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This lesser kept portion of Persephone's port city is home to legions of disenfranchised entrepreneurs, each tent or stall vying with the next in line. Vendors shout their own particular brand of advertisements or allow the pyres of smoke from their grills to do the advertising for them. Practitioners of every walk of life fill the dirt-covered roads, buying and selling goods of every imaginable value. There are cargo containers stacked in high hills throughout the area creating a set of walls for the outdoor market with exits and entrances to each of the landing platforms that circumnavigate the area outside of the Market. Eavesdown is not well kept, as is a common Spaceport, and the lack of tarmac proves a disruptive force whenever a ship engages its powerful engines: kicking up the red dirt of the port relentlessly. To the Northeast, a section between two landing platforms begins the road to the Spacer's District, where those who are less restricted to Eavesdown may find additional business options.


Passe works his way over to Kitty and Eyv, greeting them as well. "How did your night go, Chaton?" he asks the girl, "With Rock, I mean. He seemed, how shall I put it, lost? You'd thrown him a nice curveball, cherie." He glances at Eyvindr though doesn't say anything to the man other than his original greeting. <English>

Kitty chuckles and shrugs a bit to Eyvi, looking a bit embarrassed, perhaps. "It's glad to be back to myself. Yesterday was just an odd day all around, wasn't it?" Passe is glanced at and then she blinks, blushing heavily now thanks to his comment. "I did? I didn't mean to. I was just overly-hyper and kind of strung out." <English>

Eyvindr laughs and gives a nod over to Passe. "Considering everything that's taken place this last month, it's counterweighing all of the sorrow that's gone around, which is a good thing." <English>

Walking up what passes for the road comes a rather dirty figure who obviously was a bit close to a ship or two during take-off from the docks. His two day stubble is still coated with dust, but his mouth and eyes have been wiped clear with some sort of liquid. Zeke is wearing quite the scowl, which seems quite in place considering his current appearance. His eyes bounce around suspiciously and his duster is pulled back behind his holster, making him look quite dubious.

Passe grins at Kitty and says, "Well, as long as you're not too hungover to fly today, we can see about hitting Londinium." With a shrug to Eyvindr, he adds, "And nothing like a little sorrow to remind you to live life to the fullest." <English>

Eyvindr give a nod in agreement with Passe's words. "Too true there. Can't have one without the other." <English>

"It has been pretty bad this past month," Kitty eventually says in agreement to Eyvindr's own words, speaking in a hushed, sad tone of voice when she does. "But we'll get past it..." Kitty looks at Passe and shakes her head. "I told you I'd only have one beer and that's all I had," she sincerely replies with a grin. "And even if I was hung over you would not be able to squirm your way out of your promise." A quick looks around has her seeing Zeke and she squints a bit while once again reaching for a holster that is not to be found. "Gorramit." <English>

Zeke's hands stay out to his sides, but the fingers of his right hand do have the wiggling stiffness of someone who's ready to draw. His distrustful eyes do glance over to Kitty's hand movement for the briefest of moments before bouncing away again, this time to an open ramp to a ship with an unlit interior. As he squints at the darkness, trying to make out something inside of it, he bumps into Passe. A throaty grunt of surprise escapes his lips as he spins to see who he's bumped into.

Shi Xing Xiao returns from the Slums, and begins to move back along the main through fair of the docks.

Passe chuckles at Kitty and says, "Never would I ever go back on a promise to you, cherie. Your perkiness is enough to keep me at bay." He winks and then takes half a step forward from being bumped. "Excuse moi," he says to the stranger behind him, in French, and looking over the nondescript fellow, Passe asks him, "Ca va?"

Shi Xing Xiao looks about the streets, not really focusing on the surroundings. He concentrates on the eb and flow of the people and the ki in the area.

Eyvindr also turns towards the man who bumped into Passe, taking a careful look, as if in the back of his mind, he saw something happen. But, whatever impulse he felt, it passes by as he turns to look over at Kitty. "Everything all right, Kitty?" Eyvi asks, noticing Kitty's motion as if to draw a handgun. <English>

The stranger's scowl deepens for a moment as he glares at the person he bumped into, but this quickly is overcome by a look of confusion. Left eyebrow raising high while the right is still low, Zeke asks in a very gruff voice, "Huh?" Articulate, this one. His right hand raises to brush his duster as if it could get more dirty by bumping into someone. A small amount of dust is kicked into the air from the motion.

