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news Player Rules

You shall refrain from using excessive vulgarities anywhere, either on channels or OOCly, or IC in poses or says. If you are found to use them excessively in the eyes of the admin, you will be warned and asked to refrain from further excessive vulgarities. Further excessive use of vulgarities will result in various punishments.

Prejudicial slurs, phrases, comments or innuendo will NOT be tolerated OOCly, Period. ICly they will be kept to a minimum. If you are caught ‘bashing’ someone OOCly, or if it is too vulgar or too much, you will be dealt with swiftly. Harassment of anyone OOCly will not be tolerated as well.

Abuse of code (Server-side or Game-side) will NOT be tolerated. If you find a bug, loophole, typo, or anything else of the sort, report it to the admin, as usually they will reward you for your assistance. Anyone found abusing code will be simply @nuked and @sitelocked, and depending on extent of abuse, report to their ISP as well as the authorities.

The admin’s word is final. You may discuss politely with the admin their decision, but if they have made a final decision, that is the end of discussion. If you have an issue with the decision of an admin, contact the Gamemaster/Mal who will make the final discussion. However, in most cases the judgment of the first admin will be held firm unless deemed unfair in some way. If you become obnoxious, mean or anything of the sort, you will be punished for your actions. The admin are here to make your MUSHing experience better, and they are not out to get you.

Any scene in which you do not wish to take part, it may be ‘faded to black’ for yourself, however the results will still occur. (I.e.:- You don’t want to play out your execution or play out things that would make you so upset that you don’t want take part in the scene) will be completed by an admin on behalf of you, and you will be told the result. Sometimes a ‘fade to black’ will be given by an admin on a whole scene, because playing out the scene is proving to be a problem for the players, in which case the results will be let known to all of those who were involved.

If any of the rules are broken above, the admin retain the right to apply an appropriate punishment for someone who breaks the rules.

See Also