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Not even the buffeting winds on the tarmac can move her hair. As her clothes flap in the breeze along with the tarp that covers a rather large looking crate beside her, the woman known as Bambi Beauvier looks frightened, but she remains coiffed. In one arm she holds a little toy dog, pressed close as if she is seeking its miniature protection. Like its owner, the pooch also sports a tall hair-do, this one secured with a small pink ribbon. As her large blue eyes scan the tarmac, they seem to light on nothing that might offer her comfort, for her frown remains. Something does, however, catch the dog's eye. With a terrific leap for a critter of its size, the animal flings itself from her arms and charges toward a stand of food vendors. Bambi's exclamation is lost to the noise of the ships, but she hurries after the animal, her efforts hampered by the heels she wears. <English>

Just then the so-called Gypsy Prince is wandering through the docks. The man wears a bright smile and why not? He just gained his title back, got off an Alliance ship that was hunting Pirates, and can now roam freely among the gadje vendors and crowds, taking in his surroundings. His own clothing flutters quite nicely, as though it's meant to do that and indeed his shirt and pants are quite baggy. The man certainly stands out as Romany in this crowd, even more than most of the male Rom, as the Prince is supposed to draw attention and appear a certain way to the non-Romany. As he spots the little dog running past him his pace falters, blinking once or twice, head quirking to one side just a touch before he looks to where the animal went, and then from whence it came. Spotting the owner chasing after the little animal the man turns and begins to hurry after the dog as well. He calls to the dog lightly in some odd flowing language, Romany. <English>

"Boopsie!," Bambi can be heard to yells as she charges forward with that awkward gait, looking like each step is merely an attempt not to fall forward. "Her name is Boopsie!" Silver hoop earrings dangle wildly to either side of her head as he nears. "Save her!," she shouts to anyone that will listen, her eyes at last falling on the prince. "Please," she begs to his back as he goes after the animal. Boopsie, for her part, is a fast little runner. she zigs and zags through a scattered pile of crates, dodges the wheel of a passing cart and makes straight for a stall that sells meat she just mind find a little...close to home. <English>

Did she just say Boopsie? Chovian doesnt give time to ask, though as he notices the dog's apparent destiation the man grins a bit and his pace becomes more careful, the man making sure to take his time a bit more to step around people. It's obvious he's not going to catch the quick little pooch so he might as well meet it at it's destination, and if something happens well, him getting there a bit sooner after the fact probably wont make a huge difference will it? He does jog after the dog and when he gets close enough he bends down to slip hands around either side of the animal, if possible. "Hello Boopsie." Siad in a gentle tone. <English>

Boopsie is easy to catch, for she has come to a stop at the side of the booth, gobbling up some scrap of mystery meat when the hands close around her. If she is fearful of having committed an act of cannibalism, she shows no sign, he mouth smacking as she finishes the morsel, to be followed by her tongue licking her chops. There is also a fair amount of squirming as she seeks a means to the ground to look for more deliciousness. In a matter of moments, Bambi has caught up, a tendril of platinum hair stuck to her cheek for her efforts and beads of perspiration on her brow. She is like a Monet on Earth That Was, gorgeous at a distance but up close all of the brush-strokes can be seen. And there are many; she is heavily made up to disguise the encrouchment of wrinkles. "Thank you! Oh, thank you so much," she gushes at Chovian, reaching out ridiculously manicured hands for the animal. "Bad Boopsie! Bad!" A fingertip lightly tapes the nose of the animal and is licked for its trouble. "How can I thank you?" <English>

Chovian lifts the animal up and draws it against him to support the creature properly, it seems he has some inkling of how to hold a small dog, or at least a small animal. As the woman comes closer he offers her a friendly smile, handing the animal over, and as he observes the interaction between human and animal his smile grows bright. "Is my pleasure." Said with a slight bow of his head, the man speaking with a deep Romany accent. "Thank me? Oh, well, thanks is enough, really was nothing." A pause and he extends his right hand. "Am Chovian Noravasi." Offered to her, his hand held palm-up in the gentile manner, and if she should place her hand there he'll bow and place a light kiss upon the back. <English>

"Oh. Oh. Oh!" As Chovian's lips near the back of her hand, Bambi cannot help the little peels of delight that escape her lipsticked mouth. For a moment it seems she might swoon; her knees bend a great deal, but she is up quickly a radiant smile on her features. "Goodness," she says, slightly out of breath, "that is the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a month of Sundays. /And/ an accent!" She adopts a look of shocked delight and looks as if to an invisible co-conspiritor before swining her baby blues back to the Romany Prince. "Cho-vi-an Nor-a-va-si," she says with supreme care to pronounce each syllable separately, "you definitely have my thanks. I," she touches her chest as if he might not understand the word, "am Bambi Beauvier. And I am looking for a ship." A little curtsey. <English>

