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IC Time: April 7, 2122

Redemption - Infirmary - A Deck

The ship's Medical Ward is rather large. Two sickbeds have been placed at one side of the room and on a small table between them. Prepared instruments are still sealed in a sterile packets. The cabinets seem to hold a good bit of equipment and pharmaceuticals. Behind a screen is the Doctor's Desk, a comfortable chair before it.

On the other side of the room is a large self contained Medical Diagnostic Doctor Bed. While not quite on par with the full Imaging Suite that you'd fine in hospitals in the Core, this Doctor's Bed does allow three dimensional holo-imaging of the patient's bone structure, and computed axial tomography of the soft tissue as well. There is a dedicated high power computer attached to the bed that controls the holo imaging and maintains a constant readout of the patient's vitals.

Sam arrives from Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck. Sam has arrived.

With one of the ship's engineers just leaving the infirmary, inside the Frenchman lays, still strapped in his restraints. His head is rolled back onto his pillow and exhales loudly, considering so many varied conflicts on this boat. He shakes his head at himself, too lost in thoughts of what to do to notice anyone else in the room. <English>

Zora strides confidently into the med bay, looking like a million bucks. Or something else equally hot. Her hair is shining and curled, her makeup is perfect, her clothes are flattering, her nails are painted. She smells like cinnamon glaze, and she looks like she owns the world. "Passe?" she calls out, coming fully inside. "Are you up?" <English>

Sam finds her way to the infirmary. In her hand is a wrapped up parcel. She stops at the door and doesn't stop to see if he's awake or not. "First question. Have you peed yet?" She asks, grin evident on her face. She pulls off her sunglasses and grins. "Still tied up too... The things I could do." She gives a wink and comes on in. <English>

Passe looks over at the doorway, yet two more beauties to complexify his day. He sighs deeply and says, "Yes, as a matter of fact I have. But if you're so eager to take advantage of me, not like there's anything I could do about it." He speaks a little testily, but it's rather obvious that it's a front, as a smirk worms its way onto his face. He looks over at the radiating nurse and throws her a nod. "Zora, you look good. Sun shining today?" he asks her. <English>

"I do look good, Passe," Zora remarks, chipper. "And I don't know, I haven't been out yet. How are you feeling? Bored, muscles aching from laying in one place, memories returning at all?" There's something about the look in her eyes as she says the last thing...it's a bit off. "Hey, Sam," she calls over to the other woman when she enters. "Better be quick if you want to molest him. Syna should be back soon." <English>

Sam peeks a glance to Zora as well. "You do. Very good. Iffin I didn't know better I'd swear you did it for the man in the bed." Sam walks over to the bed and acts like she runs her hands all over the man, keeping them a good two inches away. "There. Had my jollies." <English>

Passe looks shocked at Zora's suggestion. "I thought you medical people were supposed to protect the innocent!" he exclaims, then stops, not entirely certain he fits in that category. But regardless, he continues, "Not giving permission. I.." he stops short, again, but this time the words of Sam sinking in. Before he can react though, hands are dancing over his body, the tease of two inches causing him to go rigid, not entirely sure what to expect next. When Sam stops, he exhales. Apparently he'd been holding his breath the entire time. <English>

"Yeah, Passe, you're not very convincing," Zora comments, and her voice has a bite to it. "I doubt Sam would do anything to you that you would have that big of a problem with." She pauses, raising her nails up so that she can pretend to inspect them. "Oh, I didn't get dressed up for Passe, Sam, though I appreciate the compliment." She does not, in fact, say who she took pains with her appearance for. "So, Passe, you didn't answer me. Got any memories back yet?" <English>

Sam just grins and laughs. "So who did you dress up for?" Sam asks, running her hands around on Passe again, two inches high. "I am so gonna be payin for this when he gets outta here." Then she stops and leans on him, resting on his stomach. "So. How is the old noggin?" <English>

Looking over the waving hands at Zora, Passe grimaces. "Oui, I remember now, remember it all," he says, and throwing a look at Sam, explains, "It came back to me when Liz stopped by." But he doesn't elaborate any further on that, since he's restrained and a lady is leaning on him.

