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(Created page with "{{SceneLog |Location=Jiangyin |IC Date=2534/05/28 |OOC Date=2014/08/29 |Characters in Scene=Riley, Helena |Short Summary=Riley attempts to update Helena on recent events. Thin...")
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|IC Date=2534/05/28
|IC Date=2535/05/28
|OOC Date=2014/08/29
|OOC Date=2014/08/29
|Characters in Scene=Riley, Helena
|Characters in Scene=Riley, Helena

Latest revision as of 16:35, 29 August 2014

Caged Birdies: Urgent News
Location: Log_Location::Jiangyin IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/05/28 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/08/29
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Riley, Has Characters in Scene::Helena
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Riley attempts to update Helena on recent events. Things go south.
Log_Characters::Riley, Helena

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, "Helena, are the children okay? Have y'all had any 'visitors'?" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Helena says, "Children are fine, no visitors...whats happened? Is everyone ok?" <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Riley says, ".......No. Something's happened. Leave them with Chloe and meet me at the inn in Twin Oaks. Someone may be listening in and they can't find out where you are." <English>

[404.30 MHZ Ch:0] Helena says, "I will be there shortly" <English>

  Common Room - Twin Oaks Inn - Jiangyin =>Jiangyin<=
A small country inn that you'd find in any sort of small town locale. It has a common room where people can eat and drink. It holds a nicely polished bar along the far side, a set of stairs going up to the right of the bar, a large fireplace on the left hand wall, and six small, round tables with four chairs each.
Up the short flight of stairs are several rooms that are rentable.
 *Riley Helena
 <Up> Stairs <Out> Street
=[ Scene Set ]================================================================
 There is no scene set. Use '+scene set <details>' to create one.

There is a horse tied up outside the inn, still with a bit of sweat over his skin from the fast ride to town. Inside Helena is standing near the door and looking quite the part of a local rancher. Jeans, boots and denim shirt. Her long hair is pulled up into a casual pony tail and there is not a hint of makeup on her face. She would hardly be mistaken for a companion just now. <English>

The sound of an engine can be heard a little ways off. Within about a minute a mule swings in at breakneck speed and slides to a stop as the motor is killed mid-flight. Riley hops off and walks through the door at a fast clip. He's obviously chosen speed over discretion. "Helena, The Cap-" he starts to whisper, but out of the corner of his eye the pilot spies a suspicious individual in an old waistcoat and bowler hat. He recognizes that man. "Hold on." Walking up to the counter in a little more composed rate, he asks the man for a room and tosses a few credits on the counter. Walking back to Helena he gets intimately close and whispers in her ear. "Not here. We have a room. We're /secret lovers/" he says cryptically. <English>

Helena steps up to Riley as he approaches the door, eyes widened as he starts to talk. There is a glance towards the man and back to Riley and gives a slight nod as he tells her to wait. There look to be a million questions in her eyes, but she stays in place until he returns and she gives a nod to the whisper and manages a smile to her lips. She leans in and gives him a kiss, a touch of his cheek with soft fingertips. The greeting of a lover. "I have been waiting for you call..." She says smoothly and takes his hand to lead him upstairs. <English>

  Room One - Twin Oaks Inn - Jiangyin =>Jiangyin<=
This room is quite simple and fairly plain. It has two full sized beds, one along each wall. Between the beds is a desk with two small lamps on it, one at either end to serve as bedside lights. Between them is empty space, with a chair before the desk. At the foot of each bed is a chair, pushed against the wall. Between the two chairs is a couch. A small bathroom is through a door next to the door leading out to the hallway. On the far side away from the door, there's a window with heavy, thick drapes that provides light when the drapes are pulled back, and air if the renter wants to open it.

When they get to the room Riley grabs his 'lover' and kisses her as passionately as he can fake while they open the door and go inside. In another circumstance he might have actually enjoyed that. As it stands now, he's shaking so bad he could hardly get through it. He closes the door, locks the bolt, and puts his ear to it to listen. When he's satisfied that no one followed them up he relaxes a little and turns to Helena. "They got the Captain, and she's hurt. They got Conoger too." <English>

Helena for her part is quite convincing with her kiss in reply, her arms going about his neck as he opens the door. Though he would feel the tremble of fear in her. As they get in she is quick to release him and stand aside as he locks the door. As those words are uttered she drops to sit down on the edge of the bed, "Are they alive still?" She whispers, perhaps not wishing to hear the answer. <English>

