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IC Time: Jul 31, 2523 - 13:06:56


Valiant - Common Area

This is the hub of the ship, a comfortable area for crew and guests to relax and socialize. The space occupies most of the starboard half of the upper fore deck, with hatches leading further forward into the cockpit, aft to engineering, as well as port and starboard to the aft hallways. At the aft of the compartment, a modest cooking area is set against the bulkhead seperating it from the common area, and is appointed with sink, cook top, and refrigerator built into the cabinetry used for storing dishes and foodstuffs.

The central area is occupied by a comfortable wooden dining table with seats enough to accomodate ten people. Tucked against the starboard hull, in the forward corner, is a set of couches covered in a durable microfibre fabric grouped around a low coffee table, with a modest cortex terminal mounted in one corner. The walls are panelled in some sort of dark hardwood, with brass fixtures to provide light, while the floor is covered in a high wear cut pile carpet of neutral colour.


"I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler, I'm a long way from home

And if you don't like me, then leave me alone

I eat when I'm hungry and I drink when I'm dry,

If the moonshine don't kill me, I'll live till I die..."

This excellent tune, sung less than excellently, belongs to Fael. He's segued from the lyrics into a chorus that involves a lot of la la la's, or else he forgot the rest of the words. Technically, he's sweeping the floor of the kitchen, but it seems he's also using his broom as a microphone and/or dance partner. <English> With a yawn, Kerwyn steps into the commons from the port hall as she puts the finishing touch on hair that's been pulled back and braided, the rubber band snapping as she finishes tying off the end to keep it neat. Hearing the singing, she glances up, listening and watching, a slow build of a grin to spread across her face. Let her not interrupt the famous rockstar during a performance! <English>

"Lalala la la laaa la, lala la la hmmmmm..." The tune continues wordlessly, and Fael sweeps the broom in a seductive little twirl, herding some dust under the refrigeration unit (because that's how proper sweeping is done) and reaching for a beer on the counter. Depending on the number of predecessors, that bottle might explain the singing. The tech catches sight of Kerwyn as he turns, though, and freezes. Blink. "Oh, uh... hi." <English> When he finally spies her, Kerwyn gives a soft clap, though she wonders as she finally approaches, "Which version of that song were you singing? I know a couple of them and would have joined in." A wink is offered to him with a quiet smile, "How's things going?" Her? Say anything about the dust being swept under the fridge? Never! She won't be the one who will have to one day move it and get it all out! <English>

"Oh, well, it's the only version I know, and that," Fael replies, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck in a gesture of slight embarrassment. "And I don't actually know all the words. Just that bit. And I only sing it when I'm slightly drunk. How are you? How does the rest of the song go?" <English>

"That's most often the chorus, so probably why you know it.. there's many a version of it from old folksongs, to things that were written by some famous Earth-That-Was singers." Kerwyn answers, laughing quietly as she hmms, pondering for a moment, "Some of the other verses.. " And so she starts to sing with a voice that hints at her Gaelic heritage.

If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck,

I'd dive to the bottom and never come up.

But the ocean ain't whiskey and I ain't no duck,

So I'll play Jack of Diamonds and trust to my luck.

Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, before me I see,

You killed my granddaddy, now durn you, try me.

Rye whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey I cry,

If I don't get rye whiskey, I surely will die. <English>

Fael can't sing along, not knowing the words and all, but he does know the tune well enough to dance! Abandoning the broom for a more sentient and ambulatory partner, he attempts to engage Kerwyn in a step that owes something somewhere to a waltz, but is otherwise totally unrecognisable. If she resists or doesn't seem keen on it, he'll waltz alone with an imaginary friend. An imaginary Alina, probably.

Either way, when the song's over, Fael grins and takes a step away, returning the broom to its storage area (or what he imagines to be its storage area). "Doesn't sound like a song they'd teach in Companion school, hey," the tech notes. "Bloody good one, all the same, though. You sing well, you should sing more often. It's good for the /soul/." <English>

Alina comes out of the hatch from the port passageway. Alina has arrived.

What is going on in the common area? Well, it would appear that Kerwyn is sucking at the dance that Fael has tried to engage her in - some drunken waltz - which is probably why she's doing so horribly at it, while he... is doing absolutely wonderful. Making /her/ look good in a very odd way. Laughing, the redhead is finishing up singing a song, it would some, some folksong by the sound of it, though she switches lightly to sing it in another way - another variation that some other artist made popular way back when on Earth-That-Was.

