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This is an abridged log of the wedding between Rose Ashley and Robbert Babbage, which took place March 29, 2526. No offense to people whose poses got cut out, but this scene had 15 people posing at one point.

The Log

The sun slowly sets across the Persephan landscape, setting the air aflame, and tinting the failing light a thousand different shades of orange. The roof of the clinic has been redecorated with a good dozen paper lanterns strung out and over the seating area, providing a warm glow that persists even as the sun continues to fall.

Two 'sets' of a two or three dozen chairs are seperated by a long aisle leading down to an alter, presumably where the 'official business' will take place. Further back, somewhat closer to the elevator that leads to the roof, are a series of long tables that will, in good time, be laden full of food, drinks, and small snacks that people munch on when they can't think of anything polite to say about each other.

There's a whole lot of people out there, and not just the conscious ones; a great gaggle of folks from the Clinic, and Ethereal investigations , and anyone else who is here in spirit, if not necessarily logged on. An elderly man, well past his forties (early fifties, even, perhaps?) sits near the front, looking remarkably similar to the groom; a younger couple sit in a similar position on the other side of the aisle-- a woman in a wheelchair who's crying far too much, and man looking -manly-. <English>

Sable, on this -rare- occasion, is wearing a black dress. It's long sleeve with a mandarin collar, looking alot like an alb. Don't ask what priest person she borrowed it from. She's got a book in her hands standing there looking just a touch nervous while she waits for guests to sit, groom to take his place, and bride to walk down the aisle. <English>

Babbage is standing at the altar, wearing a grey and black suit, with subtle hints of blue in his tie and his pocket square. His face showing a combination of nervousness and excitement. <English>

Parts takes his seat, and waits patiently for the ceremony to start. <English>

Danniella walks to a seat on Rose's side of the isle and sits in a seat about half way down the isle. She has a foolish grin on her face. <English>

Rose stands at the opposite end of the aisle, just a little bit out of the way, looking equally nervous. Nevermind the way the white dress shows off every nervous fidget-- but she's got some sort of Klingon death-grip on the bundle of flowers in her hands. "Do I go now?" she hisses to her Usagi, in as low a register as she can manage. "I don't want to sprint on up there like it's a marathon, but-- but-- just, like, elbow me when to go?" <English>

Usagi smiles and nods to Rose as she fidgets, beaming as she stands in a well made dress. She puts a hand on Rose's shoulder. "When ya hear the 'Here comes th'bride' music, that's when ya go. Walk slow. Take yer time...and please don't pass out, that'd look real bad" She puts a hand on the woman's shoulder to reassure her, trying to make her not as nervous. <English>

As everyone takes their seats, that lovely music of 'Here Comes the Bride' strikes up. Just don't sing the 4th grade version which goes like 'Here Comes the Bride, all dressed in white. Where is the groom? Stinking up the bathroom.' <English>

Babbage stares down the aisle, waiting for Rose to start making her way toward the altar. He keeps his breathing slow and steady, trying his best to keep himself calm. <English>

Rose looks, if nothing else, -more- nervous after Usagi's helpful advice, as she mentally starts to intone 'don't pass out' like some sort of warding chant against passing out. I must not fear, fear is the mind-killer, fear is the little death that makes you trip on your wedding dress. "...right," she mutters to noone in particular, before sucking in a big lungful of air. "Right," she says again, a little softer, with a more relaxed smile on her face-- she even stops trying to choke her flowers!

