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Tienlong - Medical Bay =>Tienlong<=

The ship's Med Bay is laid out with sterile and practical efficiency and the light is bright and cool in tone, reflecting from the white painted walls and glass and steel surfaces throughout the room. The counters along three of the walls are stainless steel topped and the cabinets above them have armored glass panels and are trimmed in the same polished metal. A tall pantry, again trimmed like the smaller cabinetry, towers against the far rear corner to play host to a detailed display of pharmaceuticals in alphabetized order. Two swivel trays rest neatly in the opposite corner, each carefully adorned by standard and common practice medical supplies, sealed individually for sterilization. Non-skid pads cover the floor and in the center of the room is a surgical table with two recovery beds off against the fourth wall in either corner, flanking an open sided, freight-like lift that allows for injured to be carried up or down in, as well as for bringing bulk supplies up from the cargo bay into the ship proper above. The faint scent of lemon oil and astringent lingers in the air while the temperature appears to hover just a fraction cooler than normal.

Barton runs his tongue over his front teeth, mouth closed, thinking quietly. Stubbing the cigarette on a surgical tray in the center of the room, he begins stacking the dishes and vials on the same tray, on the opposite end from the still-smoking cigarette butt. Reaching into a pocket, he pulls out a small bucket-shaped piece of metal. Perching the thimble atop one of his fingers, he says, "One of those lugs had this in his stomach."

After a brief pause, a completely serious look on his face: "Rec'nized him as a Knuckles O'Malley fella, other'n that, not much." A subtle change in his voice, sounding more cultured - definitely more educated. "Cadaver showed signs of fatal allergic reaction, without any suitable allergens present. Obviously, it's extremely unlikely that all the crew members had this same allergy." He turns with another curt nod of greeting to the two newcomers. No introduction from him, hell, if people want to remain nameless, there's no argument from this one.

Brian comes in with the rest of the crowd, and if he has any objection to the cigarette or wine bottle in the medbay, he leaves it unvoiced. He turns to listen to Gabriella, nodding as she presents what she has. To her question he answers, "Not very damn much. Ana and I were both there for the initial notes-comparing session with Grey and Morgaine, but that was all questions and no answers. I haven't kept up with the goings-on surrounding that particular mystery, though I did see the Feds' response on the cortex. So.. we'll take anything you've got info-wise." Grey hobbles on into the Med Bay, with Jean-Rousseau beside him, holding a wrench. "Sorry 'bout that," he says, coming to a halt and leaning into his crutch. "Got the wrench now." He hands it over to Gabriella, to turn over to whoever the pertinent authority on the matter would be. "I'm Captain Grey, for those what don't know me." He bows his head and touches the brim of his fedora. "This is Jean-Rousseau, accountant for Vega Enterprises an' my personal aide." Jean-Rousseau does a little bow.

Following along beside Grey and JR, Wren seems to be surreptitiously looking for something or someone all the way over to the Tienlong, only boarding the ship after taking a quick glance under their ramp. She continues to scan as they enter the cargo bay, trailing her Captain a little until they get to the medbay. And there she halts, just outside the room, feet planted as if they've suddenly acquired roots.

Anastasiya remains positioned against one of the vacant spots on the wall of the med bay. Her tongue remaining silent within its bed of darkness, while head dips down forming a nod towards the new comers. Left sandaled heel slides backwards, bending the knee slightly as she gains more comfort against the wall. The lithe arms coil within one another across her abdomen as ice blue gaze dances across each face as they speak.

"He swallowed a thimble?" Gabriella said, peering a bit closer at the afore mentioned piece of metal. "And where you the one that bloodied up the table in the med lab?" Gabriella questions of Barton. "Right. So, I'll stop from the beginning then." Gabriella says, hopping herself on to one of the tables one handedly, then digging into her bag for a pda and a data chip which she slides into the pda. Entering in a passcode, she pulls up a file and glances down to it. "Aye, that goes to him." Gabriella says to Grey, pointing to Barton. "We'll be needing blood analysis on the stain, as well as fingerprints to compare to the crew." She says to Barton with a smile. She glances to the door to Wren, giving the girl a reassuring smile before glancing back to the pda once more. "Right. Concerning Wellington..."

