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(Created page with "{{SceneLog |Location=Paquin (cavern in the middle of no where) |IC Date=2535/05/12 |OOC Date=2014/08/21 |Characters in Scene=Jisae, Reno, Esther, Kyoshiro, Zank, Covis, Conoge...")
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|IC Date=2535/05/12
|IC Date=2535/05/12
|OOC Date=2014/08/21
|OOC Date=2014/08/21
|Characters in Scene=Jisae, Reno, Esther, Kyoshiro, Zank, Covis, Conoger, Riley, Helena, Arraner, Jia,  
|Characters in Scene=Jisae, Reno, Esther, Kyoshiro, Zank, Covis, Conoger, Riley, Helena, Arraner, Jia, Aces and Eights, Lenore
Ran by Lenore  
|Short Summary=Conoger had been at a local bar and upon hearing some local legend about ghosts and monsters, he got real interesting. Upon hearing more, he found out people had actually disappeared and not seen again. So after gathering some friends they go and find the so called cavern. The adventure takes the group deep into the cavern, where strange and unexpected situations arise.  
|Short Summary=Conoger had been at a local bar and upon hearing some local legend about ghosts and monsters, he got real interesting. Upon hearing more, he found out people had actually disappeared and not seen again. So after gathering some friends they go and find the so called cavern. The adventure takes the group deep into the cavern, where strange and unexpected situations arise.  
|Full Log=This cave has seen a lot of traffic. Trash is littered around as well as broken Stalactites, ribbons, and other cavern rocks. There appears to be a small path that has been cleared over and around the mess. The ceiling feels close but without huge lights there is no way to be sure. It smells damp and dirty.
|Full Log=This cave has seen a lot of traffic. Trash is littered around as well as broken Stalactites, ribbons, and other cavern rocks. There appears to be a small path that has been cleared over and around the mess. The ceiling feels close but without huge lights there is no way to be sure. It smells damp and dirty.
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Conoger packed accordingly, seeking out this cavern and knowing it's location was easy enough but trekking through it may be something they all may lack in. So Conoger like always is wearing his helm and armor as well needed weapons.
Conoger packed accordingly, seeking out this cavern and knowing it's location was easy enough but trekking through it may be something they all may lack in. So Conoger like always is wearing his helm and armor as well needed weapons.
Kyoshiro, old man that he is, is well prepared. He's abandoned his frock and vest in fear of getting
Kyoshiro, old man that he is, is well prepared. He's abandoned his frock and vest in fear of getting them ruined in the cave. "Why are we spelunking again?" He asks in his usual deep core accented monotone, husky and masculine. "I'm getting old you know... broken legs suck..." Of course he probably just jinxed himself. A reassuring toke from the stub of a cigarillo he has hanging between his stern set lips. Red eyes glance around. If it's dark, he's got his goggles he can slide on.
Esther glances to Conoger as they make their way to this cavern of sorts. "I refuse to get old." Esther says in light of Kyo's comments. She makes her way closer to the cave. She has a handy dandy backpack and from inside, she rummages around, finding a flashlight. "Ah! Here we go." She flips it on to ensure it is working before they enter the thing.
Arraner is trekking along with the group, prepared like the survivalist he is, though it may not be readily apparent thanks to the concealment benefits of a duster that has seen better days; however, the knife at his hip is ready and visible. He keeps quietly to himself for the time being, doing his best to stay glued to the group, squinting a bit, until Esther is nice enough to provide a light for guidance, "Thank you ma'am."
Covis is wearing his black leather jacket, and other usual attire. Tucking away his sunglasses, he pulls out a small flashlight as he follows along with the group. "What exactly are we doing here again?" he wonders as they approach the cave. Perhaps second thoughts filling his mind.
Zank  is at the back of the group. He's been there the hole time. honest. He follows the group staying a few paces behind. He looks around at the cavern in front of them as they enter. He speaks up as Covis voices the question in his own head. "yea what he asked"
A companion Helena may be, but rare has she shied away from getting dirty. It took some fancy talking to be 'allowed' to come along, but here she is in the group armour mostly hidden beneath her clothes but there all the same. Doc's colt rests in a holster at her hip.
Conoger is smiling, all he can do is grin and smiles as he hears the others. " Alright, it's a local myth of sorts, at least it's what I heard. So it seems that there may be ghosts or creatures or something deeper in the cavern. It's said that anyone gone down there, has not returned. So I took it as a challenge." then looking over his shoulder as he takes his own flashlight out. ' So, told Esther, she agreed to come along, then others over heard and , well so it goes, so here we are and plus. what else you going to say. I died in my bed...and not in a cavern?" does not make any sense and just turns and heads on right into the cavern.
Kyoshiro kind of just blinks as he listens to Conoger, adjusting his musette bag over his shoulder. "Ghosts... Monsters... right, okay..." He looks back at the others. "Zoinks! Looks like it's a mystery folks!" He looks back at the cave and follows Conoger in, pulling down his goggles. "I better get home in time for the house wives of Bernadette..."
Esther glances to Kyoshiro. "You are only as old as you let yourself become." She grins a stupid little grin. "Besides, "I don't age. I am like fine wine.. I get better with time." A wink is offered to Kyoshiro. Her gaze turns to Conoger. "Well. There might be a good reason people do not go here. You know. Like death." She glances about to the others as she shines her light in front of them. She messes with it to set it to a wider beam. The light is not as bright, but now covers a bit more area. "I didn't realize you had such a sense of humour.." She eyes the red-eyed man.
Arraner follows along with the group as he hears Conoger's explanation of the circumstances that have brought their lives to this point. He smirks slightly to himself as he notes, "Well, Sir, if I died I likely wouldn't say much of anything about anything, least of all where it happened."
Covis nods in agreement to Zink then wrinkles his nose at Conoger's revelation and his eyes narrow as he peers around his surroundings more carefully. "That's just great. We are wandering into a dark hole to find the bones of all the others who have gone before. I think I know how this is going to end." He looks at the others then focuses on Esther "I'm not getting paid enough." he smirks.
Zank  just shakes his head at Conoger story and then speaks up as Esther and Kyo exchange words "Oh no his completely serious...caught him watching that excuse for a cortex show a couple times now..." he smiles.
Helena listens to Conoger's tale and smiles a bit as no doubt she has heard it before. Adventure and ghosts...should be fun. She glances back to Covis, "Surely no other group had as fine a shot as you Covis. We will surely be safe on this trip." She winks at him as slips forward through the group nearer to Esther.
The cavern does not echo. Too much stuff inside the room. But the path moves in a zig zag pattern through fallen rocks and piles of junk. Is that an entry manifold? oh well the path is fairly easy to follow. Until suddenly it ends. just ends. The path moves right up to the wall of the cave and then stops.
Conoger comes up to the wall as he hears others behind, then he stops and blinks at the wall. " Ok, so....where ya think the bodies may have gotten too, it's a dead end." he taps the wall with his hand, trying to see if it's hollow but of course not hard. " Well, maybe I miss heard the location of it but I am sure it's this one." he seems a bit confused at the moment.
"It's confusing and baffling how callous those people can be..." Kyoshiro says in response as they all come to a stop behind Conoger. "I watch it trying to figure it out... and I can't..." He makes sure his NV IR Thermal Binocular goggles are on before taking a look around through them, seeing if he can find something the others might not be able to.
Esther stops and looks to the wall. Then she looks to the floor how the path suddenly is stopped at the wall. A hand moves up to scratch at her chin. Turning around, she uses her light to glance around. "Guys.. get back.." She indicates to some holes above them. "Get back.." She ushers them. "It's a trap of sorts.."
Arraner notes for the record, to Helena, "I'm sure I'm a better shot than Covis there, maybe we will get a chance to find out in this cave. Once we find those that came before," he comes to a proper halt as the path is unfortunate enough to end, "Welp this was a fun trip?" he offers up as he begins to search around the ground, "Looks like tracks here go off to the right, sir," he offers as he begins to follow them.
Covis quirks an eyebrow and manages a roguish smile for Helena "I aim ta please.." he chuckles. He pauses as the group slows, his flashlight scanning over the surrounding walls. "Is this the right cave?" he begins to wonder then nods to Conoger. "Perhaps there is a floor trap.." The pilot inspects the walls more closely, at the same time as Esther, then takes a couple quick steps back at the Captain's encouragement. "The wall here on the right. It's not like the others." he announces to the group, a smirk given to Arraner after his comment.
Zank  eyes narrow as Esther urges them back. His eyes scan the wall looking left right until his eye sees the seam in the wall. Wire. what ever it is. There are not straight lines in natural formations. Only man does that. "He's right...on the wall looks like a wire or a seam of something.."
Helena looks back to Arraner as he picked up the 'bait' as well. Now its a competition and not a silly hike in a cave. She looks back to Conoger as it seems as though they come to a dead end. She looks around to the shadows and lit places brought out by the moving flashlights. "Maybe. though there did not seem to be any junctions to this point. Maybe we are missing something."
Conoger looks around as others start to search about the area. He in turn simply just scans the area as others move around and notices a seam along the edge of what may be the door but it feels wrong...As he moves to the left he looks to the others and then runs his fingers along but frowns. "I don't get it, why hide something....anyone have a clue as to what to do?" even though Esther mention it be a trap, nothing really has happened to him yet.
