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IC Time: April 24, 2122

Redemption - Cargo Bay - C Deck

This cavernous Cargo Bay stretches about two hundred fifty feet long, fifty feet wide and fifty feet tall. The flooring and walls are entirely functional, being reinforced metal, piping, and wiring. The floor is littered with quick-release clamps to easily attach or detach standard cargo containers. A set of winding stairs lead up to the Training Room on the B Deck from the Cargo Bay, and another set of stairs near the end of the bay lead up to a narrow Catwalk near the Engine Room above. The wide ramp opens just below the nose of the boat, with a spot for the MULE to attach right onto the ramp, so that the craft is ready to deploy as soon as the ramp lowers.

Tromping up the open ramp of the Invictus is a damp individual. He's got a bag in one hand and a towel rubbing his head in the other. Once he feels his wet hair is dry enough, he moves the towell down and reveals the man to be the French pilot Passe. He's in interesting attire, t-shirt, trunks and sandels. He tucks his towell into his bag and looks around the hold, looking for that path leading towards the stairs upwards. <English>

Andie comes down from somewhere upstairs, looking back over her shoulder, then around, looking thoroughly lost. In one hand she has a towel and in the other a bottle of water, a pair of props usually assosiated with working out, though the woman doesn't have a bead of sweat on her forehead. "Enough of a workout just to find the exit on this ship..." she mutters to herself and starts toward the doors now that she's finally found the cargo bay. She stops in the middle of the large space and looks toward the ramp to the figure coming inside, then frowns toward the outside itself. "We're not on Persephone anymore, are we?" <English>

Zora's head appears above the railing at the top of the stairs, and she frowns at Passe as her blonde hair hands over the edge. "Passe!" she gasps, in a loud stage whisper of outrage. "You went to the beach...without me?" Moving to the first stair, she crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot. Andie is given a nod, but the focus is on Passe at the moment. "You are /not/ my special friend anymore." <English>

Vivian walks down from the Training room only moments after Andie came through, her skin covered in a slight layer of sweat. She had barely noticed the person going through as she was using the punching bag, having woken up with too much energy to spare. She doesn't say a word as she hears Zora and Andie speak, and she remains back in the doorway to observe. <English>

Passe hears his name echo around the bay and looks around, not entirely sure where it originated from for a second, but then looks up and spots the nurse. He throws her a cheerful wave and hollars back, "You're my friend now? I thought you were still upset with me?" Probably the glare of the lights, he doesn't spot the lurker in the shadows yet.

Passe grins and trots towards the center of the bay, chuckling at Andie. "Lost?" he asks, "It's easy to get so, particularly in this bay. I'm telling you, this ship is way to big for its own good." Coming closer to the lady, he takes a good look at her, and gives her an approving nod. "You must be Andie," he reveals, "Syna has talked about you. I'm Passe, Laurent Passe. One of the ship's pilots. I take it no one told you our flight plans?" <English>

Andie blinks at the honey haired woman who comes down into the cargo bay and passes by her without so much as a 'good morning'. Her eyes shift from the angry young woman and back to the man in swim trunks and she tilts her head to one side, an amused smile forming on her lips. She folds her towel over an arm and brings her water bottle into her left hand to extend her right to give Passe a nod. "Yes. Andie Marston. Pleased to meet you, Laurent," she says and gives a glance around, shaking her head. "Never been on a ship this size before. Not even the hospital ships during the war were this large.. And I might have asked if we were taking off from Persephone myself. I must have slept through the flight. I meant to go to the Gardens for a workout, but the beach won't be a terrible substitute." <English>

Zora laughs as she continues to fake glare, commenting, "I am upset with you, which makes you my friend! But not anymore. Any man who would head to the beach without inviting the women around him is /clearly/ no friend of mine." She's really struggling to keep a straight face as she begins to descend the stairs. When Passe names the newcomer, Zora's eyebrows raise and she holds her hand out for a shake. "Syna mentioned you to me as well, I think. I mean, she was completely drunk in the WAVE, however. I sort of assumed you were a figment of her inebriated imagination. But I suppose figments don't get lost on ships." Grinning with dimples in full force, she asks, "So, you a doctor, or a nurse?" While she waits for Andie to shake her hand, Vivian appears at the stairs where Zora and Andie came from, causing Zora to blink in surprise. "How many visitors have we got? Where are they all sleeping?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously at Passe after the last question. <English>

Vivian lowers herself to the bottom stair and sits down, propping one foot up on the stair, hugging it against her chest, and allowing the other to rest on the floor below. She lays her chin on the propped knee and watches the show. When Zora speaks to Passe she finally speaks. "I doubt either of us are in his bed. I know I'm not. Especially hearing the stories of his... escapades" <English>

Passe follows Zora's glance upwards and spots Vivian, watching her descend. At Vivian's declaration, he looks up heavenwards in an exaggerated plea to the Gods of ill reputation and moans, "Bon dieu, that's my loving crew for you." He smirks and then points a finger at Zora and adds, "And don't you be adding any made up tales neither, Dimples, or I might just not invite you back out to the beach with me. I'm not too red yet, I could probably go for another swim."

Looking between all three ladies, he decides to return to the form of a good host. He guestures towards the lady sitting on the stairs and says, "I don't know if you've met my friend Vivian or not, but there she is. A pilot, needing rescue from her mining job. Figured I'd let her see the Redemption." He steps closer towards Zora and whispers, "And she's *not* staying in my bunk."

Passe waves to Vivian and says, "Come meet some more medical personelle of this ship. Zora and Andie, both working with Syna, for the time being." He casts a wink at Andie. <English>

Andie turns her attention to Zora and gives an affirmative nod in response to being real enough. And as she gives the woman a shake of the hand, it also seems real enough, though it's neither firm nor slack. "I like to think I'm real enough? I'm a doctor, but I've done my fair share of nursing, as well. I assume you're the nurse doctor Halleck mentioned?" she asks of Zora, sending her a bringht smile. She gives a look over toward Vivian and sends the woman a greeting nod, then looks back to Passe with a chuckle, giving him a look up and down. "I think you can probably stand an hour or two in the sun before getting a bad burn." She gives a look at her watch, then out the hatch. "What time is it out there, though? My clock says noon, but is that the local time too?" <English>

"I don't need to add anything to your reputation, sweetcheeks, you've managed to attain a spectacular one all on your own." Zora smiles at Passe innocently, and quips, "Swim? With you? I don't know...you'd better offer me something damn good in return. Like booze. Do we have any booze? Can you booze and swim? These questions need answering, and fast!" She laughs, all traces of her attempts at anger gone. When Vivian is introduced, Zora snickers at her with a grin. "Look, anyone who can manage to be friends with the difficult Frenchman is alright by me. How're you finding the ship?"

Andie gets a slow nod. "Yes, lifelong nurse, that's me," Zora says flippantly, but there's something bitter to her tone. "Do you have a speciality focus, if you don't mind my asking?" <English>

Vivian gives Zora a genuine smile, her first since meeting the Reverend a few nights back. She responds to Zora's question before she asks Andie. "The ship is a lovely beast. I cannot wait to give her a test run" <English>

Andie remains quiet at Zora and lets the nurse get it all out before answering, giving a look at the stuttering Passe. "I would generally advice against mixing booze and swimming. Much like drinking and driving don't mix," she notes in a quiet and confident doctory voice, though she's smiling all along. She lifts her shoulders in a shrug at Zora's last question and lets them fall again. "I never got far enough to specialise. Very long story that. I had my eye on neurosurgery, though." She gives a look over toward Vivian and chuckles again. "From what I hear, it's falling apart.." <English>

"Test run?" Zora asks, concerned. "Falling apart? I...don't think I want to know. Somebody on the ship gets pregnant, that's my problem. Flying ships with pieces falling off, that's Grey's problem to fix, and I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole." She quirks a sidesmile at Andie and adds, "Well, not so much swim as take out one of those gigantic floaty rafts and lounge in the sun with a cold drink. Neurosurgery, huh? Jesus. You get the big bucks for that." <English>

Adila arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Adila has arrived.

Vivian remains sitting on the bottom step leading from the Training Room. One foot is propped up against her chest, allowing her to rest her chin on her knee, as the other remains on the floor. Zora, Andie and the frenchman stand in the center of the room. The Frenchman looks wet and disheveled, and clearly baffled for his expression leads to the belief that he's speechless. Zora finishes up with a comment of beaches as vivian pipes in "Ships that last this long, and can run on old parts are the best kind. That means they are trustworthy boats." She reaches down and pets the ground affectionately. "I already love her" She pauses before continuing. "What's this about a beach? I didn't know ships could carry one with them" <English>

Passe shakes his head to one said and beats on it with a free hand, trying to clear some lingering water out of it. Looking over at Vivian, he explains, "There's a beach just outside. Captain took us out to Newhall yesterday, and you won't find any better swimming holes in the 'verse than out here." His head clear, he straightens and says, "Like I said, if present company wants to take a dip, I'm more than game to sit out in the sun a bit longer." <English>

Happy little steps, if one wasn't looking at the gunslinger, they might think she's skipping. But there is no gay schoolgirl skipping here, just Adila's light steps. She pauses at the small crowd that linger in the bay, mostly cause Viv is at the bottom of said stairs. A few more steps down until she's standing a few steps behind Vivian, hands lightly on each rail. "Frenchman, you're going to turn into a crispy pastry if you stay out in that sun." <English>

"If you want to drift out to sea, be my guest," Andie replies to Zora and chuckles, giving a nod toward the outside. "I'm more worried about noon-day sun. Not the best time of day to work on your tan, really." She moves from one foot to the other and then back again, moving her towel along her arm a bit to rub at her wrist. "Well, things changed a bit back then, so now I'm no more than a medic, really, but I enjoy quite a lot more than I think I would cutting into people's brains." She turns over toward Vivian, frowning a bit at the question about beaches inside the same, then gives a look around the hold. "This cargo bay certainly seems large enough to carry a beach.." she notes and gives a nod to the newcomer before turning back to Passe. "She's right, you know. Staying out in the sun too long can cause a number of nasty things to happen to the body." <English>

Zora snortsnickers when Adila likens Passe to a pastry puff, and grins at the newly arrived woman. "Want to go swimming with us, Adila? I'm dragging him back out, and I'm going to get mostly naked and lounge on a float with a drink." She winks at Andie. "The new beta-Doc here is concerned about my skin, but hey. What's the good of being a medical worker if you can't smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish, tan like leather, and then tell everyone else not to do it?" <English>

Vivian notices the newcomer on the stairs and quickly stands up, moving out of the way so she can descend the rest of the way. She mumbles a polite apology and moves to the side of the stairs, waiting for her to come down so she can resume her seated position on the step. As the others speak with each other, she debates whether to go to the beach as well, though she enjoys being on the ship for the time being. She wants company, but isn't sure she's willing to leave to join this rabble. <English>

Adila is content to linger on the stairs for another moment, eyes flickering over the few new faces. At least, new to her. Out of habit, she reaches to touch her lower back, checking the stock of the gun that sticks out of her pants there where her weapon is kept. At Zora's invitation, she nods, "Sure!" She couldn't be happier to join the gathering it seems. "Best get while the gettin' is good, might not come back round to Newhall for a while." As if on cue, Vivian stands and Adila offers her a smile. "It's alright." Scooting past her to scoot up to Passe and Zora. "Does this mean you're bringin' the booze, Doc?" <English> <Redemption> Adila says, "We are a drinkin', smokin' rowdy crowd, ain't we?"

