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IC Time: April 24, 2122

Redemption - Cargo Bay - C Deck

This cavernous Cargo Bay stretches about two hundred fifty feet long, fifty feet wide and fifty feet tall. The flooring and walls are entirely functional, being reinforced metal, piping, and wiring. The floor is littered with quick-release clamps to easily attach or detach standard cargo containers. A set of winding stairs lead up to the Training Room on the B Deck from the Cargo Bay, and another set of stairs near the end of the bay lead up to a narrow Catwalk near the Engine Room above. The wide ramp opens just below the nose of the boat, with a spot for the MULE to attach right onto the ramp, so that the craft is ready to deploy as soon as the ramp lowers.

[XXX.XX MHZ] You transmit, "(Zora's voice sounds strained, like she's very upset) Is anyone there? Can anyone available meet me in the cargo bay, please?" <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Adila says, "I'm on my way, Zora. Hold tight." <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Alabaster Smith says, "Ah'm coming, Zora. Just a moment." <English>

Adila arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Adila has arrived. Crow arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Crow has arrived. Idris arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Idris has arrived. Kitty arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Kitty has arrived. Syna arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Syna has arrived.

Zora comes hurrying inside the open cargo bay hatch, blonde hair flying. She's holding a black velvet jewelry box in one hand, and a bouquet of bedraggled looking red roses. She's obviously been crying, and she dashes a few tears away while glancing behind her nervously. Not seeing anyone there, she sighs in relief and leans against a nearby cargo crate. Settling the black velvet box down with a slight thud, she flops the flowers next to it and rubs her wrist. She's changed from her earlier outfit and is wearing the corset she found, with a pair of tight black pants. Her hair has fallen forward over the right side of her face. <English>

You call and Adila is quick to respond. She's learned from former experiences, seconds are everything. The gunslinger is holding her weapon already, she grabbed it off the table and is sliding the clip home when she hits the stairs to the cargo bay. "Zora?!" She calls, spotting the woman and rushing to her side. Her eyes flicker over the bay, "Zora honey, what happened?" She looks at the box and roses, furrowing her brows. <English>

Alabaster Smith comes down into the cargo bay from the direction of the engine room, back in his usual outfit. He furrows his brow and looks to Zora. "Okay, Ah'm here," he tells her. "What's wrong?" <English>

Idris still looks partly sleepy, rubbing his eyes. "Alright," he begins by saying, blinking at the others arriving as well. "I'm here... what's..." He nods again, saying simply, "What they said." The pilot looks toward the jewelry box before back to Zora, eyes looking more awake now. <English>

Appearing from the hallway behind Adila, Crow's hand instinctively rests on the hilt of the sword that's strapped to his back and takes the steps two at the time. Stopping to assess the situation, he pauses as Alabaster walks past him. Stepping around them towards the hatch, he takes a moment to look outside, checking the lock. <English>

Kitty runs down the stairs, heavy-soled boots clunking heavily upon the metal steps with each one her feet hit. "What the fuck...?" She tilts her head and looks around, frowning slightly as she sees Zora. "Huh..?" Slowing down, she approaches her curiously, worry etched upon her face. "What's wrong?" <English>

Showing a bit of her dexterity, Syna slides down the stairs by holding the armrests. She hops down and comes jogging over towards the disembark point, panting a little from how quickly she's arriving. Apparently she had something similar on mind as Adila because her reaction time was in fastforward motion. "ZORA!", she calls out. That's it. Coming to a stop when she sees everyone else responding, she looks to the disembark point to see if anybody else is coming as well or if it's just Zora, then Zora gets her full attention. The box, the roses, and Zora herself are studied. "What's going on??" <English>

Zora is shaking by now, and she raises a hand up to the hair covering part of her face, though she doesn't move it. "I'm sorry," she murmurs quietly, her voice surprisingly strong for how she's shaking. "I didn't mean to bring this here. I left...wasn't supposed to follow. It was supposed to be over." She jumps when she apparently hears something outside, and the hair on her face swings slightly. <English>

Idris tests his Spot against a 55 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-5). Adila tests her Spot against a 55 difficulty. The result is successful (16). Syna tests her Spot against a 55 difficulty. The result is successful (0). Kitty tests her Spot against a 55 difficulty. The result is successful (9). Crow tests his Spot against a 55 difficulty. The result is successful (16). Alabaster Smith tests his Spot against a 55 difficulty. The result is successful (43). You paged Adila, Syna, Kitty, Alabaster, and Crow with 'Zora's quickly developing a black eye.'