Passe sinks down on the bed as best he can in restraints, a little glad he has a blanket over most of his body, but then decides to make the best of it. He smirks and looks up into the deep blue eyes of Sam and says, "It could use a kiss or two." <English>

"So," Zora says with a level voice and a raised eyebrow, "You remember when I came to come see you, then?" She watches Sam torture Passe and lean on him with a calm expression, not stepping forward to object or come to Passe's aid. "That's my secret, Sam," she replies to the question of who she dressed up for. "I'll never tell." She smiles a small smirk at the other girl, laughing. She still doesn't seem herself, though. <English>

Sam looks to Zora and grins. "Well, well..." As she then looks back to Passe. "I don't think you can handle it if I kissed you, Passe." She still leans on his chest, perched there like an albatross. "See. I gotta know... So I know iffin they need to come on the ship." She lies, but it's a fun lie. The kind she knows will not be believed... Still. Much fun. <English>

And all through this, Passe is tied down, to a bed. "I play with fire all the time," Passe retorts to Sam, and then calls out to Zora, "Ain't that right, Dimples? And yes, I remember when we last spoke, and if memory serves, I apologized then too." He look up at SammieOnTheChestie and says, "It's never enough though, is it?" He starts to say something but then bites his tongue, decided it best to be quiet from here on out. <English>

"I wouldn't know, Passe, you've never played with me," comes the dry response. Zora sighs and crosses her arms across her chest. "Well, I'm glad you remember. And yes, you did apologize. I just wanted to make sure that we...were on the same page. About things. That may or might have happened." Swallowing hard, she gives Sam a look and tries to distract her. "Well, in the event that I did indeed dress up for a person, I'll be sure to let you know before said hypothetical person needs to board the ship." She smirks. <English>

"Well... Good then." Sam says to Zora. Then she goes back to Passe and gives a look to Zora once again. "Wait. What happened?" <English>

Passe begins to explain that he's usually the one burned, but isn't able to get the words out, his curiosity peaked as well. He leans up as best he can, bringing him within close proximity to Samantha's face, but his curiosity is so arosed that even the scents from the gunhand fail to divert his attention. He peers down over at 'Dimples' with a quizical look on his face but doesn't say a word, hoping she'll answer Sam's question. <English>

Zora begins to blush now, and has started staring at her shoes. "I just got a bit pissed at him, that's all," she mumbles, not looking up. "I may and or may not have said...and done some interesting things. I tend to do that. When I'm, you know. Pissed." Shuffling her feet a bit, she appears to be fixated on them - she's not looking anywhere else, at any rate. <English> Sam shrugs her shoulders and stays affixed to Passe. "So. How much longer in the bed so you think?" <English>

Ah, upsetting beautiful women, what Passe does best. Well, at least that's how he esteems himself. He frowns disapprovingly at himself and then looks at the face so close to his own. "Until the doc says so," he tells Sam, and then lays back down on the bed depressingly. "I think someone's trying to decide my 'fate'." He shakes his head at his predicament but decides not to voice any of his opinions. Last thing he wants is to have sympathy thrown his way, he's a poor receiver of good intentions. Instead, he looks back over at Zora and agrees with the security officer, saying in a soft voice, "She does look good, doesn't she Sam?" <English>

Zora misses Passe's soft comment to Sam entirely, and only looks up from her shoes when Sam doesn't press her on the details, thank God. A grateful expression on her face, she looks up and replies, "I'm sure Syna just wants to be careful, Passe. You're lucky she's not referring you to psychiatric care, after a suicide attempt. Lost in time you might have been, but medical personnel tend to be overly cautious about such things. I mean...consider the alternative." She clicks her tongue to emphasize her point, and reaches up to twirl a blonde strand of hair between two painted fingernails. "Do you need anything, by the way? Anything I can give you without having to clear it by Syna first?" <English>

Yvandra arrives from Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck. Yvandra has arrived.

Sam gives a scratch to her head, "Well. Maybe she left you a message or somethin? I think she was gonna let him up iffin you thought he was okay." Sam finally lifts up from resting against Passe's chest. She leans in and pecks his forehead, "He's been a good little boy and all." <English>

Laying on one of the doctor tables with restraints on his arms and legs is the French pilot known to most as Passe. Torturing the man by leaning over his chest is the security chief Collins. And not far off is the nurse Zora. They're chatting away, some shy, some grinning, and some restrained.

Passe watches as Sam kisses his forehead and smirks, "For your information, it was cold." He then can't help but chuckle at the thought and then just shakes his head. Looking back at Zora, he says, "Well, yeah, I suppose that is something. Rather be homeless than committed." <English>

Zora looks blank at Passe's cold comment, but she blanches when Sam asks if Syna set her a message, and quickly yanks out her PDA, flipping through various things with her stylus before an extremely guilty air descends upon her. Without saying a word, she crosses the room and begins to unstrap Passe, starting down at his feet. <English>

Yvandra steps into the infirmary, glancing around, first toward the patient who she sees is still (for the moment) strapped into the bed, then to the others that are here. She offers a soft smile around, inquiring "how are things going in here?" <English>

"Free. Free at last." Sam cackles and then steps over to punch Passe in the shoulder. "I'm guessin I should start runnin. Now." She gives a little look to Passe and just laughs, hard. It's the entrance of Yvandra that causes Sam to calm a little. "Heyas." She says, "Better and better." <English>