Chovian's eyebrows raise at her flustering state and he certainly seems to enjoy the reactions, the man smiling brightly. If allowed, his hand will continue to hold hers, still with her hand atop his, his fingers slipping around her own in a gentle manner so she can withdraw it with little effort if she wishes. "Is pleasure to meet Bambi Beauvier." Said to her in a warm tone, and when she speaks of a ship he grins lightly. "Then is fate we met, happen to be captain of ship." <English>

"You don't say..." Bambi's smile is a radiant, blooming flower of white teeth and he arm loops and intwines itself around Chovian's, if he will permit it, like ivy strangling a tree. "Fate, indeed. Tell me, Captain Choivian," she says coquettishly, "does your ship take passengers?" Boopsie is pulled to her other side and cradled against a hip. <English>

Chovian's smile smooths out as she slips her arm around his and he quite willingly curls his arm around her own, enjoying the contact it would seem. "As coincidence, does." Said to Bambi with his warm smile. "Would like to see? Is not here, is at Spaceport, would be happy to give tour, introduce to any crew who are around." He begins to move, leading the woman arm-in-arm toward the Spacers District. <English>

Aren't you just the nicest, handsomest man on four planets!," Bambi croons delightedly. She even gives the man a little hip bump with the side of her leg. "Oh!" She suddenly frowns, her pink, frosted lips turning into a little upside down arc. "I have some things here..." She bites her lip and gestures back to where she was standing where a steamer trunk and a large crate covered in a tarp sit. "Will they be ok? Or should we bring them?" <English>

Chovian releases a light hearted laugh at the hip bump and gives the woman with the odd hairdoo and the little toy dog a wink, seeming quite pleased by her cheerful antics. "Such flattery from such refined woman, should stop before ego gets better of me." He grins lightly, before his eyebrows raise at the 'Oh'. His head tilts just a bit at the frown before his gaze is drawn over to her things and he blinks. "Oh." Said himself, pausing with a knit brow. "No, is not good idea to leave here, will assist." He offers her a warm smile once more, moving along in that direction now. <English>

"Once again, to my rescue! You're making me feel like a Princess from one of those kingdoms on Earth-That-Was," Bambi is probably incapable of blushing, but she sure looks like she's trying her damndest. She steers the way toward the luggage, a course that leads the pair into a near collision with a drunking singing man in a green hat. "Oh!," Bambi blinks in startlement, pressing herself close to the Captain. "I think someone has had a little too much fun juice!," she mock scolds, wagging her finger at Remus with playful abandon. <English>

Chovian laughs softly. "If is true, then am doing things right, as everyone should be treated special, especially someone lovely as you." He winks to Bambi before his gaze shifts to Remus and he grins brightly at the man, nodding as he moves to help fetch Bambi's lugguage (There isnt a giant hair dryer in there right?) He moves along, after much ado perhaps, along toward the spaceport, still in good spirits. <English>

Bambi trundles along, very content to let Chovian do most of the work. The steamer trunk is surprisingly light, and, as it turns out from the tapping under the tarp, the crate contains a so,lid number of small yippy dogs. Fortunately, it is on wheels. <English>

He pulls/pushes, whatever the items along, still wearing a mild smile, humor on his expression, and he looks to Bambi with a warm gaze now and then, quite taken by his new friend it would seem. "There is." Said with a nod toward the Firefly with the grinning devil painted on her hull. "Have ever flown on Firefly before?" Asked as he tugs her things along moving up the ramp. <English>

"Never," Bambi says, her voice slightly awed, clearly impressed with the ship. "It is very appealing," she notes after a moment of allowing her eyes to linger on the curves and lines. She nearly breaks her neck as she strains to look up walking closer. "Now," she finally says as they arrive at the top of the hatchway leading into the cargo bay, "there is only one. Last. Problem." With each of those three words she taps his chest. "I can't pay." And with that admission, her face cumples. "Please don't kick me off the ship. Please! I probably shouldn't have told you 'til we were in space or something, but you're just so darned nice. And I promise I will make it up in other ways. I can cook!" <English>

Chovian's head tilts a bit as she begins to speak, the man's eyes meeting her own, brow knitting in curiousity at her statement of a problem. As she confesses her lack of payment ability and then asks not to be kicked off he blinks a few times, listening, then smiling gently. He draws her lugguage up so it's in the hatchway and reaches out, stepping closer his hand once again clasps hers and he lifts it to kiss the backs of her fingers. "How can resist pretty lady in distress?" Said to her in a gentle tone, eyes meeting her own as he smiles, expression matching his tone. <English>

Bambi smiles.