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IC Time: March 17, 2122

Redemption - Double Cabin 6 - A Deck

Wooden walls and stained wood trim line the walls of the simple quarters. Against each wall is a simple single-sized bed with a thick comfortable matress. Sheets, blankets and a single pillow are folded neatly and with a military precision while they rest on the foot of the bed waiting for their next occupant to claim them. The wooden box frame of the beds reveals depressed handles for three drawers on each bed frame. Each is deep enough to hold numerous clothes and a few personal effects without impending into the room's space. Against the far wall just beyond the foot of the beds is a desk for each crew member. Each with their own Cortex display units, work light and plenty of workspace.

The room is normally quite clean, the pilot having years of training at keeping a tight ship, but today his bed is unmade and a small pile of clothes is at the foot. Sitting at the desk is the Frenchman, one hand on his forehead, and he's watching his cortex, frowning at a recent story of an Alliance strike. He's wearing a pair of jeans, but no shirt. He appears to be a little paler than usual, and not just from the glare of the screen. <English>

A soft knock at the door reveals that Zora is standing in Passe's doorway, holding a glass of water and a bottle of pills. Her long blonde hair is tousled into a pile on her head, and her face looks flushed and sweaty. What a way to make a first impression. "Are you...Passe?" she asks haltingly, neither a Core nor Rim accent apparent in her voice. <English>

Passe looks up from desk and sees a stranger. He opens his mouth and then closes it, becoming rather self-conscious of his appearance. "I am," he says finally and a grin grows on his lips, his dimples cracking his cheeks. He stands and runs a hand through his hair. "Laurent Passe. I, ah, heh, you'll have to excuse the mess, I wasn't expecting visitors." He seems rather embarrased at the state of his room. He picks up the clothes on the floor and shoves them into a drawer, and throws the blanket on the bed up in a hasty attempt to make it. <English>

Zora grins as he attempts to clean the room quickly, and takes a small step inside. "Please, don't clean it on account of me," she protests. "Especially if you're feeling the same as many of the rest of the crew. That's actually why I came to find you. We haven't met yet...my name is Zora." She holds out a hand in greeting, still smiling - though she can't quite help but notice his shirtlessness. "I'm - I mean, Syna just hired me. Syna and Grey. I'm the new nurse. I just wanted to introduce myself and bring you a fever reducer, in case you were ill, and see if you have any other symptoms I could treat?" She peers at him and laughs, a deep, throaty sound. "I have to say, you look much better than the rest of the crew did last night." <English>

Passe grins and sits on the edge of his bed. "Amazing what sleep can do," he says, and looks at the wall separating his cabin from cabin number eight. He refrains from adding a comment about always looking better than the rest of the crew, and instead says, "I feel a little better today. Sure, still a little shakey, but definately better. Zora, was it? I'm sure Syna will be happy. She's been on her feet nonstop, especially after Zahara left. And now that everyone on this bateau is sick, that lady needs a break."

Passe pauses and looks closer at the blond. "Don't tell me you caught this bug as well?" he asks Zora, cocking his head with the question.<English>

Zora nods miserably and decides to just enter the room, sans invite. She looks down at the hand she held out for him to shake, which was ignored, and frowns. Sighing, she thrusts the glass of water and the bottle of pills in his direction. Some people are so weird about germs. "I did, probably from my interview. Syna tested me on Sam, who was the only one sick at the time. She puked in my lap." She remarks this dryly, glancing around the room for somewhere to sit. "Someone named Zahara used to be the nurse?" she inquires, taking a deep breath in and wrapping her arms around herself to stop from shivering. "Why did she leave?" <English>

Passe chuckles and then apologizes. "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at your discomfort," he explains, "But picturing Samantha like that, I can't help myself."

Passe stands and accepts the offered glass and pills. "Thanks. Since you have the bug, I guess it's safe for you to linger. Have a seat." He moves back towards his desk and gestures at the chair there for her to sit. Setting the glass down, he tries to open the bottle. "Zahara was the head nurse of this crew for a while here," he says, twisting the bottle back and forth in his hands. "She left a couple months back, though not entirely sure why. She had a degree and good core experience, maybe she felt her talents were better used elsewhere?" He grunts a little, still unable to open the bottle.<English>

Sinking into the chair gratefully, she keeps her arms wrapped around herself, watching Passe fail at bottle opening. "Well, I had a degree and was working in the Core at my last place of employment," she repiles, crossing her legs and gritting her teeth to stop them from chattering. This gives the effect of forcing her to speak through her teeth. "And I left there and came here. People leave for lots of reasons." She removes one of her arms from around her middle and wipes her forehead, which is once again a bit sweaty. "So, you're feeling okay, then? No other symptoms than a lingering weakness?" <English>

"For now," Passe answers. "But I was like this yesterday too. Morning, felt pretty good. Around noon is about when the shakes return and I feel like I should stay off my feet the rest of the day."