"Maybe someone will want a nibble then," Passe smirks back to Adila and then looking at Zora, he adds, "Whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, n'est pas?" He glances around at the present company and then peers towards Vivian and asks, "So... are we /all/ going to the beach?" His question is posed in general, but he simply stares at the other pilot while asking it, highly curious to what her response will be. <English>

"The point is generally to set a good example," Andie says, but gives a shrug at Zora, still smiling as well. "But then, I'm not usually inclined to give unsolicited advice, so do what you will and later on I'll see if I can't find some balm for your burnt skin." She gives a glance at Adila and shakes her head at the question about booze since it had been followed by 'doc' and then turns back to Passe and lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "I was just going for a little workout, but the beach sounds like an excellent place to do so." <English>

"I can," Zora announces cheerfully. "It depends on what we want, though. Frozen, mixed, straight? I've got a stash in my bunk to rival a liquor store, but I've...recently run out of the basics." She grins sheepishly. "Hazard of drinking your troubles away. But yes. Depending on what you want, we might be making a detour to a store or something."

Ignoring Passe's smirk, Zora winks at Andie. "Well, I gave my balm to Adila earlier. Seems this crew is destined to run us bal empty! But it doesn't seem like we get to Newhall often, so I say we have our kicks while we can. Feel free to join, and partake if you'd choose." <English>

Vivian wrinkles her nose as Passe stares at her with the pointed question. She squirms and shifts weight on her feet, not sure of her response. "I dunno... I don't have a suit or anything" <English>

Adila rubs the slightly pink area across her nose and cheeks, although from yesterday's outing she nearly as a nice, even tan. "Zora, you seen what I drink, I ain't picky." She grins a bit. She does however pull her shirt to the side thoughtfully as if...checking her bra? A dark lavender strap is briefly seen, a nod of her head. Check. It's not like she has a suit, it will have to do. At least it's not white. A glance over her shoulder at Vivian's remark, "I don't either..." She shrugs, "I didn't hear anyone complain' yesterday." <English>

Passe, the Frenchman, the one among this crew the most relaxed around nudity, except perhaps the medics, cracks a grin Adila and then looking at Vivian, simply says, "There are plenty of stores along the way. I'll pick you out a suit, nice and comfortable. You don't have to go 'native'." He flicks another smirk at Adila and says, "Unless you so desire. Just come, enjoy the sun. It's Newhall!" <English>

Andie shakes her head to Zora and shows the water bottle in her hand. "I don't drink, but feel free if you want. Just don't expect me to drag /all/ of you back to the ship, hmm?" she says and gives a look over toward Vivian with a few blinks. Her attention turns toward Adila and she gives the woman another nod. "I'm Andie, by the way." <English>

Zora snickers when Adila reminds her of the moonshine, and nods. "True enough. I think I've got the stuff for frozen. If anybody wants anything else, they'll have to grab it on the way, but I'll go grab that now and head to the lounge." Moving to head up the stairs, Zora grins at Vivian. "I've got a suit, and you can borrow it if you'd like. I'm not really planning on wearing it, the point being to get a tan and all." She leans forward to peer a bit at Vivian. "It might be a bit big for you in certain places," she muses. "But we'll cope. And Doc Two, don't worry about dragging people. We've got a MULE for that." She turns and heads up the stairs in the direction of her bunk. <English>

The frenchman gets a little poke in the shoulder with a single finger, as he smirks at her. Adila waves a hand briefly at Andie's words, "We are well versed in draggin' our own asses back ta the ship, you can trust me on that." She chuckles softly. Andie gives an introduction and she turns to her, "Adila, nice to meet ya." A nod in return. Zora is watched as she moves off towards her bunk, hiding a smirk with her hand, practically wiping it off her face at Zora's remark about her suit being 'too big in some places' for Viv. <English> Vivian almost seems defeated as she just nods and relents to the beach. Though she's never been fond of them. She wished there were more people to be found on the ship, but wasn't willing to go into areas that were unfamiliar, or outlawed completely. <English>

Passe tries to bat Adila's hand away, saying, "Hey, I'm not crispy yet." He starts drifting slowly but surly towards the open hatch, not walking too fast while waiting for Zora to return. "We've got a long haul ahead of us, if I heard Monsieur Smith rightly," Passe says as he strolls, "So might as well take advantage of these planets while we can." <English>

Andie grins at Zora and gives a nod. "So long as you can get yourselves into the MULE, I think I can drive it without crashing too badly," she says and turns back to Adila. "Pleased to meet you, Adila. I imagine I'll be seeing more of you if I get hired on this ship?" She says it more as a statement than a question, but there's a note of humour in her voice that is mirrored in her gleaming eyes. She gives a glance to Passe and shakes her head slightly. "More is not always better, though." <English>

She's batted away, but move playfully as if to poke him again with that single finger. "Ya sure, Frenchie?" Adila remarks, dropping her hand at last and strolling slowly behind him towards the exit. Hands are tucked into her front jean pockets and she smiles to Andie, "Indeed, you will. With my luck, you'll probably take yer turn in patchin' me up." Blue eyes twinkle. <English>

Kitty arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Kitty has arrived.

Vivian stands beside the chair with her shoulders slumped. She's clearly not really wanting to go to the beach like all the others are, but she's going simply for the company. Passe was already making his way towards the mule, as well as Adila and Andie. They seem to be taking their time however due to Zora running to her room to grab an oversized suit for Vivian and some much desired alcohol. Vivian looks over to Kitty with a crooked smile then lowers her gaze to the floor again. <English>

"Just don't get shot in the head. I never actually became a neurosurgeon," Andie says to Adila with a smile, then pauses to give a look toward Vivian, tilting her head at the younger woman. "You're not coming, hon?" She starts over toward her and gives a glance back toward the others, grinning a little. "They seem a bit scary, I know, but I think they're all good people. But if you don't want to go, I doubt anyone will think less of you." <English>

A soft 'oooh' forms on Adila's mouth, wrinkling her nose at Andie's remark. "Ow, yeah... trust me, there are a million places I would rather be shot." She chuckles softly. Fishing a smoke out of her pocket, the handrolled is tucked between her lips and her lighter comes up to brighten the end into a burning amber as Doc Two turns to Viv. Adila inhales, lights up the smoke and observes the other woman with a small squint of her eyes and the tumble of initial smoke. <English>

Kitty slips quietly down the stairs and balks as she sees people here, her eyes widening a bit before she comes to a complete stop half way down. She looks around at the people assembled before she looks at Passe last, a bit of a confused look upon her face, for some reason. "H-hi.." she eventually gets out while taking to toe the steel plate the stair she's standing on is made of, her gaze eventually drifting down to the deck itself through the spaces between the steps. <English>

Passe looks over at the hover MULE and purses his lips. "Too bad we don't have our old MULE. Not so sure how well donuts are in a hovercraft," he muses and then shrugs. "Nah, I think I'll walk. Suns out, might as well enjoy her."

Passe turns to keep slowly walking towards the exit, until the ever so soft peep of a hello catches his attention. He turns and looks back at the stairs. Above Vivian is the not-always-shy kitten. He grins and throws an arm in the air attempting to wave at her. "Salut Chaton," he calls out to Kitty, "You going to join us for a dip?" <English>

Zora's voice can be heard from farther down a hall, calling, "Alright, I had no idea what you wanted, so everybody but me got the same thing!" She appears at the top of the stairs again, carrying an oversized tray covered with large cups of frozen margaritas and the like. She's wearing a near-see through gauze-like purple coverup, with flipflops to match. Her blonde hair has been swept up off her neck with a clip, and oversized sun glasses cover her eyes. All of the drinks but one are colored orange, and the one Zora is casually sipping from is bright pink. "Mangoes all around, I suppose. And strawberry for me. Vivian, the suit is in my bag, give me just one second." She wiggles her arm to reveal a tiny bag, likely just big enough for an iComm or PDA to fit into. Which doesn't say much for the size of the promised suit. "We ready to go, chickitas and man?" <English>

"Ah..Ah will meet y'all there, Ah guess. Whe'ever 'there' is." Kitty looks at the swimsuits and then down at her coveralls which gets her to sigh inwardly although it's probably obviously outwardly that she's not pleased with what she's wearing compared to everyone else. "Ah'll see ya there, a'ight?" <English>

"Wear a helmet!" Andie calls after Adila and gives a glance up as more footsteps ring through the hold and as it turns out not to be Zora returning, she gives a glance toward the people heading for the exit. "Lot of people on this ship, huh?" she notes quietly, mostly to Vivian and gives her a smile and gives a look at Zora as she returns, then dips her head in the direction of the exit. "C'mon. Can't be that bad?" she says and heads over in that direction without forcing Vivian to come along. Either she'll come or she won't. <English>

Adila's eyes flicker as someone stammers on the stairs a greeting. While her expression doesn't drop or change, it doesn't exactly grow brighter either. The result is a kind of poker face. The smoke helps to disguise her features, turning away politely from the crowd to exhale through her nose a plume of smoke. When she turns back Zora arrives, and with a drink. "Ooooh." She moves to offer the woman help with her hands, pausing as she brings out the very...small... bag. "There is a suit, in there?" She says with surprise. "Need a hand Zora? she will be more than happy to relieve the doc of one of those drinks. <English>

"Big ass ship, there'd better be a lot of us," Passe mutters, still coming to grips with this ship over the one the crew used to have. How he misses the Invictus. He shakes his head and turns, pleased that Zora has made her way back. He nudges Adila lightly and whispers to her, "Shh, don't scare Vivian away."

Passe smirks and then looks at all the remaining company. "So... we finally ready to go? Sun's not going to be there all day you know." He throws a sad look at Kitty and says, "Depeche-toi, Chaton, or you'll miss out on all the fun." He ends it with a warm smile and then raises his arms in an exaggerated shrug to the other ladies, silently speaking 'let's hurry!' <English>

Zora raises an eyebrow when Adila has an odd reaction to Kitty, but doesn't comment. "Yeah, take some of these drinks and pass them around? The less I attempt to walk down the stairs with, the better for all involved." She waits for Adila to take some, and then sets the tray down on the landing to rummage through the tiny bag. "Well, I did say it would be too big," she apologizes, holding the suit up. Colored a bright green with polka dots, the bra is triangle shaped, meant only to cover partial boob. And the bottoms aren't much better. Granted, they are made to barely cover someone with substantial flesh in those areas, so when worn by someone not quite so...endowed, they might hang too loose. "Will it work?"