"Charles Wellington the IV, married with two children. Known family man and philanthropist, noble who is well off in the food industry, better known for his winery and brewery businesses. Found dead in his private cabin, with greyed skin and puffy and red eyes. Cause of death, unknown. In his quarters, was found an envelope that had held a shredded letter from Mihaelov.. More to come on him later; a bill from BGY power for 3 millions credits, which was for the setup of the orphanage on Bernadette... Which is, by the way, where they were headed and why. He had a life insurance policy for several billion dollars, to be left to his wife and children, and the contents of his will are unknown. He was also having an affair with the co-pilot, one Deborah Mihailov." She takes a long breath, and then glances around the room, waiting for any questions or comments about the first crew member's report.

Brian makes his way off to the side to stand beside Anastasiya. As the others come in he offers a nod to them, saying, "Welcome to the Tienlong." He settles in to listen as the information is relayed, nodding to the stray bit he knows, but is silent and still for the rest.

[Invictus] Grey says, "Gabriella, looks like you've got control of this situation here... I'm sorry, but I'm gonna hafta drop out of this thing tonight. There's somethin' definitely wrong with Isabella, somethin' she won't tell me, and I need to try an' find her to figger out jus' what the hell it is."

"Gabriella," Wren repeats to Grey, nodding up and down rapidly at him as if he's finally figured something out. She peers inside the medbay for just a moment before quickly turning away to trail her Captain.

[Invictus] Gabriella says, "Right. No problem. I'll drop you a report when I get done"

The doc nods in a fashion that passes for congenial, with him: still the tight lips, eyes more or less emotionless. "Symptomatic of the 'allergic reaction,' that is. I'm no Fed, but from that sounds like the wife may've had a motive or two." He idly shifts the thimble between fingers. Shifting back to the question asked him, he replies, "Yep, I cut a man in there, din't find no solid cause either." He falls quiet there, leaning back against a surgical table, himself, crossing heavy arms over his chest.

Grey bows his head to Brian. "Beautiful ship," he says with an honest smile. "Makes me miss my ol' boat, a big Capital-Class like this one." He hands the wrench over to the Doctor, then nods to Gabriella. "Now, I'm sorry ta do this, knowin' as how I'm the one who asked to use your facilities an' all, and then it ended up that our Good Doctor ended up bein' busy tonight... But my wife is goin' through some troubles at the moment, an' what with her havin' looked after our two daughters an' all, I jus' wanna make sure she's all ri', an' see iffen she needs me." He bows his head once again to Brian. "Thanks for your generosity... If there be anythin' ya need, anythin' at all, you come ta me. Iffen I can't do it for ya, I'll gorram find someone who can - credits will carry ya so far, but connections will see ya through all sorts a troubles an' wants. Both in combination, are a powerful ally." With that, he excuses himself from the Tienlong's Med Bay, to head back to the Invictus. Jean-Rousseau looks conflicted for a moment, obviously wanting to stay and hungry for more information, but at last, he bows from the waist once more, and follows after his Captain.

"Don't think the wife has anything to do with it, but I'll get to why towards the end of all this. Though she was my primary suspect for a while. Did you find anything that indicated the thimble was forced? Or did it seem to be a willing thing?" She asked.

"As for Ms. Mihailov. She was once a prima donna ballerina in the core worlds, there was a vid in the cockpit that she was apparently watching when the unknown event took place that shows her on stage, and Wellington and his wife in the front row. She was showing the same physical symptoms as the other crew, greyed skin and red and swollen eyes, wearing what we assume to be Wellington's robe. She was originally hired as a maid, or so the financial records shows, eventually upgraded to co-pilot after two failed attempts to gain her pilot's license. She had apparently been browsing through the manual for dummies for the comm system before the unknown event, it had several doodles of her initials and Wellington's in hearts. One of the ships has that... I think it's yours, though not entirely sure." Gabriella says glancing to Brian then back to the PDA.