Riley is still shaking bad. Maybe worse now that he doesn't have to hide it. Now would be a great time for a drink. "I think so, but Esther was hurt pretty bad before the ambush. We found her crashed in the woods. Nears I can tell she lost a dual with a fella named Kilbride...in a bad way. She tried to ride back on her own and couldn't keep her bike upright." He sits on the bed next to the companion as his legs catch up on shaking with the rest of his body. He nervously plays with his beard before continuing. "The surprised us while we we're trying to get her back to the ship. They where even ready for Conoger. They want the baby." <English>

Helena reaches out and takes the man's hand, give him what comfort she can to his own nerves as she tries to deal with her own. She listens to him speak of Esther and an odd look crosses her face, "Why would she partake in a duel just now...or anytime. Who is this kilbride person? Does he work with them?" She asks with clear strain in her voice. "The children are safe and if they attacked the ship then they don't know where they are...and I best not head back to the ranch myself." She shakes her head, her fingers clenching around his. "Take me back to the ship, I can at least handle a gun...but I can't sit at the Ranch anymore knowing Connie and Esther are taken." There is clear strain to her voice. <English>

Riley Calms a little at her touch. He's not sure why, but it is comforting. Must be a companion thing. "As far as I know Kilbride is an old nemesis and not really related. But the timing is suspicious." When she asks to return ship he nods in agreement. "I think that's for the best as well. But we can't just leave so soon. It'll look suspicious if we just take off." At about this time heavy footsteps can be heard coming down the hall. A lot of them. "Shit, maybe we weren't as convincing as I thought."
"Room service" says a gruff voice behind the door after a quick knock. Riley draws his colt and looks at Helena. "Window?" <English>

Helena shakes her head a bit, "It can't be a coincidence..." She murmurs "Divide and conquer, picking off the strong and leaders and the sheep will scatter in disarray." She says before she silents at the sound of the footsteps. The comment of Room service causes her to freeze before Riley's words set her to action and she rises with him to make her way to the window. "Just a moment, let a girl get decent why don't you.." She says in a thick Heran country accent. The companion is white as a sheet just now, every freckle standing out on her face in contrast. She is scared but at least not mindless with it. She pulls out the gun Doc gave her from the back of her pants and heads to the window with him, trying to ease it open so as not to give away their plan. <English>

Riley takes the woman's hand and eases her down quietly. Before shimmying out himself, the pilot heads back and pushes the bed in front of the door then crawls out the window.

 As he's about halfway out, a key can be heard in the lock. The bed should buy some time though. The pilot just tosses himself out and lands flat on his ass. Scrambling to stand he grabs Helena by the hand and pulls her around to the corner. "Looks like they left a lookout. Gorramit, they've got repeaters again too. We need a distraction to get to the mule and get the hell outta here. And we need it fast, they'll know we're gone soon enough." <English>

Helena makes a somewhat more elegant landing then Riley and follows him around the corner. She holds her gun at the ready and leans flat against the wall as he looks around. The words cause her to take a quick look before leaning back again, "Do you have a lighter?" She asks as she crouches and scrounges up some debris nearby, "I only losely tied the horse and may Kyronis forgive me for what I am about to do it and hope the horse will find its way back in one piece." <English>

Riley quickly digs through his pockets for a lighter. When he pulls out a zippo he fumbles and drops it. He keeps looking back over his shoulder to see if they've made it through. Shouting can be heard from behind them. I guess they're through the door. <English>

Helena crouches to grab the lighter and lights up the bundle and tosses it at the horse. The horse expectantly panics, neighing and bucking at the fright of the flaming missile. With the shouting behind them she looks to Riley,"Now or never, eh?" She comments lifting her gun again and lets Riley lead to the mule. <English>

A head pokes out the open window behind them, followed by a gun barrel and opens fire as the horses go wild out front. The two scramble to the MULE during the little stampede. Riley flicks the ignition and fires up the engines. The lookout's seen them though and is raising his rifle. "Shit shit shit GO!" he yells at machine. It seemed to work, because he manages to gun the throttle before the slaver opens fire. A few bullets whiz by and a few more plink off the side as they cruise away. "At least they shouldn't be able to follow us in all the commotion." <English>

Helena runs behind Riley to the mule and jumps on the back behind him, one arm going tight about his middle. She extends her gun hand behind her and starts firing, mostly without much thought of aim or looking but she manages to fire enough to hit someone and make them slow down the chase. <English>

In a cloud of dust and a hail of bullets Riley flies them back to the ship at the top speed this thing can put out. <English>