True to her form, Adila cups Zora's face with her empty hand if she doesn't shy away. Her finger practically twitches on the trigger with the other. For the moment, all her attention is on Zora. Her eyes skim the nurse, looking to see if the woman is hurt. "Honey, it's alright, don't apologize, just tell me what's wrong." She tenses with a near snarl as Zora hears something outside. Brushing the nurse's hair away, her fingers stop with a tremble. "Zora...who did this?" Her anger is rising quick. <English>

Crow takes a long moment's look at Zora, jaw hardening as he turns to look out the window of the hatch. Shaking his head, he bitterly flattens his lips and grits his teeth against eachother, keeping an eye for anyone looking towards the ship like they're guilty of something. "You came to the right place, Zora....we're all family here." He offers quietly, deciding to not risk his unfamiliarity with her to make her shy. Instead...he guards the hatch. <English>

Alabaster Smith frowns as he looks at Zora. "Mah dear," he murmurs. But then she jumps, and he goes to full alert. "Ah'm sorry to press, but we need details now, Zora. People, ready for trouble. Ah don't like the sound of this." <English> The sound of teeth gritting can be heard from the small mechanic and then, with a hastily muttered 'excuse me', she runs upstairs. Whens he returns she has her duster on as well as her pistol, the latter of which is held in hand. She makes her way towards the hatch and peers out of it, her body tensing. The sight of Zora in the state she is in has Kitty growling. No more cute little kitten - Katherine's about to go in full on tigress-mode. <English>

Idris seems to still have sleep in his eyes from his nap, not really understanding the situation as of yet. Id scratches his chin as he watches Zora talk, glancing between the nurse and the gunslinger. "What's exactly happenin' now?" Despite not really seeing much in the way of danger for the time being, Idris does seem to manage to muster whatever courage he's got, straightening at Alabaster's comment. <English>

Going silent as she stares down at her little minion, Syna's eyes narrow significantly when Adila brushes the hair away that was hiding her eye. Instead of looking angry, Syna's expression turns cold, ice cold. A sharp look and she turns to simply walk to the ramp, her hand actually carressing her knife, apparently the doctor now considers herself security. "What's he look like?" She keeps walking though, maybe she's hoping to run into someone coming UP the ramp stupidly. "Did he follow you? Where's he at now?" Yes, the most important question said last, Syna pauses briefly to look over at Zora - whom probably recognizes the 'authoritarian' tone she is using. <English>

"You think you can run away from me?" comes the low voice from outside. "I followed you to Persephone from Bellerophon, I followed you here from Persephone. I'll follow you wherever I need to until you come back with me." A man appears to go with the voice, a young Asian man, perhaps mid-twenties. He's dressed in very expensive looking clothing, and his cheeks are bright red. He's only taken a few steps onto the ramp so far.

"No!" Zora calls out, beginning to move toward the man with a few steps in his direction. She doesn't answer anyone's questions just yet, her entire focus on the new arrival. "This is stupid, so stupid. Just go, okay?" She doesn't sound scared - just pissed. <English>

There is no sound as Adila shoves the safety off her weapon, looking over her shoulder at the others. Adila waits, as patiently as she can, for Zora to gather herself up enough to give you some answers. As none are offered from the woman and instead a voice comes from outside.... In one motion, she reaches to grab Zora and press her behind her. The other hand is raised, right at the man who dares to step onto the ramp. "Get off my freakin' ramp." Through gritted teeth, "Or you're going to have a third eye real quick." <English>

Idris stretches, clearly awake now. "Bloody gorram shite," he comments, nearly hissing the words now as the twentysomething Asian man arrives on the ramp. "Can -someone- tell me what the hell is happening?!" The unkown man and the freaked out nature of Zora doesn't seem to be affecting him any further than annoyance. Though, one might add, he does look ready to punch someone right quick. "Anyone got somethin' to give me that I could swing at this bleedin' ass?" <English>

"I think..." Crow says, not drawing a weapon but tilting his head arrogantly at the man. "...that this means she -can- run away from you." Crow's eyes darken, tauntuing him. "You take one more step up this ramp you best be askin' if the good lord's gonna think you're the coward you are, hittin' a lady like that..." <English>