I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler

I'm a long way from home

And if you don't like me

You can leave me alone

For it's dark and it's rainin'

And the moon gives no light

And my pony can't travel

This dark road at night

Oh, i once had me a true love

Her age was sixteen

She was the flower of Belton

And the rose of Saline

But her parents didn't like me

Now she's just the same

If I'm writ on your books, gal

Just blot out my name

I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler

I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler

When song is over, she steps back, giving him a polite curtsey as if they were on some fancy ballroom floor. At the tease, she shakes her head, "It wasn't, no. I learned it from Henry, actually. He was the House mechanic that got me first interested in engineering. I used to sneak out of class to go to the garage and help him fiddle with things.. he taught me how to play the guitar as well.." Sounds like the old man has passed away, but the memory is a fond one, and that gives her things like this music. At the compliment, she blushes, "I do.. at times. I was just never one for public recitals or the like." <English>

Somewhere, all the lights shut out and a hush comes over teh crowd. The form of a busty woman can be seen strutting onto the stage with the click of high-heels echoing off the walls. Then Metallica kicks on while the lights suddenly crash their illumination across the woman. She reaches for the pole and turns to face the crowd. This is not Alina. Nor is it the Commons. No its Las Vegas, 500 years prior.

No, Alina walks slowly out of the Port Hall and stops to stare at Fael. Her hand is poised in front of her mouth with a moderately sized white pill hovering just in front of her lips. "What the fuck?" she snorts, giggling at the pair as they finish. Her face bright and glowing, she moves towards the fridge for a bottled water. Sure she looks tired as hell but at least she's in high spirits. <English>

Well, see, you can only succeed at drunken waltzing if you're drunk. That's why Fael succeeded and Kerwyn didn't! He's not (as he would say) completely off his box, but that beer on the counter definitely wasn't the first of its kind. He laughs and steps away from Kerwyn as she finishes the song, applauding. "Ahh, public recitals can get bent," the tech assures. "This, hey! This is the best way to sing. And dance."

Someone who's not a pole dancer (though we hear it has excellent fitness benefits) walks into the area that is not a stage (though it could be), and Fael hurries towards her. Good luck getting that water, he's got his arms out and he looks like there's an impending hug going on here. "Aliiiiiiiiinaaaaa!" glee! <English>

"I would agree with you there." Kerwyn answers, a little breathless, and laughing still at her lack of coordination in the dancing. Yep, she needs to be drunk, no doubt. It's the only way. And yet, as another enters, she grins as well, watching as Fael goes hurrying towards her friend, "Be careful, Alina! Run while you can before he drags you into a dance!" She leans against the counter, completely forgetting what she'd come to the kitchen for in the first place. "It's bad when I can do that dance you showed me at the house so well.. and yet fail at doing a waltz here." And yes, surely, Alina knows which dance she's talking about too! No pole needed, but lots of shimmying of hips. <English>

Deer in the headlights! She inhales quickly and in goes the pill. She nearly chokes as she is glomped, but the pill goes down without a choke. "Elric!!" she calls in reply, throwing her arms open. "You've been boozin'! You hound!" She winks and looks to Kerwyn. "Oh please! Drag me into a dance? This guy? He couldn't keep up." Ohhhhh is that a challenge? "Well I'm glad you could do that much. I was going to show you so much more but he already knocked you up. Though once the little ones are here, we can resume lessons." Poor Fael has no idea who Alina really is.. <English>

"Before he drags you into a dance?" Fael echoes Kerwyn, then nods at Alina, to whom he is still clinging. "Ooh, we could dance. Not in drag, though." He withdraws a little and snaps his fingers twice at Alina as she challenges him, looking affronted. "Hey! Hey! I'm an excellent dancer, and that, I'll have you know that I am an excellent dancer. I could definitely keep up. I would dance like the dancingest person that ever dan... what? Oh, yeah. I've had a bit to drink. Bought some beer and there wasn't enough room in the fridge for it all, and I didn't want it to get cold. I mean, damn, warm. It was cold and I didn't want it to get warm. Anybody can have it though, right, it's for anybody." He points at Kerwyn, "Except you."