Kyoshiro is inspecting the left side of the Cave as the others seem enthralled with the trapping over yonder. Suddenly his goggles pick up something a little bit artificial. Well, it was easier to see this familiar type device with the goggles. His goggles didn't zero in on it specifically in this cave filled with junk "Zank... there's a pressure plate of some sort over here." He says allowed, waving the demolitions expert over. He squats down next to it to study it a bit more, he doesn't dare press it. "Everyone keep away from here..." He looks next to him and there's a canister of nasty gas in with the junk there. He picks it up then points over towards the holes in the walls, "There's gas in there... my guess... there's no monster at all. Someone set this up to kidnap dumbasses who believe in ghost stories..." He gives Conoger a look.
Esther steps back, being all protective of those around her. She glances around and her brows furrow. "The hell is that?" She whispers to herself. She seems as if she is listening really hard. Still, she does not get too close to the work the men are doing. "Hey.. I do hear something scratching at the other side of the wall.. wait.. no.. skittering."
Arraner looks over at Conoger, who is busily feeling up the wall, he is just about to make a comment when Kyoshiro makes his comment, "Maybe it's pirates..." he scratches at his chin, and steps back a bit to keep his distance from the pressure plate. His green eye gaze passing to Esther, "Oh good, gas and rats. I think I'd have taken the pirates over the rats."
Covis steps back and lets the muscle men do their job. "Maybe if we push on it." As Kyoshiro describes the nearby trap, the pilot looks over at the man rather impressed. "You've got a good eye." he says, keeping his distance from all the trappings they have been warned of so far. He nudges Arraner "If that thing goes off, you throw yourself on it. I'm too young to die."
Zank  nods to Kyo "Good eye Kyo..not as old as you keep saying it seems" he chuckles. He follows the wire along the wall looking at the device and the plate it run to...He squats down and brushes around the plate "HU....simple construction...." He pulls out his knife. He looks around for any obvious tamper devices...."So there's 2 ways to deal with this...we blow up it up or I cut the wire...any volunteers?"
Helena lets the folks with the proper training take the lead as they notice odd things about the cave. She shifts to the side and draws out her gun to ensure its at the ready, Leaving the lads to do their searching, Helena moves over to the side and takes a seat on a rock there. A moment's rest from the exploring. The door opens up and She sits up suddenly from the rock and blinks, "Found it..." She says with faint bemusement and some nervousness in her voice as the door in front of Conoger opens up and she looks back to the rock with suspicion.
The door opens to This long narrow cavern. It is more of a hallway than a cave. The ceiling is low and in places one would have to scrunch down. Damp is felt if one were to touch the walls which get very close. There is no way two people could walk side by side. The floor is rough and uneven But there does not seem to be a lot of debris.
With everything that is happening Conoger looks around to make sure the others have stepped back, he stays close to Kyo and Zank. As the thought of setting the trap off is given, he was about to say he do it, since he brought people here to their possible deaths. It is then the door starts to open and Conoger swiftly grabs his axe and gets it ready, looking to the new tunnel. " Well done Helena....do we need to cut that or is it safe to go in Zank..Kyo?" as he faces the entrance, ready to lead on, even if it may be a bit tight.
"Okay I'm not that Old... Fao's old... I'm just... aged." Kyoshiro replies to Zank, He gives a nod to the others compliments as well but doesn't elaborate on his skills. "Go ahead and cut it... we could cause a cave in if we explode it... This could be some smuggler hide out or something..." Then as Helena opens the door he waits for an explosion or something... but nothing comes... "There could still be people around. Of course this is just an educated guess. Someone intelligent did have to set this whole contraption up." He puffs on his cigarillo looking to Conoger. "We should cut it... don't want it going off on anyone else..."
Esther reaches for her blade and slowly draws it out with her free hand. Having the best light so far in the group, she steps forward towards Conoger. She is a step behind him, but the light shined down the corridor to illuminate the way. She says nothing, waiting here with Conoger until the trap is undone. <English>
Arraner lifts his brow, "I'm younger and far better looking than you are. I'd be a much greater loss," he notes with a smile to Covis. However, his attention is quickly pulled by the opening door, which pulls his gaze, and causes him to put his hand at his side, just in case the rats charge? when they don't he relaxes, though he does pull his duster back to reveal his firearm just in case.
Covis clicks off his flashlight and tucks it away. If there thugs ahead he doesn't want to be an easy target. His eyes flick to Helena and he smirks when she draws her gun and he promptly follows suit. "Mine is bigger then yours." he chuckles. As Conoger and Esther enter the tunnel, he smirks and then nudges Arraner "Lets go, your job is to protect the cargo and today that's me."
Zank  nods to Kyo and then cuts the wire as the rest of the folks turn there attention to the door. Nervous bickering among Convis and Arraner, or what he assumes in nervous bickering turns his eye to them for a moment before looking at the passage way. He glances at Kyo at the conversations around him. He shakes his head with a smirk and grin at Kyo
"Don't they say its not about the size but how it is used that counts?" Helena says with a grin to Covis, though it is clear she is a bit nervous from the slight waver in her voice as she follows the others in. She holds the gun up at the ready at least with the confidence of someone who knows how to use it. "See anything yet?" She asks of those ahead.
Reno has totally been here the whole time. You probably didn't notice him because of his diminutive size. The Shepherd seems, oddly, completely and utterly at ease, as though this was a stroll in a park somewhere and not a trap-filled cave full of mystery and shambling monstrosities from beyond the pale divide. Reno's not dumb - he doesn't simply traipse about - but if he's rattled by anything, he's not showing it. Instead, he remains alert and totally ready to help... in case preaching is needed. Or lifting. He's good at lifting.
Conoger looks at Kyo and then Zank as he cuts the wire and then nods to them. " Alright, great idea. Though you all need not come, it may be dangerous, was not expecting this at all." then he looks to Esther, nods to her and then looks to the others. " From now on, only silent communications." as he looks to all the people gathered, this has become serious. Then with a grin. " Lets go have fun...ghost, monsters and bears..oh my!" then he goes into the tunnel and sure enough he has to squeeze sideways to fit and slouch a bit as well.
Kyoshiro looks to Zank with a bit of a smirk before standing and looking at the now open Corridor. He watches Connoger move in and nods for Zank to follow along. "I'll come with you Conoger... someone has to keep you from doing stupid shit..." He adjusts the pork pie, now dusty from the cave, that rests a top his head as he slouches over and pushes his way through. "Preacher... I missed you... Crew decided not to listen to me and took off for Ariel before I could WAVE you. I apologise about that."
Esther isn't so tall! SEE! Short people have benefits too! She doesn't have to slouch and being smaller in girth, has an easier time moving through the corridor. She tries to give light to the tunnel, but Conoger's form blocks the light and he is forced to move into darkness for now. She glances to Kyoshiro. "I had to go to Santo to meet an old associate of mine. I met him there. I offered a ride. I figured we could meet up eventually."
Arraner quirks his brow at Covis, "I think you are confusing cargo and dead weight again," a wide smile given to the pilot, before he looks over at Conogor, "Well, I ain't come all this way to hang out in a trap filled cavern, when there is a perfectly good trap filled hallway," he quiets down after that though on Conoger's order, and just moves to follow the lead, squatting down a bit do to his unfortunate blessing of size.
Reno shrugs and says to Kyo with a smile, "I'm not hurt one bit. In fact, I was going to let you know I'd decided to see where the Aces was going to take me next. So, I'm glad we could meet up again." The big man just sort of... follows. Hey, he has a limited skill set, here. Where people go, he's going, even if he's actually too big to do such things easily.
Covis smiles over to Helena "The motion of the ocean. Yeah those sayings are written by men with big pens and small penises. The pilot could really use a smoke right about now. He licks his lips and peers down the tunnel then gives a cordial nod to Reno "Padre." A friendly smack to Arraner on the shoulder and he says "If you let me die, then yeah I'm dead weight. And don't you dare leave me laying half dead somewhere or I'll come back and haunt ya."
Helena shakes her head as Conoger offers the group an out. She may be nervous but well Conoger is here and he will keep them safe and maybe she might just keep him safe a little. "I am staying." She finally says with a nod of her head. There is a glance around to see if anyone might go back and seeing everyone is staying she gives another little nod before moving forward again. The joking from Covis causes her to glance at him again, "Not always..." She says simply before offering a secret little smile. Well she likely has the most experience with 'different types of oceans'.
Zank  grins and shakes his head following the others. He takes rear guard and keeps looking behind them as he squeeze between the rocks "Yeap...were gonna die in here" he mutters
Conoger listens to the ones that keep on talking as it seems to echo easily down the tunnel. After a moment it seems all are following but his thoughts are what may be ahead. As he continues to go, he still is moving sideways and crouch as well, this is a great leg workout for him. His axe at the ready, moving on and on, seems like forever now.
Kyoshiro looks back to Esther, "Uhuh..." He says in response before his ears lift at Reno's words. "It's no problem... The Aces and the Jia are business partners. We're Building a factory together with the Romany back near the market place here on Paquin. You're free to come and go as you please." Then he looks to Covis, "Don't worry, son... I'll get you out of here if need be..." He looks to Zank, "You're probably right... it's far too tight in here." Says the guy who doesn't even have a weapon drawn. He's still got those goggles on though. "Hey if there really are ghosts down here. The Preacher here might come in handy."
Esther squishes her way behind Conoger, looking back to those that are talking. But for now, she has fallen quiet and if Conoger looks as if he is getting any sort of stuck, she gives him a shove or whatever. Hey.. he is a big dude.