Slowly, Rose starts up the aisle, watching Babbage with a sheepish smile, and an expression that seems to suggest there's nowhere else she'd rather be right now. <English>

Usagi isn't too far behind Rose, in fact she's carrying the train for the moment as they're headed up the aisle. It was the best thing she could think of to do, and once up to the altar, would certainly take her place as one of Rose's bridesmaids. The one closest to her, actually. Was she the maid of honor? <English>

Danniella gets all wide watery eyed. She sniffles and fights the urge to cry. <English>

Sable lets there be that momentous pause as the music dies down. Then she starts to read her script. "We gather together to give thanks for the gift of marriage, to witness the joining together of Robbert Babbage and Rose Ashley, to surround them with our prayers and blessings, so that they may be strengthened for their life together." Then she glances over to Rose's mother and smiles to her before starting to repeat all that in French. "Merdi! Nous nous runissons ensemble pour donner des mercis du cadeau du mariage, pour tre tmoin de la jointure ensemble de Robbert Babbage et de Rose Ashley, pour les entourer avec nos prires et bndictions, de sorte qu'ils puissent tre renforcs pendant leur vie ensemble. Merdi!" And if you missed the French this time, read the English, Babel Fish says it's the same. <English>

Danniella notices B is in a bind without a best man and slips up and around to B's side. She whispers softy into B's ear. <English>

Danniella whispers: I've got your back.

Babbage smiles right back at Rose. He mutters to noone in particular, but it might be directed toward the woman standing in the best man position. "God she's beautiful. This is really happening, isn't it?" He quiets down and listens to Sable speak, grinning at Rose the whole time. <English>

Rose's mother stiffens somewhat, and stares at Sable curiously-- though in all fairness, she -does- keep on smiling; a little 'Merde' here and there wasn't enough to cause a ruckus, after all. Similarly, the bride herself falters, coughs, and tries -not- to laugh at Sable's choice of words. "Gonna have alot t'explain to mom," she discreetly mutters to Usagi, finally making it up to stand beside Babbage at the alter. "Hey," she murmurs simply to the man, grinning like it was her wedding day. Oh hey, there's a coincidence! <English>

Danniella pats B's shoulder and nods slightly to B. She keeps a big smile on her face as she watches the ceremony from a very close up spot. <English>

Usagi smiles and nods once, very slowly. "Prob'ly...look on th'bright side. Ya won't be alone doin it..." She keeps her voice to a whisper so as not to disturb the audience with their speaking. She continues grinning broadly as Rose says hello to Babbage as well. <English>

Sable glances about and then back to her page again as she continues on through her lines. "Marriage is an understanding between two people who are willing to commit their lives to each other, or be cursed if they get divorced. So I ask both of you, Robbert and Rose, if this is your desire and intention today?" She then switches to the French feeling a touch more confident in her reading, thuse goes a little faster. "Le mariage est un arrangement entre deux personnes qui sont disposes commenter leurs vies d'autres, ou soit maudit pour ne jamais utiliser des sous-vtements encore. Ainsi je demande toutes les deux vous, Robbert et Rose, si vous tes vigoureux et corn aujourd'hui?"

For those that don't know French, Sable just told them if they got a divorce they could never wear underwear again, and asked if they were horny. That poor Mother!! <English>

Babbage glances over his shoulder and gives Danni a smile, then mouths a silent 'Thank you'. He turns back to Rose. Babbage says a simple "I do." to the English question, then falters a bit when asked something in French. He blushes a little bit, then says, "Oui." <English>

Rose raises an eyebrow back at Usagi-- and in any other situation, might make some sort of snarky commentary. She grins at Sable, and quiets a little giggle, before turning to Babbage. "Oui," she softly murmurs-- before adding with a sly sort of smile; "I do." Just so we're on the same page here, after all. <English>

Danniella grins and almost bounces in happiness as they say the traditional 'I do's'. <English>

Once the two affirm they wish marriage, Sable grins at them and leans over to the blushing Babbage. "She is pretty." Ahem. Back to the script! "Robbert and Rose, since it is your intention to marry, join your right hands, and with your promises bind yourselves to each other as husband and wife. Do you need me to read the vows for you to repeat, or do you remember them?" She then clears her throat and goes for the French translation for the benefit of the parents. <French>