A pause follows, as he glances between the two women... something's afoot here that he's missing, but Fael doesn't seem entirely clear on what it is. "What's this about you showing Kerwyn dances?" <English>

That face! It leaves Kerwyn laughing quite a bit, though she does give Alina a questioning look at the pill noticed that is taken. But, it isn't brought up beyond that. "But, the thing is, he's a little tipsy, so trying to keep up with his leading... is not easy." Especially when you're pregnant! Still, she listens to Fael's rambling words, and just blinks, and seems impressed. A lot. "And how many didn't fit into the refridgerator exactly?" She has to ask, though when he points back to her, she shrugs, "I don't have the taste for alcohol all that much right now, so your beer is safe from me, I promise." And then comes the grin that appears at Alina's promise, "Oh, I am good to pick up a few things even now. They say that dance is a great exercise, after all." A wink, and she looks innocently back at Fael, "I learned music and song, but never did really pick up dance until Alina decided to show me some steps.." <English>

"Aw, no dancing in drag?! C'mon! I'll wear chaps and a smelly baseball jersey.." Hmm. And only that? But right.. they still play baseball in the future, right? But alina stares at him through the rest, finally cracking into a cackle at the end. That pill is totally forgotten. Oh shit. "Next time Fael, please.. PLEASE.. tell your XO that you'll be drinking." Fingers reach up to pinch his cheek. "She might want to join you." But with Kerwyns words she moves over to the woman, her movements slowly becomes slower and more sleek. A hand lifts, barely touching at her shoulder as she wraps around her.. still barely half an inch between them. She ducks behind the redhead and moves to lift one of Keri's hands with her own in one sweeping movement. "Its all about grace and poise, my love. Beauty is a byproduct. Except with you. Some women are lucky enough to be born with that." She lets Kerwyn's hand drop and she stands up and pops next to her. "What do you want to learn? We don't have a proper pole, so.." <English>

"Um... several?" Fael replies, scratching his head as Kerwyn asks him exactly how many bottles made it into the tech instead of the fridge. "And it's not /my/ beer, right. It's /our/ beer. Except not yours."

To Alina, Fael scoffs. "Baseball? /Sif/. Cricket, pet! Cricket! Chaps, though, that's alright. Unless you mean chaps like men, that's not alright." Alina distracts him with cheek-pinching before Fael can get too much farther with that train of thought, which is fortunate for everyone. When she steps away he returns his attention to the bottle -- waste not want not, right? -- and when he looks up.. gasp! Both of Fael's hands lift to his head in a gesture of distress at the sight of Alina waving Kerwyn's hand like that. "Stop it with the sinuous-type dancey moves!" he protests. "Kerwyn is here and there shouldn't be that." Pause. "Though considering you're doing the sexy moves /with/ Kerwyn, I don't actually know how that sorts out. And normally I'd just say 'I'll watch!' but Lochlan is around here somewhere, and I'm not keen to get shot, right, I'm just not keen on it, if he were to come in and be like, 'my womaaan!' and that, and then shoot me. So." Fael turns around, back to them. "Carry on." <English>

"Several, hmm?" Kerwyn echoes, then just ends up shaking her head, laughing. A wrinkle of her nose is given at the suggestion of an outfit, the redhead shaking her head, "No, no.. if you want to dress slinky, give me an hour at the shops, Alina... I'll have you dressed so nice, Fael here will become a babbling fool. When he's not drunk!" Utoh. Poor tech. Though, as her friend begins to walk towards her, she pushes away from the counter where she was leaning, and closes the distance as well, turning a little as the blond circles her, hand lifted with a graceful touch. Nevermind how this might look, especially when Fael calls attention to it all. An impish smile appears at his rambles about ehr husband, "Oh, I think he might be as wordless as you are babbling, if he came in right now." Aside to Alina, she murmurs, "More? No pole, of course. I think my sense of balance is a little too off for that right now." <English>

