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Cenn was curled up on the bed with her head resting on Itzal's shoulder, her icomm in hand. She looked relaxed, but her eyes said she was hurting. The babies had dropped a LOT since Selene had seen her last. It was indeed time.

Itzal smiled and slowly ran his fingers through Cennaire's hair, "So your stuck here with only me huh?" a soft chuckle leaving him as he looked up to look at Selene, "Hey there Selene, sorry bout the other day..me and kat sometimes are at odds..about 90% of the sometime.."

Her eyes flickered open and she looked up to see Selene enter. She'd run out of ice chips, but just hadn't wanted Itzal to leave her side. The thin smile upon her face was pained. "Well, that meant really you're not a doctor, and there might be need of one." Cenn had been resting, even though labor had been on going for near two days. "But he is working on that, aren't you dear?"

Selene frowns softly, checking over Cenn, then heading back to gathering supplies. She says something into her com, then clarifies for Cenn. "Your word had /better/ be civil, Itzal Nekane, or so help me god..."

With the summons from the com, Xian enters into the room coughing into the crook of her arm. "How is everything going?" <English>

Itzal is seated on the bed with cennaire, Her head resting against his shoulder while his fingers lightly play through her hair. His words moving into the icomm quickly as a look of perhaps anger crosses his features with the mention of marco. Another sharp answer given. <English>

Selene is scurrying around, checking vitals and gathering what needs to be gathered. "It seems to be going well. Soon, I think." <English>

Cenn appeared to be calm, but the look on her face said she was hurting. She didn't often say things that were threatening to others. Might just be the pain, or perhaps she was well and truly tiffed with Marco. "Oh...going. Things are

Kathryn limps into the medbay, looking around. Spotting Selene and Xian before finding Cenn and Itzal, she stays near the door just in case she's not wanted

"Let me go and get myself cleaned up." Xian takes a step into an area where she can change into her scrubs and put a mask on. As she moves she coughs. She changes quickly and emerges just as soon as she entered into the room/office. Once out of the room she starts to scrub her arms and hands getting them disinfected. "Alright now, let us see what we can do, how far is she dilated and what do her vitals read?" <English>

Selene frowns, stepping up to the machine, already in her scrubs. "Her vitals are normal," she replies, before moving around to the end of the bed. "Looks like she's... almost fully dilated." <English>

Itzal's form slowly moved off the bed to stand next to it. His hand moving slowly from Cenn's hair to her hand taking it as he tried to find a comfortable way to stand. "Its ok Cennaire..Just remember this too shall pass.." <English>

Well, Itz would soon have to be out of the bed, and Cenn didn't like the thought of him going to far very much. But she wasn't going to give Xian trouble. "Just be glad you're not the cause." She said chuckling and wincing at the same time. "Will someone let the stray kitten in please?" She beamed a smile in Kat's direction. There was no mocking sound in her tone of voice. But fondness for the woman instead. "It started bout two nights ago." Cenn supplied. <English> Getting the go ahead, Kathryn walked, well, limped heavily, putting most of the weight on her left leg, till she was on the side that Itzal wasn't busy occupying. "Hey doc..." she says and then grins. "I told ya, didn't I? I birthed enough cows an' goats an' thangs. You started goin' inta labor tha other night, didn't ya? What can I do ta help?" <English>

With her hands disinfected and now encased in gloves she makes her way towards Cenn. "Everything is looking good." Xian says as she cast a glace over at Kat and then Selene. "We need to get you on to the birthing chair. Gravity will work in our favor my dear Friend." She motions with her head to birthing chair that looks like it might be comfortable. "Come on lets get you over there." She moves to help get Cenn moved and she coughs from behind her surgical mask. <English>

Itzal slowly steps back from the bed and looks around, "So I can remain while she is having the babies then Xian?" His eyes looking to xian for a moment as his brow slowly arched in question. His head tilting to the side slightly as he still had a itch or two to go welcome back marco. <English>

Cenn looked at Itzal when selene moved to her side. "Baby, can you help me to the chair please?" That was more or less, come on please take up the slack here for Xian she shouldn't be lifting on me. She reached out for him with her free arm. She smiled up at Selene. "Thanks for being here." She was hoping Xian would let him remain. Someone had to help hold the little mites when they came out.