"Should we take this somewhere else so we can all sit and get comfy? It's getting awful crowded in here." She says abruptly, glancing towards where Wren is inching towards following Grey out.

Anastasiya remains silent through the talk that flares around her. Ice blue gaze settled onto the ground with a distant look within them. Within the deep recesses of her mind, each bit of information is taken in and stored, while other thoughts swirl around. At the mention at the book, she speaks, "The book is within my quarters. I can retrieve if you wish."

Tienlong - Crew Commons

The crew commons of the Tienlong is a somewhat spacious section and by all rights it has to be, given the fact it fulfills three important purposes. Firstly, one corner of the commons serves as a galley, baring a preparation counter and all the appliances and utensils one would expect to find therein. Of course no galley is complete without a stock of protein foodstuffs, preserved rations and other assorted dehydrated delicacies. Secondly, the commons serves as a dining area. Several smaller tables that seat four line the length of the section near the port and starboard walls. Cortex feeds are displayed by monitors along the bulkheads, in view of each table. Thirdly and lastly, the commons serves as a gathering place, a meeting place and a spot where folks can generally unwind. In the corner opposite of the galley comfortable chairs and seating arrangements, a card table and even a blackboard scribbled with notes on the wall welcomes weary spacers.

"Oy, I'd like to take a look at it, if you would." Gabriella says towards Ana as she heads towards the common area.

Barton walks in last, unhurriedly, grumbling quietly to himself as he steps through the hatchway. Stopping just inside the commons, he leans against the hatchway's frame, sighing heavily. "Hope you're all /comfortable/," he says pointedly, obviously annoyed at the relocation. Surprising, really, considering his discomfort in that clean med bay. One corner of this room is marked as Barton's, littered with cigarette butts and ash, a few bottles of varying size and varying levels of fluid atop it. Walking over to 'his' table and taking a relatively full bottle of clear liquid into his hand, he takes a quick swig and listens quietly.

Glancing between Gabriella and Wren, Brian nods, "Good idea, not much in the way of comfortable seating down here. Our crew commons is upstairs." Leading the way he takes the lift up into the upper corridor, and then goes through the hatch into the commons. "The galley is open. Help yourselves if you're thirsty, otherwise grab a chair or couch and get comfy." For himself, he makes his way over to a couch in a cloistered area, with plenty of other couches and chairs nearby.

Inch, inch, inch. Trying to be completely unnoticed, Wren starts to follow in Grey's footsteps. Except, he's abruptly not there. You wouldn't think a man on crutches could move that fast, or at least, Wren wouldn't. But there it is, and she's left a little at a loss until Gabby suggests finding a more comfortable place to discuss matters. Keeping close to her new friend, she makes her way to the commons along with everyone else.

Delayed by a minute or two is Anastasiya from the rest of the group. Her lithe frame brushing against Barton's as she makes her way into the room. Within the grasp of the nimble fingers there is a zip loc type of clear bag, within a book titled 'Communication Codes for Dummies'. A label has been placed across the bag. The label's writing neat within red marker reading 'EVIDENCE'. To the couch that Brian comes to reside on does she go, lowering herself fluidly down onto it. A single leg drapes over its twin as she rests the bag upon her lap, awaiting to hand it over when it is wanted.

Gabriella does indeed help herself to a beer from the cooler, the pda tucked temporarily under her hand, and she holds the beer out in the general direction of everyone else. "Somebody mind?" She asks, the only other option being using her teeth... Settling on to a couch, she gives Wren a quick smile before turning back to the pda in hand.