She hands the suit to Adila as well, and grabs the tray once more to carefully make her way down the stairs, balancing the drinks perfectly. "Walking, or MULE, then?" <English>

Andie is about to help with the drink carrying duty. She might be fine with bartending and serving people drinks, but she's no waitress, so she just continues toward the hatch, rolling up the sleeves of her tai chi uniform as she goes. She gives a look over her shoulder toward Vivian and tilts her head in a slight come along motion, then joins the folks who are already at the hatch. "How far is the beach from here?" <English>

A gentle oohf of surprise as he nudges her, a look at Passe that says 'Sorry!'. Quickly she snubs out her cigarette with a practiced lick of her fingers and a pinch. A little nod of her head to Zora and her full hands, moving up to take a few of the glasses. The drinks are taken, passed around and she looks up as Zora raises up that suit. A comical raising of a single brow, but she disguises her smirk with a raise of her glass. "These are heavenly." She says to Zora. "Not too far." She calls to Andie. <English>

Vivian stares in horror at the skimpy suit. She was so used to her clothes covering her body, the idea of being in the suit, she felt she might as well be naked. "I uh..." she studders as she walks towards everyone else. 'I can't wear that..." <English>

"Everywhere is a beach here, cherie," Passe says to Andie, while waiting for the drinks, bikini, and women to arrive, though not necessarily in that order. Looking at the discussion over the swimsuit, he looks down Doc Three's body and wonders, "What about yourself? Going to pickup a swimsuit on the town? Or follow Adila's example?" <English>

"Oh, honey, you don't have to," Zora says to Vivian reassuringly as she gets to the bottom of the stairs and sets the tray down one last time so everyone can grab their own drinks. "Look, I lived on Bellerophon for a long time. Lots of water, lots of rich women with perfect bodies and nothing to do but show them off. Trust me, a suit like that is considered conservative there. It was the best I could do. And you won't hurt my feelings if you don't wear it." She winks at everyone, clearly in high spirits, and waves towards the hatch with her gigantic pink drink. "Onward, ho, then? If no one minds, I'll be smoking as long as the kids aren't around." <English>

Andie shakes her head at Passe and runs shifts the towel over her arm once more as if placing it in her perfect position. "No. I don't swim. Besides, I think /someone/ sober ought to watch you lot if you plan on entering the water with alcohol in your systems?" she says, then gives a confused glance over at Zora. "Kids...?" <English>

A small grin, blue eyes twinkling with mirth. "I usually don't recommend followin' my example on most things." She says, sipping her icy drink. "Come on slow pokes." she heads for the door, a pause at the MULE. She doesn't know how to drive one, so she's all for walking it seems. A glance over her shoulder, grinning at Zora, "Smokin', drinkin' ... next thing you'll be havin' sex." She pauses, partially surprised it came out of her own mouth. A soft chuckle, she shakes her head. "I don't mind, lets get a move on." <English>

Alabaster Smith arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Alabaster Smith has arrived.

Vivian turns towards the door, her face lowered to the floor and a blush to her cheeks. She still wasn't sure if she even wanted to go to the beach, especially with her ideas of what would occur with the alcohol and skimpy clothes <English>

Passe grins at Doc TWO and replies, "Oh, I don't drink, much. At least the stuff found on this boat. Like Adila says, can lead to trouble." He grins to one side, a dimple carving itself on his cheek, and he starts strolling down the ramp. "Allez, les enfants!" He calls over his shoulder, "Beach is warm and I'm getting cold waiting!" <English>

Alabaster Smith makes his way down into the cargo hold, and offers a smile. "Ah guess someone's got to come along and keep you lot of of trouble," he says wryly. "And keep the natives from panicking." <English>


Beach - West - Newhall

The shore here is magnificent. A sprawling expanse of white sand, marked every few feet by wooden racks of small boats and boards, as well as a few high seats for rescue lifeguards to sit and watch over the swimmers and sunbathers. A small patrol craft flies overhead, giving the lifeguards an eye in the sky. There are a few firepits scattered along the coast for campers and light night revelers. Tourists come and go, soaking up some sun and the occasional brave soul wading out to the tides.

There is a small, humble beach house standing to the west, while to the east an expansive construction site dominates the area.

Passe leads his gaggle of women plus preacher down the path towards the beach. Passing by one of the lifeguard stands, he throws a nod to the familiar female sitting atop the chair and then leads everyone near a spot not too crowded out by strangers. "Bright sun," he comments, shading his eyes and looking upwards. He lays his towel down on the sand and kicks off his sandels, letting his toes dig into the warm floor. "Makes for a warm afternoon." <English>

Vivian almost instantly flocks towards Alabasters side. Her mood improved greatly when he arrived and she nearly squealed in delight when he agreed to go with them. Though she didn't know what to say to him, she tried to stay close, further away from the women and the frenchman. <English>

Kitty, now wearing a cute light blue tank top and short set, has followed obediently along, the mechanic blushing the entire way from the ship to the beach as she does. Her flip-flops are slipped off and set aside before she sits down, picking a spot next to Passe that is close enough to make conversation with him and the others easy but not so close that it'd infringe upon other people's personal space. "Ah..have never been to the beach before," she mutters to herself, her eyes lingering on the water. <English>

Andie stops for a moment to take off her martial arts slippers to walk barefoot on the sand, still with a towel over her arm and a bottle of water held in one hand. She gives a glance toward Vivian who seems to have taken to a man she has yet to meet and she gives a nod in that direction before stopping near passe to put down her slippers, then her water bottle and finally her towel in a neat little pile. Then she sits in the sand to start rolling up the legs of her trouser since black isn't the best colour to be wearing on a sunny Newhall beach. <English>

Adila trails along towards the back of the group. Somewhere about the time they get to the sandy part, she pulls off her shoes and keeps them in one hand loosely. Drink in the other, she looks pretty damn content. Eyes turn towards the shore, looking over the water with a kind of appreciation. After a while, she drops to Zora's side to lean and speak to her softly. "She seems to get along with the Shepard." A nod towards Viv and the man of God. She's dressed in a pair of shorts today, along with an t-shirt. No hat, the sun shines on her already lightly tanned face. <English>

Alabaster Smith follows along with the rest. Of course, he doesn't exactly strip down for the beach. That white outfit of his is his armor and identity. Hard to take a preacher seriously in Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, after a- No, you know what? Alabaster's breaking everyone's brains today. He IS in Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. Bright, vivid splashes of color. Lord have mercy, baby. <English>

Zora squeals in the excited girl way when they finally reach where they were going, and hurries off for the sand. She's wearing a near-see through gauze-like purple coverup, with flipflops to match. Her blonde hair has been swept up off her neck with a clip, and oversized sun glasses cover her eyes. Flopping down in the sand, she nestles her drink in so it won't fall over, and pulls a pack of cigs and a lighter out of the tiny purse. "Who's doing what? We drinking, tanning, swimming, floating?" <English>

Vivian chews on her lower lip a moment and looks down at her clothes. The overalls and heavy boots make her stand out on the beach, and as much as she loathed to do so, she quietly bent down and slid out of her boots, wrinkling her nose as her toes touched the sand. She never did like sand, it was scratchy. <English>

Passe looks down at the water and pulls his t-shirt off. He's not a tight individual, but not unfit neither. Just an average 30 year old with a small scruff of hair growing on his chest. "I think I'm in for the water, personally. Bite back some of this warmth." He tosses his shirt on his towel and strides down towards the waves. <English>

"I'm gunna sit myself down here, until I finish my drink." With that, the gunslinger settles down not far from Zora. Adila even stretches her legs out into the sun. Shorts are nudged up just a touch, but for now she's keepin' her clothes on. A glance at Passe, she watches the man pull off his shirt with a grin. Now, she looks towards Smith. "By God preacher, did you raid Idris' closet for that shirt?" She refers to the bright Hawaiian. <English>

Andie pulls her legs up under her to sit in a relaxed lotus position, then reaches for her water to break off the cap. She takes a sip and sits for a moment to watch the waves, while the rest settle in around her. Yet to meet many of them, she doesn't seem to be in a hurry to introduce herself, though and simply relaxes into sitting and watching. Sitting and watching. Sooner or later, her skills might be called for when this lot has too much too drink and the heat starts to broil their brains. Until then, she's just going to sit and watch. At least for a little while yet. <English>

Alabaster Smith chuckles, and lays out a towel with a quick snap of the wrists. "Ah'm staying right here and solar-charging," he declares. "Watch out for jellyfish, Ah hear they've had issues with them out in the ocean. The Lord had a mighty strange sense of humor when He created -those- creatures, Ah'll tell you that." He grins at Adila. "Laundry day, and Ah was doing a load of whites," he says. <English>

Kitty smiles at the mention of the water but then, with a sigh, it dawns on her that she doesn't know how to swim. There was never much time spent at the 'swimming hole' so she simply watches for now. "Ah don't know how to swim," she eventually confesses albeit in a quiet, sheepish voice that may very well go unheard, depending on the general din flowing about the smal crowd of crewmates and such, "So Ah'll stay here, Ah think." <English> Vivian laughs at Smith's joke, probably too loudly because she instantly flushed a deep crimson and looked down, feeling awkward. She shifts from one foot to the other and bites her lip, cursing inwardly at her boldness. <English>

Adila leans back on an elbow, content to watch the water as it races onto the shore and then retreats. Toes are wiggled, nudged into the sand and she digs a lil hole with her feet as the others settle down. Another sip of her drink, shaking her head a little at something but all in all that smile on her lips remains. Long hair tumbles over her shoulders, pooling in the sand behind her with long chestnut lengths. <English>

Passe nears the water and stops, looking back at the crew in the sun. "Swimming?" he calls back to Kitty, "Who said anything about swimming? Wading and floating is all that's really going to happen today." He flashes a bright grin and then turns to slosh his way into the water, jumping as a wave splashes his torso, the cool water causing him to shiver. <English>

Zora cringes when she sees what Alabaster is wearing, and calls out to him, "I'm sorry, Father, if I'd known you were coming along, I'd have made more drinks." A quick survey of the beach provides exactly what Zora is looking for - an abandoned floaty thing. Clambering up quickly, she flipflops her way over there, and yanks it across the sand. "Adila, care to share a floaty thing with me?" she offers, glancing behind her where Passe is already in the water. "Drinking on the sand isn't nearly as fun as lounging in the water while you do it. We'll pretend Passe is our cabana boy." <English>

