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news Alliance App

The Alliance Applcation box is located when you first connet to the game with your Alliance alt, on its @desc it has the following instrutions, if you have questions, please contact an admin, we'll be happy to help you.

Alliance App Questions

The following application is for the Alliance military. Please check as to what positions are open before applying. After filling out this application please +areq I have completed the alliance application and am awaiting review.

Remember to use '+answer <#>=<answer>'. To view your current answers, check '+answers'.

  1. What are the names of all characters you have had on SerenityMUSH(if any)?
  2. Do you have previous experiences on firefly MUSHs, either SerenityMUSH or others? If so please give details.
  3. Do you have previous experiences with military characters in a modern or sci fi setting? (Example: Imperial Stormtroopers on a star wars game etc). If so please give details.
  4. What do you believe (if anything) is the role of the Alliance military on the game (or the role of military on any game concentrated on the civilian side of things)?
  5. What is your concept for a character in the alliance military? (Bear in mind acceptance of this application does not mean acceptance of the concept in all its specifics, such as rank etc.)
  6. What is your e-mail and real life age?
  7. What times are you available for RP tests?
  8. * Is there anything you wish to add that you feel we should know or take into considerations?
  9. What position are you looking to fill? (Note that we may offer you a position other than the one you asked for if that role is already being filled etc)

Questions that are marked with the * are optional, but may help your application.