"Knuckles O'Malley... found dead in the crew quarters, in only his boxers and in the middle of the floor. Had scraps on his knuckles, though we didn't have a chance to determine how fresh they were. He was born on Hera, and has worked for Wellington damn near all his life as bodyguard and security. Apparently, he had recently swallowed a thimble..." She says, glancing up to Barton, "And was suffering from allergies, though we don't know from what. We have someone looking into pulling his old medical files, by the way, though there were no personnel files or even medical files on board the ship itself."

"Many thanks." Gabriella says to Anastasiya, clenching her beer between her knees and accepting the bag.

Fishing around in a pocket, he offers a beer-opener on a keychain to Gabriella before settling back into the couch and propping his feet up - clearly when he says comfy he means it. When the subject of medical files is raised Brian asks, "Has anyone gone over the computers to see if they'd been tampered with? I heard there was nothing unusual in the sensor logs, but I guarantee you they didn't just stop the ship and die. If everything was in proper working order, someone killed them, and that someone left the ship by some means or another. The logs are conspicuously clean."

"We've had a data specialist go over the logs and computer files, everything, and we found no signs of tampering." Gabriella replies, glancing up to both Brian and Barton. "From what we can tell, it doesn't look like the medical bay had been used at all up until your autopsy, and Wellington is infamously bad on paperwork." she responds, taking the chain from Brian with a thanks and snapping the top off before handing it back and taking a long swig from the bottle.

Anastasiya extends hand with plastic ziplock in tow, passing it over to Gabriella as she reaches for it. Settling back within the couch, her ice blue eyes turn towards the ground at a random spot. Her silence unusual for one such as herself, though the look of concentration remains plastered onto the features of her face.

Wren settles herself on the couch beside Gabby, hazel eyes taking in each of the fellow investigators with careful, but mute, interest.

Gabriella waits for a minute to see if there are any more questions or comments, seeing no immediate expressions of urgency, glances back down and continues. "That brings us to 'Wrench' Henry. Found deceased in engineering bay, suffering from the same physical symptoms as the others, as well as having a split on his eyebrow. A wrench in the same room was found with a spot of blood on it... " She glances up. "That'd be the wrench we need looked at. Unfortunately, he's got the least bit of info of the crew in general."

The bearded doc stands abruptly from his chair, his red cheeks flushed even more than usual. Apparently that liquor is starting to affect him slightly. With an eloquent grunt he turns and walks, a mite unsteady, for the door to the aft corridor. "I'll get the summarized version later," he says, more than a bit rudely, not even looking back as he walks out. As an afterthought, he adds, "Nice meeting you," quietly, still not looking back into the commons. Just before he disappears there's some sort of sound - a snort, a grunt, and all too likely a laugh. Nice to meet you, huh?

"The last of the crewmates listed on the crew roster, was a Walden Havermathy." Gabriella glances up, pausing to take a drink of her beer, the data pad resting and balanced on her knee. "In my opinion, the most interesting of all the crew. His body was nowhere to be found on the ship, nor are there any indications that he left the ship, though we have evidence that someone and/or something came aboard and left the ship, we just don't know who. We'll get to that later as well." She says. "There is no cortex info on this Havermathy. No Alliance ident, no military records, no school, employment or medical files anywhere. The only thing we have is proof that Wellington was paying him for the last eighteen months. We hope to get some further information from video footage of the Hera spaceport, once we make it out that way."

"Wrench's wrench," Wren murmurs to herself in a singsong tone. "He just layed down and died," she continues with a snatch of melody underlying the words. Lifting her head, she watches the doctor's abrupt departure without comment until the hacker continues her report. Eyes closing to just narrow slits, she lets the words wash over her, taking a deep breath afterward as if coming up for air.

"One thing I thought about," Brian pipes up on the subject of the missing pilot, "And mentioned to Grey and Morgaine, is the likelihood that the pilot wasn't on the ship to begin with. One of the ships scanned Lady Antoinette with a full IR sweep, he wasn't hiding onboard, and with him being something of a ghost in the machine, I'm not convinced he was ever there. I think your video footage, once you get ahold of it, will support that."

