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IC Time: April 4, 2122

Redemption - Crew Commons - A Deck

Of all the places on the ship, this is the most comfortable and relaxing. Keeping in theme with the rest of the ship, the decoration is ancient, modeled after a luxury seafaring vessel of Earth-that-Was. Subtle track lighting keeps the room softly bright, adding to the ambience of the decor. On the walls are hung elaborately framed pictures, mainly of various spacefaring vessels. There is enough furniture in the room to accommodate all the crew and then some. As with all the rooms on the ship, there are ashtrays in convenient places for the smokers.

Two Cortex terminals sit on two opposing desks against the wall, both wired into the huge screen hung on the far wall for media display and gaming. A long conference table is in the center of the room surrounded by large chairs. There is a Holo-Emitter on the conference table, a smaller and lower-quality version of the one on the Bridge.

To starboard is the Infirmary, behind a fireproof double glass sliding door, and to port is a large ornate door leading to the Captain's Quarters. Double ballistic doors lead fore to the Bridge, with the same leading Aft to the Crew Quarters, and the Shuttle Bay beyond it. Just beside the Captain's Quarters is the Operations Room, also sometimes called the briefing room or the ready room.

Pixie sits on a table an indecent distance away from the holo dart board, and is currently flinging darts, as hard as she can, at it. She mostly has missed, thus far. That could have something to do with the half empty bottle of whiskey on the table beside her. <English>

The wanna be ships cook is slowly making her way through the area but not with food in hand. Nope not this time, this time she has what looks to be two cook books in hand. One in one hand and open and one in the other. Muttering to herself as she shakes her head looking from one hand to the other as she seems to not be watching where she's going, just moving on instinct. <English>

Adila arrives from Redemption - Crew Quarters - A Deck. Adila has arrived.

Grey comes out of the Operations Room, smoking. Seeing Aislinn, he calls out, "Miss Aislinn - wanted to have a word with ya, iffen I could." He winces as a dart goes flying through the air, aimed more or less for the dark board, but not really hitting the target. "We should play for money sometime," he jokes to Pix, eyeing the bottle of whiskey beside her. <English>

Pixie squints one eye closed. She draws up a dart, zeroes in on the target with a little tunnel vision action, draws back her arm, and wings the dart. Zoooom it goes across the Commons, headed in the direction of the dart board. If it follows the last three shots, it'll just bounce off the wall. Aw, crap, people talking. Distracting! <English>

Pix tests her Thrown_Weapon against a 95 difficulty. The result is successful (28).

Strutting down the hallway is a man dressed all in white, and it's not a preacher. It's an outfit the gentleman wears from time to time, though it rarely stays white for long. The French pilot enters the room, feeling fresher than he has in a while. He cocks his head around the room, grinning at the engineer throwing darts. "What's your score?" he calls to Pixie, strolling down towards her. <English>

Alabaster Smith enters the commons and peers at Passe. "Oh, mah friend," he says, "what have Ah told you about wearing white? That's mah color." He grins wryly, and then peers around. "Ladies, gentlemen. Hello, all." <English>

Adila comes from the commons, seconds after the dart tossing. She too has a bottle of whiskey in one hand, some of that homemade hootch she buys by the crate. A cigarette between her lips, it's unlit and to say the least, she looks a little surprised to see the crowd. Hair undone, she looks as if she's just taken a shower, some of the ringlets still wet. A plain button down shirt and a pair of worn jeans, barefoot. Heading in Pix's direction, "Pixie, got a light?" Around the smoke. <English>

Aislinn tests her Dodge against a 100 difficulty. The result is successful (11).

Zora enters the room, her hair mussed, and her rather expensive clothes looking rumpled and wrinkly. The med coat she wears loosely draped doesn't do much to hide the fact that she likely just woke up. "Grey?" she calls out as she enters the room. "Captain, are you in - /oh/." She trails off, embarrassed, when she sees the amount of people in the room. "Wait, what?" she blinks, looking around. "What time is it?" <English>

Pix tests her Agility against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (19).