Kitty looks at the man who just bumped into Passe and sneers a bit, shaking her head as she glowers at Zeke and a narrowing of eyes that is so very uncharacteristic for her. "Yeah, I'm fine," she says while stepping closer to her friends, shaking her head at the same time. "Better watch yourself, friend," she then hisses out between clenched teeth after hearing Zeke's shortly-posed query, "Good way to get yourself shot." The back pack is slid off of her back and is unzipped and rooted around in, all while staring at the rather dirty man. <English>

Shi Xing Xiao gets closer to the group of gathered. He smiles warmly as he takes in the energy of his area. Apparently conflict could always use some help to ease the tension.

Among the various crowds in the dock is a small cadre of people. Three were having a conversation, Eyvindr, Passe and Kitty, while a fourth was peering into a ship, and bumped into Passe.

Passe corrects himself in English, "You okay?" He looks curiously at Zeke and adds, "New to the docks? Not sure ship owners like people poking inside uninvited." He glaces at the ship Zekek was looking into. "Unless of course you're looking for someone." <English>

Shi Xing Xiao remains off to the side of the main group. He gets stopped by a few elderly Chinese, who speak to him in Mandarin. The monk smiles and returns the conversation.

"I'm not lookin' fer trouble," the stranger says in his extremely gruff voice, squinting eyes narrowing to the point where he's looking through his eyelashes at Kitty, "'specially not with women-folk." Looking back to Passe, Zeke reaches up towards his head to tip an imaginary hat towards the man. "I'm dandy. Apologies, fer mussin up your fancible clothes, mister," it's hard to tell if he's sincere or not, with that voice that sounds like sharp bits of rock being ground together. <English>

Andrew Owen strolls nonchalantly into the dockyards from the Spacers' District. He is whistling happily, though the tune is indeterminable. He notices a conversation in progress among a group of people, only one of whom he is familiar with, though he has seen one or two of the other people before. He begins to make his way over to them, idly curious.

Kitty chuckles. "Boy, you lie like crap, buddy." She pulls out her Slipshot after a bit more digging around and the weapon's pulled quickly out of its holster. "How about you tell us what you're really up to, hmmm?" The pistol is toggled to semi at the same time it's leveled at Zeke's shoulder and judging by the look on her face she'll use if if he gives her so much as a hair of a reason. <English>

Zeke is quick on the draw. Scary quick. As soon as Kitty's hand starts to raise, he goes for his gun, not bothering to pull it more than three inches away from his hip. His eyebrows squeeze towards each other at the same moment, and his attempt at a polite manner drops immediately. He is just opening his mouth to speak when a young teen hustles by, using the distraction to snatch something from inside Zeke's duster. Noticing this without moving his eyes away from Kitty's, Zeke's left hand shoots out to grab the boy roughly by the hair. Relenting, the boy stops with wide eyes and holds up... Passe's wallet.

Eyvindr lets out a breath as Kitty draws her weapon on the stranger. His face steels, trying to hide the look of suprise. The whole scene errupts quickly as he sees the teen move to snatch up said wallet in question, not sure what was transpiring around him for the moment.

Andrew Owen swears. "Dammit, Kit, stop shooting people!" he shouts, elbowing his way to the crowd to where the group is assembled. He refrains from drawing his own weapon to avoid gettin shot at. When he reaches the group, he notices Zeke is armed as well, and stops dead. He looks around for a moment, taking in the kid, Zeke, and everything else, and is silent for a second before asking, "Uhhh....just what the fuck is going on?" <English>

Passe peers at the scene evolving around him then raises both hands as guns are flashed. "Woa," he cries, and then seeing his own wallet, he cocks his head at Zeke. "C'est a moi," he says, pointing to himself. "That's mine."

Shi Xing Xiao sees the combat insue, and looks to the scatter of people. The Monk pulls back shielding the elderly couple he had been speaking with.

As the kid stands there with the ill-ill-gotten wallet Kitty snarls and the aim shifts from Zeke to the new thief. "Gorramit, Andy, save your sermons on my shooting people for later." She takes to one knee and tries to shoot one of the teen's legs out from under him but misses and the round flies into the side of a crate, sending some splinters to go flying. "Shit!" <English>

Eyvindr scatters to his right on instict, getting clear of the field of fire that's directed towards the ramp of the Redemption. Still watching the scene unfold, the norseman reaches down to his hip, drawing Morrigan in one clean motion from the scabbard on his hip.

Andrew Owen swears again, a bit less audible this time because his forehead is resing in his palm. He has no idea what's going on at the moment, but draws his gun just in case it becomes necessary.

