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 Mystic Lady - Landing Tarmac                                        =>Ezra<=

The private landing area is used by the Mystic Lady, found just to the North inside the secure Gated Compound. Landing lights are embedded in the flat rock to direct incoming ships to a safe landing and parking spot. At full capacity it looks like they expect up to a half dozen large private craft and easily 3 times as many atmo ships.

"Glorified janitor? Hardly," Grey says. His voice might not crack with the lightning of God's fury like the preacher's can, and the love of Jesus might not shine through his eyes, but when he gets talking about ships, sometimes, there's another kind of love that overtakes his eyes and fills his voice. "Iffen I had ta make a comparison, you'd be more like a ship's surgeon. You work with the heart of her, the Engine, the thing that gives her power, gives us air, warmth, motion - /freedom/ - an' the veins an' arteries of her, running through her body, connected to the brain of 'er up on the Bridge, the stomach of her in the Mess, the very muscle an' skin of her everywheres. An' when a thing breaks down, or needs lookin' after, it's the mechanic what goes to it, jus' like a surgeon removes a cancer, or a doctor diagnoses a sickness. Ain' no glorified janitor in my eyes, Miss."

Alabaster Smith smiles broadly at Melody. "It's good to have ambition," he agrees. "Without, not a one of us would ever have left our places of birth and be out here in the Black." He and the other two are standing near the ramp of the Invictus, chatting amiably. "You have to follow your path, and find your fortune."

Melody blinks at Grey's speech, "Wow! Really? I just wanted to use my wrench," she explains and then smiles, "Just joking," she adds and nods to Alabaster, "I just felt I had to get out of there! I had learned all I could there, I think. Plus I was getting sore from sitting that tight space I tole ya about."

Out onto the tarmac ambles a smallish figure, apparently in deep conversation with herself as she mumbles and mutters while looking through the contents of a red backpack that looks too fresh to be anything but new. She isn't paying a whole lot of attention to where her feet are going, seeemingly of the opinion that they'll land her where she needs to be eventually without much help from her.

Grey just grins back at Melody and Alabaster. "Aye, ambition's the thing," he says with a faraway look in his eyes. "An' we'll see plenty of it yet, don't ya fear. Might be a small ship compared to a Capital-Class, like ya say, but the Invictus has an ambition a her own besides. She'll lead true." It's then that he takes note of Wren walking about the Tarmac, looking strangely out of place. And considering there are no other ships nearby, he calls out to her, "Can I help ya, Miss?"

Alabaster Smith grins, and nods once more. "Well, here's hoping you made the right decisions," he says. Then he adds, "The Captain does indeed keep us busy. Any engineer of ours will be kept hopping." The arrival of another person causes him to peer over, curiously.

Melody smiles and nods to Grey and Alabaster, "Alright, I'll definately decide in a few days or when my snack money runs out," she explains, "But I guess I go and leave ya'll alone now. You don't have dozens of engineers lined up, do ya? I mean, ones that have been on a garbage scow...err...transport?"

It takes a moment for the voice to register on Wren's consciousness, and then she halts abruptly, lifting her face in the direction of the man who called out to her. There's a pause, as her gaze flits from person to person before it settles back on Grey. And then the air of a startled bird poised for flight abates, and she resumes her walking, this time with purpose in her stride as she approaches Grey. "I need a job," she states plainly and clearly and without any preamble at all.

"Don't ask the crew to do no more than I'd do myself, nor work at times or in places I wouldn't m'self," Grey says, tailing Alabaster's comment. "But aye, I do like ta keep busy. It used ta be that a ship could make good on its own time out in the Black, but those days're quickly fadin', an' work's gettin' harder ta find an' even harder ta keep. So we're constantly on the move. Which means systems'll need constant repairs an' upkeep." He nods as he draws out another cigarette. "Aye, then. Well, as we're constantly on the move, like I said, we run inta all kinds on all worlds. We've got two on board what work with the mechanical side a things, but it'd jus' be nice ta have a full-time, dedicated engineer, is all. You jus' send me a Wave when ya get the chance there, Miss Weish. The offer's open." With a smile, he offers his hand to shake again in farewell. Then he turns to Wren, apparently not fazed at all by her straightforwardness. "Well, then, ya come to the ri' place, Miss... Ah, Wren Pearson, was it?" he asks, cocking his head to the side a bit. "This is my Firs' Mate, Shepherd Alabaster Smith. Miss Pearson an' I've talked via Wave 'fore, though I imagine she an' you would have more ta talk 'bout, me not bein' so knowledgeable in the area. Why don't ya explain ta the preacher what ya do, there, Miss Pearson?"

