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Eliza Day
Full name Eliza Day Song
Date of Birth August 26, 2500
Parents James Song (father (deceased)), Xi Song (mother (deceased)), Brenda Waters (surrogate mother)
Siblings None
Spouse Single
Assignment Sentry, Tienlong
Specialization Martial Arts
Gender Female
Eyes and Hair Eyes: Blue, Hair: Black
Height and Weight 5'8" / 172.72 cm, 125 lbs / 56.6 kg
Status Active


Lank and lithe, Eliza Day looks like someone accustomed to sticky situations. Her shoulders, legs, and fists are strong from years of sword and martial arts training, and from exploring the countryside of her home planet, Sihnon. Her Chinese heritage is barely visible in her mostly Caucasian features. Her hair is deepest black and she keeps it tied up in tight, thin shoelace dreadlocks.

Lavender flowers bloom along the sides and across the chest of her sleek black shirt, laced together at the ribs. The fabric extends down through a weapon belt and dangles to her ankles in the back like a longcoat; a long strip also hangs in front of her loins as well, embroidered with a lavender dragon. She's wearing soft leather boots the same deep indigo as her clothes.

Attached to her weapon belt is a pair of wooden scabbards, each one containing a unique Chinese short-sword -- one of them is inscribed with the Chinese characters for "Liang" and the other, "Ming".

Distinguishing Marks
She has a nose piercing and a labret piercing. On her back is an intricate, symmetrical tattoo of a phoenix, tribal-style.

Statistical Information




   Agility: High Average
   Strength: Mid-High Average
   Intelligence: Average
   Charisma: Average
   Technical: Low
   Perception: Average


   Acrobatics - Above Average
   Catch - Above Average
   Cooking - Just Below Average
   Dirty Pool - Average
   Dodge - Just Above Average
   Firearms: Sidearms - Just Above Average
   Gather Info - Average
   Martial Arts - Capped
   Melee Attack - Capped
   Melee Parry - Above Average
   Run: Obstacle Course - Just Above Average
   Seduction - Average
   Streetwise - Average
   Survival - Above Average


   Good Name
   Lightning Reflexes
   Nature Lover


   Phobia (spiders)
   Allergy (cats)

Theme Songs

General Kidneythieves - "Crazy"

Combat Pronobozo - "Full Flex"

Epic Slow-Motion Action Within Temptation - "See Who I Am"


  • Desert Eagle 50AE
    • The Desert Eagle Pistol was conceived on the Earth-That-Was when three people with an idea for creating a gas-operated, semi-automatic, magnum-caliber pistol founded Magnum Research, Inc. The .50 Action Express pistol filled an unmet need in the sporting/hunting market, yet its weight and cost make it prohibitive for use as a duty weapon. The heavy triangular frame and slide give the weapon a distinctive silhouette, while the recoil and thundering report from the heavy ammunition make it an intimidating weapon indeed. This gas-operated semi-automatic is constructed of heavy, machined nickel stainless steel with a matte finish and is fitted with a durable rubberized grip.

  • Katana (2)
    • This katana is a work of art, crafted in much the same way for over a thousand years. The slight curvature of the blade and steel alloys folded many times over make it both light and powerful, as well as sharp enough to cut through armour, flesh, and bone.

  • Impax 'Regency' Body Armor
    • Impax 'Regency' Body Armor is made by the Impax Armor Corporation and was designed at the request of the nobles as an alternative to the standard day-to-day armor. Designed with protection and concealability in mind, the 'Regency' brand armor is nothing more then a jet black bodysuit designed to be worn under most clothing. Consisting of lightweight armor plating, this particular suit of armor is capable of preventing major injury from the majority of attacks while not restricting the wearers movement ability.


During the War for Unification, Alliance Lieutenant James Song captured a Browncoat Sergeant named Brenda Waters and retained her in the brig of his ship. During a particularly brutal interrogation, however, Lt. Song interrupted out of pity and compassion, and put her away in the brig. Soon, the two of them established rapport and James found himself falling for the headstrong woman. Once Brenda met the eleven-year-old Eliza Day, James' child from a previous relationship, the deal was sealed and a romance began to blossom right under the nose of the greatest political power in the system. But when James was killed in the Battle of Serenity, he sent word to her to escape with his child, aided by his most loyal officer Kett Menard, to stay with the Song family on Sihnon. There, Eliza settled into a childhood learning the martial arts of her ancestors and discovering the joys of making war from her new mother. Once she was old enough to leave the nest, Eliza took up her own mantle, free of either Browncoat or Alliance relation, and set off for the stars to make her fortune by the sight of her gun and the edge of her sword. While she claims no true allegiance but to her crew and friends, she harbors a resentment for the Alliance military that sent her father to his death and for the Browncoats that killed him. She can and often does set aside her qualms to fly with anyone anywhere for the almighty dollar, but don't expect her to trust them to the end. "Trust is earned, but so is death."

James Song was a stone-faced hardliner to his men in the Alliance, but at home, all of the rock crumbled before his daughter, the brightest star in his sky, Eliza. He was a heavily decorated soldier. Eliza's natural mother Xi died in a climbing accident on Sihnon when Eliza was 4. Brenda is a fun-loving, hard-drinking outlander that, as she has aged, has developed a taste for the luxuries of her new life and now owns her own beachfront bar. She has evolved to become the foremost pillar of Eliza's life, giving her the skills necessary to succeed in a world of blood and money. They keep in touch regularly, and Brenda maintains a sanctuary on Sihnon specifically for her.

The death of her father James and her escape to Sihnon during the battle of Serenity. Ripped from her father's ship and taken home by someone she barely knew was a rather traumatic experience--but it was an event that turned life in her favor. Raised wholly on the picturesque countryside of Sihnon by her Chinese parents and her Browncoat mother have afforded Eliza a unique upbringing, one that will likely benefit her for a lifetime...or keep her in trouble. I'm not sure which.

Acting as a freelancer, Eliza could likely fall into any sort of occupation--but considering her training and proclivities, she could easily find herself pulling security for a ship crew, maybe doing weaponsmaster duty onboard. On the side, she might dabble in "antiquities procurement", if you know what I mean.

Burn down the house, paint the universe red...Eliza at this point in her life has little to lose and everything to gain, so she's willing to push her experience and moral compass to the brink. She's equally comfortable with babysitting the ship's chef's daughter as she is with kidnapping a diplomat's son. Buy another round for her friends, steal an artifact for a collector--whatever the situation calls for. But at the end of the day, when she is really faced with making a decision between two moral extremes--she will more likely choose the altruistic path. All it takes is enough. Enough bloodshed, enough pain, and even "Ed" will forgo the money for the miracle.