Reacting without hesitation, Zeke releases the young teen's hair and snatches the twice-stolen wallet. In one smooth motion, he tosses it up in the air over Passe as he exclaims in his deep, sandpapery voice, "No harm no foul!" Spinning around quickly with his right foot dragging, he kicks it upwards at Kitty, from a few feet out of reach, sending a shower of dirt towards her face. His gun is still out, but unfired. <English>

The dirt hits Kitty but not necessarily its mark which is very bad for Zeke as she makes to approach him. "You ass..." she growls out while balling up her fist. "You ever come near me or one of my crew ever again and I will kill you. Got it?" The fist is shot out towards the man's face, hopefully hard enough to knock him out so he can be dealt with by the authorities (read: The Alliance *dumdumduh!*). Everyone else is pretty much forgotten by now. <English>

Chovian steps gradually out of the hanger. The man had left the lawnchairs just outside the entrance to the Shipyard, or at least.. near enough. The man carries his cotton bag as well as his violin now in it's case. Both are set aside but not before a new drink is withdrawn from the bag, uncapped and lifted to swallow it's contents while sortof watching his immedeate surroundings.

Andrew Owen stands back, not wanting to get involved despite knowing one of the people involved in the fight - he still has no idea what's going on. His gun is still out, but it's pointed at the ground, his finger off the trigger.

Watching the scene unfold before him, Eyvi's muscles tense. He knows better than to get involoved, despite what the pickpocket has started up with his friends. His fingers tracing over the leather wrapped grip of his sword, he waits, watching.

Flinching back from what might've been a painful experience, Zeke shuffles back a few steps, keeping his head level and remaining aware of his peripherals. His gun is still aimed at Kitty from his hip. The kid to his left, shocked into motionlessness, receives a strong push. "Git!" After a couple of blinks, the boy does as ordered and sprints away. "Now, now 'lil miss. I tol' ya once, I'm not lookin' fer trouble, 'specially not with the women-folk. Yer fine gentleman here still has his, and I see no reason fer us to be fillin' each other full'a'holes. Ya got two options, as I reckon. Y'all can go back to yer flirtin' and blushin' and I can make my way outta 'ere, or y'all can hire me as a fellah to keep other fellahs from doin' just what was bein' done." <English>

"Not good enough," Kitty hisses out while staring down the guy who tried to pickpocket her crewmate and she takes another couple of steps closer to him. "You get out of here now. And if you want to talk to me or any of my friends ever again you're going to do it while laying on your gut and sniveling like a gorram puppy. You. Understand. Me?" Her body tenses and her eyes narrow to nearly-closed. <English>

Andrew Owen flips his gun back to safety and places it back in its holster, satisfied that Kitty's successfully managed to overcome her tendency to overreact long enough to avoid blowing someone's brain out one more time. He remains quiet, listening to the argument in progress between Kitty and Zeke.

Seeing that the fireworks from the handguns has stopped, Eyvi comes circling back around to Kitty's side, Morrigan sill brandished and glistening in the afternoon light. "That's not a way to go hiring yourself out to join a crew," Eyvi says in a dispassionate tone to the stranger. "Most folk, reputable or no, usually post it on the Cortex... this is a good way to get a criminal record." <English>

Zeke's thumb blurs the hammer of his gun back as Kitty approaches. He paces her with his backpedalling, looking amused. "Not another step. I'd hate to ruin somethin' purty like yerself." Despite his cavalier attitude, his mien is that of someone that could kill a few people before breakfast and not have any trouble getting his pancakes down. "I'm gonna back away now and holster my shootin' iron. Y'all can do all the threatenin' ya like, but make one move towards that pistol or my sun-blessed face an' I won't hesitate to give yer organs a nice breeze." His mouth twists into a lopsided smirk, leaning heavily to the left. "Y'all are missin' out by not hirin' me - not the other way aroun'." As promised, he continues to back away. <English>

Chovian leans back in his lawnchair, still smiling lightly as he watches the goings-on though shows no signs of spotting any major occurances or perhaps it not really bothering him. The Romany simply lifts his bottle and sips a bit more, looking rather relaxed at the moment.

Kent meanders on into the docks finally... adjusting his duster a bit as he wanders towards his ship just absentmindedly ignoring the constant shooting and stuff...

