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Latest revision as of 15:53, 14 October 2011

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.
Full name Kirk Jones
Spouse none
Children None
Assignment Operations, Impax Defense Industries
Gender Male
Status Active
Employment History

Impax Defense Industries


A youthful caucasian male who's complexion denotes his time outdoors which is barely any time at all. He is of average height and has a lanky whip-strong build. The features upon his face would suggest he's got such a boyish face. His barely tanned skin has lightly tan highlights, and his light lips are turned into such a charming smile or perhaps a knowing little grin. The red hair on his head is stylishly short and is not cared for cause he lets it run wild and free. His deep brown eyes seem to be pools of emotion, expressing his feelings in lieu of the rest of his face. His movements impart a sense of raw energy and nimble grace.

With his tall features, he normally wears black jeans to compliment the light weight boots he often walks around in. A plan white shirt is tucked into the jeans but often or not it can barely be seen. His black leather jacket is worn over his body. The collar always pulled up to hide most of his neck. He also has a small carrying case inside his inner pocket with small toolkit inside it. He carries with him a laptop always.

Scars & Tattoos


Who's Weasel

Weasel's Motto

Weasel's Alignment