"Can I help?" Kathryn asks for a second time, getting a little excited and a little nervous. <English>

"Okay let us get you moved." Taking a step back she lets Itzal do the moving as she mutters to Selene from behind her surgical mask. "Just be here for her right now Kat." <English>

"Alright sweety.." Itzal's eyes moving to look at cennaire, a certain glow about him even through all the worry that he felt. His hands moving out in offering to the pregenant red head, "Come on lets get ya over there and get these kids free.." His eyes then moving to look back to Xian, "So I can remain at her side?" <English>

Selene frowns softly and nods to Xian, waiting for Itzal to get Cenn into the chair so she can check her dilation again. <English> Selene pushes the button on the machine that goes ping.

"Xian, talk to me about the benefits of abstinence when this is over ok?" She said moaning softly. Her hand went out to Itz as he offered to help her to the chair. Once seated she let out a soft sigh once she was settled. "Is there something to take the edge off?" <English>

Kathryn wisely keeps her mouth shut, and looks towards Itzal once the woman was securly in the odd-looking chair. She mouths once word at him, 'Marco' with an upraised eyebrow to indicate that she's asking a question. She then moves to which ever side of the chair Itzal isn't occupying. "Here, doc, take mah hand, a'ight?" <English>

The young woman knocks her knuckles on the doorway, Roxie's head peaking in. "Hey, sorry all but I am looking for Cennaire? I was invited to be here for the birth?" she asks as if she expected to be accused of trespassing. "I couldn't find anyone in the bay." <English>

"Nope you are too far along?" Xian a woman who is bald and dressed in pink surgical scrubs and a surgical mask says. As she moves into position, to put Cenn's feet in the stirrups of the birthing chair "Selene get the UV bassinettes ready my dear, and the instruments that we will need, and forgive me for taking advantage of you dear." She coughs, as she casts a glance at the computer that has Cenn's readouts. <English>

Itzal slowly helped Cennaire to the chair, As soon as she was seated he would lean in to place a soft kiss against her temple whispering something to her before moving his hand once more out in offering to the woman. <English> You whisper, "I love you, your gonna do great.." to Cennaire. Xian pushes the button on the machine that goes ping.

Selene scurries off to grab the instruments and the bassinettes, returning from the other side of the room with a number of carts, and the most expensive machine on the ship. <English>

Cenn looked to Kat shaking her head. "You'll be wanting to keep that, so I don't think I want to hold it." She looked over to the door hearing a familiar voice. "Roxie! You made it. I couldn't get in touch with Mouse." Oh but was Roxie in for one hell of a surprise. Cenn looked as if she were ready to just explode. She was damned near ALL belly, and it'd dropped too. She blinked at Xian's words. "Jansen just had to die didn't he?I so would love to use him for a scratching post right now." Oh she'd gotten past losing him, and given particular developments of late, she had become quite ANGRY with the man in spite of the fact he was...quite dead. She took Itz's hand and tried not to squeeze to hard. She'd let go of it once things got bad. <English>

"Um...." Kathryn looks from Cenn to the new woman, to Cenn to the new woman, and politely steps back so Roxie can have a turn next to the doctor. "I reckon yah's wantin' a turn, ma'am?" she asks Roxie. <English>

With the most expensive machine ever on the ship Xian looks over at Selene and grins as the machine that goes ping chimes in. "You will do fine, but it will hurt. I need to remember your breathing that we worked on!" <English>

Roxana raises her brows up as she hears Cennair's voice from that bed. She took a few steps into the room to get a look at Cenn's face, "Cennaire? Holy sh*t, yer giving birth now?" she asks with widening eyes. She takes a few more steps forwards to take the spot Kathryn offered. "Hi Cenn...." she says with a smile and a sing song tone. What do you say to an exploding woman? <English>

Selene smiles to Xian, then moves to check Cenn's vitals and dilation once more. She should be about ready. <English>

Itzal's hand rested within Cennaire's, His eyes lifting to look to the new arrival. The faintest glimmer of recognition of the woman before he gives her a nod and looks back to cennaire, A soft smile curling his lips. "Just think, It will be done soon enough..Besides I know your pain Cennaire.." Ok so probally not the best thing to say to a woman pushing out twins, But he did technically know plenty about pain. <English>

Cenn went quiet. The pain was getting worse and she just wanted to scream. It felt like her lower part was on fire. "But if I pass out won't my body expel them anyway?" Yea...right, she knew better. REALLY she did. She was jut hurting pretty badly now. She looked up at Roxie. "Yep, I'm having them now. Maybe this will be lesson enough for you on the proper uses of birth control huh?" She was of course joking, or trying hard to sound like she was. She looked at Itzal with a smile that looked more like a grimace. "No you don't know my pain. Let's stick a watermelon in you and watch you shoot it out your.."She snickered winking at Xian. <English>

