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Latest revision as of 17:10, 15 February 2011

Usagi enters in as she normally does from the front hallway, though it looks like she was actually doing something up in the cockpit a few minutes ago. She blinks as soon as she sees the girl's face, and looks at Babs. "Anythang ah can do fer you two?" She looks a bit like she's unsure of what all's going on...but that the situation regarding that is about to change. <English>

Babbage pours himself a mug of coffee. He walks over to the bruised girl, and softly says, "That's the captain."

The girl turns off the Cortex screen and cautiously walks toward Usagi. "Hi, um, miss Usagi. My name is Sam Malloc." She looks down at the floor, avoiding eye contact. She gestures toward Babbage. "He told me that I could probably stay here until I found someplace else to go. But he said I'd have to talk to you about it." <English>

Usagi looks over at Babbage for a few moments, then back at the girl. "Alright, ya can start by tellin me what's happened to ya" She crosses over to the kitchen area and makes herself a glass of milk, heading over to the couch to sit down and listen. <English>

Babbage leans against a bulkhead and just quietly stands there.

"It's a long story," Sam starts. She takes a breath and bites her lower lip before going on. "My dad . . . he, uh . . . ever since he and my mom . . ." She sits down on the couch and buries her face in her hands. "I just had to get away from him." <English>

Usagi doesn't seem particularly moved just yet at this point, taking a drink and keeping her eyes locked on the girl. "Go on" She gives a glance to Babbage again. "Believe me, ah got plenty o' time t'listen" <English>

Babbage keeps his eyes focused on Sam and Usagi, but doesn't say anything yet.

Sam briefly looks up at Usagi, then returns to covering her face with her hands. "It's . . . I . . ." There's a long silence where Sam doesn't say a word. Then she starts talking, and by the tone of her voice it seems like she's on the brink of tears. "They split up when I was thirteen. She didn't say where she went. He's been taking out his frustrations by . . ." She looks up at Usagi again, this time giving the captain a good long look at her bruises as well as her moist eyes. <English>

Usagi nods once, motioning Babbage over. "Fer the time bein, ya can stay. You any good at anythang? Somethin ya can be useful at?" She kicks her feet up, and seems mostly unperturbed by the stories. For all she knew, the girl had just gotten into a barfight. <English>

Babbage walks over and sits down in whichever seat on the couch is empty.

Sam chews on her lip for a moment. "I can give a hand with chores or whatever. But I can't, like, fly a spaceship or anything." She's quiet for a moment, then looks up at Usagi. "Unless you need someone to tell you bedtime stories, or something like that. I really like reading." <English>

Usagi nods once. "Consider yerself the clean-up duty, fer the time bein then. Though ah'll make a note that people still gotta clean their own crap up if they leave it. Jus keep the area as clean and cleared as possible, organized n what not" She leans over to Babbage and whispers in his ear, looking none too pleased. <English>

Babbage frowns at whatever Usagi whispered, and leans over to whisper something back.

Sam nods and gives Usagi a smile. "Thank you." She stands up and starts walking around the commons. She straightens up whatever seems to be out of place. <English>

Usagi shakes her head softly, sighing. She glares at Babbage for several moments, then relaxes in her chair. "Yer welcome. Dun make me regret it. An jus so ya know, if the Alliance finds ya and wants ya fer some odd reason...dun expect much here. If they're lookin fer ya, say so now. Ah'm not gunna say nothing to 'em if ya give me no cause to" <English>

Babbage bites his lip and looks at the floor when Usagi glares at him.

Sam stares at Babbage and Usagi when she sees that whispering and Usagi's glaring look. "You won't regret it. Like I said, I just wanna stay here until I find someplace else to go." She glances between Babbage and Usagi again, and in a pleading tone she says, "Please don't fight because of me." <English>

"We're not fightin. Believe me, ya'd know if we were fighting" Usagi takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "We can set ya up a hammock somewhere" <English>

Babbage smiles at Usagi. "I've had her in guest quarters 2 for now. It's empty until we find more crew."

Sam nods to confirm Babbage's words. "If you need that room, I can sleep just about anywhere." <English>