Andie is quite oblivious to Smith's joke and gives a look over in the direction of the Hawaiian shirt clad man with a look of 'what's so funny'. Quite clearly, she hasn't run into this man before and she gives him a nod and raises her water bottle to him in a toast before taking another sip. <English>

Alabaster Smith grins at the others. "Ah reckon we may have to send someone on a drink run up to that pavilion bar we passed on the way down. Not me, Ah'm taking a few hours off from seeing to you lot and your welfare. Unless it's a real emergency." He glances over to Andie. "And Ah don't believe we've met yet," he tells the woman. "Name's Smith. Alabaster Smith. First Mate of the Redemption, and chief cat-herder." <English>

"Oooh, floaty!" She's done with most of her drink anyway and without thinking she takes the last couple mouthfuls down. A pause, the gunslinger's face briefly screwing up as she grunts and puts a hand to her head. "Ooooooh! Braingfreeze!" she growls out, rubbing her temple a little and making her way towards Zora. A pause, she returns a few paces, pulls out the gun from the back of her shorts and with safety clicked on she tosses it down into the sand. "Gunna have to clean that son'fbitch." She murmurs. Soon enough the brain freeze is over and and she's joining the doc on her impromptu raft. <English>

Vivian signs and takes a few steps away from the group, slumping to the sand with a huff. She begins to twirl her fingers in the sand and lowers her head down, resting her elbow on her knee and her chin in her palm. <English>

Kitty nods a bit and stands up, brushing the sand off of her ass while tenatively making her way towards the water. Tiptoeing in, she winces as a small wave laps over her ankles, a feeling that's discomforting to her for one reason or another. Taking a deep breath to calm herself. she being to slowly creep her way to where Passe and the women are although she is careful not to go too deep. "Ah think Ah'll stick to bathtubs," she grits out between tightly clenched teeth, the mechanic not having an easy go of this 'wading' thing. <English>

"Andie Marston. I might end up joining your medical team," says the woman in the Tai Chi outfit as she sends a smile to Alabaster. "Pleased to meet you. And... Cat-herder? You have cats as well? I heard something about kids, but I haven't seen those yet. Nor have I seen any cats." Seems there are a lot of things to find out about this ship she's trying to join. <English>

Passe smirks, sinking down low into the sea, bobbing up and down with each wave. "Cabana boy, eh?" he says, drifting closer towards where Zora is sharing her floaty with Adila. "I ain't leaving this water for a while, so I'm not sure I would make a good cabana boy. Later on, who knows, but right now, not so."

Passe dips his head under the water and leaps out, shaking vigorously, drips thrown here and there. With both hands, he pushses back his hair on his head, and a tongue tastes the water. "Mm, salty," he says to himself. He clears his eyes and spots the testing Kitty. "Chaton, come on, you've got a long way to go before it's deep. Cool yourself off!" he encourages her. <English>

Alabaster Smith grins at Andie. "A pleasure, mah dear. And it's just a figure of speech. Keeping this crew rounded up is about as easy as herding cats, you see. Everytime you get one where it belongs, another escapes and starts the whole process over again." <English>

Vivian begins to regret coming to the beach in such heavy clothes. She looks behind herself back towards the shops, debating on purchasing a suit, but shakes her head. Not only did she not have any money, but she was too shy to show more than she already did. <English>

Zora cheers and heads towards the ocean, stripping off her coverall beforehand. We won't talk about her underwear, because that's not in good taste, but she wasn't kidding about wanting to get a tan. She'd lit a cigarette after grabbing the raft, so she's lifting that and her drink high as she wades into the water with Adila. "Hush, cabana boy," she instructs Passe with a grin. "We do not require your services at this time, beyond keeping us at a decent distance from the shore, thank you." Sticking her tongue out, she hops up onto the raft and smokes, lounging her head back to look at Adila. "This is perfect," she comments lightly. <English>

"Ahhhh... Yes, I think I'm starting to get that idea," Andie says and gives a nod toward the water. "Won't be long before some of them start to float out to sea." She gives a look over toward Vivian and motions her closer with a friendly smile. "Come on over. We won't bite. At least.. I don't think anyone will?" she calls and gives a look around at those nearby. Which would be herself and Alabaster as the others have gone in the water (if Andie's player is getting it right). <English>

River arrives from Beachfront - A Large Construction Site - Newhall. River has arrived.

Lev arrives from Beachfront - A Large Construction Site - Newhall. Lev has arrived.

"Gorramit, Ah am workin' on it," Kitty mutters while looking behind her, frowning as she realizes she is only about five feet from where the water is meeting the shore, that alone enough to cause her to sigh and roll her eyes. "For Christ's sake. At this rate Ah'll get pruney toes before Ah get up to mah shins." Truging on, she manages to get up to her ankles after a few more steps, a minor victory for the nonswimming bumpkin. <English>

She manages to get herself up on the raft with Zora, without tippin' it over. Adila wiggles until she's got a good spot, then glancing at the others to make sure she's a good distance from shore...off comes the shirt. Her bra has as much coverage as any bikini top and she's content to leave her shorts on for now. "I do believe you're right, nurse goodbody." And with that, another nickname is born. Hearing Andie, she raises her hand and waves her shirt, "I bite!" She declares. <English>

Alabaster Smith settles back on his towel and stretches out. "If they float out to sea," he declares amiably, "Ah reckon we'll just have to hire replacements. Or the Lord will send a wave to bring them back to shore eventually. This is why we have spares of everything, you know." <English>

Vivian kicks and the sand in frustration as she shakes her head at Andies request to come closer. She moves to a cross legged position and hunches forward rubbing the sand between her fingers. "hate sand" she mumbles and flicks it away. She was supposed to be having fun, but the circumstances were providing her with none. <English>

The bright sun on a bright afternoon has lulled the crew and guests of the Redemption out of the mechanical beast onto the sandy beach. The party has divided itself, half on the beach kicking back and enjoy the sun to the best of their abilities, and the other half daring the water and waves. Sitting on the beach is the preacher Smith talking with the potential doctor Andie, and near by pondering the joy (or abscense there of) of beachs is the potential pilot Vivian. Striding close to the waters, scared cause she doesn't know how to swim, is Kitty, and inside the waters is the pilot Passe, next to Adila and Zora sharing a 'floaty', bobbing on the waves.

Passe stands up, he's about halfway in the water when doing so. He says to Kitty, "Keep comin', I gotta do my part with these two, then I'll be back." He half swims, half wades over to the pair in the floaty, and says, "Well then, if it's out to see you want, come on!" He grabs the device and starts swimming deeper into the ocean, dragging them behind him.<English>

Lev stumbles off the path leading to the hotel, finds a somewhat secluded spot sporting a 'post no bills' sign to hang on to... and thence proceeds to do his best to -not- become noisily ill. <English>

Adila tests her Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (35). Andie tests her Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (20). Alabaster Smith tests his Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (18). You test your Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (33). Kitty tests her Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-32). Vivian tests her Spot against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (4). Passe tests his Perception against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (10).

Andie chuckles at Smith and gives a shake of her head toward him. "I dare say that I've never seen a Preacher in a Hawaiian shirt before, but you do quite sound like one," she says and nods again toward the water, shifting her lotus position slightly as if to allieviate strained muscles. "I'd say that whatever happens, happens, not because of God or some higher being. But it just happens." She gives a shrug and gives another look over toward Vivian, her smile fading a bit and a sad kind of expression crossing her face. Not hearing what the woman had said, she can almost guess though and tries sending another smile in her direction. "It's not so bad. Just come sit with us and talk?" she calls and pats a spot of sand near herself and Smith. <English>

Zora grins at Adila and sips more of her drink, which has melted down awfully fast - possibly because she put more alcohol in hers. "So," she says, peeling off her sunglasses casually, "What did you do while you were gone? You'll have to let me know if I'm being too blunt and forward - but that's the kind of person I am. And I think that you and I should be friends, so let's chat." She grins innocently and starts to smoke again, but Passe comes up to drag them out and she girl-squeals once more. "PASSE!" she yells, flailing as she giggles madly. <English>

River (Silly) pages Zora and Adila: There on the water, a ways out but coming closer is a float of some type, pink of all colors, coming towards the beach. There seems to be something inside it, square shaped.

Alabaster Smith informs Andie, "What happens, happens, because the Lord helps make it happen." He glances over to Vivian and smiles. "Come on over, mah dear. Pull up a towel and make yourself comfortable. We're all friends here." <English>

A small squeak of surprise, as Passe begins to drag them out further. Adila raises up some onto her elbows, then sitting up she moves to tug that mass of hair into a loose bun. A twist of her fingers and a tuck, and it's mostly secure. Zora turns to her in hopes of conversation, she opens her mouth to reply but something makes her pause. "I didn't do a whole heck of a lot." She chuckles, "Besides snarl at some people, unfortunately. Sniffed around fer a new ship, but..." She bites her bottom lip briefly, "None of them was Red, ya'll just can't be replaced, you know?" She dips her hands into the water to alleviate some of the heat, "I was actually, thinking of joining the pirates." She nudges Zora gently, pointing towards something further out into the water. "You see that?" <English>

Vivian avoids looking at Andie, instead looking up to see the newcomer, seemingly drunk. She debates even getting up to move toward him and was nearly about to until the preacher called to her. When he did her eyes lit up and she scooted closer, ignoring the fact her full palms were placed into scratchy unpleasant sand. <English>

Andie looks over in the direction of the swimmers and floaters as Zora squeals and yells, grinning quietly. She starts turning toward when something out on the water catches her attention. She raises her hand to shield against the sun, eyes squinting and then she points as spot out there. "You see that? That pink something?" she asks Smith and unfolds her legs to stand, getting a better view. Keeping her attention on the water now, she entirely misses the appearance of someone else on the beach. "Looks like a float?" <English>

Kitty says in English, "Passe, yew rat bastard! Don't yew dare leave me out 'ere alone, yew stinkin, no-good...!" Kitty flails as she gets too into her yelling after him and the ladies he is towing around and she falls, landing smack on her ass in the water with a very big splash for someone as petite as her. Thankfully she's not in very deep and only gets wet up to about halfway up her legs and backside."

"Passe, yew rat bastard! Don't yew dare leave me out 'ere alone, yew stinkin, no-good...!" Kitty flails as she gets too into her yelling after him and the ladies he is towing around and she falls, landing smack on her ass in the water with a very big splash for someone as petite as her. Thankfully she's not in very deep and only gets wet up to about halfway up her legs and backside. <English>

Passe slows down a little to twist onto his back, still dragging but only kicking with his feet. "So you're abandonning the idea of leaving us?" he calls up to Adila. He cracks a grin and adds, "I was kind of hoping you were going to abandon your bra, like Zora here. Get a /full/ tan."