Kat had fallen silent, tap tap taping away in her PDA as she leaned against the back wall. Glance at Cenn, tap tap tap, glance at Cenn, tap tap tap, as her face got more and more frantic looking. <English>

Roxana smiles softly at the pregnant woman, "Yeeaaaah. Birth Control.....I think I am gonna go get myself fixed." she nods, speaking in a playful tone. Looking to Itzal, she raises a brow. "Nice try, doll....But even *I* don't know her pain and I actually HAVE a vagina." Her brown eyes wander the bed "So can I help? Gimme the salad spoons and I'll get the outta there." <English>

"Cenn I need you to breathe Kat dear, you know the new breathing techniques? Help her keep the rhythm." With another glance at the readouts she checks on the babies. <English>

"I know plenty about pain.." Itzal's eyes moving around and finally he notices that he is drowning in the ocean of estrogen, His mind going round and round as he recited in his head. /let it be a boy..Reinforcement..Need less estrogen../ his eyes slowly coming back to focus on cenn as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Hun, Wouldn't work..Remember.." His brow arching for a moment before he looked to Xian, "What can I do to help? Anything? Towel's? Pain killers?" <English>

"Oh this HURTS!!!" For the first time, her voice raised and yep it sounded like she was in a lot of pain too. She clenched itz's hand and then just let it go quite suddenly. Both hands went to either side of the chair she sat in and gripped tightly. "Itz, Rox, Rox, Itz. Roxie is the Nana, Itzal. Itzal is my boyfriend." She said grunting a bit between words. The distraction wasn't so bad, then she remembered she needed to be breathing and tried to do that right. Then, from out of the blue WOOOOSH! "Oh...that's just...that's disgusting! My water just broke and my legs are...ewww" She looked at Itzal. "Oh not pain like this." <English>

Itzal's hand rested within Cennaire's, His eyes lifting to look to the new arrival. The faintest glimmer of recognition of the woman before he gives her a nod and looks back to cennaire, A soft smile curling his lips. "Just think, It will be done soon enough..Besides I know your pain Cennaire.." Ok so probally not the best thing to say to a woman pushing out twins, But he did technically know plenty about pain. <English>

Cenn went quiet. The pain was getting worse and she just wanted to scream. It felt like her lower part was on fire. "But if I pass out won't my body expel them anyway?" Yea...right, she knew better. REALLY she did. She was jut hurting pretty badly now. She looked up at Roxie. "Yep, I'm having them now. Maybe this will be lesson enough for you on the proper uses of birth control huh?" She was of course joking, or trying hard to sound like she was. She looked at Itzal with a smile that looked more like a grimace. "No you don't know my pain. Let's stick a watermelon in you and watch you shoot it out your.."She snickered winking at Xian. <English>

"H-huh?" Kathryn asks, her eyes wide. Her skin was paler than normal, and she looked dangerously close to passing out. "O-oh... uh... I n-ne'er had ta h-help birth n-no h-human b-babies..." she stammers, her hands still on the PDA. And then, Cenn's water breaks, Kathryn goes impossibly pale, her freckles standing out like near-black spots on her skin. She starts to faint. Hard landing on the floor in 3... 2... 1... <English>

Getting focused the nun ignores the rest of the world except for Cenn, Selene and the twins that are about to be born. Adjusting the chair "Selene get ready this will go quickly from here, waters broke. Cenn, I need you to breath. Do not push you will start to feel like you will have to have a bowel movement, as the baby starts to crown." <English>

Roxana head turns like a turret as the sound of a woman hitting the floor. Dilemma....Help the woman on the floor who she doesn't know or stick with her friend who is in pain. The doctor's words snap her out of her thoughts and Roxie's eyes widen. "You mean you can shit yourself during birth??" she asks, that fact seeming more disturbing to her than anything else going on. <English>

"Wait..what about bowel movements..And.." His eyes moving to look back to cenn before he brings his hand to rest atop of hers. His eyes moving to look towards Roxy, "Hey would shake your hand but yeah.." His head instead giving a respectful nod to her before he looked to Xian and Selene, "Anything I can do? I am..useless.." A frown of sorts forming across his lips. <English>

