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Full name Kevin Fraser
Date of Birth July 1, 2493
Employment History

May 2531-Present: Ugly Duckling Corp


Kevin was born on Shadow, back before it became a black rock. He lost his parents during the war and was shipped off with his sister and a bunch of other orphans to the relative safety of Hera. It was fortuitous, as it turned out, given what happened to Shadow in the end. His father had been a farmer, but he didn't follow in his footsteps, largely because his inheritance was barren and uninhabitable. Instead, when he came of age, he struck out into the Verse and, well, it's been a pretty rough road since then.

Kevin has done a lot of assorted jobs over the years, some he's more willing to talk about than others. He's worked both on the ground and in the black as a farm/ranch hand, wrangler, deck hand, gun hand, cook, musician and more. His strengths lie in his versatility, affable charm, physical fitness and strong work ethic coupled with a willingness to do, well, just about anything. Within reason.

Recent History

May, 2531: Kevin is hired on as a chef and gardener by the Ugly Duckling Corporation (UDC). He relocates his belongings (read: guitar) to Silverhold, where the company's headquarters are located. Things seem to be looking up, but... it never goes smooth.