Sable repeats, "le robbert et la Rose, puisqu'il est votre intention de se marier, dcouvrent vos pieds, et avec vos serments lient vos corps entre eux comme mari et pouse?" And this time? She's asked them to uncover their feet and join their bodies as spouses do. <French>

Once the two affirm they wish marriage, Sable grins at them and leans over to the blushing Babbage. "She is pretty." Ahem. Back to the script! "Robbert and Rose, since it is your intention to marry, join your right hands, and with your promises bind yourselves to each other as husband and wife. Do you need me to read the vows for you to repeat, or do you remember them?" She then clears her throat and goes for the French translation for the benefit of the parents. Sable repeats, "le robbert et la Rose, puisqu'il est votre intention de se marier, dcouvrent vos pieds, et avec vos serments lient vos corps entre eux comme mari et pouse?" And this time? She's asked them to uncover their feet and join their bodies as spouses do. <English>

Babbage smiles and nods to Sable, "She really is." He eyes Sable when she says those French words, then stares at Rose for a few moments before speaking. "I, Robbert, take you, Rose, to be my wife. With you by my side, no matter what else happens, there's always be at least one thing in my life that's good. No matter how bad things get, I'll always have someone to dance with." He takes both of her hands into his own, and closes his eyes for a moment, before opening them and going on. "I love you with all my heart, Rose. And there's nothing in the 'verse that will ever change that." <English>

Rose coughs. This was either a result of the popcorn she'd consumed hours earlier lodging in her throat-- or possibly, just possibly, some sort of gesture to keep from tearing up at Babbage's words. "I, Rose," she coughs again, and the perceptive -might- note that her eyes gleam 'funnily.' "I, Rose," she tries again, "do take you, Robbert, to be my husband." <English>

She pauses, grins, and continues-- in words that are at least -somewhat- more accurate and elegant than Sable's rendition. She also makes sure that her slippers and clothes stay on; the consumation, despite what Sable might think, wouldn't be happening with such a great many people around. "And I promise before God and all who are present here to join with you and to share all that is to come, to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond and in all our life together to be faithful to you. I will serve you with tenderness and respect, and encourage you to develop those gifts in you." <French>

Sable looks between the two of them and nods before going back to reading the script. "Excellent. The rings. These rings are symbols of unending love and faithfulness, reminding them of the covenant they have made this day." She then switches to the French, "Merdi! Les anneaux. Ces anneaux sont des symboles de l'amour et de la fidlit ternels, les rappelant l'engagement qu'ils ont fait ce jour." Besides the merdi, she managed to not botch that French. it's like the English. <English>

Angelina, dressed in a frilly yellow sundress and 'matching' galoshes, squirms on Jasmine's lap. It's hard to see from the second row. In exasperation, she reacts to the snippets that she does see, and what she hears. Turning to Tali, she says, rather loudly, "Are Babs and Rose in trouble?" <French>

Babbage pulls a ring out of the pocket of his suit. His eye is very briefly drawn to Angelina, but quickly returns to Rose. Assuming Rose offers her hand, he slips it onto her left ring finger. <English>

Sable leans in to say, "When you put it on her finger and her you, you're suppsed to say, This ring I give you, as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love. Might want to do it in French for the parents." She then leans back waiting. At Angelina's words, she has to bite her lip to keep from laughing. <English>

Rose sort of coughs and leans in, muttering something briefly to Sable, as she glances back to the woman in the wheelchair. Mom has her eye raised and, despite that 'oh my daughter's getting married' expression, she holds something of a 'you and I should talk' look, too. But such concerns are trivial, as with -all- things related to parents. Rose looks to Babbage with a shy little smile and offers up her hand, holding her breath while the ring is slipped onto her finger. "'sagi?" she murmurs after a moment-- and with not another word, retreives a golden wedding band from the woman, and offers it to Babbage. "This--" she harrumphs lightly, blinks. <English>

Rose says in French, "This ring I give to you, as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love."