Selene nods, getting ready to deliver the baby. To Itzal's question about helping, she suggests, "Just close your mouth and let us handle this. You're not a doctor." <English>

Cenn was whimpering and starting to cry. Oh yea it hurt alright. She couldn't have noticed Kat's fall. Even if she had, well she couldn't do anything to help her out. "It's killing me. I'm going to die! Just wait til I find Jansen, I'm going to cut his balls OFF!" The last word was spoken as more of an animlistic growl. Can we say yea LOTS of pain now and NO pain medication? Rox's words just made her laugh, then gasp in pain. "Can I die now please can I die now?" She looked up at ITzal all pathetic lik,e. <English>

Aaaaaaaaaaaand THUMP! Kat's body hits the floor clearly unconcious. <English>

"Yes you can, everything is being pushed out, from urine to excrement." Xian says as the question draws her attention away and then t is brought back to Cenn. "Okay dear, you can do this I need you breath." Xian starts to do the breathing pattering loudly in hopes that Cenn will start to follow her pattern. "Do not push yet, you are almost there, breath with me." Cenn starts to crown and the pressure increases. <English>

Roxana looks back down to Kat and sighs. "I am gonna help yer friends....you guys ....continue." Roxie turns and kneels to tap the woman's cheek. "Hon...." She forgot her name. "Sweety?" WHile she tries to get Kat back, she says a quiet prayer for Cenn. 'Please, Allah. Don't let her shit herself in front of everyone. There is no comming back from that...' <English>

Selene is a doctor, so shitting yourself in front of her isn't really a big deal. However, shit isn't exactly what she's hoping to wrap up in a blanket and tuck into a bassinette, so it would be preferable not to get any. <English>

Itzal's head turns, His eyes locking upon Cennaire's as he spoke in a calmish tone. "If I aint allowed to die niether are you Doc Doom..." Apparently someone had reviewed some security feeds from their own little issues in the past that had brought him into medical. His hand slowly slippign to move into her palm, "Go ahead and squeeze my hand..you wont hurt me..." a smile given to her of reassurance. <English>

Cenn groaned, and it weren't a sound of pleasure. But she at least tried to breath as Xian was demonstrating. She let out quite a loud cry of pain as the pressure increased. Cenn was just trying to live through it all, and before it was over with selene would have two little bundles to wrap in swaddling that were not...shyte smelling. "No I'll break it. You dun need to be hurt anymore." She let go his hand and gripped the seat of the chair tightly once more and let loose another cry. <English>

There is no response to Roxie's poking Kat on the face and talking. Just laid out on the floor, belly down, PDA still in her right hand. But she's probably going to have a slight headache when she does come to! <English>

"You are crowning." Xian's eyes smile and she coughs a bit. "I need you to push now." She puts her hands in place to help guide the head and shoulders out when Cenn starts to push. <English>

Ok, ok. What did she learn in High School Health class? Lift the legs! Roxana moves to grab Kats upper body under the shoulders and drag her over to a nearby chair. She returns Kat's head to the floor softly and goes ahead to put the woman's feet up in the chair. ....What else did she learn.... <English>

Marco walks in, see's the situation, looks to the floor, goes to Kat, bends down and wakes her up by grabbing her hair and pounding his chest liek a cave man. <English>

"Cenn your doin great sweety, No giving up or turning back..Come on hun.." Itzal's eyes watching her closely as he waited to be told what to do, His eyes then moving to xian as he heard her begin going on about pushing. His head tilting as he repositioned himself and looked down, the blood slowly begining to drain from his face. <English>

Marco walks inot the medbay and looks towards the birththing, he knew it was happening, since it was all over the coms. So as he pokes his head in, he is making sure all is well and then spots Katrhyn, on the floor and passed out. Screaming and yelling, the usual things females do that can't stand the pain, don't blame them. Then moves to kathryn, been as quiet as possible and then lifts her up and drags her out of the room, since it is not a good place to have a passed out owman in. He does nod to Xian and Itzal but then goes, not stoppign for words or anything. <English>

Roxana was feeling rather helpful until Marco came and just took her own patient away. Now the woman just stands there confused as the man drags Kathryn out without a word. She huffs and shakes her head comming back to the birthing table. "Ok, we're back. " <English>