Aislinn makes her way through the room silently, and oddly enough though she never looks up, she manages to lean back at the hips just enough so only one of her cook book pages gets shot through with the dart. Pausing, she holds the page up and tsks, "Now I have to fix that" and then keeps going till she's out of the range of fire to sit down. <English>

Pix tests her Thrown_Weapon against a 95 difficulty. The result is successful (38).

Pix almost falls off the table with the force of the dart throw, combined with divided attention, and yet. The dart hits the target with a hard thunk. She grabs for the edge of the table to keep from falling off. And manages not to. Woot. "What? 'Dila? Oh, yeah, hold on." Pix shoves a hand into her coverall to retrieve a disposable lighter. It's flicked, and lit, and the flame is shoved in Adila's direction. "Viola. Fire." She continues to straight-arm the lighter out there for a while. Pix lines up her last dart with her dominant hand, and wings it. Thunk! this one lands on the dart board. Huzzah! With witnesses even. She says nothing about the stabbed cookbook. Ahem. <English>

Passe looks over at the preacher and grins. "You don't have a monopoly on colors, you know," he says with a wink. He watches as a dart flies through the air, paper, and still hits the dart board. Impressive, but then again, when has Pixie ever not left an impression. A shout out for time turns his head, and spotting the nurse, he says, "Um, I think just after noon, Dimples."

Passe finds a chair near Pixie to sit himself down on and grins. "Let me see you do that again, la fee." he says, calling her by the French name for 'pixie' (pronounced fay). <English>

Adila leans back a little as the fire is shoved in her direction. A faint grin around the cancer stick, leaning forward enough to engulf the end of her smoke in the fire. A few inhales, the amber end glowing brightly. "Thanks, sweets." She mumbles, taking a deep drag and heading for a seat. She has yet to uncork that bottle, first taking a seat and nudging Passe as she passes. Of course, a lit cigarette and hooch might be quite a sideshow if she isn't careful. <English>

Aislinn looks up as it dawns on her her name was called out. She bows her head and smiles at Grey, 'Of course Cap'n, how can I be of help to you?" Folding her books in her lap though dog earing the one she's trying to figure out how to 'mend'. <English> . Grey leans against the doorframe, cigarette between his lips, watching the proceedings. "Yeah? Am I - what?" he asks to Zora, completely confused. "I dun gettit," he mutters when she herself seems to get confused. "It's like... what, midday, isn't it?" Of course, he could be way off. Hell knows what he does when he disappears for large amounts of time. When Aislinn responds, he nods to her. "I was wonderin' iffen I could have a word with ya - jus' over her in the Ops Room fer a sec," he says. <English>

Pixie remains seated in a half lotus on the table top. She glances over at Passe. "Fifty creds say I make it." She grins to the Frenchman. She lifts the whiskey, and takes a sip. Pixie Powah is derived from such. "Let's see your money, Frenchie." She pats a spot on the table next to her. <English>

Idris arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Idris has arrived.

Aislinn smiles warmly and nods, "Of course Cap'n, I'd be more than happy to." Setting her books down on the couch and then clasps her hands behind her a small bit. "When you are free then I am as well sair." <English>

A challenge cannot go unanswered. He digs out his wallet and slams down the creds. "Viola," he says, his grin carving a dimple deep into his cheek. "Let's see some Pixie action." He leans back ready to enjoy the show. <English>

Adila sinks into a chair, not far from Pixie but sure as heck not between her and that blessed dart board. A glance at the Frenchman, "I don't think he's got it, you know he spent it all on clothes." She teases, tilting her head up and managing to blow a single, wobbling smoke ring into the air. Unopened bottle set between her feet, she watches with a faint grin. Blue eyes briefly narrow on Aislinn and Grey before she returns her gaze to Passe. A small raise of her brows, "Better check those creds." She grins. <English>