Arraner snorts at Covis, but doesn't respond to anything for the moment, because he wants to be good and quiet. Also, because he is so focused on not getting stuck in the passage, which frankly is a full time bit of work for him.
Reno grins at Kyo and says, "Romans 8:38-39. Or, Luke 9:1. Depends." He has no weapon of any kind, and he doesn't even make a fist. Instead, he's just all ready-like, watching and listening and following the group down the corridor. Not bad on his feet for a big guy. Must be the sweet boots. Reno also spends some of his attention watching over the people he's with. Like... some sort of ovine specialist or something.
Covis winks at Helena after a little banter back and forth then nods over to Kyoshiro and grins "I like the way you think." The pilot presses on, his gun relaxed in his hand as he situates himself somewhere in the middle of the human train.
Helena grows silent with the others as she moves with the group. Perhaps not combat trained, there is still a dancer's ease with which she moves. Though perhaps her footsteps are not quite as quiet as the others used to such things. Her gaze is ahead and on Conoger to make sure things are still ok at the head of the group and with her man.
Zank  hand rests on top of his pistol but it isn't draw. He continues to press on moving quietly behind the group. He keeps glancing behind them as they press on.
The very tight corridor opens up into a room that feels odd. There are like old drapes hanging from the ceiling They feel sticky and light like cobwebs. The floor is lumpy like droppings but they would be rather large droppings. Long narrow boxes that look uncannily like coffins seem to be placed around the room. All these shrouded in white fibrous stuff. Like spider webs. There is a path way through sort of.
Conoger finally makes it to the other side and as he steps out he blinks and looks down, using his flashlight like he was doing to get along the tunnel. As he looks around he notices the sticky stuff and the coffins of web. Though it is the one big spider he is looking at, right atop of a stone coffin. IN a whispered way. " Everyone, huge spider, over there....use ranged..I'll...try to keep it busy if it see's us." though with the size of it, he grins with expectations.
Something catches Kyo's thermals, and he can see something... large... and eight legged and... "What the..." Then Conoger announces it to everyone... "Mutated spiders? Left over from terraforming radiation?" It doesn't matter, he takes out Junior and aims, placing two rounds down range towards the large spider. The large round weapon is loud and echoes through the cave. The flash lighting the immediate area up quite a bit and the smell of gunpowder permeates and stings the nostrils. It's hard to aim with the goggles on and with Conoger in the way giant bastard that he is...
Esther suddenly lets out a startled cry as something goes across her foot. She even manages to drop her flashlight and it clatters to the floor, spinning around in a circle a few times. She is not normally edgy like this. BUT.. "Something just slithered across my feet.. like.. a huge snake.." She warns people if they didn't already know. Then there is the talk of a huge spider. Carefully, she kneels down to get her flashlight. She has no long range weapon, but she clings tightly to that sword.
Arraner widens his eyes, not that it helps, at the sound of something slithering. In a very calm and casual movement he pulls his glock out and rotates his selector switch from safe to semi, completely prepared to shoot blindly at whatever it is that is in fact slithering? As Conoger pulls his attention to it, Arraner's aim goes in that particular direction, "Ya think it built the coffins too, or is that just a happy coincidence. Are freakish monsters just attracted to creepy places like this, or do they show up and the whole neighbourhood goes to coffins?" he says in a gravely whisper back to Conoger.
Reno pauses a moment and then says softly, "'Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made.' Genesis 3:1." He looks around at the room they've stepped into, tilting his head slightly as he studies what he's seeing. When Conoger points out the spider, Reno actually smiles. Maybe he's broken in the head or something. As if by way of explanation, the Shepherd quotes, "'The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands.' Genesis 9:2. Anyone feeling like it's the other way around?" <English>
Covis steps carefully on the lumpy floor "Do I even want to know what we are walking on?" he asks looking around to the others and definitely not looking own. The roguish pilot jumps back suddenly, good thing the safety is on his pistol or he would have squeezed a round off. "Something just latched on to my leg, and it wasn't in a loving way." he assures the group, an understanding nod given to Esther. As Reno preaches he looks over to the holy man in disbelief. "I hope you aren't forbidden from using weapons."
Helena continues to keep pace with the group, though as her feet start to knock against something on the floor she has a closer look around her. First to her feet, then to the sides, then up to the ceilings. "Fuck me to Hera and back..." She mutters rather uncompanionlike under her breath. "Ain't no ghosts...but I rather wish there were." She says rather hurriedly with all trace her cultured accent gone from her voice, pure country Heran now.
Riley is late to the party as usual. He runs to catch up. As he enters the room something brushes against his leg "The Hell?!" He quickly draws his revolver, and points it aimlessly in the dark
Zank  just pauses and stares for a second at what everyone is shooting at and what is slithering on the floor "Are you...****** kidding me?" he says the gun shot drowning out his words. He draws his gun and shoots into the dark were the snake or monster or freak of nature just was. The bullet going wide and hitting nothing. "Seriously...giant snakes and spiders...Conoger..were gone have words"
There are Six spiders large spiders. As everyone is standing watching they move close and jump at their intended victims. Three snakes attack or at least try to.
Conoger looks around once more as he hears something about snakes as well. There is a slight urging of his heart to pump faster, his smile appears and then the lick of his lips. " Stick together, DO NOT GET SEPARATED!" as he yells it, he see's the spider attacking him. Conoger jumps to the side instantly as it's fangs try to pierce his shoulder. With a quick side step he brings his axe up and swings down hard along the side of it's thick bottom. "ARRRGH!!!" then as quick as he can, he brings his axe right across the spiders head and the spider falls hard to the floor, very, very dead indeed. "I like this dream." he says almost in a whisper.
"Maybe if I wasn't married..." Kyoshiro says regarding Helena's comment as he studies the spiders actions in the aftermath of his and any other attacks. He still has Junior out at the ready. His stance is experienced and so is his grip and the Tac Light lights the way and the Laser Dot keeps on the spider. However, out of the corner of Kyo's eye he can see one leap out at him. He sides steps sending one spider into the wall next to him. Junior quickly comes down, muzzle painted at the 8 legged freak. Again he pulls the trigger, sending one large rounds into the spider which is more then enough to do away with it. Of course this gets arachnid guts everywhere. Good thing he left his Frock and Vest at home. There's more though, he can see another coming and aims for it, sending hot lead into it's center mass.
Esther turns about as she gathers her light back into her hand. Just then, as if in a horror movie, there is a reptilian face with dripping fangs striking at her. She hops to the side, the snake whooshing past where she just was. Her blade immediately goes out, swinging in a wicked arch towards the slithering reptile. "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SNAKES!" The snake.. is not dead, even with the hideous gash that Esther gives it. It seems to recoil, slithering to the shadows to recover. Esther doesn't trust it, her eyes narrow to the shadow, waiting for the snake to re-emerge. She steps back towards the group, her back to them as she protects this part of the circle.
Arraner takes aim at a spider, and begins pulling the trigger, "Oh great, snakes and spiders. At least there are no giant rats!" He notes as he manages to miss both shots on the giant arachnid, "There best be hazard pay for this!"
Reno is about to reply to Covis when Helena expresses herself so clearly. The Shepherd only tilts his head a little, but doesn't say anything to her. Instead, he says to Covis, "My order doesn't preclude it." Which doesn't really answer whether /he's/ carrying any weapons. When he's suddenly attacked by a spider, he manages to avoid the creature, if only barely. The big man reaches out a thick hand as if he intends to simply start pulling legs off the thing. Quietly, Reno says, "'Then Samson prayed to the Lord, 'Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.'' Judges 16:28." With the sound like crunching wood, off come legs from the hairy beastie, the spider roiling in pain until it lies still. Reno just drops the legs to the ground, looking rather unemotional about the whole thing.
Covis stays clear of the Viking swinging his axe and pops the safety off his weapon, firing off two rounds quickly at the nearest moving creature on the ground. "Watch your feet." he jokingly warns the others. The creature scurries away from him "Bugger is still alive. Didn't anyone bring the bug spray?" he quips.
Riley may have just arrived, but things pick up quickly. The creature that brushed his leg a moment before returns and begins to constrict. The pilot trains his gun on the mass of scales around him. He draws back the hammer, hoping desperately that he doesn't shoot himself. Then it strikes. BLAM! The next instant a flash of fangs can be seen in the light of his muzzle flare. The snake reels in pain, loosens it's grip and slithers away. Riley is miraculously unharmed, but VERY shaken. "What the HELL is going on here!"
Zank  is still rather shocked there actually fighting giant spiders and snakes. Like seriously when he came here today or at all in his life did he think this would be a thing. He still focus on the job at hand. He takes aim at one of the spider and fires another round at the attacking creatures as they lunge and strike at the assembled Mystery Inc of the 25th century
Jisae pulls out her combat pistol as she takes in what's going on. A snake looks at her and she fires at it. She wounds the snake, but it's still alive. She readies herself to shoot again. She doesn't seem to be particularly frightened by the pests.
Conoger see's that others are doing alright,though his focus was on the one he already took down mostly. As he looks up and about, he see's a spider lunging at him. Conoger moves out of the way barely and was about to swing but another bites down on his arm, making him miss his attack and causing more bruising than anything big on him. Since it did not have a great grip on his arm, it can't stop his next attack on the one spider he was trying to hit, the axe slices across it's head and does a great deal of damage but it does not kill it. All the while Conoger is growling, a little upset he got bitten by a spider.
