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Russell Cymbeline
Full name Russell Cymbeline
Date of Birth Dec 15th, 2499
Birthplace Londinium
Parents Prescott and Lisa Cymbeline
Assignment Each Uisge as Mechanic
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Blue Eyes, Brown Hair
Height and Weight 5'10", 165 lbs
Status Active
Education Information

Med School, Londinium

Employment History

Surgical Residency at Londinium Southport General Hospital
2524-2529 - Prisoner at APC-088
December 7th, 2529 - Released on parole.
Dec 13th, 2529 - May, 2529: Jia as Cargohand
Aug 20th, 2530 - Present: Each Uisge as Mechanic


Russell is a man in his early thirties, with short brown hair and blue eyes. He has a quiet, reserved look about him, and moves with a deliberateness that suggests a mild way about things, but has an attentiveness to him as well. He's lean of frame, but has the tight, developed muscle mass of someone that's spent years at physical labor. His hands are rough and calloused, and his pale flesh is sprinkled with numerous faded scars and scratches.

He's wearing faded blue jeans and a simple grey shirt. A worn leather jacket hangs from his shoulders and his shoes are an uninspiring brown variety that look a bit aged, but holding up well. On his left wrist he's wearing some sort of bracelet that looks like a high-tech digital device made of titanium.


Russell is relatively mellow and reserved with a soft-spoken manner to him. Most of what he says comes after careful consideration about exactly what he's saying. He has a deliberateness about him when it comes to things that are important to him, and puts a very focused care into everything he does. He’s generally considerate of others and makes efforts to be polite.


Russell grew up on Londinium as the son of lawyers and judges in the Cymbeline family. While growing up, he decided to pursue medical school and his parents supported him, giving him the funding and connections to see a strong education. During school, he became particularly interested in genetics and virology, but ended up sticking with more hands-on goals and sought residency as a general surgeon. He found internship at a prestigious hospital close to home on Londinium.

When he was twenty-four and still working on his residency at the hospital, Russell was caught and arrested for embezzlement from that same hospital. He stole around 200,000 credits. With parents that are both judges, Russell had the best lawyers and a lot of strings were pulled, but with only minimal success. It kept the crime from becoming an overblown media highlight, but Russell proved to be particularly uncooperative about giving up information to authorities or while under oath in court. The police were unable to recover the money he took and Russell refused to say anything about where it was stashed away.

Since Russell was so obstinate about saying anything, the strings his parents pulled proved ineffectual and Russ was sentenced to a full five years in prison. He must have angered someone specific, because his sentence was ordered to be carried out at APC-088. It was a long five years, but Russell kept his head down as best as he could and was released on schedule, with hefty parole terms.

Russ has struggled since to get back into normal life, battling with adhering to parole terms and figuring out what to do with his future. He served on the Jia for a while as a cargo hand, the crew patiently putting up with his difficulties in readjusting to life outside. A parole violation landed him back in jail for a few weeks, and it was an unexpected savior in Carmen Shamaria who stepped in as legal council and made a deal with the DA that kept him from returning to prison. After that, Russell was completely broke and Kallahan and Carmen Shamaria hired him on as a mechanic for their ship, letting him learn on the job.

Plot Hooks

Heard about the crime?

  • While there were attempts to keep the crime out of the public eye, people heard about it. If you want your character to have heard about the crime, they could have.

Interested in learning about APC-088?

  • Russell knows the place rather well.

Looking for some extra cash?

  • 200,000 credits are still hidden away somewhere, much to the annoyance of the Alliance. It's a lot of money to sit around collecting dust.

Want to help the Alliance?

  • If you think you can get the answers they couldn't, there might be a reward in it.

Russell's Playlist

Command Crew

Captain/Owner: Carmen Shamaria
Co-Owner: Kallahan Shamaria
Executive Officer: Merram Owens

Chef: Trinity Cortes
Medical: Dr. Braedyn Alexander, Dr. Amaranth Harris
Crew Hands: Charlotte Morello