Alabaster Smith chuckles at Melody. "By all meas, do take some time to think on your options. Ah can tell you that the Invictus is a mighty fine posting for someone who wants to work hard and see the Black. But we can't wait on a decision forever, for all that we won't rush you." He grins. "Good luck, and Ah hope we'll hear from you soon." Then, as suggested, he turns his attention to Wren. "Ah'm all ears, Miss."

Melody waves to Alabaster and Grey as she wanders off.

Wren likewise turns her gaze toward the Preacher, canting her head to the side as she studies him first from one angle, and then from another. "Nope, definitely not," she declares, before moving onto topic. "I grow plants. With a little rigging I can grow'em just about anywhere," she explains quickly.

Grey smirks, though he hides it with his hand when he reaches up for his cigarette to ash it. "I was thinkin' that such a skill mi' be useful ta grow herbs an' maybe small vegetables on the ship, preacher," he elaborates to Alabaster. "'Sides, it'd be nice havin' a touch a color on an ol' functional Transport like ours, yeah? An' I'm sure that Miss Pearson has other skills what mi' be useful on a ship besides."

Alabaster Smith quirks an eyebrow, and looks interested. "You don't say. Well, that would certainly be handy." He explains, "Ah'm the ship's primary cook, and Ah do indeed value and enjoy fresh produce as much as possible. You're right, Captain, Ah'm definitely interested. Be nice to have that sort of thing available."

The Shepherd's comment draws a puzzled frown from Wren for a moment, and her hands twitch as if running along some invisible fabric before she shakes her head at him. "Strawberries. Cherry tomatoes. Sage, parsley and thyme," she rattles off her primary list of possibilities. "Mostly just seed at the moment," she adds, glancing from Alabaster to Grey as if to be certain they understand.

Grey gives Alabaster a look that looks mostly like 'You handle this, I don't even know half what she listed /are/.' He seems content to smoke and watch his First Mate handle this one except to make the odd interjection here and there.

Alabaster Smith chuckles, nodding. "Ah know... one must give such things time to grow, but patience is well rewarded in the end. It would be nice to have some fresh herbs without paying an arm and a leg for them... some places we go, they just love to fleece the spacer."

Wren bobs her head up and down, enthusiastic about her chosen specialty. "Fresh herbs are better," she agrees. "And it won't take up much space-- or well, it won't once I can get things set up right. Might take a bit at first. You don't have anything set up yet, right? So, would hafta cobble something together," she continues in a flood of words almost too fast for her mouth to keep up with. "But it'd be worth it, you just see."

Grey chuckles as Wren's tongue nearly trips over a torrent of words. "Aye, Miss, don't ya fret. I mi' not know nothin' 'bout herbs, or what their names are, or what they're used fer, but sure as hell I know that it's worth havin' 'em on board, like the preacher says, an' not havin' ta buy 'em elsewheres. An' besides, I think it'd be an interestin' kinda thing. Different from what I'm used ta, I suppose."

Alabaster Smith shakes his head. "Ah'm afraid that we haven't had the chance - or anyone with the right knowhow - to set up a proper little spot. We've been short-handed, off and on, these past few months, and some things fell by the wayside." He smiles, apparently already thinking about fresh-grown herbs. "My skills don't exactly fall on the technical end of things." He glances to Grey. "You know how the food Ah serve tastes good? That's due to judicious use of herbs and spices," he says wryly.

"Also good for air scrubbin'," Wren notes, expression earnest. "Not that you can get ridda life support, or scrubbers, but they do help," she tells them both. "An' does this mean I'm hired?"

"Well, I know /that/ much," Grey retorts to Alabaster with a good-natured grin. "I jus' mean, I know what spices ta use with what dishes - yes, I cook sometimes! - but only by rote, not by actual skill or knowledge like you. An' whoever said that the food you serve tastes good?" The grin stays on his face as he turns to Wren. "Well, I'm thoroughly intrigued, first off, an' the thought a havin' greenery 'bout the ship does appeal ta me some. How do ya say, Firs' Mate?"

Alabaster Smith grins, letting Grey's teasing slide amiably. "Ah like what Ah hear. Do tell, though, what other skills do you have to offer us as well?" he asks Wren. "Obviously, it never hurts to be multifunctional on a ship with limited space, and it would be nice to know how best to use your talents."