Kyoshiro is slammed back against the cavern's wall as the spider jumps at his chest. He sort of catches the thing there. It's fangs try to get through his armor but all they do is scratch on it slightly, maybe leaving a dent or two he'll have to buff out later. They do definitely rip up his shirt and the purple clad high end Ascension armor can be seen underneath that shirt of his. Though he struggles with the Arachnid, he's able to put Junior back in it's holster and reach over to his Katana. Drawing it in a quick almost blurred motion to the untrained eye. It slices right through the creature like it was a deli meat and just as quick as that slice was he sends the blade right across it's mid section leaving the thing on the ground in multiple pieces. He looks around to see if others need help.
Esther watches as the shadows begin to move. "Man.. this shit is for movies.." She grumbles. Then the snake suddenly lurches out from the shadows at Esther. Esther swings, but there is a whoosh sound as her blade only finds air. The snake begins to try and coil around her and she suddenly goes into hack mode. HACK HACK HACK! "Die you abomination!" The snake twitches one last time.
Reno smirks a little and then moves to handle - literally - the spider Conoger doesn't dispatch, the one currently on him. The big Shepherd says, "I should have brought the jawbone of an ass. Next time, I suppose," as he gets to this thing rather business-like. Out reach those arms, thick as most people's legs, and takes hold of the spider, adjusting its anatomy as legs are rent from the carapace speedily.
Covis is bitten by the snake "This is not the kind of sucking I was talking about last night.." he hisses, kicking his leg, trying to shake the snake loose. "Someone get this thing off me!" The currently unhappy pilot tries stepping on the serpent to unlatch it. "Now don't move." he sneers like Dirty Harry, aiming his gun once more. BOOM BOOM! He fires off two quick rounds in succession. His slithery opponent goes limp and he leans against the wall a moment catching his breath. "God damn."
Riley  pulls back the hammer on his colt for another shot, but before he knows what hit him, he is on the ground with a giant snake wrapped around his body. The creature sinks it's fangs into his leg, and in blind agony he grips the trigger, firing wildly into the darkness. The stray bullet ricochets off of one of the coffins taking a chunk out of the lid. The pilot rolls in the darkness attempting to break the monster grip, but it only gets tighter.
Zank  spins and almost waits for an attack that doesn't seem to come. He raises a eyebrow and turns to fire at the spider nearest hit and his crew mates. The bullet ripping into one of the creatures legs. "Oh im defiantly not sleeping well tonight..." he says
Jisae turns her attention to that same snake and fires twice. Her brow furrows when she seems to just miss it twice. She curses out a swear. She looks to Zank, "Oh, you're sleeping, if I have anything to say about it." She winks at him and turns her attention back to the snake.
The snake that is wrapping around Riley is thinking he is going to get dinner. only his fangs go into the man's pant leg and not the leg proper. The other snake Jumps away from jisae's shots and hits Zank. only it was retreating and so missed it's opportunity.
Conoger looks around quickly to see if there is any more and manages to see that one snake is taking off into the darkness and then another wrapping it's self around Riley. Since the other snake is gone from his own sight he moves quickly towards Riley. As the giant snake was about to bite down hard on the mans throat Conoger catches the tip of it's jaws, shoves his other hands fingers into the bottom and grips tightly. With a ease for a man his size, he spreads his arms apart and the sickening crunch, popping and ripping sound echoes through the place as Conoger rips the snakes head in two, bottom jaw in one hand, the top half in the other. The snake goes limp and the grip on Riley by the snake goes slack.
"Eww, Gross..." Kyoshiro says regarding Jisae's response to Zank's comment. He spots the snake wrap it's self around Riley and Conoger heading over in that direction. Placing his Katana back into it's Saya, his right hand then goes to the grip of Junior once again. He pulls it and without saying another word points it at the snake retreating away from Zank, red dot dancing ever so slightly on it's scales... and apparently the wall behind it. He squeezes the trigger letting on last loud gun shot ring through the cave. Bullets send rock and dust as they miss miserably. He looks at the gun, now trying to adjust the sights. Something must have gone out of wack when he got hit by that spider.
Esther takes a few breaths. One. Two. Three. Ok, her gaze turns around to look to Riley as he is all wrapped up in snake. That is -not- the sort of hug anyone wants. She immediately turns to help her crew mate, leaping to the rescue! Alas.. Conoger and Kyoshiro are much faster than her. They will manage to get the snake. Though, there is another and Esther turns around to spot the last snake, coveting Zank as a delicious dinner treat. "Oh hell.. " She steps over to where the retreating snake is. Being just slightly away from the group, the snake turns it's attention towards Esther. It launches out from the shadows at her. She spins, catching it's neck with the blade, the head flying in one direction. She continues her spin and catches it in the mid-section, cleaving it through. The remnants of the snake lay twitching on the ground. "Conoger. Remind me never to go on a date with you."
With dead bugs and snakes littering the place, our heroes begin to look around. in some of the coffins they find bodies. ion others it appears to be hidden loot.
Covis counts off in his mind how many rounds he has spent as he looks for another target. He pushes away from the wall and relaxes finally, the apparent attack over. "Well well what do we have here." he says walking toward a half opened coffin of loot.
Esther steps forward with her light. She is panting as she takes her light and shines it about the room. She is splattered with spider and snake goo. She glances into the pile of loot that is gotten. "You guys divvy this up. If it is an upgrade for you, take it. Need before Greed." Esther looks to the box. "Kyo, Zank. Take the crate for the Jia."
Riley breaths deep as the snake loosens it's grip. He fights with the limp body to get it off of his chest, sputtering and coughing as he does. "Thanks big guy. *hack**cough* I owe you one."
Arraner lowers his gun as he catches his breath and looks at all the dead critters everywhere. The young man smiles widely, having been here the entire time of course, and offers up, "Holy hell, that was fun!" He looks over to Conoger, "Let me know next time you are going cave diving, I'm totally in," as he heads over to start stealing from the coffins.
Kyoshiro's eyes catch some familiar armor... "Oh look what we have here." He picks up some of the higher end armor that's there. "Looks like Oliana's going to have some better armor." He looks over to Esther, "You sure you don't want to split it down the middle?"
Reno stands over the bodies of the snakes and says, "'Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.'" Looking at the loot, then, Reno just stands idle. He doesn't seem even a little interested in the goods therein. Instead, he's turned his attention to Riley, moving to ask, "You need any stitching up, Mister O'Hare? Unless one of your innumerable doctors is around?" There's a wry tone in his voice, as though there is a private joke being shared.
Zank  stands up out of the cob webs a rather large snake next to him with a knife hole in its head. He nods to Esther "My thanks Captain. always fun adventuring out with yall...though next time Con wants a battle axe lets just bye him one"
Kyoshiro is looking over the cargo, "I second the motion...."
Esther pants a bit. She nods to Kyo. "Keep it. As thanks." She says to him. She finds a bit of cloth and wipes the snake blood from her blade before sheathing it into it's scabbard. She just smiles as others go through the loot. Quietly, she makes her way to Reno. "Preacher, thank you." She says, reaching out a hand to pat him on his arm. "Good work. I have never seen anyone rip legs off a giant spider before." She pauses. "Umm. I have never seen a giant spider before."
Riley  Coughs a bit more and replies to the Shepherd. "I'll live." He hobbles over to one of the coffins to rest. In it he spies some interesting armor. He picks it up and looks it over. "Damn. Wish I had this ten minutes ago.
Reno inclines his head to Esther at her comment and replies, "Thank you, Captain. The Lord blesses us all with certain talents and abilities. Mine, it seems, include dismembering giant arachnids." There's a playful, thoughtful expression on Reno's face and he muses, "I wonder if that will come up again... I suppose anything's possible."
Kyoshiro looks to Conoger as he has an orgasm over the Ancient Axe. He smirks just a big as he hulls the armor over his shoulder. He walks over to the preacher, "IT was pretty damn impressive I'd say." He looks to Esther, "I'm going to get going... but... I hear you bought the old Brotherhood Monastery on Jiangyin... We can meet up there and turn in the cargo then... I'll let Captain know."
Esther nods to Kyoshiro when he addresses her. "Sounds good. Good work by the way. Thanks for your help." She watches Conoger find the holy grail of viking battle axes. A smile spreads on her face. "You know Preacher, God sends us challenges sometimes. He rewards those to stand up to those challenges. Don't you think? I also think we did something good here today. We probably saved lives of unsuspecting children and villagers."
Arraner looks over to Esther, with her explanation about God and nods, "Just warms the hearts. We are regular old good Samaritans," he states with a big old smile.
Reno considers for a moment and then says, "'Whatever you do to the least of these...'" and then just smiles. A moment or two passes, and then the big man says simply, "Well, if someone needs a hand carrying these crates, I'll do so." He still makes no move to actually take any of the items for himself.
Conoger looks at the others and watches as Zank and Jisae head on back through the tunnel and then he looks to the others. " Well, the stories were true, Ghosts and monsters...see. Though I will say, I had a lot of fun." then looking at Esther. "You will go out on a date, you love the fact I get us in trouble...always." he chuckles and then looks around and walks on up to the tall man and extends a big hand towards the preacher. " I'm Conoger the Viking, you be the only one I do not know but you fight well with your hands, very well."
Soon the adventuring party leave the place, taking all that they can and learning that nature when it is played with, many things change to make it interesting.

