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Latest revision as of 01:42, 2 August 2010

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Twisted halo
Captain Chovian Noravasi
Class Hornet
Crew Capacity 6
Cargo Capacity 100 tons
Top Speed 852 MGLT
Command Crew
Piloting Crew
Engineering Crew
Military Service


Ownership History

Mostly unknown however, rumored to have once been in the posession of the Romany 'Grandmother' before her death.

== Description ==
Small in comparison to some vessels, this ship is long and fairly sleek, appearing somewhere around 140 feet long and 27 feet in height. A main fuselage, wider than it is tall, with windowed cockpit to the fore, raised up above the rest of the vessel but not by much. Reaction Thrusters extend to either side of the vessel, slightly to the rear on small 'wings' of sorts. Windows are placed along the ship's sides, suggesting that it was designed for a measure of comfort for it's passengers, instead of being square or round however they are long and narrow, rounded at the edges and appearing rather 'retro' really.

The Hornet is painted a dark, jet black, the finish not glossy though it is obviously purposefull. The paint might remind someone of what might have covered the stealth jets on Earth-that-was. Tiny silver blotches do dot the surface of the vessel, all of varying sizes and even one now and then a dull red or blue. The ship appears to be painted like space, and one might even pause to consider just how easy this thing would be to spot in space with the naked eye. Just behind the cockpit, beneath one of the windows are the words 'Twisted Halo' in silver paint, with the 'O' in Halo painted golden and twisted as though to depict it's namesake.