Alina looks up from Kerwyn and rolls her eyes. "Apologies. Cricket. How silly of me. And no, I won't be wearing 'chaps' as in guys." She looks back to Kerwyn. "Hon, I bet if you told Loch you were only going to wear chaps he would drag you off to his room and demand you follow-through on such threats. But..if you want to get something slinky I think we can work something out. I'm getting a decent paycheck and I'm calling in sick for the next few days.. Maybe we can find something.. pleasing?" Her attention quickly averts back to Fael and she cackles. Yes, Alina actually cackles. "Aw, c'mon Elric! It'll be fine. Besides, I can always show you a few dances you haven't seen before." Okay, maybe that was intended as a double entandre. Who knows with her lately, though? But her brow pops with Kerwyn's intention to learn more. "Okay, see.. I'll teach you stuff you can.. Hmm.. wait balance is off." A hand comes up to tap at her chin. "I need music. I can make you a routine to work with what you've got." Well, the little bundles she has. She still speaks so affectionately about her friend's blessings. <English>

"It's no trick to make me a babbling fool," Fael notes to Kerwyn, back still turned. "That's more or less my default mode, hey. It's making me /speechless/ that's impressive, and that's what would happen if Alina dressed slinkly." Yes, slinkly. "I'd be speechless, because I was /impressed/. Are you taking notes, pet? This is why you should dress slinkly." A pause, as he hears Alina. "Wait, is that what you're actually planning to do? Oh, bloody /yes please/. Kerwyn! See that this occurs!"

He'd planned to stay turned around, but at the mention of showing new dances.. it's too much to resist. Fael doesn't actually do a 180, though, he just turns his head as far as he can, peering over his shoulder with one brow raised. As if that's not really 'cheating'. <English>

"I don't think chaps would work for me. I think they only look good on tall people, not short ones." Kerwyn informs her friend, though she grins, "But does my jumpsuit count?" You know, the stained thing she wears when down in the engineering bay working on things. But, when Alina mentions days off, and shopping, the redhead just /grins/, even more at Fael's comment. "Oh, then we're going to Paquin, and you'll see the house, and we'll hit the shops. We can call Mother and get her help as well." Poor Fael. They're going to get help from the Companion. Will he be able to talk at all? Laughing quietly, Ker winks at her friend as she considers dance moves. "Oh yes.. balance.. though... " She leans forwards to whisper something, before ooohing and taking out her PDA to find something, and then hooks it to the intercom to use the speaker just in the common room. <English>

You whisper, "I danced for Lochlan to this song... had him eating out my hand.. and I wasn't even /trying/!" to Alina.

Alina just laughs at Fael. She glides across the floor, hands and arms extended. She moves up behind him and stands on her toes (well, the toe of her boots) to kiss the back of his neck. "Well if you musn't watch, then its your loss. But I promise we won't tell." She winks and moves back to Keri. "Well if you insist. But your mother? Keri... I..Don't want to take from her time! What with who she is and all." The mostest important Companion evar! But then the music comes on. "Oh! Oh I can work with this for sure. Here.. come this way." Lin takes the redhead by her hands and leads her over to Fael. "Here. Watch me with Elric. Then I want you to practice. on this support beam." No, she can't practice on Fael. But her hands lift over her head and clasp, the woman's brown eyes locking with Fael's and she instantly becomes more serious. Her hips make a few quick jerks to capture the music to her body and she slowly begins rolling with the music, her legs carefully moving. The movements might be a little advanced to the pregnant woman... but try she must!! Its a smiple maneuver that ends with her back to the man and her hands on his hips, only a few inches of space between their bodies. <English>

Fael's turned around now, to face Alina -- he may not be entirely aware that it happened, considering that the upper levels of his brain had absolutely nothing to do with it. In fact, those advanced portions are pretty much entirely shut off at the moment, leaving him with the mental capacity of your average lizard.

Speech is definitely out of the question, though his mouth opens and closes a few times, and his eyes are locked on Alina. Not locked on any one part of her, though... no, they're definitely wandering around. Pretty much to the exact areas that dance is meant to direct them. And then she's all backed up against him but not... quite... touching! Fael's head bows as though to kiss that tempting neck, and his hands lift as though to touch those tempting...

But he refrains, and takes a step in reverse, head tilted back in abject despair. "God!" Fael wails to the cruel fates and/or Alina. "Oh, not bloody fair! Not half! Why are you doing this when I'm bloody /drunk/!"