"As I said, we have proof that something docked or boarded the ship somehow, between the time of the mayday call, and our arrival, even if everything says otherwise. However, you have a good point, Wren suggested the same thing. We won't know for certain until we get the data back about the security tapes from the port." Gabriella says to Brian.

"May I ask what proof? The information I saw said the sensor logs recorded nothing stopping or approaching other than the Tienlong, Invictus and Kitsune after she stopped - and we were all responding to the distress call."

Wren bobs her head at Gabriella and Brian. "Sometimes what you see isn't what you see," she reiterates her earlier comment, fading back into silence then.

"And, that brings us to the ship itself. It was apparently general practice for the Antoinette to shut down at 9 p.m. and reactivate at 7 in the morning. The distress call came at 21:54. This would explain why they were shut down." Gabriella glances up to Brian, and grins. "I'll get there in good time. But that's the kicker, I have to make sure you pay attention til we get there." She says with a grin, and glances back down.

"The ship's course was from Hera to Bernadette, they were headed there for an orphanage opening, think I said that already." She says. "Half a tank of fuel, engines and burners off, the reactor was on. All systems were fully functioning, and there were no toxins or any other foreign substances in the air, and air pressure was appropriate, showing no signs of repressurization after a decompression."

"There was no record of transmissions sent internally or externally before the unknown incident, with the exception of the mayday. Any items such as pda or physical journals that could have held any personal entries were either removed, or non existent to start with, with the exception of Wellington's, on the entertainment center on the bridge. The last entry was labeled 'Hi honey, we're having a great time'." She pauses, glancing up. "Again, that'll come into play later on down the line."

"The sensors logs showed several shuttles and ships passing by the Antoinette, the Odessa Marie, Devil Wind, Leena Leak, Sabra Vincente, and Vesna Bianca. There are no logs of EVA or ship docks with the Antoinette since it left Hera, and there were no data transmissions either. The airlock showed no signs of damage, or of being forced, and all five EVA suits were operational and still located in their storage compartments." She glances down to the pda and back up, waiting for any questions or comments.

"We also confirmed that there were no possible hideaways or false rooms, or shielded areas on board the ship." Gabriella adds.

"Not to pick," Brian says, waiting until Gabriella is finished before piping up again, "But even an EVA boarding wouldn't cause decompression or repressurization, unless you mean of the airlock. But you said that showed no signs of being forced, which is another in the list of reasons to suspect an inside job. Someone boarded, without cutting or forcing their way in, without ship-to-ship docking, and without showing up on - or altering - sensor logs. They were almost certainly let in, and the stoolie was killed despite likely assurances that he would be allowed to go free unharmed."

Wren stiffens abruptly, eyes flying open in response to something in Gaby’s report. Her expression twists into a grimace, and her indrawn breath is a hiss of pain. She wraps her arms tightly around herself, withdrawing into a shell.

"Or, he was taken with." Gabriella adds to Brian's responses. She gives a quick glance towards Wren at her small sound, a faint frown tugging at the corner of her lips, but she doesn't say anything about the sudden curling of the girl, instead turning her attention back towards Brian. "Which might explain why Havermathy's missing. The logs don't show any signs of tampering, but they might have been switched off, and set on a time delay to reactivate. I'll have to have that looked into." She says, a frown furrowing her brow, apparently upset that she hadn't thought about that earlier.

Rachel makes her way into the crew commons, looking just as sleep-deprived as usual and a little bit more generically frightened. This is replaced by a mild look of surprise as she notices other people, and with an impressive yawn she waves and stays near the entrance, watching.

Roxana makes her way out of her quarters and towards the crew commons. She swipes some hair from her face, looking at the small media device she was listening to music on. She almost bumps into Rachel, stopping a foot short before looking up to see everyone around. She turns her device off, and listens in a moment.