Wren watches the bantering between Captain and First Mate almost as if it were a physical thing, a tangle of emotions displaying across her face. It's with some difficulty that she focuses back in on what Smith is actually saying, brow furrowing with effort. "I'm... pretty good at fixin' some stuff... An' buildin' gadgets," she replies, searching for the right words, and obviously a bit at a loss. "Oh-- I remember everything-- don't have to write anything down, if you want me to remember it, I will," she states, hands twisting the straps of her backpack together.

"I think ya mighta gotten that sayin' all a-jumbled, preacher," Grey chuckles. "Fixin' stuff an' buildin' gadgets, though, does sound interes'in'. An' a perfect memory's always useful - some a the types we deal with like ta... have temporary lapses in memory sometimes." His smile tightens a bit, but he shrugs and pitches yet another spent cigarette out onto the tarmac, where quite a collection is growing. "I gotta contac' Scarlet an' see iffen she's gonna be hoppin' aboard tonight, so why don't ya take 'er in, preacher, an' get 'er acquainted with the ship an' set up in a room right quick? I'll be there in jus' a second."

Alabaster Smith beams at Wren. "Looks like it's all settled, and welcome to the Invictus," he says cheerfully. "We'll have to introduce you to Bowman, he's serving as our engineer and jack of all trades for the time being, and you can figure out what you'll need for your setup, and where we can put it..." He looks thoughtful, mentally slotting Wren into place, it seems.

The look of relief that washes over Wren's face as her acceptance is confirmed is blatant, and she breathes out a sigh of released tension. "I won't take up much space," she promises, bouncing just a little on the balls of her feet.

Grey comes right back out of the ship after a few seconds inside and announces, "Scarlet will be with us soon to meet us here. Preacher, didja wanna take Miss Pearson inside now, get 'er set up an' all, or stay out here for the meetin'? I'll mos' likely be bringin' our passenger inside ta show her the room an' the like after I meet 'er out here."

Alabaster Smith chuckles. "It's okay, the ship actually has a lot more room than you might think. Ah know we'll find you a good space. Ah can show you around, if you like," he tells Wren.

"Hot," Wren murmurs to herself, her eyes straying to the landing field for a moment before she lifts them again. "Space is good," she declares with a nod. "I'd like that-- 'less you'd rather stay, like he said," she adds, glancing back to Grey.

The Invictus stands with her ramp down, soft light glowing from within; at her base stands Grey, Alabaster Smith, and Wren. Grey has a smoke between his lips and has removed his NV/IRs to converse colloquially with the gathering. He continually looks out northward as though expecting someone.

Emerging from within the Casino, is one of the beautiful redheads that owns the establishment, and also happens to be Mr. Wing's wife. The woman carries a small duffel bag over one shoulder and is holding a long, lit cigarette in the other hand. Golden eyes peer out from beneath long, thick lashes as she glances around the Lady's landing pad, looking for the Captain that her husband had told her to contact for her passage to Ezra. As her gaze falls onto the Invictus and the small group that seems to be gathered near it, she makes her way closer towards them. "I am assumin' that one of you, is the Captain that I'm supposed to be meetin' for my ride to Ezra?" she inquires, as she nears the trio.

Alabaster Smith nods to Scarlet, politely. "That would be Captain Grey, here," he says, indicating the other man cheerfully. "He takes care of these things for the Invictus."

Wren falls silent as the new person joins them, watching the woman who could only be Scarlet with some concern. She does her level best to fade into the background.

Grey bows his head to Scarlet. "Lady Scarlet Wing. This is my First Mate, Shepherd Alabaster Smith; and our resident Hydroponics Engineer, Miss Wren Pearson. I'm Captain Grey, as I'm mos' commonly known, nice to meet you." He offers his hand to shake, and also moves to take her duffel bag if she should so choose to give it up to him to carry. "I kin show you to your quarters now, if you'd like?"

"It's a pleasure to meet ya, Captain Grey," Scarlet replies with a smile towards the Captain. She then turns slightly so that she can address the others, as she gently shakes Grey's offered hand. "It's nice to meet the both of you, as well. Thank you for agreeing to take me on as a passenger." Just before she hands her duffel over to Grey, she opens it up and reaches inside, pulling out a small pouch. "Here you are. Here is 500 credits for the trip out and I will give you the remainin' 500 once we return." She then hands both the pouch and the duffel over to Grey.