Mission accomplished. <English>

As for Kerwyn? Well, the redhead is watching her friend off to the side, taking note of the movements, the way they tie in together, and... oh. my. The reaction. Yes, yes, she's taking /too/ much notice there, and grinning like a banshee over it. Hiding her laughter, she whistles quietly, grinning at Alina for a moment as she playfully fans herself, "Feel the heat.. damn.. and we're not in the kitchen." And then to Fael, she tsks softly, "See, that'll teach you to have too many beers, and not let Alina know, hmm? Now, you suffer Whiskey Head... poor, you." Ahem. <English>

Alina knows damned well what she's doing. How could she not. With all the lessons and practices and competitions.. Those hands of hers tighten on his hips when he steps away and she stays with him and only moves closer. The music is still going - and thus her hips start those low rolls again. "See? Next time tell your XO so she can drink with you, hmm? Or don't tell her at all. But I can show you again later." She's speaking low over her shoulder and up to him, that damned sly smirk on her face only gets worse as she slowly dances away and moves over to Kerwyn. "But Kerwyn, here.. she's sober." Mmhm. Fael. "So she can get a dance and I can show her a few things. Just remember to practice, love." Yes Kerwyn, practice rolling your hips. Because you're just not pregnant enough. Lochlan needs to make you more-so. <English>

Oh, no, with the music, and the /touching/... Can't resist now. Fael bows his head and kisses Alina's neck, hands running fondly from her lower ribcage to her waist on each side... only so that she can prance away again, mocking his boozing and returning to Kerwyn. Tease! "I was going to say I'll be in my bunk," Fael muses at his XO, "/Recovering/. But you know what.. reckon I'll be in yours instead." He steps towards the port hall, and points an index finger at Alina as he goes. "Twenty minutes!" Fael swears, "Tops!"

Twenty minutes to 'recovery' or twenty minutes until 'passed out on your bed', well, that's anyone's guess. <English>

Fael goes through the hatch leading to the port hall. Fael has left.

Amused to no end, Kerwyn stands, practicing a little of those rolls of hips. Nothing too fancy, mind you. She'll save them to torture the still healing cowboy. Mwuhahahaha. Ahem. "Yes, I'm sober.. and loving every minute of this lesson. Next time, we get Lochlan out here as well, I say." Snickering a touch at an idle thought as Fael tries his best to pull Alina back, only to have her prance away, she listens with barely hidden glee at his warning as he heads off down the hallway. "Later, Fael." She calls out to him before turning to her dancing friend. Now that they're alone, however, she asks, "What did you take when you came in?" See, she remembered the pill! <English> Yes, just too bad for the computer tech. He moves away and he gets a wink as he disappears around the corner. Slowly she winds down and leans against the counter, daring Fael to come get her in 20 minutes. If he even remembers how to read a clock in his state. But Kerwyn's question gets a furrowed brow. "Wait.. what pi-" Hands fly to her lips and she lets out a guilty snicker. "Oh shit." She sighs. "I had just left Alaren's room. Wanted to talk to her about what you mentioned. But I also got a pair of sedatives from her. I haven't taken the other.. but supposedly they knock you out pretty hard and I have.." She glances to the clock on the wall. "Hm. About 8 minutes. Give or take." She reaches into her pocket and produces the other pill. Hiding nothing. Especially when it comes to this girl and taking a drug. <English>

"Ah. Why did you feel you needed sedatives though? I mean, as tired as you are, I figured you'd pass out when you got into bed." Kerwyn offers, glancing tot he second that's pulled out. She's surprised, knowing how her friend is about any medication, but knows too sometimes, you just need the help to /stay/ asleep. "Everything cleared up though with Zach and Alaren though?" She questions before the time is given, and she chuckles, "I'll talk to you once you finish hibernating, alright? Go get some sleep... you need it, Alina." <English>

"I tried to sleep in today but couldn't stay asleep past a few hours last night. I have too much on my mind. That knack that while Im asleep, I could or should be flying or taking care of one of forty things. Restless mind. And if I drink, I sleep for awhile but I'm not rested. You know I'm not about to ask for something like this unless I really thought I needed it." Kicking it was hell once. Never again. "But yeah, I got everything cleared up. Even got a few more things clear with her - specifically how she may or may not conduct herself in a gunfight." Alina shrugs and sees Kerwyn move off. "Alright Me- err Keri. I'll get with you tomorrow about heading to Paquin. See what we can't rustle up in the 'Slink' department." She winks and heads off in the same direction Fael did. <English>