Zora blinks a few more times, trying to wrap her brain around the people being not where she expected them. "I...just...wanted to talk to you about something," she manages to get out, giving Passe an lighthearted glare when he calls her "Dimples". She snorts at him and adds, "Passe, you really don't want to play the nickname game with me. I'm pretty sure you'll lose badly. And I don't want to see a Frenchman cry." Trading threats must be where Zora powah is derived, because she looks much better, pleasantries exchanged. Grinning at everyone else, she flops down in an open seat. "It can wait," she says to Grey, like an afterthought. "You're clearly busy." <English>

"Be back in a quick bit," Grey says to the others. He fishes out the equivalent to fifty creds in a billfold and tosses it to the Preacher. "Put my money for," he says with a grin. "Passe kin take my creds if she nails it." He nods to Aislinn, opening the door to the Operations Room to let her pass through first. "Aye, I'll fin' the time ta talk with ya soon - I gotta speak with the Firs' Mate, too." No rest for the wicked. <English>

Grey heads through the exit labeled <Ops> Operations Room. Grey has left. Aislinn heads through the exit labeled <Ops> Operations Room. Aislinn has left.

From afar (to Zora and Passe), Aislinn (ais) whispers this as she goes past. "I have one ye kin use on 'im later Miss Zora if'n 'e doesn't believe you. when Iget back" A conspiratorial grin coming to her lips. "But only if he doesn't believe you." And then smiles and nods to Grey

Pixie is out of darts. Thusly, she reaches into her coverall and produces what was once a concealed knife. A throwing knife. She sniffs, and squints one eye closed, lining up on the holo dart board, which is really an obscene distance across the Commons. "Anybody else want in? Ya got about twelve seconds." She adjusts her grip on the knife slightly, and breathes a centering breath. <English>

Adila raises her hand, "I'm in, on you Pixie." She lifts her butt up enough to fish out her wallet. <English>

Idris ambles into the crew commons, blinking at the crowd as he arrives. "Whoa," the Welshman manages to say before nodding to Adila, blinking at the others he doesn't know, including Grey and Aislinn. He looks to Adila and shakes his head at her, or more at himself, perhaps, as he tells the gunslinger, "I still feel like a voyeur walking around in here." He nods to Passe and then glances to the darts game, smirking at the mechanic. "Looks as though I got here at an interesting time." <English>

Passe looks up at Zora with a smirk and says, "With Pixie here? Not sure there's much more you could add. Besides, embarrassed about your looks? Shouldn't be." He tsks and wags one finger in a very French manner.

Spotting a knife being produced, Passe jumps up out of his chair and moves around to make sure he's well behind the engineer. "Care to join the pool?" he calls over to Idris, though doesn't look at him. "My 50 is she misses, but that was with darts. Not so sure I'd bet against her with a knife. But eh, you only live once." <English>

Kitty arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Kitty has arrived.

A nod to Idris, "You arrive just in time for our afternoon drink. Although, I think Pixie here started earlier." She tosses her fifty creds down on the table, settling back down in her seat again. Legs stretch out, crossing at the ankle and a hand gently rests across her stomach. Taking another drag off her cigarette, she watches Pix line up her shot. <English>

Pix tests her Thrown_Weapon against a 95 difficulty. The result is successful (10).

Idris continues to stand, listening to Passe, he replies back to the Frenchman "I don't know. Pixie seems like she'd have pretty steady hands. After all, she's a greasemonkey, eh?" He looks at Pixie before glancing once more to Passe, saying, "I'd be fearful if the girl couldn't swing a knife right, actually. I'll bet 50 she doesn't miss." He glances over to Adila and chuckles. He finds a chair to sit in, apparently having grown tired of standing all willy-nilly. <English>

Alabaster Smith passes over to pour himself a drink, dodging the darts carefully. "Does anyone need anything?" He glances back and looks around, studying the current inhabitants of the room thoughtfully. <English>

"Geez, Pass. Ya didn't hafta jump up an' move so dang fast..." The knife is thrown, with considerable Pix force, and flips end over end in the direction of the dart board. A mini missile of death careening through the commons. Pixie remains seated atop the table most of the crew present is currently seated around. Aaaaand THUNK. The knife is embedded in the dart board at the termination of its flight. <English>