Alabaster Smith nods with satisfaction as that part of the deal is completed, and he smiles at Scarlet. "A pleasure, ma'am," he replies amiably. "Ah hope your trip with us is pleasant and peaceful. If there's anything you need along the way, just let me know."

Fade, fade, fa-a- And introduced. Wren smiles nervously at Scarlet, shifting restively on the balls of her feet. "How d'ya do?" she adds hurriedly as an afterthought, just about the same time Scarlet is speaking. Her voice dissolves into silence and she gives another one of those anxious smiles, nodding along with the Preacher as he speaks.

Grey takes the pouch and the duffle, slinging the bag over his shoulder and tossing the pouch in one of his utility packs. "The pleasure's mine, Lady Wing." Here comes that charming young smile. "Aye, the Shepherd is also our chief Steward - an' as fine a cook as one kin ask ta have on a ship," he says with a smile, leading the way up the ramp and into the ship. "Now, I don' know what your itinerary is like, Lady Wing, but I imagine you'd want to be gettin' underway as soon as possible? From what I'm made to understand, it's right from here out to Shadow, then when you're finished with business there, right back here to the Mystic Lady?"

You board the Invictus.

 Invictus - Cargo Bay                                            =>Invictus<=

This is the largest area of the Dragonfly class: a huge, cavernous room nearly the full length of the ship minus the Engine Room. The reinforced metal floor is littered with quick release clamps to easily attach or detach standard cargo containers. The huge cargo ramp is broad enough for the MULE parked on it to head in and out to load cargo. To conserve space, the MULE is usually parked on the ramp, causing it to be halfway outside the ship when it opens, although there's enough space left to park it inside when the ship's bay isn't fully loaded.

Beyond an airtight bulkhead to the aft is the ship's Engine Room. To the front, closer to the ramp, a stairwell leads up to the crew deck; and just beside it is some equipment for the crew to work out and exercise. Apart from that, the cargo bay contains shelves and lockers for the ship's own supply of parts, food and other things, along with any cargo onboard.

Alabaster Smith beams as he gets to show off the Invictus to two new faces. "Welcome aboard, ladies," he says cheerfully. "Wren, feel free to look around for likely places to set up your gear, at your convenience."

Scarlet moves to follow along behind the Captain and the others as they board the ship. "Unless you have other business here to attend to, I would like to leave as soon as possible and head for Shadow. My business on Shadow shouldn't take any longer than twenty-four hours, and so if we could return back to Ezra once I'm finished there, that would be great." She offers another smile to the Captain and then turns towards the preacher. "If you would like to show me to a quarters, I can get myself tucked away and out of your crew's way, until we arrive on Shadow."

Wren flinches just the tiniest bit, and then rubs at her abdomen as if trying to push something off as they enter the ship. Her eyes dart around the space, attempting to take it all in at once. "...Okay," she responds to Alabaster, attention still on the ship. "Any place I shouldn't go," she wonders after a moment, finally bringing her gaze back to him. There's another little flinch, and slight grimace as she rubs the same spot again.

Alabaster Smith nods to Scarlet. "Ah think that's easily enough arranged. We have a room already set up fore guests." Then he grins at Wren. "Ah wouldn't go barging into the Captain's Quarters," he teases, "but other than that, Ah reckon you should be fine." He peers at her, brow furrowing. "Are you okay? You seem a mite twitchy."

Grey nods to Scarlet. "We're finished all our business planetside and ready for departure. I'll show you to your room now, and we'll start the journey out the Shadow right away. And while on board, of course, you'll have full run of the ship's accommodations and facilities, though I'll thank you to keep clear of the Engine Room and the Bridge, and enter the Med Bay on need-basis only, Lady Wing. If you'll follow me..." He leads the way up to the Commons, then through to the Service Section to show Scarlet to her room for the journey.

Scarlet listens as Grey lists off the off-limit places to her and she nods her head. "Of course. I likely will just keep to myself in the room. I don't wanna be any bother to you or the crew." She moves to follow along behind him as he starts to head off towards the room that she will be staying in. As she walks, she glances over the inside of the ship, giving an approving nod as she does so.

"Don't barge into Captain's Quarters," Wren repeats solemnly. "I'm twitchy," she agrees with Alabaster, nodding as she forces her hand to drop away while following the small train of people to the Commons.

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