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{{ Infobox Weapon
| name = AK-47
| image = [[Image:ak47.jpg|300px|AK-47]]
| availability = Rare
| description = The AK-47 was developed in the bloody 20th century of the Earth-That-Was and its proliferation in that century and beyond led to it following mankind into space, a rugged weapon that could handle hostile terrain, it has various stock options (including none and foldable) and has a lovely variety of wood finishes for its stock, handle and fore grip. Above the barrel is a gas intake which is used for the repeating motion of the weapon.
| license = **
| cost = 2500
|Ammo=7.62mm-Standard Ammo
| accuracy = 110%
|Ammo Max=30
| weight = 4.3kg
|Modes=Burst, Safety, Semi
| range = 130/260/400
|Skills=Firearms:repeating, Firearms:rifle, Martial Arts
| maxammo = 7.62mm(30)
|Ammo Use=0/1/3
| modes = Safety/Semi/Burst
| skills = MA/Rifle/Repeating
| ammouse = 0/1/3
|License Required=Level 2
| stun = 8/8/10
|Description=The AK-47 was developed in the bloody 20th century of the Earth-That-Was and its proliferation in that century and beyond led to it following mankind into space, a rugged weapon that could handle hostile terrain, it has various stock options (including none and foldable) and has a lovely variety of wood finishes for its stock, handle and fore grip. Above the barrel is a gas intake which is used for the repeating motion of the weapon.
| damage = 4/16/20

Revision as of 03:15, 25 November 2013


Availability WeaponAvailability::Rare
Cost WeaponCost::2500
Accuracy WeaponAccuracy::110%
Weight Weight::4.3
Range WeaponRange::130/260/400
Ammo WeaponAmmo::7.62mm-Standard Ammo
Ammo Max WeaponAmmoMax::30
Modes WeaponModes::Burst, WeaponModes::Safety, WeaponModes::Semi
Skills Skills::Firearms:repeating, Skills::Firearms:rifle, Skills::Martial Arts
Ammo Use WeaponAmmoUse::0/1/3
Stun WeaponStun::8/8/10
Damage WeaponDamage::4/16/20
License Required WeaponLicenseReq::Level 2
Description [[WeaponDescription::The AK-47 was developed in the bloody 20th century of the Earth-That-Was and its proliferation in that century and beyond led to it following mankind into space, a rugged weapon that could handle hostile terrain, it has various stock options (including none and foldable) and has a lovely variety of wood finishes for its stock, handle and fore grip. Above the barrel is a gas intake which is used for the repeating motion of the weapon.]]
Picture [[WeaponPicture::AK-47]]