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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

John Black
Full name John Black
Date of Birth November 15, 2491
Assignment Fisque Law Group
Specialization Investigations
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Light Green Eyes, Dirty Blonde Hair
Height and Weight 5'8/175
Status Deceased


  • 2491 - Born to
  • 2506 - Unification War begins.
  • 2507 - Joined the Independants.
  • 2509 - Captured after a small skirmish.
  • 2509 - Escaped(released) to rejoin the Independants.
  • 2511 - Unification Day and end of the war.
  • 2511 - Dissappeared right after war ended.


Ending up in Persephone after hiding for so many years, changing himself to suit the needs of survival. There he found himself outside a ship, watching a very loud mouth woman giving dock workers a hard time. Finding it amusing he found himself telling her to settle down, calm down and let them work. Since that time on Vivian seems to have taken him in, getting him off the streets and helping him out. Little did he know that she soon be in his mind most times, almost seeming to be something he could not control, concidering she was not his type at all...at that time.

Current History

Current History gets him in a law group called Fisque Law Group and because of his current skills in investigations he was assigned to lead a group of investigators in any job that requires in gathering any info. Though a few months back he came to a point where he could have died unless with the dedication of his beloved and soon to be wife Vivian Youngblood. Since that time it has been hard for him to get back into the work habbit of putting himself almost totally into his work, considering his life flashed before his eyes and there was not much to say that he had accomplished.
