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news Maintenance

Maintenance System

The Maintenance System on Serenity, as created some interesting converations with players. Why its here? Why are we forced to interact with a piece of code? Is this a MUD-like system?

I'll try and cover the why here.

Maintenance System does few things for the game, it makes a good Tech worth something to a crew. It takes time out of the day for the crew from running cargo, buy holding the ship in place when its being worked on. It takes money out of the ships economy. It allows for the possibility that ships can become damaged and thus need to put in at a Ship Yard for Repairs.

The system is designed to make it possible to RP Maintenance, this is key to any system we would release on Serenity : The MUSH, if you can't RP it... we don't launch it.

It forces crews to think, based on how they treat their ships. We could not do this in any other way that would be practical for the game.

The shipboard commands can be assessed from the Engine room.

Key points of the system

  1. When the ship is under the Maintenance System it must by on the ground.
  2. You can buy parts as long as the ship is landed, you may buy parts within the Engine room, and they will be brought to your ship by dock workers.
  3. The system will not let you use it if you do not have a minimum of 20 in the repair skill for the class: Thus in order to work on a Firefly, you would need Repair:transports at 20 or higher
  4. The better the tech, the less parts they need to use to repair a given system.
  5. Most ships should run at a status of good condition, between 90 and 75 percent Maintenance, even if you do that there is still a chance of taking damage to a system.
  6. When a system is damaged the only way to repair it is at the Yard, Yard time is about an hour, per level of damage a system takes. Yard Fees vary for docking, and vary per level of damage repaired. More if they have to tow you in.
  7. If you are flying at midnight when the system triggers for damage it is possible you'll need to adjust power to that system to avoid over powering it and burning it out more.
  8. The prices on parts are not always the same. Check the price when you type +mrep because prices /do/ vary from Starport to Starport.


Maintenance Report

Syntax: +mrep

This command gives you a maintenance report on the current status of the ships systems, as well as how many parts you have in stock.

 System Status                                                   =>SHIP NAME<=
Ship Type:     SHIP TYPE          Spacetime:(D:H:M:S) 000:0:00:00
Ship Name:     SHIP NAME

  Reactor Status:         96%         Fine Tuned          Electric Parts
  Sensor Status:          96%         Fine Tuned          Electronic Parts
  Engine Status:          96%         Fine Tuned          Engine Parts
  Life Status:            96%         Fine Tuned          Electric Parts
  Thruster Status:        96%         Fine Tuned          Engine Parts
  Computer Status:        96%         Fine Tuned          Electronic Parts
  Communication Status:   96%         Fine Tuned          Electronic Parts

Parts Prices:   X Credits/100 Parts (PLANET -- SPACEPORT)
Parts in stock: (Ship's Cur Load/Max: 1900/7000)
   Electronic    1700
   Engine         100
   Electric       100

Repairing Engines

Syntax: +mwork <system>=<minutes>

This command sets the ship to work on a specified system (aka communications, reactor etc) for a specified amount of time. The default should be 10 minutes.

Syntax: +moverhaul <minutes>

This command will put all systems in maintenance for the allocated time. So if you want to do 10 minutes maintenance on each system, you only need to +moverhaul once and stack 70 minutes of techtime.


Syntax: +mrestock <parts>=<amount>

This command allows you to restock a supply of needed storage parts, up to a specific amount specified. When you purchase the parts, the money will be deducted from your person. Be aware, parts cost different prices on different planets. Generally it's cheapest to buy parts on the Core planets, but this is not always the case.