Passe twists back around and swims a little harder, leading them further out from the beach. Spotting something out in the distance, he decides to head that direction with the girls in tow. <English>

Zora sights the pink thing in question and points to it, still giggling. "Enemy sighted!" she calls, pointing to it with her cigarette hand. "Change course, cabana boy!" She doesn't seem to have noticed that Passe has already done so. "Pirates?" she asks Adila once the giggles have calmed down. "You mean, the people following that Frost man? I don't actually know much about them. But I'm glad you came back. I don't know you very well, but...like I said. I decided you and I are going to be friends." She leans over and grins as though sharing a secret. "And there's no stopping me when I decide something!" she announces lowly. "I am unstoppable, you see." She takes a final drag of her cigarette and tosses it into the water, downing the second to last sip of her drink as well. "I am woman!" <English>

Adila turns to look at Passe, snorting softly. "You wanna see the girls, you shoulda been playin' poker last night." She chuckles. "I nearly lost everythin' but ma dignity." She mumbles, wrinkling her nose with that good natured grumble. Her eyes flicker over the object again, squinting as if to get a better look. "Nah, I ain't goin' nowhere." She assures him at last, "Ya'll are stuck with me now, come hell or high water." At Zora's unstoppable mini speech, she laughs, "Well, I'll just have to remember that. Now I think in order to complete that, you must roar...or something." She laughs. <English>

For those who have noticed and even those who have not at this point, there just coming into vision range is a /pink/ floaty thing, bright pink that stands out against the water in the most unnatural of colors.

Alabaster Smith smiles some more at Vivian, then glances over towards the water when attention is called to it. "Hm. Ah reckon that would indeed be a pink thing of some sort," he agrees. "Ah guess our folks in the water had better check it out. We can stay here on land and provide backup," he says cheerfully. <English>

The mention of Admiral Frost's name get's Passe's attention and he stops, the floaty bumping into him, pushing him underwater. He pops up on the other side of the raft, and grabs it so it doesn't drift any further away from him. He grins, water dripping down his face and tells Adila, "She sure is, proved that to me when I was strapped to that bed." He rolls his eyes at Adila's comment about 'the girls' and says, "Seen one pair, seen 'em all. Just thought you'd want an even tan is all."

Passe looks back towards the beach and raises his brows. Wow, didn't think he'd swam that far. Treading water, he grabs hold an end of the floaty to let his limbs rest a little, let's say Zora's end. Maybe he can unbalance her, though he doesn't try... yet. <English>

Kitty just sits there, pouting, with waves lapping around her. <English>

Andie glances toward Alabaster and gives a nod in agreement. Better to have spotters on the shore while people go out to sea to check out whatever is there. "I think you've got a good point there," she notes to the preachers and takes a few steps closer to the water, eyes still shielded from the sun by a hand. <English>

Lev tests his Spot against a 30 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-2).

Lev ulps and becomes a slight tinge further green and lets himself slide down to the sand. Just going to focus right here in the sand. Sit down, just slowly -sit- down and everything will be fi... ulp! Nono, sit. Just sit don't think abou... ulp! <English>

Vivian tests her Spot against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (1).

Lev hits his knee on something in the sand, pauses to focus on it. He brushes a bit of sand away from what ever his body is over, then prompty tries not to cover it again with something more viscous. <English>

Vivian frowns as she notices the man in the distance slump. "Doesn't look good" she mumbles and curses, finally admitting to herself that she'd rather help someone that sit by the preacher. She stands and frowns at the amount of sand on her overalls before walking away from the preacher and Andie, heading straight towards Lev <English>

Now as for the pink, oh so bright floaty thingy in the water, the thingy yes and that is a word, comes floating very quickly towards the now paused swimming/dragging/boob filled normal float in the water. <Redemption> Rat Bastard Passe explains to the Petite, "We're at the beaches of Newhall and Lev came up, looking all sick. Kit just don't want it if it's transferable."

Adila chuckles, "Oh sure...My tan is even enough, Frenchman, thank you very much!" To Passe, scooping up enough water in one hand to give the man a little splash. Of course, that probably gets Zora a little wet in the process but they are in the water. Her attention turns to the floaty thing now, scooting towards the end of the impromptu raft on her belly to peer over the end. A jelly fish? A swimsuit bottom gone astray? A single finger reaches, as if...to poke it. <English>

Passe closes an eye as water finds him. He snarls a grin and flicks up a retaliation spray to the other side of the raft. "Best be careful, cherie, might just leave you here to the mercy of the waves." To emphasize his point, he lets go of the raft and kicks just out of arm's reach, treading water there. <English>

Alabaster Smith watches Vivian head towards Lev, and then turns back to watch as the people in the water tackle the mystery of the pink floaty thing. He seems ready to help in either direction, depending on how things unfold in the next few minutes. <English>

Kitty stands up, dripping wet from the waist down, pretty much and looking very much like a freshly bathed cat, complete with the pissed off attitude to go with it. She looks about the water, trying to get her bearings while leaving those on the sand to do their own thing. "Where are they," she muses softly to herself. <English>

"Isn't that thing moving a bit too fast to be floating on currents?" Andie wonders as she watches the floaty moving quickly toward the people in the water. She gives a glance toward Smith, frowning a bit as if wanting his opinion on the matter. She gives a worried little gasp as Passe kicks away from the raft and looks up and down the beach, giving the lifeguard a wave, then points to the water. "Hey, out there, lifeguard!" <English>

Kitty tests her Spot against a 30 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-1).

Lev finds that something to closely focus on seems to help the nausea. He starts digging in the sand between his legs. <English>

Zora eyes Passe as he leans on her part of the raft, and opens her mouth to roar her best "I Will Survive" feminine roar. "There," she says, satisfied with herself. She finally drains the last of her drink and sets the plastic glass in the water, waving at it as it bobs away. She reaches up to settle her sunglasses better in her pinned up hair, and leans forward toward Passe to beam at him. "Having fun?" she murmurs, and her breath smells pretty strongly of alcohol. Adila splashes her and once again there goes the squeal. <English>

You paged Passe with 'Can you roll perception for me? At whatever above 40 you think is good enough to account for the fact that he's surrounded by halfnaked girls.'

Vivian quickly makes her way to Lev and kneels down, tentatively placing a hand on his arm before looking at what he was digging at. "Are you o..." she says and is cut short by noticing the pink thing jutting out from the sand, his fingers madly digging to reveal it. "what the.." she mumbles and kneels down to get a closer look, completely forgetting about the man next to her. <English> <Redemption> The Ship's Kitty has to laugh at the irony.

Passe tests his Perception against a 60 difficulty. The result is successful (35).

You paged Passe with 'Zora is way more drunk than her one drink would account for.'

The pink floating thingy comes closer to the float now that Passe has let go of it. It's about three feet long and about two feet wide, there is something square like a box inside it, and clothing? so it looks as the float gets closer. What Adila seems to be poking at is the trailing lines of pink that arrive first, they look plastic but ropy at once.

TripSplash Kitty had move a bit further into the water but she is suddenly off of her feet again, this time landing forward on her hands and knees as she had a bit of forward momentum to cause her to land that way, this time. Eyes wide, she looks down at her ankle and screams bloody murder, something causing her to panic more than she had when she was left alone by Passe, Adila and Zora. "OHGAWDGITITOFF!" <English>

Adila gives the Frenchman a little scoff, "I can swim." She says, as if assured she can make it back to shore. She even glances over one shoulder to make sure she's not too terribly far before she gives the pink thing another look. "What...in the 'verse..." She mumbles, distracted as she hears Kitty scream off on shore. Sitting up right, "What the hell'samatter with that girl?" The words sorta trail together. Tentatively, she scoops her hand under the water, to attempt and come up beneath one of the plastic, ropy pieces that stretch and float. <English>

"Don't touch!" Andie shouts out toward the water as a general warning to those out there, even if the pink thing looks a bit too bright to be any kind of animal. Still, one can never be too careful, right? But then there's screaming from Kitty and she gives up trying to warn the curious and starts over toward at a light jog. "What's wrong?" <English>

Kat-Screams catch Passe's attention and he whirls his head around. "Ah, Chaton," he murmurs to himself, remembering what he left on the beach. Without a word, his head slips under the water and he starts swimming back towards the beach, trying to catch a wave and body surf it in. <English>

Alabaster Smith startles as well when he hears the screaming, and goes to full alert, dividing his attention between Kitty and Andie, and Passe and Adila, brow furrowed. Can they handle whatever's going on, or will he need to get involved with the power of the Lord? <English>

Lev sits staring at what was unearthed, his sea-sickness completely out of mind finally. <English>

The people on shore that are not near things seems to decide they want no part of it all, and of course the lifeguard is already busy. But the poor Kitty is now in the surf with a pink, bright pink plastic/ropey thing around her ankle and as she moves she pulls whatever it is out of the sand, it looks.. like a pink covered box?

Lev also has something oddly the same, but as Viv and he pulls it out of the sand, touched or not, it's the same horrible bright pink, ripped and torn that covers something round, instead of box shape.

In the water, Adila's hand comes to something slippy ropy and plastic, that clings to her hands, it's not alive, but it's odd feeling, as she touches the ropy pulls the floating comes floating right into her an Zor's float.

Vivian stares at the pink item unearthed, forgetting all around her and examining it. Kitty's scream was a distant thought in her mind as she reaches forward to touch it and help pull it completely from the sand. She blinks and looks briefly towards Lev before returning her gaze to the bright object. <English>

Being a non-swimmer alone in even shallow water is pretty bad but there is this thing that is wrapped around her ankle, that being what is driving the young woman into hysterics although she's now unable to put what's wrong into words as she's sobbing like a baby. Fingers diggiing into the sand, she closes her eyes for a moment and prays, whimpering until something bumps against her. Blinking, she turns and stares at the box and the rope, her face now bright red. Pause...and the bawling starts anew. "Gorramit, what the hell is it!?" <English>

Zora's focus has moved beyond Passe completely, and she doesn't seem to have even heard Kitty yell at all. She leans across the raft and peers at the odd floating thing as Adila tries to grab it. "Are those clothes?" Zora asks, her priorities in full force. "Did we just have a box of clothes float onto our raft?" A beat of silence goes by before she adds, "We should get drunk, half naked, and come swimming more often." And she's totally serious. <English>

There is a /box/ unopened and then clothing laying in that raft. Shoes, pants, underwear, shirts, etc.

