grained contents towards the fuel. Sighing he pushes the small mound down with his boot to make sure it is evenly spread and start to soak.

Yinn glances from the area at large back to the descending Trandyr, reluctantly setting aside her bolt thrower and setting to work helping him, splitting the sand bags open with her knife with practiced ease and setting about flinging the sand in as wide a coverage area as possible... Yeah, she was gonna need a shower. She continues to scan the area though, still not believing the trouble was completely over.

Vetinari continues to look at the hole, "Well, what about the platform on Newhall, think we could make it there? I mean couldn't we just like bondo or glue the hell out of the hole?"

Mia starts to follow along with Grey, gently nodding at him. She pauses though as Grey gets a hose thrown towards him. She takes a few steps back, not wanting to be in the way, though she was following Grey a bit closely. She turns and glances around at everything that was going on around her. For now, she'd just stand and wait for Grey to finish up and try to keep herself out of the way. As she waits, she gives herself a once-over, noting the amount of blood on her dress and her arms. She wrinkles her nose a bit as she's disgusted by the sight. The thought of having something else to change into, was rather welcome at that moment.

Sink continues to fill the back of the mule from beyond the fence. He begins to sweat but doesn't stop until the cargo bed is full. He then drives the mule back into onto the landing pad backing it up to the edge of the fuel spill. He begins to shovel the dirt onto the fuel pile, stopping when Dan gets close to him. He looks at Dan and nods, "Looks bad."

Grey looks up at the Red Angel, down at the hose in his hand, up at Trandyr, across to Mia, down at the fuel, then back to the Red Angel again. He can't exactly hose the ship down, considering that there's people working around her; the best he can do right now with the water is try to dilute the fuel that's spilled already. So he turns on the hose and lets it loose into the pooled fuel to let it run and weaken the mix a bit. "Here... We'll get ya cleaned off an' all," he says to Mia, leading her up into the Invictus. "Mister Trandyr, help with what you can until the proper authorities arrive, yeah? An' please look after Wren. She needs a bit a careful handlin' ri' now." He nods to his pilot, then leads Mia inside.

Wren's RP Logs