Zora's focused on Pix throwing sharp objects, but she comments to Passe from the side of her mouth, "Why would I be worried about my looks? No one's going to pay attention to me as long as you're around, sweetcheeks." She turns to wink at him, but Idris entering the room catches her offguard, and her jaw drops open. "What...is he...doing on our /ship/?!" she manages out, gaping at Passe as though this is all his fault. <English>

Heavy footfall proceeds Kitty's arrival as does some fairly dark, angry muttering, her voice trembling with anger that she barely keeps in check. "Ah swear. Th' next time someone treats me like Ah got the gorram plague Ah'm gonna fuckin' mule kick their sorry ass into a goram thruster intake and then have someone power it up.." She pauses and loks around, her eyes narrowed at everyone. <English>

"Gorram, I KNEW it!" Adila exclaims, snubbing out her cigarette and looking expectantly at the Frenchman. "You loooooose." she strings out the word, blue eyes dancing. At Zora's exclamation, that smile drops and she lifts her head, "He saved Wren's ass last night, is why he's on our ship." She says rather flatly. She reaches for the bottle, fingers curling and twisting the cork. <English>

Alabaster Smith smiles at Zora, and offers up, "As Adila said... Idris was rather helpful in making sure Wren and Adila were kept safe and out of harm during the incident on the Docks, and at the very least, we owed him a place to rest for the night, and maybe a chance at impressing our pilots." He looks at her, curiously. "Is there a problem we need to know about?" <English>

Pixie grins, and throws her arms up in victory! "SCORE!" Ahahaha. "Whiskey power." She reaches down, and grabs yon cash, tossing some back to Adila. The rest is shoved into her bra. It never had a chance! Pix does a mini, seated, table dance of victory. <English>

Idris looks to Als, offering a wave to the man, telling him: "Don't think I'll have a drink yet, but thanks for askin' Alabaster." He eyes Zora's reaction to him being on the ship and sighs. "Haven't we already done this before with Sam and Pixie? I'm a bad person, I've gotta technicolor vomit shirt, blah, blah, and blah." He looks to Adila as she remarks on yesterday's earthquake and shrugs, saying to Zora directly, "I'm just a pilot for hire and I'm hoping to fly for you all." The Welshman shrugs once more and concludes: "I get you don't like me. You don't have to like me, just respect my wish to join you." He glances to Pix as she does her mini, seated table dance of victory, chuckling. <English>

Passe grins at Zora and mouths, 'sweetcheeks'. He can live with that. But as for her less than pleased accusation, he shrugs and explains, "Earthquake victim, if I understand rightly. Adila brought him on board, so ask her."

Then the dart is thrown and Passe looks skyward and says, "Aww, drunken luck." He then looks at the large pile of creds on the table and frowns. "Wait, am I backing all these bets? I bet she'd miss, but didn't know it was 6 to 1 odds." He rolls his eyes and digs more creds out of his pocket. <English>

Adila's more than happy to take people's money, yes indeed. While she doesn't stuff it in her bra, she does deposit it in her pocket with a raise of her hips. "Thank you, thank you very much Pix." At last, she gives Idris a glance, "I like ya much as I eva like anyone, but that ain't sayin' much. I do however, think that shirt has to go." She uncorks the bottle, "Of course, I won't ask ya to take it off now." A flick of her tongue over her lips, lifting the bottle to her lips. <English>

Kitty grabs for something cold to drink and brings it with her to a chair which she sits upon, taking a moment to look at the new face as well as those on the crew that she's familiar with. It takes her a bit but the annoyance passes and her body relaxes. <English>

"Well, he jumped my shit right off the bat the night before, is why I'm asking," Zora retorts uneasily. She shakes her head at Alabaster, but it's more the 'we'll talk later' sort of headshake. "Well, it seems to me, if you're looking for a job, you probably shouldn't insult people the second you meet them," she comments dryly, lounging back in her chair and eyeing Adila's bottle. "I'm sure you're a lovely pilot. Really. But your social graces need some touching up." She hesitates for a moment, nodding to Passe when he mentions the earthquake. She grins, an evil glint in her eye, and asks Idris with a cackle, "Though I suppose that means you'll be getting a physical. Tell me...have you ever had an anal exam?" It's taking everything she's got not to outright snicker. <English>

Passe pays Pix 50 credits.