The words Cenn focused in on through the pain were 'You can push now.' The pressure was just to much. So she pushed and let out a rather loud cry. She felt things stretch and possibly rip inside. Yes, SOOOO not doing this again, at least that's the thought going through her mind. She gives the one big push, then another a furry black head popped out. "grrrraaaaa" She growled this time yep something most certainly DID rip this time. <English>

Guiding the head out Xian says to Cenn in a hoarse voice. "Cenn, I need you to push again the shoulders will be coming out next." She is gentle but her grip is firm. <English>

The war was bad, Itzal had seen things that no one in the verse should ever see. The blood shed and body parts he had seen removed from their hosts was nothing though compared to what he was now witnessing as the black head popped out like some creature from one of those alien movies from the earth that was, the mixture of hair and blood and other things causing the man's color to fully drain as he began to take several long deep breaths of his own, His words faltering for a moment and coming out as gibberish before he actually spoke in true words, "Your doing good babe.." <English>

Roxie finds this moment to be the perfect one to shut her trap for once. Her dark eyes lock on the head that is finding it's way into the light of the medical room. She brings her fingers up to cover her lips. <English>

She stopped for a moment and just panted. Her face and neck were covered in a fine sheen of sweat. She whimpered when Xian asked her to push again. "I'm tired." She whimpered, her voice was so soft. Itzal's gibberish didn't quite dawn on her. Then when he spoke truly, she leaned against him. "Push for me?" Her voice held a half teasing tone in it. It was as close to joking as the pained woman would get. She let her head rest against his shoulder and closed her eyes drawing in a deep breath. She let loose another cry of pain as she pushed again as asked. "Why does it have to hurt so bad? The creation process is so much more pleasing.." She complained between snatches of breath. <English>

"Push, you can do it." Xian says as the baby continues to move out as Cenn's muscles contract on their own accord. <English>

Roxana's shoulders rise up her neck as she feels a pang of pain between her own legs for even daring to imagine what that there feels like. Her eyes widen as the alien being exits the axlotl tank. <English>

Itzal smiled softly as Cenn leaned against him. His free hand moving to rest against her cheek as he spoke in a calm well as calm as could be managed tone, "I wish I could for you sweety but you need to do it..Come on hun..Push..You can do it.." His eyes moving between Cennaire and Xian. <English>

What, that wasn't enough? And to think...there was another one to get out too! Cenn just leaned into Itz whimpering. She let her eyes go shut and sagged a bit breathing, letting herself rest just a moment. She whimpered and moaned as the pains of the contractions seemed to just wash through her entire form. She grunted rather loudly and pushed again rather hard trying to get the thing OUT!!!!! Then, they all heard a rather LOUD wail of a baby. Yep, his lungs worked quite well. <English>

The first baby is handed over to Selene to clean the up and then Xian waits for the next baby. As she reads the read outs, and coughs. "You can do this Cenn, I need you to breath with me." Her voice is quiet and calm and her eyes are smiling. <English>

Roxana brown eyes follow the first baby, not getting a clear look between the legs to know if she what the gender is. She takes a step to stand beside the assistant momentarily. <English>

Itzal's eyes slowly move to follow the baby as it is handed off to selene, His brow furrowing for the briefest of moments before relaxing once more. His eyes returning to cenn as he took her hand and forced his hand into her grip. "Come on Cennaire, One down one to go and then no more and rest..wonderful rest.." <English>

She made the most pitiful sound and looked at Xian. "Cut it out...this is bad. Really bad." Who would've thought Cenn could complain so much? She'd rarely complained at all through the entirety of her pregnancy though so, maybe she's due just a little of it now. She sighed licking her lips. "Can I have an ice cube? My mouth has been a field of cotton for hours now." Oh, the babe that Selene was tending was most definitely a boy. Once he was cleaned up and his hair dried a bit it'd be recognized by Roxie as being the same color as Jansen's hair. "Hope you aren't wanting any of your own very soon." She said. <English>

Roxana Raises her brows when she gets a small clue as to the gender of the first baby. Obscenely large testes....They always like that when brand new? She decides to go over to see the little sibling come into view. Looking to Cenn, she shakes her head. "I think you can spare one for me." <English>

"Wet a wash cloth and let her suck on it. Cenn you need to keep focused you can do it." Xian gives a quick pep talk along with her orders a nurse runs to fill it and returns in moments with the cool wet cloth. The nurse gives it to Cenn and she even wipes the sweat off of Cenn brow. <English>