Latest revision as of 02:39, 22 August 2014

Cavern of Doom
Location: Log_Location::Paquin (cavern in the middle of no where) IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/05/12 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/08/21
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jisae, Has Characters in Scene::Reno, Has Characters in Scene::Esther, Has Characters in Scene::Kyoshiro, Has Characters in Scene::Zank, Has Characters in Scene::Covis, Has Characters in Scene::Conoger, Has Characters in Scene::Riley, Has Characters in Scene::Helena, Has Characters in Scene::Arraner, Has Characters in Scene::Jia, Has Characters in Scene::Aces and Eights, Has Characters in Scene::Lenore
Summary: [[Log_Short_Summary::Conoger had been at a local bar and upon hearing some local legend about ghosts and monsters, he got real interesting. Upon hearing more, he found out people had actually disappeared and not seen again. So after gathering some friends they go and find the so called cavern. The adventure takes the group deep into the cavern, where strange and unexpected situations arise.]]
Log_Characters::Jisae, Reno, Esther, Kyoshiro, Zank, Covis, Conoger, Riley, Helena, Arraner, Jia, Aces and Eights, Lenore

This cave has seen a lot of traffic. Trash is littered around as well as broken Stalactites, ribbons, and other cavern rocks. There appears to be a small path that has been cleared over and around the mess. The ceiling feels close but without huge lights there is no way to be sure. It smells damp and dirty.

Conoger packed accordingly, seeking out this cavern and knowing it's location was easy enough but trekking through it may be something they all may lack in. So Conoger like always is wearing his helm and armor as well needed weapons.

Kyoshiro, old man that he is, is well prepared. He's abandoned his frock and vest in fear of getting them ruined in the cave. "Why are we spelunking again?" He asks in his usual deep core accented monotone, husky and masculine. "I'm getting old you know... broken legs suck..." Of course he probably just jinxed himself. A reassuring toke from the stub of a cigarillo he has hanging between his stern set lips. Red eyes glance around. If it's dark, he's got his goggles he can slide on.

Esther glances to Conoger as they make their way to this cavern of sorts. "I refuse to get old." Esther says in light of Kyo's comments. She makes her way closer to the cave. She has a handy dandy backpack and from inside, she rummages around, finding a flashlight. "Ah! Here we go." She flips it on to ensure it is working before they enter the thing.

Arraner is trekking along with the group, prepared like the survivalist he is, though it may not be readily apparent thanks to the concealment benefits of a duster that has seen better days; however, the knife at his hip is ready and visible. He keeps quietly to himself for the time being, doing his best to stay glued to the group, squinting a bit, until Esther is nice enough to provide a light for guidance, "Thank you ma'am."

Covis is wearing his black leather jacket, and other usual attire. Tucking away his sunglasses, he pulls out a small flashlight as he follows along with the group. "What exactly are we doing here again?" he wonders as they approach the cave. Perhaps second thoughts filling his mind.

Zank is at the back of the group. He's been there the hole time. honest. He follows the group staying a few paces behind. He looks around at the cavern in front of them as they enter. He speaks up as Covis voices the question in his own head. "yea what he asked"

A companion Helena may be, but rare has she shied away from getting dirty. It took some fancy talking to be 'allowed' to come along, but here she is in the group armour mostly hidden beneath her clothes but there all the same. Doc's colt rests in a holster at her hip.

Conoger is smiling, all he can do is grin and smiles as he hears the others. " Alright, it's a local myth of sorts, at least it's what I heard. So it seems that there may be ghosts or creatures or something deeper in the cavern. It's said that anyone gone down there, has not returned. So I took it as a challenge." then looking over his shoulder as he takes his own flashlight out. ' So, told Esther, she agreed to come along, then others over heard and , well so it goes, so here we are and plus. what else you going to say. I died in my bed...and not in a cavern?" does not make any sense and just turns and heads on right into the cavern.

Kyoshiro kind of just blinks as he listens to Conoger, adjusting his musette bag over his shoulder. "Ghosts... Monsters... right, okay..." He looks back at the others. "Zoinks! Looks like it's a mystery folks!" He looks back at the cave and follows Conoger in, pulling down his goggles. "I better get home in time for the house wives of Bernadette..."

Esther glances to Kyoshiro. "You are only as old as you let yourself become." She grins a stupid little grin. "Besides, "I don't age. I am like fine wine.. I get better with time." A wink is offered to Kyoshiro. Her gaze turns to Conoger. "Well. There might be a good reason people do not go here. You know. Like death." She glances about to the others as she shines her light in front of them. She messes with it to set it to a wider beam. The light is not as bright, but now covers a bit more area. "I didn't realize you had such a sense of humour.." She eyes the red-eyed man.

Arraner follows along with the group as he hears Conoger's explanation of the circumstances that have brought their lives to this point. He smirks slightly to himself as he notes, "Well, Sir, if I died I likely wouldn't say much of anything about anything, least of all where it happened."

Covis nods in agreement to Zink then wrinkles his nose at Conoger's revelation and his eyes narrow as he peers around his surroundings more carefully. "That's just great. We are wandering into a dark hole to find the bones of all the others who have gone before. I think I know how this is going to end." He looks at the others then focuses on Esther "I'm not getting paid enough." he smirks.

Zank just shakes his head at Conoger story and then speaks up as Esther and Kyo exchange words "Oh no his completely serious...caught him watching that excuse for a cortex show a couple times now..." he smiles.

Helena listens to Conoger's tale and smiles a bit as no doubt she has heard it before. Adventure and ghosts...should be fun. She glances back to Covis, "Surely no other group had as fine a shot as you Covis. We will surely be safe on this trip." She winks at him as slips forward through the group nearer to Esther.

The cavern does not echo. Too much stuff inside the room. But the path moves in a zig zag pattern through fallen rocks and piles of junk. Is that an entry manifold? oh well the path is fairly easy to follow. Until suddenly it ends. just ends. The path moves right up to the wall of the cave and then stops.

Conoger comes up to the wall as he hears others behind, then he stops and blinks at the wall. " Ok, so....where ya think the bodies may have gotten too, it's a dead end." he taps the wall with his hand, trying to see if it's hollow but of course not hard. " Well, maybe I miss heard the location of it but I am sure it's this one." he seems a bit confused at the moment.

"It's confusing and baffling how callous those people can be..." Kyoshiro says in response as they all come to a stop behind Conoger. "I watch it trying to figure it out... and I can't..." He makes sure his NV IR Thermal Binocular goggles are on before taking a look around through them, seeing if he can find something the others might not be able to.

Esther stops and looks to the wall. Then she looks to the floor how the path suddenly is stopped at the wall. A hand moves up to scratch at her chin. Turning around, she uses her light to glance around. "Guys.. get back.." She indicates to some holes above them. "Get back.." She ushers them. "It's a trap of sorts.."

Arraner notes for the record, to Helena, "I'm sure I'm a better shot than Covis there, maybe we will get a chance to find out in this cave. Once we find those that came before," he comes to a proper halt as the path is unfortunate enough to end, "Welp this was a fun trip?" he offers up as he begins to search around the ground, "Looks like tracks here go off to the right, sir," he offers as he begins to follow them.

Covis quirks an eyebrow and manages a roguish smile for Helena "I aim ta please.." he chuckles. He pauses as the group slows, his flashlight scanning over the surrounding walls. "Is this the right cave?" he begins to wonder then nods to Conoger. "Perhaps there is a floor trap.." The pilot inspects the walls more closely, at the same time as Esther, then takes a couple quick steps back at the Captain's encouragement. "The wall here on the right. It's not like the others." he announces to the group, a smirk given to Arraner after his comment.

Zank eyes narrow as Esther urges them back. His eyes scan the wall looking left right until his eye sees the seam in the wall. Wire. what ever it is. There are not straight lines in natural formations. Only man does that. "He's right...on the wall looks like a wire or a seam of something.."

Helena looks back to Arraner as he picked up the 'bait' as well. Now its a competition and not a silly hike in a cave. She looks back to Conoger as it seems as though they come to a dead end. She looks around to the shadows and lit places brought out by the moving flashlights. "Maybe. though there did not seem to be any junctions to this point. Maybe we are missing something."

Conoger looks around as others start to search about the area. He in turn simply just scans the area as others move around and notices a seam along the edge of what may be the door but it feels wrong...As he moves to the left he looks to the others and then runs his fingers along but frowns. "I don't get it, why hide something....anyone have a clue as to what to do?" even though Esther mention it be a trap, nothing really has happened to him yet.

Kyoshiro is inspecting the left side of the Cave as the others seem enthralled with the trapping over yonder. Suddenly his goggles pick up something a little bit artificial. Well, it was easier to see this familiar type device with the goggles. His goggles didn't zero in on it specifically in this cave filled with junk "Zank... there's a pressure plate of some sort over here." He says allowed, waving the demolitions expert over. He squats down next to it to study it a bit more, he doesn't dare press it. "Everyone keep away from here..." He looks next to him and there's a canister of nasty gas in with the junk there. He picks it up then points over towards the holes in the walls, "There's gas in there... my guess... there's no monster at all. Someone set this up to kidnap dumbasses who believe in ghost stories..." He gives Conoger a look.