[XXX.XX MHZ] Grey says, "Preacher, wanna step into the Ops Room fer a quick sec?" <English>

"Oh, ew, don't say anal when I'm in th' room." Pixie covers her ears, "La la la not enough lube in the world, la la." <English>

[XXX.XX MHZ] Alabaster Smith says, "Ah'll be right there." <English>

Alabaster Smith smiles to the others, and nods to Zora. "You all keep working things out," he says. "Ah'll be right back." <English>

Alabaster Smith heads through the exit labeled <Ops> Operations Room. Alabaster Smith has left.

Idris gives Adila a smirk, telling her, "You know me as well as anyone here, anyways, Adila." He glances toward the woman uncorking the bottle before saying, "That reminds me. On my way back with my stuff I managed to get a bottle of good whiskey for ye to replace the one we drank yesterday." He wrinkles his nose before saying, "Shoulda brought it with me, but I wasn't expectin' te see all you here." He looks at his shirt again before saying, "God, if I realized so many people hated my shirt, I'd've never bought it in the first place." He shakes his head before saying to Adila, "I doubt any of these good people would want me strippin' out of the shirt anyways." He smirks at Zora's reply, telling her, "Who said anything about insultin' Alabaster?" He glances toward Zora now, smirking fiercely, "You can scare me all ye like. I think I got the piss 'n' shit scared outta me enough yesterday with the earthquake an' all." He sighs, rubbing his forehead with his right hand, saying to Zora directly, slowly, "I ain' got nothin' against you or anyone else on this boat." <English>

Adila nearly coughs as Zora tacks on that last part. "Sweet baby jesus woman, remind me not to let you examine me!" She says with wide eyes. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she shakes her head. "This ain't no cruise ship, not everyone has proper manners, Doc." she says, shrugging her shoulders and holding the bottle loosely around it's neck. At Idris's reply, she laughs and pats the seat beside her. "A man with gifts, and whiskey no less. Perfect. Have a seat, we might bite but we've all had our shots." <English>

Passe determines his bet was just between the engineer and himself and let's everyone else figure out whom they were betting. He tucks the rest of his credits back into his pocket, letting anal-phobic Pixie keep the fifty credits he left there earlier. He smirks at the rest of the room, particularly at flash-shirt Idris and his conversation with Dimples. He cracks his neck and simple shakes his head.

Looking at his chronometer, Passe shrugs to himself. "Well, gents, and ladies," he says, looking at Pix with doubt in his eyes, "I need to run into town. Maybe I shoudl pick up a new holo-board? Not sure that one will work anymore, a knife sticking through it." He turns to head towards the stairs and waves absently behind him, adding, "Play safe, les gars." <English>

Pixie slides off the table, and thump, thump, thumps across to the dart board aaalll the way over there, with those heavy boots tromping along. She probably could be a little louder if she tried. Probably. She grins to Passe. "Thanks for the cash, Pass. Gosh, I didn't even hatfa wear any special outfits." <English>

"Well," Zora smirks right back, "It'll certainly make that exam go much...smoother...if that's all been scared out of your system." She snickers at Adila's exclamation and winks at the gunhand. "I only do those exams for the special ones. And I don't need everyone to have perfect manners! Hell, the first time I met Grey, he was screaming on Eavesdown about double-headed dildos."