"Hun, I t...Yep its a boy.." Itzal's words sounding out with a bit of happiness before he heard her words. He blinked a few times before looking to her, "I think we can wait before thinking about that till after I meet your folks.." A chuckle leaving him as he returned to the task at hand, "And I am the one that gets the scars..not you.." <English>

Rox's words again made her laugh. She was more than happy to have the was cloth and sucked it dry quickly. She sighed. "I just want to rest. Why didn't SOMEONE tell me Jansen had these...alien genes?" She said pouting a bit. She let out a groan feeling the second one begin to crown. "Scars?" <English>

"Cenn you can rest when this is over, in the mean I need you to get ready to push I can almost see the head." Xian's eyes practically sparkle. "Alright almost there." The <English>

Roxana adds her voice to the matter, "The second one is comming, babydoll. Just a little more.... The boy is waiting for you to hold him." <English>

"Yeah scars, meaning you dont need none so no cuttin em out.." Itzal's eyes holding hers for a moment before he chuckles at her words of alien gene's and from the look of things during the birthing process he wasnt really certain that she was lying either. His hand gave hers a reassuring squeeze before he began to once more speak soft words of Encouragment, "Come on Cenn, you can do it..I aint ever known ya to give up so dont ya be startin now damn it.." <English>

"Jass.." She said turning to look at Itzal with a smile. "Jass Avery Quinn." Cenn rarely told folks her last name. It was the first even Rox had heard it. "Oh that's easy for you to say. IF there are any more following these if I can get 'em cut out guess what buddy!" She sighed and looked back to Xian pushing and closing her eyes. Her face screwed up in a look of intense concentration. <English>

"Push!" Xian once again gets ready to guide the child's head out. As the head begins to emerge from the birth cannel. <English> Roxana curls her lips back from her teeth as she watched the next one approach. "Here it comes...." <English>

Itzal's eyes found Cennaire's as he heard the words leave Cenn, A smile given to her as he slowly nods and looks back to the child before giving her hand another reassuring squeeze, "Come on sweety, your almost done.." <English> She paused after the one push and just breathed in, once more sucking on that damp cloth. Oh she just wanted a tall cold glass of water!!! She let out a roar of pain and pushed as hard as she could, trying to do it all in one go! <English>

The head comes out and then the shoulders, Xian's grip is firm and at along last the baby rest in them. Placing the baby on Cenn's stomach she ties off the cord and cuts it. Quickly the baby is then taken and it mouth is cleaned out. Once the baby's lungs are clear it lets out a cry. This baby is handed off to the nurse and Selene to clean up and then she starts to clean Cenn up and wait for the after birth. <English>

Itzal smiles seeing the other child come so easily, though his brow does lift seeing xian remain there but quickly the curiosity is over ridden. His eyes moving back to look to cenn, the cloth taken by him as he begins to gently wipe the cool cloth over her brow and along her neck slowly. "See sweety..you did great.." <English>

The second child has the most shockingly redhair. DEFINITELY Cenn's child. It's a little girl, who most certainly lets the world know she is NOT happy about how cold it is outside of her warm, comfy Mommy. Cenn felt the contractions continue, and she knew what came next. She kept pushing, though it wasn't quite as bad. The afterbirth finally did come all in one nasty, messy lump. "Yea. But we ain't doin this again so soon. Even if I have to take a gun without a license and shoot all of those damned Blue sun people...quintus and Shaardul excepting...to get to the Wellness center for birth control." YEP she felt that strongly about it. She was exhausted and just leaned back as much as she could. <English>

With the passing of the afterbirth, Xian snags from the tray of instruments suture material, and a syringe of local anesthesia. The medication is given and then with a practiced hand that is gentle she starts to sew Cenn up. Every so often she casts a glance at the read out making sure that Cenn is alight. Selene brings out the babies for Cenn to see and hold. <English>

Itzal's eyes lift as he nods, "Alright, and we will find something that works for birth control. Hell could always talk to Alaren about it..." And that is when he sees the babies, a softer smile curling his lips as he nods to them, "Beautiful like their mother.." <English>

She sighed softly when Xian gave her the local. "Thank the goddess!" She murmured. She smiled when the pair was brought to her. "Jass Avery Quinn and Joss Maia Quinn meet your daddy, and your Aunt Xian." She said smiling. She looked quite tired and let Itz hold Jass. "So...they've got everything they're sposed to hve right?" <English>

