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Charleston History

Charleston Family Crest.JPG

House History

In the infancy of the Anglo-Sino Alliance and the formation and terra-forming of worlds, Noble and House Lords alike began to spawn and grow. One of these men, over a hundred years ago would be considered the founding father of industry to the planet that was being terra-formed and later to be called Verbena. This man was Jeremiah Charleston.

He was out to make a name for himself. He was a smart, intelligent man. A man only in his thirties with many Master degrees in technology. He founded the company known as Charleston Industries (CI). He acquired 11.5 miles of land, and founded the company upon Verbena. His wealth, power and fame grew. Jeremiah was subsequently murdered on his visit to Osiris to meet with the Anglo-Sino Alliance leaders. His son, Nortel Charleston assumed control. Nortel applied for Lordship to the Anglo-Sino Alliance in 2390. It was granted and approved.

Jeremiah was considered the founding father of the Charleston House. Nortel was the first Lord to the Charleston House. Since it's induction, hundreds of Lords have come and gone on the 10 thousand acre of land owned by the Charleston House on Verbena. The current house Lord is Timothy Charleston. The current heir and Noble-Son is first born Frank Charleston.

Company History

CI, creating a better 'verse, one spare part at time. -- Jeremiah's slogan in 2350.

Charleston Industries. Providing cutting edge of technology to every Captain, Doctor, Engineer, Officer and those in between. Technology that is more reliable and better tested then anything in the verse. -- Timothy' slogan, current

CI was built and founded by Jeremiah in 2320 on Verbena. Since it's induction over two hundred years ago, CI has been a family owned and operated company. The company was built for the sole purpose of making flight faster, easier and more affordable for ship captains and military brass. CI has both research and development teams who continually develop and build new technology and it's own manufacturing line, testing plant and architects. Since it's induction, the company has spread itself out more to include the development/creation of medical parts and equipment, computer components and technology and ship parts.

When it was first conceived, the company only owned 11.5 miles of land near the Capital city on Verbena. It employed nearly five thousand employees. Now, well over two hundred years later, the company owns well over a hundred miles of land on Verbena, is located in a majority of the cities and has plants on several other border worlds and a drug research facility on Greenleaf. It employs nearly twenty percent of the citizens on Verbena.

It's medical equipment and systems can be found in major hospitals throughout the border and core worlds; including Ariel. Ship systems, parts and components can be found on many ships; excluding the military.