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Fetch's Review: The MUDD Connector

Review Submitted By: Fetch
Author Status: Player and staff member
Started on Serenity : The Firefly MUSH: When it opened
Submission Date: Feb 5, 2006
TMC Listing: Serenity : The Firefly MUSH

(The following review is the opinion of the review's author [Fetch] and in no way represents the opinions of this website or its staff).

As a staff member, and a player of Serenity the MUSH, I have the unique perspective of seeing both the ins, and the outs of the game. That has given me the great opportunity to help pick at the game and see what I do like, and what I don't.

Upon connecting, the first thing I noticed about the game was the staff that jumped to say hello to me, and offer help. I see this on a daily basis, and that makes me very happy. All players are waved too, or greeted in some manor. Guests and new players are offered any guidance that they need, either by senior players, or game staff.

Next, you can see that the documentation on the game has been well thought out. Although some of the files have spelling mistakes, players are awarded for pointing these errors out so that they can be corrected. To me, that is encouraging in showing that the staff want to have a game that isn't just doing well, but one where the players are rewarded for helping in that process, with experience points, and with great roleplay.

And on to the final portion of this review. The roleplay. It is very good on this game, some of the best that I have been privy too in a long time. The players are always making efforts to get better, and each week they do get better. There are players that run their own plots, some that help run plots with help of the staff, and then there are the player driven plots as well.

Overall, the game is great, and improving each week. The staff work hard to make sure the players are doing well, and the players make sure that they are doing well. The code is getting way better with each passing day, and the game as a whole is as well.

We even have a website for you to take a look at! So come and check us out, and be part of Serenity the MUSH!



It's being built, and added too each and every day!

Reviews, Cont.