"All ten fingers and all ten toes." Xian looks over and Cenn and you can tell from the way she is talking that she is smiling despite the surgical mask. "Jass is 23 1/2 inches long, and is 8 pounds. Joss is 15 inches long 5 pounds and four ounces. Jass has a broken tail bone, but everything mend quickly and it happens with childbirth, he will be okay." <English>

Itzal smiles and looks at cenn with the babies before looking to Xian, "Its..wow..." His eyes looking down to the baby boy in his arms as he held the child carefully, the baby's head cradled behind one hand as his arm wrapped down beneath Jass to keep him held close. His eyes moving to Cennaire as he finally caught what she had said about the father thing, A smile given to her that was diffrent then most, a certain brightness to it before he was snapped back to reality with Xian's words. "She.." His eyes moving back to Cennaire, "Now listen here missy..You got broken bones now so same tha' goes for me in those cases goes for you.." A soft chuckle leaving him. <English>

Cenn chuckled watching Itzal. Jass' little face screwed up and he started fussing, though it wasn't that loud annoying cry. "I'm not the one apt to go running off to do things to hurt myself you silly thing!" She chuckled. "Well, no wonder I felt so horrible the last few weeks! I was carryin around a sack of taters! <English>

Xian gets Cenn cleaned up and then a with a soft whispered command into the com the nurse comes back to get the babies and so that they can transfer, the whole gang to a private room. Xian moves to help. <English>

Itzal's brow lifts seeing the nurse come to gather the babies, And after a moment he reluctantly hands over Jass. "Be careful with him.." His words soft spoken and caring before he leaned down to place a kiss on Cenn's temple whispering something in her ear before he looks to Xian. "Thank you.." His head bowing in respect to her. <English>

She handed over Joss, who oddly enough she thought of as Maia already. The wee thing burbled out a soft cry at being taken from the warmth of her mother's arms. She smiled Itzal as he whispered to her. Then turned to look at Xian. Oh it was a relief to be clean again! "Thank you for putting up with me. We won't be dealing with this for quite a long while. It's Liv's turn next time." She said with a grin, and tried to stand. She whimpered at the pains that lanced through her. "Ugh." <English>

"Lets get you on a gurney my dear." Xian says as she stands and goes to get the item in question, along with another item Cenn. "Lets get you into something more comfortable, Itzal do you mind getting Cenn one of her more comfortable Nightgowns for her." <English>

"Sure Xian, um..Am I going to be allowed to stay in the room with her like in a chair or something?" Itzal's brow lifting slightly as he looks to Xian, His eyes then moving to look towards Cennaire as he moved to help her. His hands moving to take hers before he speaks, "Cenn, You need to take it easy...." <English>

"You can sleep in the bed with her if she will let you." Xian shrugs. "I am not worried, this is differnt from the case you first came to us with." She smiles and her dark eyes are bright with tears of joy but she dose not cry. <English>

Cenn let ITzal help her onto the gurney. Her steps were slow, she moved as if her lower half were made of lead. The truth was she was still hurting. That broken tailbone wasn't going to be fun for awhile. She sighed and shifted to her side once on the gurney, her rear hanging out of the hospital gown. "I'm ok, Itz. I din't break. It just hurts." She chuckled at what Xian had to say and grinned in her direction. "So long as he understands there ain't gonna be no fun time for awhile I'm all good with it." <English>

"I am sure he is not interested in it as well." Xian chuckles with a cough as she takes control of the Gurney to get it into the room. "We will meet you there, you get her the gown." <English>

Itzal chuckles some, "I can completely understand that Cennaire, Besides we already talked about how that was gonna be on hold for a bit after this remember.." His eyes then moving to Cennaire as he smirked, "Yeah but comin here is one of the best things that ever did happen to me.." A smile given to the woman before he looks to Cenn once more, "What do you want from the room hun?" <English>

She was kind of dazed. Reallly quite tired and the things said to her kind of buzzed around her head. Took a few moments for her to respond. She was a bit drowsy. "I don't care, just something loose and with a low neckline so that I don't sweat so badly." SHe paused chuckling and looking at Xian. "I'm sorry. Any room will do. I'm not picky." <English>

Itzal's head slowly nods before he turns and moves quickly from the room, He now had something to do. HA! The testosterone had found something useful to do in the ocean of Estrogen and even had found reinforcments with Jass! VICTORY WAS AT HAND, atleast in his mind for the moment..delusion of grandeur, damn skippy but atleast it was an enjoyable delusion. <English>