Gabriella takes another long sip from the beer, setting it on the floor as she pulls out her smokes and lights another one, glancing again at the data padd. "As was agreed on by the captain's from the Tienlong, the Kitsune, and the Invictus, the Antoinette was flown to the Boros bone yards. A few days after the initial investigation, Captain Grey, our doctor, Zahara, and one of our security officers, Annika, returned to the Antoinette to look for anything that may have been missed. During that time, they found the following: A wave from Deborah with the flirtatious message of "Catch ya later, Tiger." We have someone looking into further details on that. A small vid in the Engineering bay with the electronically disguised words "Finish it" We also have someone looking into that." She lights the cigarette and takes a long draw from it, her head raising up to let out a lazy smoke ring, glancing towards the others.

"Oh." She says, almost as if in afterthought. "A small nuclear bomb. Triggered by Grey, apparently. Fortunately, he was able to chuck it over the wall in time that we didn't all die a horrible fiery death." She pauses. "Just about, though." She says, motioning towards her bandaged shoulder and arm with her chin. She takes the opportunity to glance towards Rachel, a small fangy smile given towards the woman she had eyed briefly not all that long ago.

"It does appear that the bomb was either there from the time the ship left Hera, or was placed there during the missing time, because footage from the bone yards does not reveal anyone taking anything on board the ship that size, and all exits and entrances were on camera." She takes another drag, the next words accompanied with occasional wiffs of smoke. "Footage did, however, show Alliance removing all the bodies of the crew during that time."

Brian spares a glance for Wren, a look of mild concern in his eyes. He starts to say something to her, then turns to Gabby and shrugs a little. "Go on." Noticing Rachel and Roxana's entry he offers a wave to them. "Morning. C'mon in and get comfy. Gabriella here is from the Invictus, come to talk to us about that ship we found a couple weeks back."

A quiet steady murmuring is barely audible from Wren, and eventually she brushes her hands over her skin, as if brushing off a collection of dust or dirt. Drawing a slow breath, she unwraps again, taking stock of any changes in the room that might have occurred while she was otherwise engaged. "Time delays, it goes backward when it should go forward. Stupid, stupid time," she declares, glaring at something only she seems to be aware of. "No more bombs," she adds definitively.

"A nuclear /bomb/?" Brian asks incredulously. "That's a bit extreme, isn't it? And if you have a nuke, why go to the trouble of killing the crew when you could just detonate it remotely?" His brow furrows as he considers the implications. "This turns it into a much bigger to-do, with far greater implications than we imagined. Someone was very serious about blowing up that ship, in one set of circumstances or another."

Rachel jumps as Roxana nearly bumps into her, taking several steps away and biting her lip. Then she looks back to the rest of the individuals in the room, and smiles. "Hi, Gabby," she says, and slinks towards a chair, which she collapses into. She fixes Wren with a smile which was probably intended to be comforting, though her stare continues just a little too long.

Roxana looks to Rachel again and grins lop-sidedly, "Sorry, doll. Didn't see ya." she replies to her startled reaction before she moves in a bit further. Her steps are a bit trepidatious, unsure of how important this all is she has jumped into.

"Hi." Gabriella says to Rachel with a quick smile, before glancing back to Brian. "Aye. Nuclear bomb. We aren't sure if it was something Wellington had on board as a safety precaution or if it was something that the mysterious person or persons left during their undocumented visit. And you're right, it's pretty damn big. But again, we're getting there."

"Alliance officer Major Angelina Rockzir signed the orders for the bodies to be removed from the ship. Wellington's body was returned to his wife, sans the robotic organs he had, which have been returned to the companies whom they were on lease from." She glances back down, taking a quick drag from the cigarette, and crushing it out before continuing. "We had an opportunity to speak with the reporter that had the story about Wellington's death, but didn't learn a whole lot. What we were able to learn afterwards, is that she has been in contact with the Kitsune, our ship, the Tienlong," With that, she glances up to give the room at large a quick grin, "And, the Boudica, all in regards to the death of Wellington and crew. That, right now, is a mystery as to why, considering they didn't respond to the mayday. We're trying to set up a meeting with them in the next couple of days to find out what they have to do with all of this."