Babbage belatedly adds a hurried, "I give this ring to you as a sign of our constant faith and abiding love," in English, then repeats it in French. Then he offers a trembling hand for Epona to place his ring on. Once that's done, he smiles and waits for Sable to continue the ceremony. <English>

Sable smiles to them both and to the mother sitting there giving her the stink eye. She carries on afterwards. "In the presence of this congregation, Robbert and Rose have made their solemn vows to each other. They have confirmed their promises by the joining of hands and by the giving and receiving of rings. Therefore, I proclaim that they are now husband and wife." Then she translates it in French, only there's a part about making solemn vows of chastity, tossing of rings, and joining of feet. <English>

Sable repeated, "in the presence of this congregation,Robbert and Rose have made their solemn vows of chastity. They have confirmed their promises by the joining of feet and by the tossing of rings. Therefore, I proclaim that they are now husband and wife." <French>

Then Sable adds for the benefit of all. "And... now you may kiss each other, but be mindful there's a minor in the audience." <English>

Babbage once again eyes Sable at her French translation. Then he nods to Rose, "I'll help apologize to my mother-in-law soon as we're done here." Finally, Babbage leans in, wraps both arms around Rose, and passionately kisses her. <English>

Danniella claps happily at the kiss and tries to keep from squeeling. <English>

Sable glances to everyone. "I give you, Mister and Misses Robbert Babbage." With that, she's done her part. The rest is for the couple to walk back down the aisle, apologize to the parents, and have cake. She also adds, in French, "Time for cake." <English>

Jasmine starts to applaud around the body of Angelina... who objects to this foolishness, slips off Jasmine's lap and starts jumping in place and shouting, "Yay!" <English>

Angelina's jumping grows even more exuberant, and she starts shouting, "Cake!" <French>

Usagi politely claps from where she stands next to Rose, smiling as she watches. "Gratz, you two" She has to wait until they're done kissing to really do anything else except look pretty. <English>

Braenen twitches and stands up as the ceremony comes to a close, stretching his arms out over his head. With a sigh of relief, the lanky doctor fishes a cigarette out of his pack and sticks it between his lips. Flame from an antique lighter sets the tip alight, and he puffs away in the back, hands clapping idly for the newlyweds. "Maybe I should ask Captain Geddes if I can stay on the Bonaventure tonight." <English>

Rose leans into that kiss for a moment or two, before -finally- pulling away with a blush and a grind. "Cake-- right. C'mon," she says, looking far too giggly to walk straight, as she slowly sidles in and against Babbage's side. And, because her sense of timing is likely -horrible-, the lifts the bouquet-- and -tosses- it out into the crowd. Watch out, Leu, that stuff might be poisonous. <French>

Babbage grins, and offers Rosa a hand to help steady her walking. He smirks at Danni. "Wanna get the cake for Mrs. Babbage and I?" <English>

Eugene pops up out of her chair like a cork, bouncing up on her toes, clapping as the bouquet is thrown. A grin and a glance up at Leutrim, as she makes no move to catch it. In fact, she even ducks, "Careful. I don't think we need another onea them." Turning to notice Amber behind them, she calls. "Incoming." <English>

Marc perks up as the kisses are giving could be he was fainting sleep or just really interested in his shoes. The cheerfulness going balls to the walls now as he lightly puts his hands together as he rises from his seat. "Mmm, I lov...." And thats when it hits him square in the face...."Begorram!" He grunts, a hand going up to his mouth as he looks down at the bouquet and his broken cigarette laying between his feet. A bit of a mumble as he reaches down to retrive the bundle of flowers, "The hell is this?" Mercs don't attend weddings very often it seems. He holds the flowers up now, "Alright who's the wise ass?" <English>