Esther steps back, being all protective of those around her. She glances around and her brows furrow. "The hell is that?" She whispers to herself. She seems as if she is listening really hard. Still, she does not get too close to the work the men are doing. "Hey.. I do hear something scratching at the other side of the wall.. wait.. no.. skittering."

Arraner looks over at Conoger, who is busily feeling up the wall, he is just about to make a comment when Kyoshiro makes his comment, "Maybe it's pirates..." he scratches at his chin, and steps back a bit to keep his distance from the pressure plate. His green eye gaze passing to Esther, "Oh good, gas and rats. I think I'd have taken the pirates over the rats."

Covis steps back and lets the muscle men do their job. "Maybe if we push on it." As Kyoshiro describes the nearby trap, the pilot looks over at the man rather impressed. "You've got a good eye." he says, keeping his distance from all the trappings they have been warned of so far. He nudges Arraner "If that thing goes off, you throw yourself on it. I'm too young to die."

Zank nods to Kyo "Good eye Kyo..not as old as you keep saying it seems" he chuckles. He follows the wire along the wall looking at the device and the plate it run to...He squats down and brushes around the plate "HU....simple construction...." He pulls out his knife. He looks around for any obvious tamper devices...."So there's 2 ways to deal with this...we blow up it up or I cut the wire...any volunteers?"

Helena lets the folks with the proper training take the lead as they notice odd things about the cave. She shifts to the side and draws out her gun to ensure its at the ready, Leaving the lads to do their searching, Helena moves over to the side and takes a seat on a rock there. A moment's rest from the exploring. The door opens up and She sits up suddenly from the rock and blinks, "Found it..." She says with faint bemusement and some nervousness in her voice as the door in front of Conoger opens up and she looks back to the rock with suspicion.

The door opens to This long narrow cavern. It is more of a hallway than a cave. The ceiling is low and in places one would have to scrunch down. Damp is felt if one were to touch the walls which get very close. There is no way two people could walk side by side. The floor is rough and uneven But there does not seem to be a lot of debris.

With everything that is happening Conoger looks around to make sure the others have stepped back, he stays close to Kyo and Zank. As the thought of setting the trap off is given, he was about to say he do it, since he brought people here to their possible deaths. It is then the door starts to open and Conoger swiftly grabs his axe and gets it ready, looking to the new tunnel. " Well done Helena....do we need to cut that or is it safe to go in Zank..Kyo?" as he faces the entrance, ready to lead on, even if it may be a bit tight.

"Okay I'm not that Old... Fao's old... I'm just... aged." Kyoshiro replies to Zank, He gives a nod to the others compliments as well but doesn't elaborate on his skills. "Go ahead and cut it... we could cause a cave in if we explode it... This could be some smuggler hide out or something..." Then as Helena opens the door he waits for an explosion or something... but nothing comes... "There could still be people around. Of course this is just an educated guess. Someone intelligent did have to set this whole contraption up." He puffs on his cigarillo looking to Conoger. "We should cut it... don't want it going off on anyone else..."

Esther reaches for her blade and slowly draws it out with her free hand. Having the best light so far in the group, she steps forward towards Conoger. She is a step behind him, but the light shined down the corridor to illuminate the way. She says nothing, waiting here with Conoger until the trap is undone. <English>

Arraner lifts his brow, "I'm younger and far better looking than you are. I'd be a much greater loss," he notes with a smile to Covis. However, his attention is quickly pulled by the opening door, which pulls his gaze, and causes him to put his hand at his side, just in case the rats charge? when they don't he relaxes, though he does pull his duster back to reveal his firearm just in case.

Covis clicks off his flashlight and tucks it away. If there thugs ahead he doesn't want to be an easy target. His eyes flick to Helena and he smirks when she draws her gun and he promptly follows suit. "Mine is bigger then yours." he chuckles. As Conoger and Esther enter the tunnel, he smirks and then nudges Arraner "Lets go, your job is to protect the cargo and today that's me."

Zank nods to Kyo and then cuts the wire as the rest of the folks turn there attention to the door. Nervous bickering among Convis and Arraner, or what he assumes in nervous bickering turns his eye to them for a moment before looking at the passage way. He glances at Kyo at the conversations around him. He shakes his head with a smirk and grin at Kyo

"Don't they say its not about the size but how it is used that counts?" Helena says with a grin to Covis, though it is clear she is a bit nervous from the slight waver in her voice as she follows the others in. She holds the gun up at the ready at least with the confidence of someone who knows how to use it. "See anything yet?" She asks of those ahead.

Reno has totally been here the whole time. You probably didn't notice him because of his diminutive size. The Shepherd seems, oddly, completely and utterly at ease, as though this was a stroll in a park somewhere and not a trap-filled cave full of mystery and shambling monstrosities from beyond the pale divide. Reno's not dumb - he doesn't simply traipse about - but if he's rattled by anything, he's not showing it. Instead, he remains alert and totally ready to help... in case preaching is needed. Or lifting. He's good at lifting.

Conoger looks at Kyo and then Zank as he cuts the wire and then nods to them. " Alright, great idea. Though you all need not come, it may be dangerous, was not expecting this at all." then he looks to Esther, nods to her and then looks to the others. " From now on, only silent communications." as he looks to all the people gathered, this has become serious. Then with a grin. " Lets go have fun...ghost, monsters and bears..oh my!" then he goes into the tunnel and sure enough he has to squeeze sideways to fit and slouch a bit as well.

Kyoshiro looks to Zank with a bit of a smirk before standing and looking at the now open Corridor. He watches Connoger move in and nods for Zank to follow along. "I'll come with you Conoger... someone has to keep you from doing stupid shit..." He adjusts the pork pie, now dusty from the cave, that rests a top his head as he slouches over and pushes his way through. "Preacher... I missed you... Crew decided not to listen to me and took off for Ariel before I could WAVE you. I apologise about that."

Esther isn't so tall! SEE! Short people have benefits too! She doesn't have to slouch and being smaller in girth, has an easier time moving through the corridor. She tries to give light to the tunnel, but Conoger's form blocks the light and he is forced to move into darkness for now. She glances to Kyoshiro. "I had to go to Santo to meet an old associate of mine. I met him there. I offered a ride. I figured we could meet up eventually."

Arraner quirks his brow at Covis, "I think you are confusing cargo and dead weight again," a wide smile given to the pilot, before he looks over at Conogor, "Well, I ain't come all this way to hang out in a trap filled cavern, when there is a perfectly good trap filled hallway," he quiets down after that though on Conoger's order, and just moves to follow the lead, squatting down a bit do to his unfortunate blessing of size.

Reno shrugs and says to Kyo with a smile, "I'm not hurt one bit. In fact, I was going to let you know I'd decided to see where the Aces was going to take me next. So, I'm glad we could meet up again." The big man just sort of... follows. Hey, he has a limited skill set, here. Where people go, he's going, even if he's actually too big to do such things easily.

Covis smiles over to Helena "The motion of the ocean. Yeah those sayings are written by men with big pens and small penises. The pilot could really use a smoke right about now. He licks his lips and peers down the tunnel then gives a cordial nod to Reno "Padre." A friendly smack to Arraner on the shoulder and he says "If you let me die, then yeah I'm dead weight. And don't you dare leave me laying half dead somewhere or I'll come back and haunt ya."

Helena shakes her head as Conoger offers the group an out. She may be nervous but well Conoger is here and he will keep them safe and maybe she might just keep him safe a little. "I am staying." She finally says with a nod of her head. There is a glance around to see if anyone might go back and seeing everyone is staying she gives another little nod before moving forward again. The joking from Covis causes her to glance at him again, "Not always..." She says simply before offering a secret little smile. Well she likely has the most experience with 'different types of oceans'.

Zank grins and shakes his head following the others. He takes rear guard and keeps looking behind them as he squeeze between the rocks "Yeap...were gonna die in here" he mutters

Conoger listens to the ones that keep on talking as it seems to echo easily down the tunnel. After a moment it seems all are following but his thoughts are what may be ahead. As he continues to go, he still is moving sideways and crouch as well, this is a great leg workout for him. His axe at the ready, moving on and on, seems like forever now.

Kyoshiro looks back to Esther, "Uhuh..." He says in response before his ears lift at Reno's words. "It's no problem... The Aces and the Jia are business partners. We're Building a factory together with the Romany back near the market place here on Paquin. You're free to come and go as you please." Then he looks to Covis, "Don't worry, son... I'll get you out of here if need be..." He looks to Zank, "You're probably right... it's far too tight in here." Says the guy who doesn't even have a weapon drawn. He's still got those goggles on though. "Hey if there really are ghosts down here. The Preacher here might come in handy."

Esther squishes her way behind Conoger, looking back to those that are talking. But for now, she has fallen quiet and if Conoger looks as if he is getting any sort of stuck, she gives him a shove or whatever. Hey.. he is a big dude.

Arraner snorts at Covis, but doesn't respond to anything for the moment, because he wants to be good and quiet. Also, because he is so focused on not getting stuck in the passage, which frankly is a full time bit of work for him.