If Wren notices Rachel's stare it doesn't seem to bother her, sliding her gaze from her over to Roxana. But as Gabby continues her report her eyes lose focus again, buried under the weight of so many words.

"..............." Rachel says, quietly, more as if she is reminding herself than anything. 'It's fine, Roxie,' she says in English, then adds, again as if to herself, "................." She watches Gabriella with a detached interest. It's not clear if she's processing at all but she does appear to be paying attention. <German>

"..........................." Gabriella says with a small smirk and a glance given in Rachel's direction, and a small wink, before turning back to Brian and the others, awaiting any further inquiries or responses.

Almost absent sounding does Anastasiya speak, her tongue taking on a different language as well as accent shifting for the brief comment. "..........................." With that spoken, she once more grows silent.

Roxana grins lop-sidedly as everyone begins to chat in various languages. Few of which she speaks herself. "Well. I guess I'll leave you guys to it then. I'll go to the bridge and work on that comm glitch, skip." she says moving to the fore of the vessel, turning her music back on.

Wren visibly perks up at the foreign language being bandied about, listening with an intent ear to the unfamiliar syllables as they're strung together. Her gaze bounces from one person to the other until finally Roxana speaks, and she peers at the girl for an extended moment as if startled by the re-emergence of a familiar tongue.

Brian nods in Gabby's direction. "How'd the Feds find out where we moved the ship to? You have a copy of those orders? Any reason given for the removal of the bodies?" The questions come rapid-fire, but clearly he doesn't expect answers, or at least expects answers that he knows he won't like, so he shrugs it off. "Boudica.. not familiar with that ship. Be interesting to find out what their connection is." To Roxana he says, "You're welcome to stay if you like. Wait. Comm glitch?"

"Aye, I can give you a copy. Well, seeing as they had an Alliance ship within sensor and communications range when everything went down, it doesn't surprise me they knew where it was, and last I saw, the Alliance was guarding her on Boros. And as best as I can tell, the reasons for the bodies was to get Wellington. Whether it was by the widow to bury him, or by the companies that his organs were on lease from, I'm not sure."

Attention easily drawn away from Roxana's comm glitch when it becomes clear that she's not going to answer due to the music, Brian returns his attention to Gabriella. Eyes narrow just a hair and he asks, "The alliance is guarding the ship? After it blew up? From a nuclear bomb? That's a little suspicious, don't you think? You'd think they'd clear everybody out, post rad-warnings, and not go near it."

Canting her head to one side, and then to the other, Wren gives Gabby a decidedly odd look as her words slowly filter through, frowning faintly. Shifting on the couch, she finds a more comfortable position, propping her chin against one hand, but offers no comment.

Rachel frowns at the others speaking German, though she doesn't seem too bothered by it--if anything, she looks confused that they are speaking to her. She bites her lip and says, tenuously, "..............." She continues listening to Gabriella, though it looks like this time her mind is elsewhere. <German>

"The ship didn't blow up, Grey got the bomb off ahead of time. They're probably wanting to keep it safe until the widow can arrange transport back. It's a pricey piece of equipment after all." She replies to Brian. "And we have no plans to go back to Boros any time soon, least not that I know of." She says with a small smile.

"Oh," Brian says, having forgotten that detail. "Right. So they took the bodies off, and they're guarding it. Which means we have no further access to anything we didn't take with us."

"Not necessarily." Gabriella replies, finishing the last of her beer before setting it aside once more. "We have someone that can get us information if we can get specific questions."

"Everything goes with you," Wren states abruptly. "It all clings to you, and it never, ever leaves," she continues, shaking her head. "Just sometimes you don't want all the little bits and pieces stickin' every which way-- they get in the way," she continues with a glance toward Brian.

A Meeting of Minds, Part II

Take me back to Wren's RP Logs