Ahh, the target has appeared, how nice. Syna continues to walk slowly in that direction, stopping at approximately where Crow had stationed himself. She waves a hand at the others and turns, giving a very cold smile, "No no, we should let him stay a moment... hear his side of the story." She's lying, partly. Turning to look at the man, her glinting eyes stare at him as she says in a low tone, "What exactly are you here for?", voice logical and as cold as her expression. "And... were you the one who hit my nurse?" She even gives a fake smile as she tilts her head awaiting an answer. The knife at her hip isn't even carressed anymore, but anybody with any martial arts training will probably notice her stance is prepared. <English>

Alabaster Smith watches the man, and says, calmly, "Ah reckon you're outnumbered, friend. By a whole lot. And we can always claim we were defending the ship when we apologetically turn what's left of you over to the local hospital afterwards." <English>

The Asian man grins wolfishly. He is handsome, in that bad boy sleezeball sort of fashion. "Ahh. She hasn't told anyone about me. Zora. Baby. That's just so cute. And it wounds me to the core. You didn't tell them about the places I took you, the things we saw...the /days/ we spent in bed?" He's clearly trying to shame her. "I don't know how I could ever forgive you." He smirks at all the threatening people, especially Crow and Syna, who are closest to him. "She's your nurse? How...adorable. You don't know who I am, do you?"

Zora resists Adila pulling her back, struggling to move up in between the man and the crew. Her eyes are panicked as she pleads, "Please, you don't realize who he is. You can't hurt him, you can't do anything. Just let me talk to him, I'll get him to go. You can't touch him, it would ruin all of you." Whirling to face the man, she snarls, "Leave them the fuck alone. You know I can't just go back. You /know/ that. Did you suddenly come down with a case of stupid?" It seems that Zora's not exactly the knee-knocking type. "Did you think pretty things would change that? Did you think that card would help, the ring, the flowers, the fist to my face? You never learn, and you never grow up." <English>

Adila's jaw twitches, she's probably got a vein throbbing in her head somewhere from that look in her eyes. "Zora, people like him twist words around. He's tryin' to get in your head." And she's trying to get in his, with a bullet. Her blue eyes, normally bright and twinkling are shards of pale blue ice now. The only motion in her right now, is that ready finger on the trigger and her breathing. Slow, deep and steady. "There won't be anything left." She mutters out through clenched teeth, hearing Smith. Yeah, she's beyond angry right now. The only thing keeping her from just pulling that trigger is Syna's words. <English>

Idris smirks as he watches the Asian man, telling him, "You know, if yuo're tryin' to shame her like that, I'd suggest doin' it better, because it ain't workin' on us. She's our crew. We don' let our crew get hurt." He grins quickly, however, as Zora shows her metaphorical teeth as she begins laying it into the asian man. There's a quick of admiration for the woman before leaning back on his heels, waiting to see how everything goes, every muscle remains taut. <English>

Watching the man, Syna's lips curl into a cruel smirk. "So, you get rejected, pretty badly, was it because the multiple days in bed resulted in you unable to perform properly? Or maybe she didn't feel a thing because anatomically you were too small?" Her tone is vicious and it doesn't seem like she's about to back down any time soon. Arms slowly crossing over her chest, she just stares at the man with icy eyes glaring daggers at him. If Zora actually gets past Adila and tries to interpose herself between her and him, Syna would make sure to be directly beside her and I mean hip-buddies here. <English>

Crow, not having said any names yet, reaches out to place a hand on Syna's shoulder. Squeezing softly, he gives her a little shake of his head and a small, bitter smile. Playing it safe, for the moment, was high on his mind. Sliding his foot so that he's partially in front of Zora and Syna, Crow shows his protective side for the first time. Speaking as he locks his eyes on the man, he shakes his head. "I have nothing to ruin." Crow replies, in a way to let him know just how serious he is. "Do not come up this ramp, mister. It's pain for everyone." <English>

Kitty's right hand raises and her thumb pulls back on the hammer, the hand oddly steady despite her lack of how to use a gun well and just how angry she truly is. "Get the hell away from her, you fucking sleezeball." Her finger runs up and down the trigger, caressing it, almost as she waits for the order. Crow having held Syna back and shaking his head like he did does nothing to sway Kitty's actions. <English>

Alabaster Smith sighs quietly. "Folks, if you have to kill this sorry excuse for a human being, give me ten seconds heads up, so Ah can step into the other room. Ah'd like to at least pretend to plausible deniability, okay? Just remember, if you do kill him, we can space him along the way." <English>

Asian boy's lips curl into a little pout at Syna and he murmurs, "Aww. Is someone upset? Feeling the need to insult my penis for the benefit of wounding my pride, in case it might make change my mind?" He strikes an affected pose. "My God, you're right! My dick is too small! I think I've got to go contemplate my life!" He laughs cruely and flicks Syna off as he jams his hands in his pockets. Turning to Crow, he fakes wide-eyed fear, mumbling, "No, sir. I wouldn't dream if it, sir." Winking to Crow, he stage-whispers, "I don't want on your ship, dumbass. There's nothing here that interests me. She, however, is coming back with me. Zora, baby. Go pack your shit. NOW."

