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THIS SHIP IS RETIRED. ICDATE: 25 Jan 2522, explosion in space over Whitefall. This ship and crew are now part of the Redemption.

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.
The Lion Guardant Rampant, insignia of the Invictus.
Captain "Grey"
Class Dragonfly
Crew Capacity 16
Cargo Capacity 500 Tons
Top Speed 1200
Command Crew
Piloting Crew
Engineering Crew
  • Pix, Greasemonkey
Security Crew
Medical Crew
Military Service
Ownership History
  • Captain Jennifer Flintlock (Medevac, 33rd Field Ambulance, att. 23rd Defiant Overland Brigade)
  • Captain Jeane Leigh (Flagship, Leigh Transport Fleet)
  • Captain Grey (Independent Transport Vessel, Vega Enterprises)

Dragonfly Schematic

The Invictus is a Dragonfly-Class transport captained by Grey.


"Out of the night that covers me

Black as the Pit from pole to pole

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the horror of the shade

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid

It matters not how straight the gate

How charged with punishments the scroll

I am the master of my fate

I am the captain of my soul."

- William Ernst Henley


"The Dragonfly was used by the Independents as an Assault Transport, Combat Medevac and Combat Supply Craft during the Unification War. Cheap, tough, and rugged, they distinguished themselves in various conflicts, especially in the special forces role, inserting and extracting troops deep behind enemy lines with startlingly few losses."

The Invictus began her life as a Medevac ship during the Unification War in 2506, belonging to 33rd Field Ambulance. When the War ended in 2511, she was sold off to Captain Jeane Leigh who christened her the Zephyrus, the first ship of what would eventually become the Leigh Transport Fleet. Ten years later, the Fleet's numbers much more substantial and its ships more modern, Leigh had no more need for the old Dragonfly; the Zephyrus was sold to Captain Grey, who renamed her the Invictus. She now sails the Black as a ship owned and operated by Grey and his crew, ostensibly as a part of Vega Enterprises.


The Dragonfly-Class Transport, having been a standard Independent Faction vessel during the War, is built for functionality, not flash. One might think on first glance that the Invictus is just another ten-year-old transport vessel; those with a keener eye and sharper mind know that the Dragonfly earned distinction from the troops for being a reliable piece of kit and as loyal as any soldier.

From outside, the Invictus looks ragged and old, despite the constant paint jobs. Her main colors are grey and black, with accents in a deep blood red, giving her a simple metallic finish and a low visibility profile when her lights are off. On either side of her is painted her symbol, the Lion Guardant Rampant, underneath which is written in in red, 'INVICTUS'.

From nose to tail, she's 210 feet long, with viewports lining the way on both sides of her all the way back. Her wingspan of 100 feet is modest, and this particular model of the Dragonfly has extra stabilizers built in, as she once used to be a Medevac vessel. To the top of her measures 32 feet from the ground, with the Bridge being the highest and foremost point, with a 180-degree vantage point viewport.

When in port, she emanates a soft and welcoming glow from her viewports, almost beckoning to weary travelers and weathered Spacers alike. It's said that her Captain is always welcoming of anyone requesting a hot meal, comfortable bed, or congenial conversation and company.



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