Miss Nerves of Steel has to fight not to jerk her hand back as it clings. It doesn't seem to be alive, so for the time being Adila doesn't yet freak out. When it joins them on the float, however, she mumbles to Zora, "Get back." She's not sure it's not completely harmless as of yet. Zora's words however, make her snort with laughter. The gunslinger holds up her hand, if the thing is still attached. "Maybe..." She looks up, as if trying to determine where it came from along with what the heck it is at the same time. Attempting to shake off the sticky thing, she reaches for the box. <English>

Upon reaching Kitty, Andie goes down on her knees to put her arms around the woman either to keep her on shore on to calm her down and seeing the thing around her ankle she gives a look around for Smith. "Alabaster!" she calls with a hint of urgency in her voice. "Do you have knife? Something around her ankle!" Meanwhile, she just continues to hold onto Kitty to keep her from panicking and to keep her head above water, but also to keep her from being dragged out to sea if the box should decide to float back out. "Smith will be here soon, don't worry, he'll be here.." <English>

Passe is able to catch a wave and rides it the rest of the way onto the beach. He's not far from Kitty and he clamors to his feet, hopping over to where she is. "Katherine," he calls to her, his French accent apparent with her name. Seeing the box tied to her ankle, he looks at Andie with concern and then says, "Let's get her to the beach." He moves over to the box attached to the end of the rope to roll it up as well, so the next wave doesn't drag it back into the sea. <English>

Said bright pink plastic seems to like to cling to Adila like a lover lips, clingclingcling! But she can reach the box if she wants, it's square and unopened and a brown like wood. This is out on the water. Those there will notice a few odd things. It's almost as if the clothing have been cast off, they are slightly wet from the water around them, both men's and woman's about six sets in total, very nice fabric, clean and clearly new.

As for the middle of the beach where the poor Kitten is being cuddled and calmed, the box that is wrapped in the same bright pink is about a foot tall and two feet long, the insides look like small little bowling balls in shape and are a brown in color.

To the north of the beach where Viv and Lev are, is another plastic pink that clings to those who touch it, the box inside is about 2 by 2 made of the same brown wood.

Passe tests his Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (24). Adila tests her Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (10). You test your Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (24). Kitty tests her Intelligence against a 3 difficulty. The result is successful (42). Kitty tests her Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (37). Andie tests her Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (43). Lev tests his Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (41). Vivian tests her Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (22). Alabaster Smith tests his Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (23).

River (Silly) pages Alabaster Smith, Zora, and Passe: You are welcome to take this info and use it how your PC would. What you are seeing is very odd, plastic like that normally don't cling, but it's clearly manmade. You'd think it should be able to be cut.

Lev hrms, "Fascinating." He carefully works at cutting a sample of the pink material. <English>

With a shiver, Kitty allows herself to be taken ashore, her body growing slightly limp as she does so. "That..is not.." A hand comes out as she tries to touch the box, whether she'll be allowed to or not is up to Passe who has it in her possession. "Let me see tha' please, Mister Passe?" She has to investigate it. The eningeer in her just won't let a chance like this be passed up. <English>

Vivian sits back on her heels, partially out of fright about the knife just being pulled, and partially due to fear of him opening the object. "Do you really wanna be doin that?" she asks. <English>

Andie gives a sigh of relief as Passe comes out of the sea like another Poseidon and she nods to him, putting her arms under Kitty's armpits to help her back up to the dry sand. While Kitty is trying to get a better look at the box, the doctor is trying to free the woman's ankle from the ropey bit and investigate the skin. Of course, without a medkit, there's little she can do do ease any damage that might have occured. <English>

"Somebody done lost their luggage." Adila remarks to Zora, reaching for the floating box with said clingy thing till on her hand. Hand over the water, before she reaches for the box, she gives her hand a little shake..."This..." She is afraid to touch it with her only free hand, not wanting to be stuck together should the stuff prove like super glue. "Zora..." She looks to the nurse on her raft, finally surrendering to curiosity and scooping up the box with her sticky hand. <English>

Passe grunts, at first trying to roll the box on the sand, but then has a hard time getting his hand off it. He scrunches his nose in disgust, the sticky, slimey feeling of the wet box not something entirely enjoyable. Pushing it over the sand, he looks up at Kitty's request and says, "You sure you want to look at this? It's kind of... degulass. Disgusting." <English>

Zora beams at Adila and reaches out for the clothes, inspecting them as best as one can inspect wet clothing. "Ooooh, this is nice," she remarks, holding the woman's pants up in the air. "And I think they'd fit me. So, what the fuck, somebody peeled off their clothes, went skinny dipping, and sent them floating off on a sticky raft?" She watches as Adila reaches for the box and waits for her to open it, busying herself with the clothes in the meantime. <English>

No damage at all on Kitty's ankle, the plastic just clings nicely to the skin, in truth the plastic clings to anyone's skin who touches it.

Lev shrugs while staying busy working, "I've observed two crabs walk over and past it already without ill effect, and it appears to be man-made though of unknown composition to me. Likelihood of initial undesirable effects appears to be simply from the resin-like residue, potentially a byproduct of production, foring or curing. Toxicity might exist, but the risk analysis appears low. <English>

Vivian looks at Lev as if he had reavers coming from his ears. "Are you nuts? Don't open it!" <English>

Kitty waits until she's seated back on the sand before she gets up onto her knees, the welling of panicky fear utterly gone as now she has something to occupy her mind - she's not even angry at Passe, anymore. "Yes, please, Mister Passe. Set it down here." She grabs for a nearby stick and makes like a mad scientist prepared to do some sort of evil experiment, complete with a crazed look in her eyes and a smile that could be called unsettling. <English>

Lev pauses, but not because of the frantic person yelling in his ear. From working on ships, especially the dangerous bits, he's rather used to working in fine detail with nervous people shouting at him. Doubly-so when making unauthorized modifications. Rather, what has given him pause is the audible outgassing from the plastic-like substance and the subsequent dissolution of the material. "Unexpected." <English>

Sticky mass still clinging and box in the same hand, Adila takes a single finger and attempts to nudge the lid open or off the little box. You can see the caution in her face, like she expects something gross or even dangerous. "Better be something shiny." She remarks under her breath. <English>

Passe pushes the rectangular box in the sticky floaty juice next to Kitty and yanks hard to get his hands free. He scowls at the redness and grabs a handful of sand, rubbing them into any residue stickness that remains. "You're the mechanic, Chaton," he says to the mad scientist. "What is it?" <English>

Well, the stuff came away from Kitty's ankle alright, but now Andie has the stuff clinging to her hands. "A little help?" she says and tries to pry the sticky rope away from those hands, while keeping her eyes on Kitty's ankle, which proves difficult when the woman moves around. "Doesn't look like it's harmful, though. Are you allergic to anything, Kitty?" she asks and gives the woman's face a quick look, though she seems rather occupied with something else. <English>

Vivian jumps back at the sound of the plastic and seems to fall back onto her rump with a soft thunk. Although curiousity gets the best of her and she moves forward again, this time leaning almost against Lev trying to get a good view. "what is it" she whispers, horrified and curious at the same time <English> Lev dips a finger in the dissolving mess and smells it, then touches the tip of his tongue to it. <English>

Kitty looks at the doctor and smiles to her. "Jus' dust and stuff. No other allergies otherwise. Ah should be fine." She takes her stick and starts to pry away the plastic which eventually reveals wooden objects, some of which are square and others which are round. "The plastic itself seems to be manmade," she says to answer Laurent, then looks over to Andie once she realizes the lady is stuck now. "Ah wish Ah was ah scientist or somethin' like tha'. Ah can't really figure this stuff out on ah mecanical level." <English>

Well, she did say something shiny. Adila's box opens with a nudge of her finger and inside are bottles. Six of them, their golden tops catching in the sunlight. A slow grin grows on the gunslinger's face. "Zora...look." She whispers to the other woman, who is currently enamored with the small collection of found clothes. Almost tenderly, she touches one of the bottles, nudging it gently. "Could be poison." She remarks, looking for some sort of label or mark. <English>

Vivian wrinkles her face in disgust at Lev. "That's disgusting!" she exclaims rather loudly and covers her mouth. "Oh my god I can't believe you just tasted it!" <English>

River (Silly) pages: 2 males and 4 female sets, pants, shoes, jacket, one dress, other shirts, a corset, some underwear etc. There isn't enough underwear for the 4 sets of female clothing tho ;) Pose, do whatever you want with it.

"Poison? Fuck that noise. It could be booze." Zora reaches out and grabs one to inspect. "The best booze ever known to man. Seriously. Or, it could be a secret potion that kills people." She blinks at the bottle for a second before adding, "Or, poison. Right." She stops staring at it long enough to glance over at the shoreline, which is getting farther and farther away without a cabana boy to keep them close. "Paaaaaaaaase!" she calls, cupping her hands around her mouth. "Cooooome get us! We found pooooooison!" <English>

Passe tests his Listen against a 55 difficulty. The result is successful (5).

Passe looks at the sticky, pink box and watches as Kitty prods it. He glances around, curious to see what the others on the beach are doing, or even if they're caring, when he hears his name called out. He stands and looks back out into the sea, covering his eyes with a hand. "Qu'est qu'elle veut, l'ivrogne?" he mutters to himself and then looks back down at the box. He glances up at Andie and asks, "Is this thing dangerous?" As though the doctor should know about everything that is dangerous or not. <English>

The bottles roll a little, exposing a different label on each one. The first is Macallen Fine Whiskey, the dark liquid in the bottle gently moving as she nudges the bottle. One the bottle is printed the date, it's at least sixty years old. "Shite..it's not poison, it's booze!" The second bottle is nudged, exposing the words Chivas Regal Royal Salute...the bottle showing it's fifty years in age. "It's...gorram expensive whiskey!" A little laugh, "Oh my god, Idris and I are going to drink!" She grins, looking at the bottle Zora plucked out. Highland Whiskey, easily fourty six years old. All the bottles are /expensive/ and the liquid gently sways in the bottles as the raft floats. A look to Zora, "Wanna split our ill gotten gains?" <English>

"Worse than latex gloves without talcum," Andie complains as she gets one hand free of the sticky robe, giving a nod to Kitty. "Well, I still want you to keep an eye on that ankle. Tell me if you start getting skin irritation or a rash or anything outside normal. This stuff might be bad for you and just have a delayed reaction." She gives a look around the beach, giving Passe a look and seems about to give him the same bit of advice as a howl comes from out on the water. She can't help grin a little at what Passe mutters as she tries coating her now free hand with sand to get her still stuck hand free of the rope. She looks up at the man and gives a shrug. "No idea. But I think it would be advisable for myself and doctor Halleck to keep an eye on everyone who came in contact with this stuff." <English>

Lev speaks slowly, as it he's doing a large number of mental calculations even as he speaks, "High ionic suspension with a low particulate base makes me suspect a charged aerogel. The high salt content combined with the hydrophillic tendency of the material would create a seemingly solid surface, while the charged base coupled with a salinity change would cause an affinity to concentration differences so long as a surface charge could conduct. Breakdown of suspension would come from point grounding of the material via a good conductor, which suggests a regularly ordered substructure... of course, I'd need to study this to come up with a plausible hypothesis. <English>

After about 20 minutes, the bright pink, sticky stuff all over the beach and in the water itself starts to break down. Clearly the girls on the water need to grab the clothing and box if they want to keep it. Those on the beach now have a box next to Lev and Viv and a box and four little round ball like things near Kitty, the Doc and Passe. The bright pink now is gone, bleeding into the sand or the water itself.