Zora shakes her head at Adila, still struggling to get by her. "He can't get in my head, and you guys cannot touch him. I'm begging you, please. If you want to stand and watch while we talk, fine, but don't touch him, /please/." To the man, she calls, "Richard, just go. Okay? Just /go/. You're drunk. And don't tell me you're not, I can see it on your cheeks the moment it happens. This is fucking stupid, just stupid. Go and sleep, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Jesus."

At Zora's comment about his level of inebriation, Richard snarls, "Yeah? Did you tell them about your family, bitch? Did you tell them where you come from?" <English>

Alabaster Smith tests his Culture:nobles against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (36). Alabaster Smith tests his Culture:underworld against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (11).

You paged Alabaster Smith with 'He's a member of a very wellknown and rich as hell family, old money and all that. I don't know what their last name is, because I'm lazy. But he's a member of the Tongs. Do you remember who they are?' You paged Alabaster Smith with 'They're the big, big gang. Mostly Asian. Very badass. You really, really don't want to fuck with them. (this is the word on the street at any rate. Yo. Bizzle.)'

Adila attempts to keep Zora behind her, the woman is having a shouting match with the bastard over her shoulder. "Idris..." So calmly, she knows he's back there, she doesn't have to look. "Can you give me a hand with nurse goodbody here." A twitch of her lip, there is the subtle show of white teeth. "Personally I don't give a a shit who this Huen Dahn is." She mutters, "He's a threat to me and mine, he's a coward who hits women to make himself feel like more of a man and in my book, better off dead." Her eyes on the man still, "You don't own everything, you rich bastard, so why don't you take yourself home, before this gets uglier than what's between your legs, yeah?" <English>

"God, this is like watchin' Cady an' I," Idris mutters, watching Zora and the now named Richard. He rolls his eyes and calls out angrily to get the Asian man's attention: "Oi! Buttchunks!" The pilot shakes his head and offers, "We don't care about family here on this boat. If we did half of us would likely not even be on this boat." He sighs and goes on to add, still angry, "And you're a terrible drunk, didn't your mum ever tell you how to drink proper?!" <English>

Syna doesn't look intimidated in the slightest, even as the Asian man strikes a pose. She merely slowly arches a single eyebrow as she lifts her chin and looks down her nose at him. From the middle of the core worlds herself, she can certainly interact quite similarly. "No, I'm not upset, just stating the facts." She really sounds coldly logical. "You should go and contemplate your life, you do not control Zora." As Zora calls out and continues to struggle, Syna turns to look at her and watches her a moment. "Well then, talk to him." The only change in her stance is her left hand clenching and slightly hidden behind her hip. Patiently, it appears Syna is waiting an opportunity. <English>

"Look..." Crow takes a step forward, within arms reach of richard. "...nobody cares about her family issues, and nobody cares a thing about what you say about her. She's not going to go with you like you're asking. This is just the way things are going to be. Period." Crow sniffs inwardly, scratching the tip of his chin with the back of his fist. "But if you insult her one more time...I am going to hurt you. If you try to drag her off...I will stop you." Crow blinks slowly. "...and if I -ever- see another mark on her skin coming from you, I will end you. Are we clear?" <English>

Alabaster Smith sighs, and just shakes his head. "Ah reckon this might just be a tiny problem, people. Now that Ah think about it, Ah've seen this lowlife maggot's face in the news. He's part of the Cheng family, which own something like a fifth of Sihnon's recreational businesses... They're famous -and- rich. And he's supposedly connected to the Tongs as well. We can't kill him without doing a whole lot of apologizing afterwards. Ah reccomend playing this carefully." He really does sound apologetic as he urges caution to his crew. <English>

Nodding as the others speak, the little country gal just keeps her gun trained on the man, the muzzle of which is aimed right for the man's head. Kitty keeps quiet, letting the others speak. <English>

You test your Thrown_Weapon against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (11).