Reno grins at Kyo and says, "Romans 8:38-39. Or, Luke 9:1. Depends." He has no weapon of any kind, and he doesn't even make a fist. Instead, he's just all ready-like, watching and listening and following the group down the corridor. Not bad on his feet for a big guy. Must be the sweet boots. Reno also spends some of his attention watching over the people he's with. Like... some sort of ovine specialist or something.

Covis winks at Helena after a little banter back and forth then nods over to Kyoshiro and grins "I like the way you think." The pilot presses on, his gun relaxed in his hand as he situates himself somewhere in the middle of the human train.

Helena grows silent with the others as she moves with the group. Perhaps not combat trained, there is still a dancer's ease with which she moves. Though perhaps her footsteps are not quite as quiet as the others used to such things. Her gaze is ahead and on Conoger to make sure things are still ok at the head of the group and with her man.

Zank hand rests on top of his pistol but it isn't draw. He continues to press on moving quietly behind the group. He keeps glancing behind them as they press on.

The very tight corridor opens up into a room that feels odd. There are like old drapes hanging from the ceiling They feel sticky and light like cobwebs. The floor is lumpy like droppings but they would be rather large droppings. Long narrow boxes that look uncannily like coffins seem to be placed around the room. All these shrouded in white fibrous stuff. Like spider webs. There is a path way through sort of.

Conoger finally makes it to the other side and as he steps out he blinks and looks down, using his flashlight like he was doing to get along the tunnel. As he looks around he notices the sticky stuff and the coffins of web. Though it is the one big spider he is looking at, right atop of a stone coffin. IN a whispered way. " Everyone, huge spider, over there....use ranged..I'll...try to keep it busy if it see's us." though with the size of it, he grins with expectations.

Something catches Kyo's thermals, and he can see something... large... and eight legged and... "What the..." Then Conoger announces it to everyone... "Mutated spiders? Left over from terraforming radiation?" It doesn't matter, he takes out Junior and aims, placing two rounds down range towards the large spider. The large round weapon is loud and echoes through the cave. The flash lighting the immediate area up quite a bit and the smell of gunpowder permeates and stings the nostrils. It's hard to aim with the goggles on and with Conoger in the way giant bastard that he is...

Esther suddenly lets out a startled cry as something goes across her foot. She even manages to drop her flashlight and it clatters to the floor, spinning around in a circle a few times. She is not normally edgy like this. BUT.. "Something just slithered across my feet.. like.. a huge snake.." She warns people if they didn't already know. Then there is the talk of a huge spider. Carefully, she kneels down to get her flashlight. She has no long range weapon, but she clings tightly to that sword.

Arraner widens his eyes, not that it helps, at the sound of something slithering. In a very calm and casual movement he pulls his glock out and rotates his selector switch from safe to semi, completely prepared to shoot blindly at whatever it is that is in fact slithering? As Conoger pulls his attention to it, Arraner's aim goes in that particular direction, "Ya think it built the coffins too, or is that just a happy coincidence. Are freakish monsters just attracted to creepy places like this, or do they show up and the whole neighbourhood goes to coffins?" he says in a gravely whisper back to Conoger.

Reno pauses a moment and then says softly, "'Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made.' Genesis 3:1." He looks around at the room they've stepped into, tilting his head slightly as he studies what he's seeing. When Conoger points out the spider, Reno actually smiles. Maybe he's broken in the head or something. As if by way of explanation, the Shepherd quotes, "'The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands.' Genesis 9:2. Anyone feeling like it's the other way around?" <English>

Covis steps carefully on the lumpy floor "Do I even want to know what we are walking on?" he asks looking around to the others and definitely not looking own. The roguish pilot jumps back suddenly, good thing the safety is on his pistol or he would have squeezed a round off. "Something just latched on to my leg, and it wasn't in a loving way." he assures the group, an understanding nod given to Esther. As Reno preaches he looks over to the holy man in disbelief. "I hope you aren't forbidden from using weapons."

Helena continues to keep pace with the group, though as her feet start to knock against something on the floor she has a closer look around her. First to her feet, then to the sides, then up to the ceilings. "Fuck me to Hera and back..." She mutters rather uncompanionlike under her breath. "Ain't no ghosts...but I rather wish there were." She says rather hurriedly with all trace her cultured accent gone from her voice, pure country Heran now.

Riley is late to the party as usual. He runs to catch up. As he enters the room something brushes against his leg "The Hell?!" He quickly draws his revolver, and points it aimlessly in the dark

Zank just pauses and stares for a second at what everyone is shooting at and what is slithering on the floor "Are you...****** kidding me?" he says the gun shot drowning out his words. He draws his gun and shoots into the dark were the snake or monster or freak of nature just was. The bullet going wide and hitting nothing. "Seriously...giant snakes and spiders...Conoger..were gone have words"

There are Six spiders large spiders. As everyone is standing watching they move close and jump at their intended victims. Three snakes attack or at least try to.

Conoger looks around once more as he hears something about snakes as well. There is a slight urging of his heart to pump faster, his smile appears and then the lick of his lips. " Stick together, DO NOT GET SEPARATED!" as he yells it, he see's the spider attacking him. Conoger jumps to the side instantly as it's fangs try to pierce his shoulder. With a quick side step he brings his axe up and swings down hard along the side of it's thick bottom. "ARRRGH!!!" then as quick as he can, he brings his axe right across the spiders head and the spider falls hard to the floor, very, very dead indeed. "I like this dream." he says almost in a whisper.

"Maybe if I wasn't married..." Kyoshiro says regarding Helena's comment as he studies the spiders actions in the aftermath of his and any other attacks. He still has Junior out at the ready. His stance is experienced and so is his grip and the Tac Light lights the way and the Laser Dot keeps on the spider. However, out of the corner of Kyo's eye he can see one leap out at him. He sides steps sending one spider into the wall next to him. Junior quickly comes down, muzzle painted at the 8 legged freak. Again he pulls the trigger, sending one large rounds into the spider which is more then enough to do away with it. Of course this gets arachnid guts everywhere. Good thing he left his Frock and Vest at home. There's more though, he can see another coming and aims for it, sending hot lead into it's center mass.

Esther turns about as she gathers her light back into her hand. Just then, as if in a horror movie, there is a reptilian face with dripping fangs striking at her. She hops to the side, the snake whooshing past where she just was. Her blade immediately goes out, swinging in a wicked arch towards the slithering reptile. "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SNAKES!" The snake.. is not dead, even with the hideous gash that Esther gives it. It seems to recoil, slithering to the shadows to recover. Esther doesn't trust it, her eyes narrow to the shadow, waiting for the snake to re-emerge. She steps back towards the group, her back to them as she protects this part of the circle.

Arraner takes aim at a spider, and begins pulling the trigger, "Oh great, snakes and spiders. At least there are no giant rats!" He notes as he manages to miss both shots on the giant arachnid, "There best be hazard pay for this!"

Reno is about to reply to Covis when Helena expresses herself so clearly. The Shepherd only tilts his head a little, but doesn't say anything to her. Instead, he says to Covis, "My order doesn't preclude it." Which doesn't really answer whether /he's/ carrying any weapons. When he's suddenly attacked by a spider, he manages to avoid the creature, if only barely. The big man reaches out a thick hand as if he intends to simply start pulling legs off the thing. Quietly, Reno says, "'Then Samson prayed to the Lord, 'Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes. Judges 16:28." With the sound like crunching wood, off come legs from the hairy beastie, the spider roiling in pain until it lies still. Reno just drops the legs to the ground, looking rather unemotional about the whole thing.

Covis stays clear of the Viking swinging his axe and pops the safety off his weapon, firing off two rounds quickly at the nearest moving creature on the ground. "Watch your feet." he jokingly warns the others. The creature scurries away from him "Bugger is still alive. Didn't anyone bring the bug spray?" he quips.

Riley may have just arrived, but things pick up quickly. The creature that brushed his leg a moment before returns and begins to constrict. The pilot trains his gun on the mass of scales around him. He draws back the hammer, hoping desperately that he doesn't shoot himself. Then it strikes. BLAM! The next instant a flash of fangs can be seen in the light of his muzzle flare. The snake reels in pain, loosens it's grip and slithers away. Riley is miraculously unharmed, but VERY shaken. "What the HELL is going on here!"

Zank is still rather shocked there actually fighting giant spiders and snakes. Like seriously when he came here today or at all in his life did he think this would be a thing. He still focus on the job at hand. He takes aim at one of the spider and fires another round at the attacking creatures as they lunge and strike at the assembled Mystery Inc of the 25th century

Jisae pulls out her combat pistol as she takes in what's going on. A snake looks at her and she fires at it. She wounds the snake, but it's still alive. She readies herself to shoot again. She doesn't seem to be particularly frightened by the pests.

Conoger see's that others are doing alright,though his focus was on the one he already took down mostly. As he looks up and about, he see's a spider lunging at him. Conoger moves out of the way barely and was about to swing but another bites down on his arm, making him miss his attack and causing more bruising than anything big on him. Since it did not have a great grip on his arm, it can't stop his next attack on the one spider he was trying to hit, the axe slices across it's head and does a great deal of damage but it does not kill it. All the while Conoger is growling, a little upset he got bitten by a spider.