Lev looks more closely at the residue on his knife before asiding to the woman next to him, "Perhaps a closer examination of the contents of the previously enclosed entity might provide a more singular explanation?" <English>

Finding herself almost numb to shock with this odd man sitting next to her, Vivian simply stares at the box, raising her eyebrows. She opens her mouth and closes it, almost unwilling to ask the question and changes her mind when he finally speaks to her. "Uh.. yeah.. what you said" <English>

Kitty picks up one of the balls while watching the pink stuff dissolve and melt away, a look of disappointment on her face, now. "Alright..well, let us see, 'ere." The ball-like thing is looked at first, since that is what currently held within her grasp but that is soon put aside so she can inspect the odd items which her box contained. "Ah don't get this." <English>

Lev attempts to capture a bit of the residue in a discarded bottle. <English>

Zora's eyes get /huge/ when Adila confirms her only half serious suggestion. "Paaaaaaaase!" she calls out again, giggling madly. "It's not poooooooison! Cooooome get us!" Route back to shore taken care of, she begins to gather up all the clothes in her arms. "Shit, Adila, there's a corset. /A corset/. Do you KNOW what I could do with this thing? He would SHIT himself." She doesn't explain who 'he' is. "And of course I want to split it. This is like delinquent’s Christmas." <English>

Adila makes sure the box and the booze are secure, and with some relief she finds that the pink sticky stuff is melting away some. She wiggles her fingers, dipping it now and again in the water as if to wash the rest away when she can... her other hand on her box 'o bottles. Playfully, she thrusts her pink, stick hand towards Zora, "Come'ere, let me toooouch you." She says with obvious drawl in her voice making it a joke. Pink fingers wiggle, sticky stuff beginning to drip down her wrist. Her monster play is paused, grinning wide as Zora seems happy with her new clothes. A bubbling laugh, shaking her head. "Well, shit is not the best reference, but I can imagine." <English>

Passe bends over to pick up one of the balls and hefts it in his hand. Wooden, hollow sounding with something inside. He looks around the ball, looking for a seam of some sort, and tries to just grab a random edge in each hand and twist, seeing if he can open it at all. <English>

Sticky rope gone from her hands, Andie can now concentrate on observing the effects of the stuff, if there are any. She watches her hands mostly, but gives sideways glances toward Kitty's ankle once in a while, to check on the engineer as she's not likely to report any discomfort, it seems. "Nothing but a little irritation from the stickiness, it seems," she says to herself, raising her hands close to her eyes to inspect her palms as best she can, given the conditions. She looks over toward Kitty and Passe again and juts her chin out at them a bit. "Neither of you feeling any discomfort, right? Please tell me if you do." <English>

The little balls are not opening that way, nopenope!

The fairly larg box that has somehow claimed Kitty is opened and their gifts revealed, finally, leaving Kitty to gawk. "Makeup?" Indeed, that is exactly what is in the case. Lipsticks and eyeshadows, blushes and powders. Even lotions and some pretty smelling soaps, perfumes and all that. "Hmm, oh yeah, Ah'm fine, thanks," she offeres to Andie off handedly while she inspects her newly found prizes, her expression puzzled. "Laurent," she murmurs over to the Frenchman whom seems to be as curious about the balls as she was the box, "Wha' do yew make of this?" <English>

Lev frowns as he fails to capture any of the liquid before it runs into the sand. He puts his knife point-down into the bottle to preserve any residue that might be existant still there for analysis later. "X-ray diffusion analysis that I normally use to check for interior cracks in the thuster housings might be usable to see if anything crystalized on top of the knife surface." He puts the bottle carefully aside and finally moves his attention to the wooden box. <English>

Vivian huffs and slouches, waiting for the man to open the box, his constant drawl of technical babble beginning to frustrate her. "Just open it!" <English>

"Paaaaaaaasse!" Zora calls out insistently once more. "Cooooome get us pleeeeeeeeease!" She gigglesnorts when Adila reaches for her with goohands, but Zora is too fixated on getting back to shore, drying out the clothes, and drinking the booze to really be paying attention to the pink junk. "Paaaaaaaaaaaasse!" <English>

Lev mutters, "Patience is a virtue when dealing with materials that are likely to explode. Not that I feel that wood has a tendency to explode, but in more general life, it would be a lesson to take to heart..." but he uses his long fingers to attempt to open the box. <English>

Andie looks over at Kitty and frowns. "Makeup?" she repeats, then looks back out at the water. "And did they find poison out there? Is that what they were screaming?" Well, that gets Andie back on her feet and over toward the water's edge, waving an arm at the girls. She turns toward Passe and gives a nod. "Better go get them before they try and drink whatever the found." <English>

Passe rolls his eyes at the last call from the sea and just drops the ball in the sand next to Kitty. "Excusez moi," he says to her, "Cabana-Boy is being called." He strikes a dramatic pose with his title, fists on his hips, his chest puffing out, then just chuckles. "No idea. See if you can get these balls open too, there's something inside them." And with that, he turns to run back into the ocean and see what's so important out on the floaty. <English>

That last thrust of her sticky hand in the water, seems to do it. "Free at last." She says quietly, wiping her hand on part of the raft just to make sure. Adila makes sure the lid is secure on her box, she looks towards the shore. "Hey FRENCHIE!" She calls, then sideways to Zora, "This will get him, maybe." She straightens up, cupping her hands, "Zora and I are gettin' naked, come on out!" <English>

Vivian finally rolls her eyes at the man, suddenly almost amused at his mutterings. "Ya know, you shouldn't be talkin to me about dangerous. I didn't put pink stickieness in my mouth" <English>

Lev carefully pulls out, examines and then puts aside each item as he removes it from the box. Some sheets of fine paper, fountain pens which he frowns at curiously as well before laying aside. A bottle of ink. Another smaller, decorated box which proves to be empty, and then two bottles full of sand. "Less than entirely illuminating." <English>

Lev says in English, "How else would I know what it tasted like?"

Kitty nods as she looks at Andie, her expression as sheepish as she feels. "Yeah. Ah got all worked up over a gorram box of girly-girl froo-froo stuff. Ah'm sorry Ah worried you and Mister Passe." The ball that Passe had dropped is looked at again, her eyes roaming the wooden surface even as her fingers do, the tips of which are pressed here and there as she tries to feel for buttons or something. <English>

Lev asks Vivian, "Would you mind if I retain these bottles of sand to run some more tests on?" <English>

Andie gives a look back toward Kitty, then turns away from the water to join her, kneeling next to the box. "Any sign where this might have come from? Ingraved names, symbols, anything like that?" she asks and gives the box a cursory look without actually touching it. She gives the ball a look as Kitty examines it. "How heavy is that? Does it feel solid or hollow?" <English> Vivian blinks and looks Lev squarely. "wait wait wait... Lemme get this straight now. You want to keep... The /sand/" <English>

Lev says in English, "Well, the rest certainly is of no use to me."

The Frenchman swims out towards the floaty with a pair of nutters on in. Once there, he shakes the water off his hair, spattering the two on the raft like a dog shaking its fur. He smirks up at Adila and says, "Already seen Zora naked. And what makes you think I want to see you naked?"

Passe peers around the raft, looking for Pinkie, and then swims under it to the other side. His head popping up, he grabs the raft to rest on, this time Adila's side, and he asks the pair, "Where'd that pink thing go? Did it just disolve like Kitty's" <English>

Adila tosses her legs lightly over the side, waiting patiently to see if the Frenchman comes to their rescue. Feet wiggle in the water, a content look on the gunslinger's face. Wet, no more sticky, she peeks over the side as Passe appears. "All gone." She informs him with a smile. "And we got six bottles of booze that are fabulously expensive!" <English>

Vivian stares at Lev once more as if he again had reavers coming out his ears. "Um... alright, have the sand. In fact, take the box, i'll just have the stuff in it if ya don't mind" <English>

Lev gathers up the bottle with his knife, the two further bottles of sand and then the wooden outer box, "You're quite right. Analysis of this may prove fruitful. Thank you." <English>

Lev staggers off with his bounty, back to his makeshift lab on the floating shipyard. Somehow, he fails to consider what the ferry ride -back- to his place of work is going to do to him. Again. <English>

Zora gasps at Passe. "You did not see me naked! I was unbuttoned. There were no real body parts flying around, thank you very much." She scoffs at him and points to the shore. "Homeward bound, cabana male! We are out of cold drinks, and the sun is hot!" <English>

The ball is hefted in a palm and the weight is guaged, her expression thoughtful as she tries to get a feel of the sphere. "About three pounds, Ah think. Hollow..." Kitty grins impishly. "Mister Passe has some heavy balls, it'd seem." She snirks at herself before falling into a bit of giggling, the kind that is borne out of nervousness. "Ah don't think they're going to open, though. Must be glued together." Another critical gaze is given, this time around the 'equator' of the item, the tiny mech now looking for seams around it's central point. <English>

"I've got a good imagination, it can fill in many blanks," Passe replies with a wink. He bobs out of the water a couple inches higher to peer into the raft. "Looks to me like you got plenty of drinks," he chuckles and then disappears under the water to go to the other side. He playfully taps the underneath on one of the depressions in the raft, not sure which bum it is but assumes it's either Zora's or Adila's. Popping out on the beach side, he grabs the raft and starts the arduous process of dragging the divas back to the beach. "I should just leave you two out here," he jokes, glancing back over his shoulders. <English>

Andie chuckles lightly at Kitty's comment about Passe's balls, then gives a nod toward the one she's holding. "Have you tried twisting it up? Each hemisphere opposite direction?" she asks, sitting with her hands on her thighs, just watching, apparently still disinclined to actually touch any of the found objects. <English>

"Cold drinks, servant, cold drinks," Zora laughs. She squeals as of course, it is her ass that gets the tap, and points at him when he surfaces. "You can't leave us out here, you're the one who brought us this far out!" She peers down at her arm as she points, which has turned a lovely shade of tan. Apparently, Zora has the tan-not-burn lucky genes. "Dammit," she worries, "Now I have to lay out on my other side when we get back. And I'm HUNGRY." <English>

Kitty nods and twists the ball like Andie suggested, wincing as she does. Yes, she's expecting it to go all asplody in her face. "Ah hope this ain't gonna be a bad thing," she notes to herself in afterthought. Good way to think about possible danger -after- the fact, duh. <English>

Vivian crawls over to the items so heartlessly discarded to the sand, she slowly picks up each piece and hugs it to her chest before standing. She stops a moment and looks towards everyone else, who seem to be scrambling over their own treasures. She thinks a moment then shrugs beginning her arduous trip back to the Redemption. <English>

Vivian heads through the exit labeled <East> Beachfront Construction Site. Vivian has left.