Her eyes shift over to Idris and she sighs. "Look. Let's be mean to each other for a while. It'll be great. Break the ice. And then I'll get to probe your ass, and we'll call it even. Deal?" She even sticks her hand out for a shake, adding, "And then maybe I'll take you shopping. Clothes shopping. Better yet, Passe can come with us. I like this plan." She leans her head back to stare directly up at the ceiling. "Bye, sweetcheeks," she calls when Passe exits, not moving her head. "Adila. Dila. Can I call you that? Please. Please. Please, can I have some of that?" <English>

Kitty nods to Passe as he prepares to leave and she manages a slight smile. "See ya later, Mister Passe." She looks around the room again as a whole and raises a brow, her smile faded into a slight smirk. "Looks like Ah missed something." <English>

Idris snickers at Adila's reaction to Zora and sits back down next to Adila, telling her, "I ain' a bad person. I think we covered that last night." The Welshman chuckles, saying, "With Syna and Zora around, I'm sure you're all spectacular specimens of human health." He glances to Zora again, laughing aloud, "Wow, I don't think I've ever met anyone so keen on probing my ass in my life." He snickers once before nodding to Kitty, "We're just havin' fun." He sighs, looking at his shirt again, saying "Bloody 'ell, I never knew my shirt could be so gorram horrific to other people. The things you find out." <English>

Adila rubs between her eyes with her thumb, at the mention of Grey and his double headed dildo. A blush creeps up into her ears, clearing her throat. "Yeah, I think I'm glad I missed that one." She says with a faint grin. As Zora asks her, please please please for the bottle, she eyes the woman. A small purse of her lips, as if pondering. "If yer sure..." The bottle is extended, the bottle is without proper label, the glass itself a dark color, disguising what may be in the bottle. It smells... a little like gasoline and probably goes down just as easy. But it's good for gettin' drunk. A look towards Idris, "See, we all got spoiled, lookin' at Mr. Fancy Dress Passe all the time, don't take it personal." <English>

Passe pauses as he passes Kitty on the way towards the stairs. He looks her over with curiosity and says, "You feeling any better? I mean, you look better, but.." He leaves the question hanging. <English>

Kitty nods. "Ah'm fine. Still not feelin' too hot but Ah'm able to eat." She looks at Idris, then and smiles over to him, her face flushed a bit, now. "Ah remember ya. Yer Beckett's friend. Think she's pissed at me so better not tell her you saw me, a'ight?" Her hand comes up and is rubbed at the back of her neck fitfully. She looks alright but one can't tell if she's contagious or not. <English>

Passe nods empathetically at Kitty and says, "Well, that's a good sign Katherine. Plenty of rest, waters, you should feel fine in no time." He looks at her and then grins, but unfortunately he cannot stay and so turns and heads down the stairs. <English>

"I've seen a lot of ass," she comments dryly to Idris, as Adila hands her a very curious looking bottle. "And not in a good way. It doesn't really faze me. Though, I was mostly joking. What /is/ this?" The last is directed to Adila; Zora is busy sniffing the contents. Or wafting, as those who paid attention in chemisty safety lessons are apt to do. "It smells like...well, moonshine." She gets an excited glint in her eyes and peers over at Addie. "Is this /moonshine/? You will be my new best friend, if so." <English>

Pixie eyes the holo board, then shrugs and yanks her knife out of it. The thing almost falls off the wall with the yank. She stumbles slightly, but straightens with a sniff, and slides the knife back from whence it came. Yeah, that holo dart board will never be the same. "Moonshine is piss. Whiskey is King!" <English>

Idris snickers at Adila, telling her, "I like you, Adila, at least you don't threaten to puke on my shirt like Pixie here." He nods toward the greasemonkey, grinning at her. Zora gets another grin from the Welshman, "What, you haven't had it before?" He glances to Pixie and grins, saying "I'd drink to that!" <English>

Passe heads through the exit labeled <Down> Training Room. Passe has left.

Adila holds up her hands, "I admit /nothing/!" She says, although from the glint in her eyes, Zora is right. A glance at Pixie, smirking faintly, "So say the girl who can barely stand. A stiff breeze and you'd be gone, missy." A laugh, shaking her head as the woman wounds the halo board, apparently quite thoroughly. Attention is drawn to Idris again, "Pixie here is big on first impressions." <English>

Aislinn arrives from Redemption - Operations Room - A Deck. Aislinn has arrived.

