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What is the history of your life?

Some 20 odd years ago, on a back water world on the edge of the terraformed galaxy, few noticed when a dozen drifter colony children disappeared, and those that did took that knowledge to their grave. It seemed, even with the claims of the glorious Alliance and all of its civilization and progress, some things just never really die. And one of those things, of course, is the basic selfish and cruel desires of human nature. Greed, gluttony, avarice. Lust, for violence and blood still abound where the shadows fall.

In such a shadow, Yinn lived most her life. Yinn's parents were killed by raiders at young age, and she was kidnapped and sold into the slave trade. She ended up with pit fighter crew, and was treated much like a 'pit bull' would. Thrown into the pits, the nearly blinding lights, the smell of blood and fear, the stings of pain and blood, fist to flesh, grinding bones, years churned by, one night after the other. Slowly, her name spread through the underground circles, her fierce animalistic attacks feeding the blood lust they craved. The Phoenix, she was finally dubbed, nearly impossible to keep down. Finally she was marked with her name sake, and she began to see more of what life held. Sold to a higher bidding arena, she was taught to socialize in some regards with the customers outside of the pits, making the rounds with her keeper, allowing the viewers an up close taste of the prize fighter. Still ever on edge, wary, hostility seething through her, it took several years for her to adjust to even the most basic of social interactions. Eventually she was found, and rescued by her aunt who brought her in and tried to re-introduce her to the world.

Yinn had a difficult time sitting still, with outbursts of temper for no apparent reason on a near constant basis, even with attempts at teaching her meditation, self control, even a more formalized style of combat, in hopes that it would help. But Yinn was just too restless, too ill at ease and out of her environment, and finally April acquiesced and left Yinn be.

What were your parents or guardians like?

Sold to the crew of a roaming fighter arena ship, at a very young age, they are all she knew as authority figures. All she really remembers of her parents was the last few minutes of her time on her home world, sounds of gun fire and screaming. Once with the fighter crew, she was quickly stripped of all semblances of humanity and hope. She found herself one of a half a dozen youngsters being bred for the pit. Beaten, starved, she and the others were treated like a pack, fighting for the dominance amongst each other that would allow the greatest access to the 'comforts' of food, scraps of cloth for blankets and clothing. Forbidden to speak, to look directly at the crew

What was the most pivotal or important point in your life?: The day that she made the decision to leave her aunt's house, and realized that she actually could. Even a year after her freedom had been bought, she had been having trouble adjusting to the fact that she was free. That she could make her own choices, do what she wanted. The day she left was the true break through for her.

What events have transpired recently to bring you to this point in time?

She began to notice one particular face in the crowd, again and again, watching her with something other than the lust, the desire, or the fury that she was accustomed to. A woman, languid and gentle, soft, sweet featured and richly dressed, always seeming out of place. For six months she came, watching from the corner of the crowd, never speaking to anyone, and then Everything changed. Yinn found herself in a home, a near palatial ranch, or so it seemed in comparison. The woman told Yinn that she was her aunt, her father's sister, April Sprecher, and that she had been looking for Yin for near a decade. April brought her to her home, and tried to reeducate her, and to help her as best as she could. when Yinn reached her 18th birthday, she told April she wanted to go, and April did not have the heart to stop her. Yinn set off from the core world, finding odd crew jobs here and there on drifter crews for as long as they'd have her or until she got too bad a case of cabin fever. For the last few years, she has been drifting across the galaxy, occasionally dropping back into her under world home, but never staying long enough to get caught back in it's web

Does your character have any deep-dark secrets?

The closest to a dark secret would be that she was known for a while in the underground pit fighter areas. While not there of her own free will, some of the activities and things she saw and did were illegal, and she tries to avoid referencing those years as much as possible

Is there any specific thing that would make you stand out from others?

She has a tattoo on her back of a Phoenix, and a multitude of scars and wounds. (Medical scans would be rather unique for her, broken bones, internal injuries healed over, etc. Obviously extensive damage)

On Grid

Brief summary of time on grid:

Yinn served in temporary positions as muscle here and there, until she settled onto the Dark Dragon for some time. Therein, she formed something of a familial/friend relationship with Sink, and Beckett and she became lovers. However, due to inner crew conflict and the restlessness that came with having sat in one place for too long, she parted with ways with the Dragon, on mixed terms.

She was picked up shortly thereafter, within days, by Kennedy Sinclair and Frost's wayward band, where she spend some time as a fighter, and secret bodyguard for the command crew. After Frost's disappearance, and rumored death, the organization began to crumble, and Yinn was given the suggestion to find a hole in the verse to put herself into til things smoothed over. So she did. (Where/how, is currently up for debate!)

Off Grid

Off Grid Timeline (In Progress)

Scattering to the end of the 'Verse, Yinn found herself back to where she had been several years before. In other words, plying her muscle and weapons skills to what might be the highest bidder, if there were such a thing on the outskirts of the universe. She moved from ship to ship, keeping under the rader and off grid, a few credits here, a few credits there, doing whatever piss ant jobs were to be had that seemed like they wouldn't have her on Alliance black lists from day one.

Some of these jobs in those first months included a stint on the Dragonfy-class transport, the Pond Jumper, captained by Albert Busch and piloted by Dustyn Waters, where she stayed for a little over a month, almost two, and somewhere in the mix was a job on the so called raider, the Jahn Suh, captained by James Crowley, where she made something akin to acquaintance with a fellow grunt, Morgan Kendrick. Scattered in, around and between were occasional one time stints, a week here, a few weeks there, the jobs lasting as long as she felt safe to stay in one place, or until an argument over pay, profit splits, or general snarliness resulted in her finding her way by choice, or not, without a crew.

One such altercation ended with an abrupt and somewhat violent upheaval of Yinn on to the planet of Newhall, with little in the way of options for any source of income as the traffic that came and went was few and far between that she would cast an eye to. So, in the name of blending into the crowd, she became one of them, taking one of the thousands of nameless, faceless jobs in the fish markets.

Suprisingly enough, especially to herself, she seemed to find some comfort, not only in the anonymity, but the daily routine and hum-drum-edness of the life that passed her by in those months. No one knew who she was, any mor ethan she knew who they were, and yet, there was some comradarie in the masses.

Still, there were some aspects of her life behind her that she could not entirely forget or, it seemed, do without, and it was only a few months before she found herself in need of some form of contact with the 'real' world, and found herself once again seeking companionship with... well, the Companions. Aedam Cross was at the time, stationed on Newhall, and accepted Yinn's contract, and as the visits between them became something of a regular pastime, the two came to know each other fairly well, at least in the realm of Companion and Client. Yinn found herself more accepting to the more genteel mannerisms of the Companion's life style and the more civilized way of life as the months passed, with some of the civility of Aedam managing to rub off on the woman as she set aside some of the hostility and anger that had been part of her life for so long, at least in some small regards.


2-6 months to fill in still, between what brought her back out into 'civilization'...