Andie watches Kitty intently and as she notes that it might be a bad thing, the doctor seems to have second thoughts about getting the engineer to open the ball. "Umm.." she says, but curiosity seems to overcome causion and she just leans back a little as if that might help if the thing does explode. <English>

Kitty tests her Intelligence against a 30 difficulty. The result is successful (18).

Passe continues dragging the raft-of-women-and-booze back towards the beach. He stops swimming when it's shallow enough to stand and just drags them along. When the water is about 3 feet deep, and a wave nears, Passe suddenly turns on the raft and holds it at a 30 degree angle into the wave, letting it crash onto the occupants. <English>

"Excuse me." Kitty takes the one ball and looks for a nice bit of rock or something equally hard and once she does she sits down next to it. "Open up ya little turd..." And with that she smashes the sphere against the hard thing, once...twice...three times before she stops to see if it looks like it's working. <English>

Adila's blessed box 'o expensive booze is in both hands, and she's riding along nicely until she gets to shore. Before she can step off, Passe tilts the raft and a wave hits the pair. If she wasn't wet before, she is NOW. Head to toe, shorts, bra, t-shirt and all. A gasp, blinking and staring at Passe, "Oh..you are such a dead man." She can't say it without laughing however. Wiping her face with her hand, flipping the water off with a flick of her wrist she rises up and grabbing her wet shirt, she steps onto the beach proper. <English>

Andie's eyes grow wide as she realises what Kitty is about to do. "Hey! You think that's a good... Idea?" she exclaims, trying to reach out to stop the woman from smashing the thing, though she only grasps air and topples forward a bit, her hand coming down into the sand with a soft thud. "Merde!" <English>

Four stones fall out, three pale white and one deep amber. Oh and it cracks open like an egg.

Kitty pocketing those stones, she scoops up the remaining bits of 'wood' and deposited the fragments in the box before grabbing the other balls. They get the same treatement while she talks to the hapless, flopped doctor. "Well, Ah figured it couldn't be anything too bad," she half-lies. "Wouldn't be hollow if 'ere were explosives inside 'em, right?" Whap, crack, whap, crack. <English>

Two larger black stones fall out of the next. The next seems to hold nuts, many nuts fall on the ground The final holds tiny little sparkling stones of all colors, shaped like tinytiny marbles.

Passe yanks the whole raft out from under Zora, and smirks at Adila. "Yeah, you'll have to catch me first. And your guns up on the beach. I think I'm safe." He looks over at the inebriated nurse and hopes the clothes aren't ruined. But if they weren't yet, then this extra water won't hurt them. He takes a few steps towards the beach, at an angle away from the gunhand, chuckling to himself as he drags the much lighter raft behind him. <English>

"Ever hear of grenades?" Andie asks of Kitty and sits back up, rubbing her wrist as she leans forward carefully to look at the stones come out of the ball. "Gemstones?" She gives a look at Kitty as the woman scoops the stones before she can have a good look at them, frowning at the woman. "I saw that, you know? I might not be crew on your ship yet, but I /am/ trustworthy." <English>

A small scoff, "I don't need my gun to take care of you, Frenchie." Adila says, mischief still sparkling in her eyes. A glance to the beach and the goings on there, and most importantly to her... her gun. She takes herself in that direction, throwing Passe a playful glare now and then. "You gotta sleep sometime." She calls to him as he brings the raft ashore. The soaked Adila treds, box in arms, for her weapon. <English>

Kitty nods and then hmms. She unpockets the first set of stones she got out of opening the first one and looks at them as a whole. "Grenades aren't hollow though, Doc.." she mutters before holding out the newest finds and holds them out to Andie for her to look at. "Take a couple, Doc." She smiles as she adds, "Don't want ya to walk off without a little somethin' to remember yer trip to the beach by." The rest will be given to Passe for him to do with as he sees fit. <English>

Zora flails madly when the wave hits and then Passe yanks the floaty from under her, trying to keep all the clothes in her arms. "Godammit! Passe, I /was/ going to give you some of these clothes, but not now." She gives him a dark look and searches the sand for her tiny purse, which she retrieves with a sigh. Flopping down and lighting herself a cigarette, she waves a wet and weary hand in Passe and Adila's direction. "Cold drinks for Dila and I, cabana person! And something greasy to eat!" Winking before repositioning the sun glasses from in her hair to over her eyes, she gestures next to her to Adila. "Come bond, girlfriend!" <English>

She retrieves her gun, boy does it need cleaning. She tucks it into the back of her wet shorts, still in her bra, allowing the sun to dry her. Box and all she settles down beside Zora. Box is set down and she stretches her wet shirt across the top, to help it dry. "Chop chop, Cabana boy!" She calls, clapping her hands together. "Or you get no tip!" She sideways to Zora, "I'm gunna give him the tip of my boot for gettin' me soaked." She grins. <English>

"Some grenades have shrapnel bits inside them," Andie says, though she doesn't really sound like she knows a lot about that. She gives a nod and a smile to Kitty as she reaches out to collect what the woman is giving her. She lifts her hand to look at the stones handed over and picks one up between forfinger and thumb, raising it to the sun to look through the stone. "Amber. A very nice piece too," she says and picks up the next stone to examine. "And obsidian. That quite some stones here," she notes and gives a look over at Kitty with a shake of her head. "But I'm not inclined to keep it for myself. I only wanted to see them." <English>

Passe throws the floaty onto the beach and comes back to crew-central on the beach. He picks up his towel and snaps it, shaking off the sand, and then quickly dries himself. Ignoring the cabana boy requests, he comes over to where Kitty is smashing balls and rubbing his hair with the towel, he asks, "So did you finally get them open?" <English>

Kitty nods and holds out the gems and the nuts, smiling as she does so. "Ah'd like to give the Preacher one of the white stones and keep the marbles for mahself.." She looks at Andie. "Are ya sure yew don't wanna keep one?" She then hmms and looks over to Passe. "The rest are all yers, Mister Passe, since a box didn't find yew." <English>

Passe peers down at the gems and then looks curiously at the box, the makeup, and the smashed balls. "What the hell was this?" he voices out loud, though to no one in particular. "I mean, sticky boxes floating in the middle of nowhere with valuable contents. This just doesn't happen every day."

Passe bends closer and looks at the stones. "You should really keep these, cherie, get them appraised. They're probably worth something." He wraps a hand around Kitty's, closing hers over the stones, to emphasize the point. <English>

Andie shakes her head at Kitty and holds out the gems she's holding toward Passe as it seem Kitty is content to hand them over to him. "I don't need them, really," she says and picks up one of the nuts instead to inspect it. She lifts it to sniff at it a bit, then rubs the surface of it a little and sniffs at it again. "These could be quite valuable if made into oil, though..." <English>

Zora leans back on her arms in the sand, watching Passe talk to Kitty. "What do you think of her?" she asks idly. "You gave her a weird look earlier. There some bad blood there? I really don't know anything about her, beyond the fact that she seems oddly attached to Passe, and not always in a flirty way." She pauses for a moment, continuing to watch before asking, "And what about Doc Two?" <English>

Adila chuckles, stretching out her wet shirt a little more on the treasure box. "He's ignoring us." She chuckles, not seeming too upset about it at all. At the question of Kitty, she looks back towards the woman in question and then back to Zora. She brushes back a bit of wet hair, the wave having disheveled her former bun. A soft click of her tongue, dropping her voice to a softened whisper. "Idris told me, she bought a gun, cause she's afraid of me." She remarks about Kitty. "Doc Two...she seems alright. She frets a lot." She shrugs her shoulders loosely, "Then again, maybe I don't fret enough." <English>

"A'ight, Mister Passe. Ah'll probably keep 'em. Tha' way if ya decided yew want some they won't be gone." Kitty looks at the nuts and picks them up one by one, each one then offered to her with a smile go to along with them. "'ere ya go, Doc. Ah don't have any use for such things so if ya can use these, by all means please take 'em." She smiles as she looks around and then takes to watching Zora and Adila, the smile softening a bit, turning into a curious little grin. <English>

Passe lets go of the girl's hand and rises, smiling at Kitty. "I could show you what to do with them. Remind me about them next time we make it to Beaumonde."

Passe steps back towards the ladies-in-waiting and excuses himself, "Sorry les filles, but your Cabana Boy needs to get out of this sun. I feel a burn coming on, and should probably retain some mobility to fly us out of here." While talking, he was idly twirling his towel in one hand. He suddenly snaps it in the direction of the gunhand, a loud crack and then he laughs and hurridly steps off the hot sand, to stop and realize his sandals are back there. <English>

Adila tests her Agility against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (32). Passe tests his Agility against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (39).

Andie gives a look between Kitty and Passe, then lets a smile play over her lips as she starts to get to her feet. But well, Passe is on his feet as well, so making a graceful exit to leave the couple alone might not have been all that necessary. She nods to the man and back toward the spaceport. "Might be a good idea to get us all out of the sun," she say, loud enough for all to hear. <English>

"Why's she afraid of you?" Zora asks curiously. "And that doesn't explain what you think of her, just that you've somehow managed to scare her." Her gaze shifts to Andie and she laughs. "She does seem very fretful," she admits. "But it also might just be that Syna is younger. I don't know. But I do that if she gets the job, she and I will clash a lot. Not that I don't like her. But I think that our personalities are different. I dunno." Noticing Kitty peering at them, she waves.

When Passe announces that he's leaving, Zora stands up to pout at him. "And here, I was going to flash you if you got us drinks. What time is it?" she asks suddenly, changing the topic. <English>

"I'll tell you back at the ship." Adila murmurs to Zora, probably not a story she wants to relive in front of the whole crowd. Passe snaps the towel at her and she's quick, but not quick enough. There is a reach of her hand as she grabs for that towel as if to snap it right back at him...but she fails. "Gorramit FRENCHMAN!" She doesn't really rouse too far, but she does stand up. "You gotta sleep sometime!" She yells again, shaking her fist. "Oh, I'm so gunna get him." She mutters, sliding her feet into her shoes. "It's probably late, we should head back before we're all burnt to a crisp" <English>

With the mentioning of having to go, Kitty begins to gather the gifts the sea gave her, the gems put carefully in a pocket while the box of makeup is tucked under an arm. She doesn't speak but seems to be willing to go back with everyone else as she has most certainly had enough excitement for the day. <English>

Passe hurridly returns to where his sandals are and snatches them and his t-shirt while snapping the towel, this time at Zora. *Snap* He whirls around, sand kicking into the air as he sprints off towards the main road back into town, running on his tippy toes to keep from getting burned too badly. <English>

Passe tests his Agility against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (47). You test your Agility against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (26).

Andie gets her towel and her water bottle and makes for the spaceport in a nice sedate manner as a woman of her age and occupation would. <English>