Passe blinks in surprise as his arms and legs taste the sweetness of fresh air. Almost immediately, a hand shoots up to his hair just above an ear and scratches violently. "Ahhhhhh," he moans and once the scratching has satisfied, he rubs his wrists and takes a deep breath. Shooting a sly glance at Sam, Passe asks Zora, "Captain decide I'm not a threat?" It's only then that he notices another person in the room. He throws her a nod but doesn't say anything until Zora can respond. <English>

"No, I did," Zora mumbles, unhooking the last of the restraints and holding her hand out to Passe to help him up. "You need to stand up slowly, and then we're going to head to the bathroom. Once you're done there, we'll go to the lounge and get you some food, and then we'll take a walk outside. Not negotiable, so don't even say a word. Those three things, in that order." When a new woman walks in the room, Zora frowns, not able to place the face. "Friend of yours, Passe?" she asks warily. <English>

"Yvandra. She's security." Sam says and looks to the others. "Got some fresh Korean food in that package. Was actually what I was doing." Sam smiles over to Yvandra, "I'm Sam. Provost." She grins. "Nice to finally be able to say Hi." <English>

Yvandra nods at the answer she gets from Sam, her smile brightening just a touch. She watches as Passe enjoys his newfound freedim, saying "glad to hear it," back. Catching the look from Zora, and knowing she hasn't properly met anyone in the room actually, she seems about ready to answer when Sam makes the introduction for her. "Yeah... I'm new," she states the obvious. "Yeah... good to meet you at last," she says to Sam. <English>

Passe looks at the nurse helping him with a curious expression. "Did... I," he stutters, trying to understand what she meant. "Did I hear right? /You/ decided I wasn't a threat? What, needed another apology?" His tone is not accussation or angry, in fact, there's a hint of a chuckle behind his words, laughing at the irony of the situation. Without pushing his luck, he decides to change the entire tone of the conversation by saying, "You smell nice, too,"

Passe tries to scoot off the bed. A little wobbily, he uses the bed and the nurse for support. Since introductions are being made, he says to Yvandra, "And I'm the invalid Passe, one of the various pilots on this boat. There are a lot of nice things to be able to finally do." And standing upright, gravity doing it's job, makes him realize that he wasn't lying. He looks at Zora and jerks his head towards the WC and starts to work his way there, with or without her help. Hell, he peed in front of two other ladies yesterday, might as well make it the whole crew today. <English>

Zora nods to Yvandra, and appears to accept her. Sam vouching for her seems to be good enough. Soon enough, however, Passe is scooting off the bed, and her attention snaps back. "Well, if I'd been waiting for another apology you'd still be tied down, since you didn't offer me another one yet," Zora remarks with playful eyes. "And no, Syna left it up to me to judge if you were well enough to get up. So I decided you are." At Passe's mumble about how good she smells, Zora gives him an unreadable look, not saying anything, just staring and thinking. She continues to do this as he moves away to the washroom, snapping out of it after he goes through the door. She moves to lean against it, calling out as she does so, "Let me know if you need me." Glancing over at Sam, she asks curiously, "Why Korean food?" <English>

Sam steps over to the parcel she brought in when she came in. She picks it up, "Here." She offers it to the Doc. "I'm guessing he had to go." She then bites her lip to keep from saying more. One could see just how hard it is as to how hard she bites her lip. "I was walkin past a stand and figured I'd pick somethin up for him." She shrugs it off, "Good to meet you again, Yvandra. Welcome to the party." <English>

Yvandra sends a nod of greeting to Passe, saying "good to meet you too." Then she returns that nod to Zora as well. Turning back to Sam, she smiles. "Yeah, well, it seems that things are... /interesting/ around here." She grins lightly, not seeming to mind this fact. "I understand I'll be working under you? If there's anything you need from me, let me know." <English>

"Cause Korean food is tastey!" Comes a hollar out of the bathroom, followed by a flush, and water running. The door opens back up and Passe stands there looking refreshed, his hair not as matted as it just was, wet even. Apparently he tried to make himself a little more presentable while in the bathroom. He is leaning on the door handle and the frame and looks down Zora, he says simply, "I'm sorry." and smiles. "Now, where was this Korean food?" he asks over at Sam, looking quite eager to try some. <English>

Zora opens her mouth to grumble and be firm with him about eating the food in the Lounge, but he takes the wind out of her sails by apologizing, and her mouth snaps shut. "You eat it here, and then we're going for a walk," she says gruffly. "You don't have to be tied down, but you're still in the med bay till Syna says otherwise. So, you eat, we walk, that's the deal." She mumbles something about welcome, and nice to meet you in Yvandra's direction, and then disappears out of the med bay as quick as she came. <English>