Passe continues working at the bottle while he speaks. "You're originally from the Core?" he asks the blond nurse. "What brought you out here? If you don't mind me asking."<English>

Zora raises an eyebrow, looking miserable rather than the intended expression of inquisitive. "I'm actually not from the Core," she explains, reaching her hand out towards the bottle. "If you'll hand that to me, I'll open it for you. The caps can be tricky, I know." Though as badly as her hand is shaking, one wonders if she'd truly do a better job than the pilot. "I simply worked in the Core for a while after getting my degree. On Bellerophon. Have you ever been? The entire planet's surface is water, and people live on floating platforms with houses and gardens. The public areas, such as hospitals and schools and shopping centers are all floating, as well. It can take quite a bit of time getting used to - and to become comfortable somewhere else." She doesn't answer his question about why she left. <English>

Sitting at Passe's desk is the new, blond nurse, looking a bit worse for wear. Standing next to her is the pilot Passe, and he's wearing a pair of jeans and nothing else, no shoes, no shirt, but plenty of service. Zora had brought him some pills, and he's struggling right now to try to open the bottle. His room is about as dishevelled as he is, clothes peering out of drawers, bed unmade.

Passe tries one last time to open the bottle. "Yeah, I've been there," he says while twisting it in his hands. "Been just about everywhere in fact, almost have to when you fly transports." He eventually gives up and hands off the bottle to Zora, touching her hand and realizing she's got the shakes herself. "You going to be okay?" he asks her, looking closer at her. "Maybe you need some of these pills more than I do."<English>

A rasp comes from the door as the sound of an inhaler goes off and the sound of someone gaining a little relief comes after. "Hey you two." Sam gives a wide grin to Passe and waggles her hand to take the bottle. "Let me get that for you." She torques down on the bottle and the top twists off. "Zora... You don't look too good." She says, even though she looks the best she has in days. <English>

Zora pulls her hand back in, wrapping it around herself once more. "I cannot get this sick!" she bellows in anger and frustration at the ceiling. "Syna is sick, I am the only medical personel left on this ship, and I c-can't..." She trails off when Sam walks in and opens the bottle Passe has been struggling with for the past ten minutes with ease. "Thanks, Sam," she says wryly, "I think that's the first time you've ever greeted me in a way that didn't involve a comment about my ass." Her teeth are chattering, there's sweat along her skin, and her face is flushed. "I really cannot get this sick right now," she announces again, as though saying it enough times will make her feel better. <English>

Passe grins as another sickie enters the room. He watches Zora's tirade with interest and then moves over to sit on the edge of his bed. He shrugs and says, "Happens to the best of us, c'est la vie." Looking up at Sam, he asks, "Are you feeling any better? Has anyone figured out what to do to kill this bug? Just weather it out?"<English>

"Was more interested in Passe's chest... But I'd be glad to check out your ass later." Sam beams to them both. "You know... I can't decide if I need to stay away from you all or be the one that takes care of you all." Indeed, Sam looks a LOT better. "Iffin I knew how to cook, I"d make up a mess of good food for you all. Maybe I can go in town and buy some and bring it back. On second thought... Not a good idea. NO use in making this go further. I got some stuff from Syna and some time in the bed... Lungs just decided to give out and that's why my voice is all screwed up. Other than that, I feel on the mend and can keep the food down." <English>

Passe looks at his naked chest and just shrugs. Looking at Zora, he explains, "Sammie thinks a lot like me, out loud." He grins and winks, then continues a little more seriously, "Maybe you just need some more sleep yourself? Seems to help with this particular virus." Sleep sounds good and so pass lays back on his back, his feet over the edge of the bed, just staring at the ceiling. "Samantha, if you go into town, let me come. I'm starting to a little landsick. Being on a bird while grounded just isn't as fun as while flying."<English>

Sam gives a slow shake of her head, "MIght not be good to unleash this on the whole of Persephone." Sam gives a shrug of her shoulders, "Darn right that I think out loud... Iffin I didn't then how can I be honest?" She looks between the two of them. "I think that you both need a good deal of rest. I finally got a really good night of sleep last night and I'm feeling pretty good." Her voice is the only betrayer of that, raspy that it is. <English>

Passe pulls his head off the bed to better look at the gunhand. He smiles knowingly and says, "I'm glad to hear that." Resting his head back down, he laughs. "I don't see any reason why we can't make everyone else just as miserable as we are. Maybe will prod someone into finding a cure."<English>

"Yeah. But iffin we stop it here... We don't ever get it again." Sam gives a mighty shake of her head, "It's like there's some cosmic god out there who wants me to hurt or somethin. Like someone has it out for me and this crew. You ever feel like that?" <English>

Passe grins. "Wish I could meet this god, shake his hand." He looks up again at Sam and gives her a wink. "Well, hopefully the worse is past and I'll be up to flying soon. Monsieur Smith should have a route for us soon."<English>

Sam gives a nod to Passe. "Get some rest. Gonna see if the Preacher is sick and if we can keep him from being sick." SHe chuckles and heads out, "Rest. Both of you." SHe says with a wink and moves out into the hallway. <English>

Passe rolls up on his elbows and looks at the nurse. "What do you think, Zora?" he asks her, "I should be able to go for a promenade." He stands up, testing his strength and balance and shrugs. Popping 2 more pills, he decides to put on a shirt and some shoes. "Yeah, I think I'll be all right. And some fresh air would do me good."<English>

Passe stands and stretches, the drugs working their magic and allowing himself more confidence than yesterday. He offers a farewell to Zora and heads out in search of good old-fashioned greasy food.<English>

Passe heads through the exit labeled <Out> Crew Quarters. Passe has left.