"Mmm..." Richard hums in Alabaster's direction. "A fan. How sweet. And no, you really can't touch me, without some very angry people showing up at your door. They, by the way, told me where you were, darling. So don't think you can hide. I - " A beeping sound can be heard, and Rich (shall we call him Dick) pulls a earpiece out of his pocket and slips it into his ear. A few moments of angry hushed whispers later, and Dick looks to Zora, shaking furiously. "It seems I'll have to come back for you later, Babe," he explains through gritted teeth. "Duty calls. But don't think you can hide from me. I'll see you again, very soon." With that, he turns on his heels and makes his way out.

Zora, who had turned white at the mention of her family, whirls around and grabs the velvet box, hurling it at Dick's head. The solid thump makes it obvious that she hit him square on, as does the string of obscenties drifting back into the bay of the ship on the breeze. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Zora whispers to everyone, reaching out for Adila, who's closest to her. "I never meant for him to come here, I'm sorry..." <English>

With Mr. Dick retreating, Adila lowers her gun. All that adrenaline is still coursing thick through her system and when Zora reaches for her, she can feel Adila trembling. The gunslinger breathes hard, not taking her eyes off the man until he's off her gorram ramp. She swallows hard, turning to look at Zora. "It's alright, Zora...It's alright, he's gone." She manages, she looks still very much ready for a fight. Shoving the gun into her pants, she reaches to look closer at Zora's face, "You should let someone treat that, get some ice or something honey." Her voice a husky whisper. The gunslinger is shaken, to say the least. <English>

Lighting a cigarette, Crow smirks and sighs, shaking his head. Standing at the bottom of the ramp, he watches Richard start to walk off and decides to stay in place the moment the box is thrown at Richard. "Don't fret it..." He starts to back up the ramp and take another drag off of his cigarette. "...s'amazing I've always had such bad luck with women when..." He speaks up. "We lockin' this hatch up?" He calls out to Alabaster, stopping near Syna. <English>

Idris watches Dick retreat and glances back to Zora, shaking his head at the nurse. "Nothin' to apologize for," he offers. "The guy was a pain in the arse. And not exactly the best man to be on our ramp." He nods again as he listens to Crow and Adila, simply leaning back against a caro container now as he listens to the rest of the crowd in the cargo bay. <English>

Kitty blinks and now that the excitement is over she finds herself frowning and tears come to her eyes. She lowers the hammer of her gun, toggles the weapon's safety on and then puts it away in its holster. Zora is given a nod of sympathy from her but she stays back, letting the others tend to her. <English>

Watching Dick leave, Syna stares hard at his back. Her hand actually drifts to her thigh where her knife is and lingers there a moment as thoughts slowly tumble through her head. Slowly, after a full minute or two, she turns and her hand moves away to cross over her chest again. Looking over at Alabaster then, she stares at him a moment and then her attention is drawn to Zora. "Well, my dear, we're going to have to have all the information now, in order to protect you and ourselves." Her face is still painfully logical but she melts just a little when talking to the nurse. As Crow stops near her, she looks over at him and then at the hatch with a thoughtful look, going silent again. <English>

Zora gets a kiss on the cheek, if the woman doesn't shy away from Adila. "It will be alright sweetheart." That look in her eyes, says it ain't over. Not by a long shot. Slowly she pulls herself away from the crowd. Zyna will get the details, she can probably put them to use where Adila is just a girl with a gun. Gun no longer in her hand, fingers twitch, clench and open. She tilts her head side to side, the bones cracking in relief. Reminding herself to breathe, she walks towards Idris as if she has a purpose and an intent. Coming to a stop, nearly toe to toe with Idris, Adila slips her hand around his wrist and begins to walk off, tugging him along unless he raises some genuine objection. <English>

"Bloody hell, woman, why the hell are you--" is all that can be heard from Idris' protests as he's taken with Adila to parts unknown. Granted, they're not real protests. The pilot goes willingly enough with the woman. For now. "Talk to you later," Idris manages before leaving the cargo bay entirely. " ... Zora!" <English>

Adila heads through the exit labeled <Up> Training Room. Adila has left. Idris heads through the exit labeled <Up> Training Room. Idris has left.