Kyoshiro is slammed back against the cavern's wall as the spider jumps at his chest. He sort of catches the thing there. It's fangs try to get through his armor but all they do is scratch on it slightly, maybe leaving a dent or two he'll have to buff out later. They do definitely rip up his shirt and the purple clad high end Ascension armor can be seen underneath that shirt of his. Though he struggles with the Arachnid, he's able to put Junior back in it's holster and reach over to his Katana. Drawing it in a quick almost blurred motion to the untrained eye. It slices right through the creature like it was a deli meat and just as quick as that slice was he sends the blade right across it's mid section leaving the thing on the ground in multiple pieces. He looks around to see if others need help.

Esther watches as the shadows begin to move. "Man.. this shit is for movies.." She grumbles. Then the snake suddenly lurches out from the shadows at Esther. Esther swings, but there is a whoosh sound as her blade only finds air. The snake begins to try and coil around her and she suddenly goes into hack mode. HACK HACK HACK! "Die you abomination!" The snake twitches one last time.

Reno smirks a little and then moves to handle - literally - the spider Conoger doesn't dispatch, the one currently on him. The big Shepherd says, "I should have brought the jawbone of an ass. Next time, I suppose," as he gets to this thing rather business-like. Out reach those arms, thick as most people's legs, and takes hold of the spider, adjusting its anatomy as legs are rent from the carapace speedily.

Covis is bitten by the snake "This is not the kind of sucking I was talking about last night.." he hisses, kicking his leg, trying to shake the snake loose. "Someone get this thing off me!" The currently unhappy pilot tries stepping on the serpent to unlatch it. "Now don't move." he sneers like Dirty Harry, aiming his gun once more. BOOM BOOM! He fires off two quick rounds in succession. His slithery opponent goes limp and he leans against the wall a moment catching his breath. "God damn."

Riley pulls back the hammer on his colt for another shot, but before he knows what hit him, he is on the ground with a giant snake wrapped around his body. The creature sinks it's fangs into his leg, and in blind agony he grips the trigger, firing wildly into the darkness. The stray bullet ricochets off of one of the coffins taking a chunk out of the lid. The pilot rolls in the darkness attempting to break the monster grip, but it only gets tighter.

Zank spins and almost waits for an attack that doesn't seem to come. He raises a eyebrow and turns to fire at the spider nearest hit and his crew mates. The bullet ripping into one of the creatures legs. "Oh im defiantly not sleeping well tonight..." he says

Jisae turns her attention to that same snake and fires twice. Her brow furrows when she seems to just miss it twice. She curses out a swear. She looks to Zank, "Oh, you're sleeping, if I have anything to say about it." She winks at him and turns her attention back to the snake.

The snake that is wrapping around Riley is thinking he is going to get dinner. only his fangs go into the man's pant leg and not the leg proper. The other snake Jumps away from jisae's shots and hits Zank. only it was retreating and so missed it's opportunity.

Conoger looks around quickly to see if there is any more and manages to see that one snake is taking off into the darkness and then another wrapping it's self around Riley. Since the other snake is gone from his own sight he moves quickly towards Riley. As the giant snake was about to bite down hard on the mans throat Conoger catches the tip of it's jaws, shoves his other hands fingers into the bottom and grips tightly. With a ease for a man his size, he spreads his arms apart and the sickening crunch, popping and ripping sound echoes through the place as Conoger rips the snakes head in two, bottom jaw in one hand, the top half in the other. The snake goes limp and the grip on Riley by the snake goes slack.

"Eww, Gross..." Kyoshiro says regarding Jisae's response to Zank's comment. He spots the snake wrap it's self around Riley and Conoger heading over in that direction. Placing his Katana back into it's Saya, his right hand then goes to the grip of Junior once again. He pulls it and without saying another word points it at the snake retreating away from Zank, red dot dancing ever so slightly on it's scales... and apparently the wall behind it. He squeezes the trigger letting on last loud gun shot ring through the cave. Bullets send rock and dust as they miss miserably. He looks at the gun, now trying to adjust the sights. Something must have gone out of wack when he got hit by that spider.

Esther takes a few breaths. One. Two. Three. Ok, her gaze turns around to look to Riley as he is all wrapped up in snake. That is -not- the sort of hug anyone wants. She immediately turns to help her crew mate, leaping to the rescue! Alas.. Conoger and Kyoshiro are much faster than her. They will manage to get the snake. Though, there is another and Esther turns around to spot the last snake, coveting Zank as a delicious dinner treat. "Oh hell.. " She steps over to where the retreating snake is. Being just slightly away from the group, the snake turns it's attention towards Esther. It launches out from the shadows at her. She spins, catching it's neck with the blade, the head flying in one direction. She continues her spin and catches it in the mid-section, cleaving it through. The remnants of the snake lay twitching on the ground. "Conoger. Remind me never to go on a date with you."

With dead bugs and snakes littering the place, our heroes begin to look around. in some of the coffins they find bodies. ion others it appears to be hidden loot.

Covis counts off in his mind how many rounds he has spent as he looks for another target. He pushes away from the wall and relaxes finally, the apparent attack over. "Well well what do we have here." he says walking toward a half opened coffin of loot.

Esther steps forward with her light. She is panting as she takes her light and shines it about the room. She is splattered with spider and snake goo. She glances into the pile of loot that is gotten. "You guys divvy this up. If it is an upgrade for you, take it. Need before Greed." Esther looks to the box. "Kyo, Zank. Take the crate for the Jia."

Riley breaths deep as the snake loosens it's grip. He fights with the limp body to get it off of his chest, sputtering and coughing as he does. "Thanks big guy. *hack**cough* I owe you one."

Arraner lowers his gun as he catches his breath and looks at all the dead critters everywhere. The young man smiles widely, having been here the entire time of course, and offers up, "Holy hell, that was fun!" He looks over to Conoger, "Let me know next time you are going cave diving, I'm totally in," as he heads over to start stealing from the coffins.

Kyoshiro's eyes catch some familiar armor... "Oh look what we have here." He picks up some of the higher end armor that's there. "Looks like Oliana's going to have some better armor." He looks over to Esther, "You sure you don't want to split it down the middle?"

Reno stands over the bodies of the snakes and says, "'Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.'" Looking at the loot, then, Reno just stands idle. He doesn't seem even a little interested in the goods therein. Instead, he's turned his attention to Riley, moving to ask, "You need any stitching up, Mister O'Hare? Unless one of your innumerable doctors is around?" There's a wry tone in his voice, as though there is a private joke being shared.

Zank stands up out of the cob webs a rather large snake next to him with a knife hole in its head. He nods to Esther "My thanks Captain. always fun adventuring out with yall...though next time Con wants a battle axe lets just bye him one"

Kyoshiro is looking over the cargo, "I second the motion...."

Esther pants a bit. She nods to Kyo. "Keep it. As thanks." She says to him. She finds a bit of cloth and wipes the snake blood from her blade before sheathing it into it's scabbard. She just smiles as others go through the loot. Quietly, she makes her way to Reno. "Preacher, thank you." She says, reaching out a hand to pat him on his arm. "Good work. I have never seen anyone rip legs off a giant spider before." She pauses. "Umm. I have never seen a giant spider before."

Riley Coughs a bit more and replies to the Shepherd. "I'll live." He hobbles over to one of the coffins to rest. In it he spies some interesting armor. He picks it up and looks it over. "Damn. Wish I had this ten minutes ago.

Reno inclines his head to Esther at her comment and replies, "Thank you, Captain. The Lord blesses us all with certain talents and abilities. Mine, it seems, include dismembering giant arachnids." There's a playful, thoughtful expression on Reno's face and he muses, "I wonder if that will come up again... I suppose anything's possible."

Kyoshiro looks to Conoger as he has an orgasm over the Ancient Axe. He smirks just a big as he hulls the armor over his shoulder. He walks over to the preacher, "IT was pretty damn impressive I'd say." He looks to Esther, "I'm going to get going... but... I hear you bought the old Brotherhood Monastery on Jiangyin... We can meet up there and turn in the cargo then... I'll let Captain know."

Esther nods to Kyoshiro when he addresses her. "Sounds good. Good work by the way. Thanks for your help." She watches Conoger find the holy grail of viking battle axes. A smile spreads on her face. "You know Preacher, God sends us challenges sometimes. He rewards those to stand up to those challenges. Don't you think? I also think we did something good here today. We probably saved lives of unsuspecting children and villagers."

Arraner looks over to Esther, with her explanation about God and nods, "Just warms the hearts. We are regular old good Samaritans," he states with a big old smile.

Reno considers for a moment and then says, "'Whatever you do to the least of these...'" and then just smiles. A moment or two passes, and then the big man says simply, "Well, if someone needs a hand carrying these crates, I'll do so." He still makes no move to actually take any of the items for himself.

Conoger looks at the others and watches as Zank and Jisae head on back through the tunnel and then he looks to the others. " Well, the stories were true, Ghosts and monsters...see. Though I will say, I had a lot of fun." then looking at Esther. "You will go out on a date, you love the fact I get us in trouble...always." he chuckles and then looks around and walks on up to the tall man and extends a big hand towards the preacher. " I'm Conoger the Viking, you be the only one I do not know but you fight well with your hands, very well."

Soon the adventuring party leave the place, taking all that they can and learning that nature when it is played with, many things change to make it interesting.