Danniella laughs and nods as she runs around the newly weds as best she can in three inch heels and a dress cut at the knees. "Coming right up mr. and mrs. babbage." She gets to the table she had set up the cake on. Instead of a cake it is a giant white box in it's place. She places her hands on the box ready to take it off. "Ok here is your wedding cake." She lifts the box with as much of a florish as possible to reviel the cake. The cake is three tiered with light blue frosting evenly coating the whole thing. There is no flaw in the frosting at all and seemingly randomly there are little yellow chocolate flowers placed on the tiers of the cake. On top of the cake is a cake topper but no ordinary cake topper. It is a chocolate figure of the bride and groom. It is even colored to look just like B and Rose. The figures are so accurate even down to the designs of Roses dress and the little blue squares on B's tie. Surrounding the cake are three rings of cupcakes. All the cupcakes have the same light blue frosting as the cake but the cup cakes have three toppers. All the toppers are made of sugar and are doves, wedding bells and hearts. Under the toppers on the cupcakes written in yellow frosting is 'Babbage and Rose forever'. Sitting on the table next to the cake is a card. On the card it says, 'Layers of the cake are as follows, Bottom layer - chocolate Middle - white Top - Ice cream Flavors of the cupcakes are as follows, Doves - chocolate Wedding bells - white Hearts - Ice cream'. <English>

Rose falters as she stares at the revealed wedding cake. "...jeez," the woman mutters under her breath, glancing to Babbage with a raised eye. "Here I was thinking just, like, something you get at the grocery store," she admits, still just whispering. "This...is pretty awesome. Shall we than?" she asks, moving to pull a large cake knife up. The viricide should come later; for now, she offers the handle to Babbage, so the two might cut the first slice together. <English>

Jasmine watches as her daughter bounces like a maddened basketball towards the food table, apparently switching to english for the simplicity of a one-syllable word. With each bounce she gets closer, and utters, "Cake!" "Cake!" "Cake!" <English>

Babbage places hand on the knife over Rose's, and grips it tightly. "Grocery store cake is exactly what we'd have gotten if Danni hadn't offered to make this--" He looks at the cake's topper. "That's /us/! It's not a generic plastic couple; it's actually us!" <English>

Danniella nods back and grins at B and Rose as they get ready to cut their cake. "The bride and grom get to eat the cake topper by themselves. Oh and by the way B the topper is filled with ice cream." She winks to them and backs away enough for the cake can be admirede and such. <English>

Rose chews on her lower lip, as she pushes the knife down, makes the first cut with Babbage. "Yaknow," she mutters under her breath. "I'm going to feel -incredibly- guilty eating those, if they're...uh, edible. Is there a proper way to do that? Hmm." She glances to one side and, with a mischevious smile given to Babbage, calls out to Angelina: "You'll get the first slice, OK?" She pulls the knife out again, cuts at an angle-- and brings the slice out and onto a plate. "You wanna tell them all to rush the food, than?" she teasingly asks Babbage, whilst discreetly holding the plate-o'-cake-slice at Angelina's 'level.' <English>

"I could probably arrange mistletoe - or a reasonable facimilie of it," Amber informs Lethaniel. She lifts her voice "Take them with you Epona! You can eat Babbage tonight in the privacy of the ship where no-one will see the chocolate melting." <English>

Babbage grins when Rose gives Angie the first slice of cake. And once that slice is given, he brings the knife (as well as Rose's hand) back up to cut the next slice. He nods at Amber's words, and quietly says to Rose, "Yeah, let's wait until tonight to eat each other." <English>

Rose opens her mouth, perhaps to say something terribly impolite-- but falters, smiling sheepishly at a particular face in the crowd. "Shhh," she gigglingly hisses to Babbage, turning back to the cake as she stifles laughter. "Mom's /right/ behind us," she laughs, before looking up and grinning to Lethaniel. "Well thank you. Think now is a good time to let the vultures go -wild- at the cake," she mutters, "and try to hide from Mom asking ques-- dammit, now -Dad's- laughing!" For whatever she might curse, the woman still grins. Blushes, yes, but grins. <English>