Flattening his lips, Crow nods to Syna and with a sigh, he slaps the button. The ramp starts to pull in and fold, and with a grunt, the heavy pull-lock on the door is set in place. Turning, he scans over the room full of people and furrows his brow. "Zora...you're not the things he says you are. Don' you ever forget that." Crow says, dragging off his cigarette. Patting Syna's shoulder with a squeeze, he starts to head towards the catwalk, giving Kitty a similar show of affection as he leaves. "If you need me I'll be working." He adds, an odd display of silence coming from him of all people. <English>

"Look," Zora explains quietly. "I'll do whatever you guys want. I'll let you do whatever to my face, and I'll tell you whatever you want. I really don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I never thought he would follow me here, I never thought...I mean, I've been here for what, a month? And I only got a card yesterday." Her downcast eyes, while pissed, are also ashamed. "Whatever you guys say, I'll do." <English>

"I'll come with you..." Kitty starts to say before se falls silent and gives Zora and the others a nod. There's something unreadable in her face as she regards them but then she moves on. <English>

Barely even glancing at Adila and Idris, Syna's gaze is solely for Zora, and Zora alone. Slowly, she finally begins to move and walks over towards her. Stopping directly in front of her, Syna finally bends forward and gently cups her chin to move Zora's face to the side so she can examine the black eye. "I want to know what I need to know, Zora, and that's it. Everybody's got a past, don't think we won't care about you because of your past. I know this personally. So... who is he, who are you.." <English>

Zora sighs, and gives in to Syna's inspection. "His name is Richard Cheng. Preacher Smith was right, about everything. His family is the rich of the rich. He's also a very prominent member of the Tongs, the gang, you know." She sighs and glances over at the flowers. "His sister was seen by the OB.GYN I worked for. I helped deliver her baby. It's how I met him. And he's the reason I left Bellerophon." Dropping her eyes from the bouquet, she looks back up at Syna. "You know who I am," she mumbles lightly. "I'm just Zora. I'm just a nurse." <English>

Syna's hands are gentle and delicate as she presses in certain areas around Zora's eye to make sure nothing is broken by watching Zora's expression. "I see..", she says quietly, without emotion. "And Zora, is your family noble too? I haven't really seen many Nobles interact and chase after anybody but other Nobles." Pulling back slightly, she holds up four fingers, "How many fingers am I holding up?" She doesn't sound accusative in any manner towards Zora, just gentle and making sure she is okay. <English>

Alabaster Smith comes back from doing, well, whatever, and informs Zora, "Whatever happens, you're with us now, and we protect our own to the best of our abilities. That's a promise. We'll need to inform the Captain of any possible dangers this might open up... we can't afford to anger too many factions at once, but we're behind you all the way, Zora." <English>

Zora makes a face as Syna probes, and remarks with gritted teeth, "No, I'm not, and they aren't. That was part of the problem. His family found out about us and demanded that he end the relationship and settle down. He refused. They made my life there...untenable. And the Tongs are just another huge complication." She gazes at Alabaster thankfully, not really able to shake her head in a nod while Syna's poking at her face. "I appreciate that, I really - wait, the Captain? Grey? Do we...have to tell Grey?" She swallows hard. <English>

Alabaster Smith nods to Zora. "If there's any possibility that we'll be going against either a horrendously rich, powerful family, or the Tongs, he needs to know. Ah assure you, he'll be as much in support of you as Ah am, but we simply can't not tell him." He smiles, briefly. "Perhaps we can convince the Chengs to reel in their wayward son... or the Tongs to put a leash on their dog. After all, if he's a loose cannon, no one's going to be happy with him. And Ah reckon some of us might be able to negotiate with them." <English>

Syna finishes looking at Zora and straightens. Sighing, she asks, "Zora, I can't really condone any relationship with him either, because he hit you. That's not the building blocks for any good relationship." Pausing, she looks over at Alabaster and then back to Zora. She smiles, "Don't worry, Grey really is a good Cap'n, loyal. Gotta tell him. But, for right now, I really want you to go lay down and rest. Then we can talk about this later when everybody has calmed down." Logical mind to a fault. <English>

Zora nods to Syna and begins to make her way up the stairs. "Well, I understand what both of you are saying," she comments as she goes. "I'd rather Grey not know, but if you feel he has to, then alright. And Syna, I want you to know, I ended the relationship with him, if you can call it that, when I left. I certainly had no intentions of continuing it, even before tonight, and certainly not after." She smiles sadly, winces at the facepain, and turns to head for her cabin. <English>

Syna walks up after Zora, to follow her up the stairs. "Well, I'm glad you are sane of mind to realize that. Either way, you're my nurse and I will support you, in all ways. Get some rest, put a cold compress on your eye and we'll talk later, okay?" <English>