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Latest revision as of 20:42, 27 January 2008



                                  Oxygen Bar                      Administration
                                       |                                |
                    Garden Escape      |              Classrooms -- Reception -- Labs
                       Hibachi   \     |                                |
                                  Garden Park ------- Medical ---- Ariel School
                                 /     |              District     of Medicine
                                /      |      Botique    |    \ 
                       Jewelry Store   |           \     |     St. Mary's
                                       |            \    |     Hospital 
                                       |             \   |
  Patio ----- Hotel Ocenview ---- Grand Plaza ------- Industrial ------ Junkyard
    |            Heights         /     |    \          District \
  Beach                   Alliance     |   Ariel Arms    |       \
                          Outpost      |                 |       Blue Sun Shipping
                                       |                 |
 Warehouse -- Pearl Landing ---- Spaceport          Bamboo Club
                  Pad              /
                           Cargo Office


                 Dry Sand Bar
                Spacers District --- Poseidon's Rest
 Masque Hall ----- Spaceport ------- Cargo Office
              Security Checkpoint -- Security Center -- Cell
              Air Shuttle Platform
              /       |          \
        Gilbreath   Moretti     La Casa
        Estate      Estates     de Pirata


                       Spacers Row
                            |     Cargo Office
                            |    /
  Shady Rest Hotel      Spaceport    Windsor Weapons    Rundown House
         |                  |       /                /
         |                  |      /                /
  Main Street East -- Public Market -- Main St West -- Empty House 1
         |                  |                |      \
     Shady Oaks      Sheriff Office          |       \ Empty House 2
                                        Cannon Pass
                                        Oasis Lake
                                       Small Grotto       Oasis
                                             |              |
                                       Desert Clearing -- Desert
                         Stables ------ Mystic Lady ------ Gardens --- Mansion
                                       Landing Tarmac


    Familiar Path ------ Jungle      Jungle
 (lost in the jungle)   Clearing       |
                 \          |          |
                  \         |          |
                   Public Trail --- Greenleaf Tropical
  ER                 Apple Bar & Grill |     Riverbank    Large Clearing
    \                             \    |         |               |
     Hospital ---- Eden R&D ----- Eden City ---- Jungle ---- Hidden Trail
    /            Industrial Park       |                         |
 Research         /                    |                         |
 Labs       Spaceport             Spaceport                Private Compound


       Cargo Office --- Spaceport     Tsi Valley
                            |        /
                            |       /
                        Twin Oaks  /
    Sheriff's ------- (Main Street) ---- Festival
      Office                |            Pavilion
                      General Store


 Landau Station
      Boats --- Boat Rentals
 City Center ----- Docks
 Newhall Spaceport -- Cargo Office
 Costal Highway -- Construction Site 
                   Pavilion Bar
         Beach --- Beachfront --- Beach --- Church
            Water's Edge Ferry ----- Floating Shipyard
                 |                        |
            Capiana Island            Back Room


               Jianhuo Monastery ---- Rocky Caves
                                     Rocky Hills
 Yaw's Caravanserai ------ Outskirts of Town
 Coach McGee's                    |   Long Alley
      \                           |    /
       Chartreuse Row --- The Great Carnival ----Conservatory --- Dulce
          /                    |           \       Square |       Amphitheatre
 Cirque Noir --- Scrapyard     |            \     /       |       /
                          \    |             \   /        |      /
             Spacer's ------ Paquin ------- Rue ------- Accendo City ---------- Theater ---- Beach
             District        Spaceport    Marchande      / Square  \            District
                 |              |     \                 /     |     \
                 |              |      \         Second Eden  |   Maison Sonesta
                 |              |       \                     |
             Salty Dog   Trelamine Pad  Cargo Office    Golden March -------- Zazhong Center
                                                               |                   |
                                                         Norte Coeur            Hong Alley


          Nightshade       Persephone
          Tea Room -------- Gardens ---- Residential ---- Wynn Manor
                               |         / District \
                               |        /     |      \
                               |  Wing Estate |      Nightstar Estates
                               |              |
                           Companion ------ Highton Commons ----- Bounty Hunters
                           House Daska       /     |                Guild House
                                            /      |
                           Helios Grand Hotel      |
                                 Blue Sun --- City Center --- Courthouse
                                               /   |
                                    Spaceport /  Alliance Federal
                                        |    /   Station
                                        |   /
            Marshal's Office --------- City Commons  ---- Customs
                                       /     | (Bank)
                                      /      |
                           Medical   /  Phoenix Supplies
                           Clinic   /           (Vendor)
                              |    /
                              |   /       Captain's Retreat
                              |  /       /
          Dark Alley ---- Spacer's District --- Largos Crate Motel
                             /      |     \
                            /       |      Dregs Bar & Grill
 Evensdown --- Evensdown ----- Evensdown
 Racetrack       Dock            Slum 
                  |               |
    (Badger)Cargo Containers  Smirking Revenge


            Cotton Way    New Resorts
                |              |             Cargo Office
                |              |                  |
 Shasta -- Agricultural -- Duo Shau Plaza --- Spaceport --- Old Town
 Temple      District          |       \
                               |        \      Tarmac
                               |         \        |
    Ju Yaun Fei Chi ----- Long-Mao Long   Schofield and Hull 
      (Whorehouse)       (Narrow Street)  LTD Cargo Office
                         /                  /
                     Jiu Joint (Bar)    Small Bar


                          Round Cement Block Bldg.
                                   | (Vendor)
  Apartments                       | (Bank)
      |                            |
      |         Cavernous ----- Defiance  ------ Square Cement
    Foyer << >> Warehouse       Station          Block Building
      |          (Black Mkt)       |
      |                            |
    Office                      Spaceport
                             Valley Overlook
    << >> - Indicates stairs.  Left is DOWN


                               Cargo Office                       Warehouse
                                     |                           /  |
                                Spaceport ---- Hilton Landing Pad   |
                                    ^                            \  |
                                    ^                             Office
                                    ^      Academy Grounds
                                    ^            |
      Companion House Madrassa      ^       Academy Way
                            \       ^        /
                             \      ^       /
                              Lu'Weng Proper
         Clothing Outfitter  /              \  St. Ivy's Basilica
                    |       /                \    |
                    |      /                  \   |
 Tabernus --- Lu'Weng Commons -- City Hall   Pavilion -- Summit -- Summit -- de la
                    | (Bank)                             Avenue    Court     Vega Estate

Three Hills

                        Tear in Trees
  West   ---- Wooded Trail --- East
  Swamp           |            Swamp
                  |                 \
              Spaceport            Trail
              Cargo Office    


         Path -------- Archeology


  Whitesell Manor Gardens
  Hopelight Lake ---- Forest Road
                   Residential District  Factory Road -- Factory Remains
                             \             /
                              \           /
      Bins of Stuff'n Guns --- Free Market --- Hadrick's General Store
       (Vendor)                    | (Bank)     (Vendor)
        Garret Landing Pad --- Spaceport ----- Cargo Office