Kitty snirks. "Yeah. We'd want to hire a walking dung pile. Now get the fuck out of here." Kitty steps one step closer and pulls back her shoulders, all while staring at the taller would-be-pilferer. It's easy to tell that Kitty's not going to back down which gives Zeke two options shoot her or do as she says and beat feet. <English>

Eyvindr takes a step between Zeke and Kitty, the towering nordic cowboy blotting out eachothers vision of the other. "Take care with getting yourself hired on, sir... today, no laws were broken and nobody was hurt." As if expecting Kitty to try and circle around him, both arms go up to impede her progress. She can still see Morrigan is in his right hand, at his ready. <English>

With a roll of his eyes and a pbbbbb of his lips, Zeke offers the slightest of shrugs and raises his pistol to shoulder level. No point in shooting from the hip if you don't have to. He fires a shot a couple feet over Kitty's head, making sure nothing is in the path of the bullet beforehand. "Now, now. I've warned ya twice and fired a warnin' shot. If'n y'don't back down right here'n'now it's self-defense. Dongma?" Then his face drops down into one of the foulest scowls in the 'verse. <English>

Kent may not see the shooting... but a bullet being fired usually gets his attention... He glances up and looks around as he continues walkin towards his ship not really wantin to shoot anybody yet...

Andrew Owen swears. "Fuck," he says loudly, almost a shout.. He quickly snatches his pistol out of his holster - he hasn't even had time to close it yet. He flicks the safety off and points the weapon squarely at Zeke's right temple - he's at the wrong angle to be able to aim at his forehead. "Alright, both of you. Calm. The. Fuck. DOWN!" the last word is more a scream than anything. "Dipshit, I don't know you, but I will not hesitate to ventilate your skull if you don't holster that iron. Kitty, I like you, but if you don't stop approaching this man so help me I will shoot you in both kneecaps. You both need to chill, okay?" <English>

Kitty finds herself blocked by Eyvi as the shot is fired and she winces. "Gorramit, Eyvi!" She's fully expecting her friend to be shot or something and she forgets trying to get around him and opts for hugging him around the middle and she begins to cry. The way she's carrying on one'd think that the tall Norseman's heading for the Longhouse in the Sky. "Shut up, Andy! Eyvi's been shot!" <English>

Chovian's attention turns to the sound of the gunshot, lifting up his chin a bit and stretching upward in his seat as though to get a better look. The man's smile fades, expression turning more serious although there's a measure of curiousity there, the type of expression suggesting he doesnt want to get involved but would like to see what's going on. The Gypsy lifts his bottle of some sort of fizzy clear liquid, gulping it down before he sets it aside and rises from the lawnchair, sidestepping while keeping his attention toward the sound of gunfire, moving to climb up on a small cargo box, then reaching out and hopping to climb up on a bigger container. Now up about five feet he watches the goings-on with a better view, and not seeing any Romany involved in the action, he seems to decide that this is a good place to watch, although he's carefull to move if any of those guns are pointed in his general direction.

"Filth of Loki!" Eyvi growls as the shot rings out over his head. His blue eyes are cold as he stares down Zeke, though the shot rang out too close for the Norseman's comfort. His right hand comes around, leveling the point in warning towards the pickpocket. "And here I was... allowing this shitstorm to end without another shot... but here you are, tempting fate like some pig skinner who feels he has something to prove! Holster that thing now and be gone before you find yourself dead or have a problem with the Alliance!" <English>

Zeke's head doesn't turn towards the man with a barrel aimed at his brainmeats, but his eyes certainly shoot that way in a hurry. Raising both arms in surrender, he allows his pistol to hang from his trigger finger, barrel twisting towards the ground. Curling it, he allows the pistol to drop - straight into its holster. Flashy guy. "That there's some good advice, fellah. I'd listen to yer wise frien', Kitty. Hopefuly next time we meet things can be more pleasant an' all civilized an' such." Turning slightly towards Andrew Owen, Zeke offers a small nod. "I'll be takin' my leave'a this mess. Ya'll keep to the shade, now."

Then the stranger begins to make his way down the street, keeping as many people as possible in his field of vision in a rather paranoid fashion. <English>

A low, feral snarl sounds from behind Eyvindr and Kitty grunts out from behind him. "You're not allowed to call my by my name, you bastard. No one who shoots my gorram friend is allowed to call me by my name. You can't talk to me anymore!" Kitty's voice cracks and she takes back up with the sobbing, still not having it dawn on her that he is alright or that Andy had pulled his gun out on the hapless Zeke. <English>

Andrew Owen tracks Zeke with the barrel of his firearm for a few steps as he walks away, before again safetying and holstering his gun. He walks over to where Kitty stands with her arms around Eyvindr. "He's fine, Kit. He's not hurt." <English>

Wandering out of the area in the same way he wandered into it, the dusty stranger continues to watch the group over his shoulder until there's too many people in between them for a shot to reach his back. Once that distance is reached, he goes back to darting his eyes from person to person, ship to ship, ever leery. Once again, simple things are disrupted in Zeke's wake.

Eyvindr continues to stare hard at Zeke, the tip of Morrigan continuing to follow the pickpocket. He steps around in time with Zeke's steps, keeping his body as a living divider between the brawling participants.