"Ohhh, no, I've had it," Zora breathes, beaming at Adila's nonverbal affirmation. "There was a casino next to my...where I lived. And they drew people in by advertising the strongest drink on the planet. And it really was. I learned to drink on moonshine." She tips the bottle back and takes a swig, breathing out in that 'hurts so good' way. "Oh, this is glorious," she murmurs to Adila, handing the bottle back. "Yeah, speaking of that, Pix," she says, turning Pixie's way. "I think the first and only time I met you, you were puking on your Captain's boots." <English>

Pixie takes time out of her busy schedule of walking across the Commons to reclaim her bottle of whiskey to cheerfully shoot the bird to Idris. She grins to Adila an' says, "That's why whiskey is King!" She sniffs and asks, "Wha's wrong with my 'pressions?" She blinks, and turns those green eyes to Zora. "... Well he was gonna get a fuckin' bullet in th' leg, but I felt the chunks comin' on so I puked on him instead." Vomit ftw! <English>

Aislinn smiles as she makes her way out of the meeting room and then over to where she set down her books. Looking around to see who all is where. Seeing Kitty she smiles warmly and then looks over to ZOra before looking around once more. <English>

Aislinn slips out of the room momentarily and when she comes back she has the few pots she brought with her and her cook books. Smiling a bit she looks around and takes a breath before smiling and looking aroudn to those here she moves to slip by and out of the room. <English>

"Think Ah'm gonna go and lay down.." Kitty nods hello to Aislinn before she waves goodbye to everyone as a whole. "See y'all later." <English> Idris looks to Pixie and then returns his attention to Adila, nodding to the gunslinger, "Yeah, I gathered that. I'm just surprised this shirt of mine is so awful she won't stop talkin' about it. She did the same thing when she was with that other woman earlier." He shakes his head before looking at Pixie and telling her, "Maybe I'll get a worse one just for you, Pixie." He grins at Zora, saying, "Funny, I was practically raised on moonshine myself." <English>

Kitty heads through the exit labeled <Aft> Crew Quarters. Kitty has left.

Chuckling low at Zora, she takes the bottle back. As she mentions the puking on Grey's shoes, Adila wrinkles her nose and shudders visibly. "I was sick for a gorram week after that, fore I finally gave up and stumbled into the infirmary." She says, settling the bottle between her thighs. As Pixie slurs about her impressions, she can only grin. Leaning to the side towards the greasemoney, she slurrs comically, immitating the woman's drunken speach. "Nuffin'swrong wif yer 'pressions." She straightens, grinning. "You just make sure no one forgets you, that's fer sure." <English>

Aislinn heads through the exit labeled <Down> Training Room. Aislinn has left.

Pixie's eyes are on Idris, and she watches him. Could be she's thinking about introducing him to one of her tools. "I killed the dang bug with whiskey!" Uh. "..." She's distracted by the would-be cook, and she turns full around to watch the progress of the woman through the room. Pix watches Aislinn come in, wander around, then leave. "... Did they just go back there an' smoke up? I don't smell bong water..." <English>

Zora's PDA chirps suddenly, and then begins to play the song 'Coconut', the chorus of which goes, "Put de lime in de coconut, and drink 'em both up!" She blushes and then laughs out loud. "Well. That'll teach me to take it off silent when I'm expecting a WAVE. Sorry, guys, gotta take this." And with that, she's hurrying out, with no small amount of blushing involved. <English>

Idris nods to Adila, telling her, "That's true, Pixie does leave a lastin' impression on people." He pauses before nodding to the woman, "Whiskey has the power to defeat anythin' if you drink enough of it." He eyes the bottle Adila holds before glancing back to Aislinn then to Adila again, asking, "That another crew member I haven't met yet?" He eyes Zora's call before shaking his head, calling out to the departing woman, "See you later, Zora." <English>