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IC Time: March 15, 2122

Redemption - Cargo Bay - C Deck

This cavernous Cargo Bay stretches about two hundred fifty feet long, fifty feet wide and fifty feet tall. The flooring and walls are entirely functional, being reinforced metal, piping, and wiring. The floor is littered with quick-release clamps to easily attach or detach standard cargo containers. A set of winding stairs lead up to the Training Room on the B Deck from the Cargo Bay, and another set of stairs near the end of the bay lead up to a narrow Catwalk near the Engine Room above. The wide ramp opens just below the nose of the boat, with a spot for the MULE to attach right onto the ramp, so that the craft is ready to deploy as soon as the ramp lowers.

Time: just past 2000h, local. The ship's lights are slowly adjusting to dim out to simulate the sun's cycle for the benefit of those on board, and Grey is in the Cargo Bay. At first, he seems to be just standing there, smoking; then in a flash, his Starshot is in his hand, barking off six rounds with a deafening echo in the cavernous bay. Gunpowder smoke mingles with his cigarette's, as he moves over to go check his target. <English>

Climbing down the spiral staircase into the bay, Wren moves a little more slowly than usual. Her right arm is kept close tucked to her side, making her look just a little like a bird with a broken wing. The bark of a gunshot gives her pause and she peers over the railing into the dimness below. "No shooting crew!" <English>

Zora comes quickly into the cargo bay, a tablet in her hand. Her eyebrows are raised and she looks a bit panicked, though she seems to breathe easier when it's noticed that the Captain is shooting a target, and not a person. She shoots a concerned look at Wren, but turns back to focus mostly on the man with the gun. "Captain Grey?" she calls out, sounding rather nervous. "Are you...busy? Is this a bad time?" <English>

Grey looks up when Wren calls down, recognizing her voice. "I ain' shootin' crew, I'm shootin' dummies," he calls back. "Don' ya worry, little birdie. Yer safe here." He crouches down on his knees to examine the target, and nods to himself as he sets it up in a different position and moves back. Three targets in total are on the far wall, with ample padding behind to catch the powerful fifty caliber bullets; he paces out a hundred feet and marks it with a stray piece of cloth. "Not a bad time at all, Miss Zora. Come on out, I'm free ta talk." Flash; and six bangs this time. Grey doesn't even blink as his finger works the trigger. <English>

Adila arrives from Redemption - Training Room - B Deck. Adila has arrived.

She can't be heard over the roar of the gun, but Wren mutters something as she continues on her way down to the cargo bay. Her feet hit the deck and she makes certain to stay well out of Grey's line of fire, observing the shots with some interest before shifting her attention over to Zora. <English>

Pix arrives from Redemption - Catwalk - B Deck. Pix has arrived.

Zora looks a bit incredulous as to the time Grey chooses to shoot things as being a good time to talk, but she moves closer to him anyway. "I'd actually like your full attention, if you wouldn't mind. I've got to talk to you about something that might cause you to fire that gun in unexpected directions, and from where I'm standing, that'd be a pretty unfortunate thing." She coughs a bit after saying this, as though her throat tickles, and covers her mouth with her hand, muttering, "Excuse me." She looks over at Wren once more and smiles, now that the gunshots have stopped momentarily. "Hey there, Wrenbird," she says, coughing a bit again. <English>

Grey stands a hundred paces from three targets on the far side of the Cargo Bay, where he is having a firing practice session with his Starshot. The smoking gun spins around the smoking Captain's finger idly as he turns to face Zora. "I'm not likin' the sound a this already," he chuckles grimly. "All right, I'm listenin'. Speak yer piece." He leans back against one of the empty cargo containers, looking to the new Healer. <English>

Coughing. Coughing is an unwelcome sound and Wren pauses where she is, looking from Zora to Grey and back again. "No shooting crew," she reminds, keeping her right arm as motionless as possible. Keeping her distance, she remains to listen, nonetheless. <English>

Pixie's got a real keen ear. That and she's been hanging out on the Catwalk for the better part of an hour trying to figure out what the hella heck happened to its moorings. She emerges down from it with a drawn sidearm in one hand, and hella big ass wrench in the other. "What the gorram hell are y'all fuckin' with now'n who's shootin' the ruttin ship!" She is very loud, and she sounds a little... put out. <English>

Gunshots happen to be something Adila's ears might pick up. Roused from a nap in her cabin, the gunslinger moves towards the cargo bay with some amount of caution. Her weapon in hand, she's pulled it from the holster. Traveling along the wall, she presses her back to it and moves towards the cargo bay. It's just about then, that she can see Grey, the firearm spinning around his finger. She lowers her weapon and shoves it into her holster. "Damnit Cap'n." She mutters <English>

"Well, I'd like to have a meeting with all of the women on the ship, if it'd be alright with you," she explains. And hey, look, more women join in the fun! She jumps a bit when Pix, whom she has not yet met, yells from above, and Adila gets a much more calm nod of greeting. "Just...to discuss things. Things like birth control. If that would be okay with you? I was discussing things like that with Sam earlier, and I had a few questions for you. Such as, what's our budget for the medbay? And are there specific places we buy our supplies? If any of the girls want pills, or shots, or things like that, do you have a certain place I should go? I know there's a clinic here, but..." She shrugs. "I thought I'd talk to you first." She lowers her voice and leans in to whisper something to Grey. <English>

You whisper, "And to ask if you think I should include Wren in something like that." to Grey.

"I'm the one shooting," Grey says evenly to Pix, his eyes moving to the gun, then the wrench, then back to her face. "Targets. With more than enough padding to absorb fifty-cal." He nods to where the three dummies are set up on the far side, inside a large cargo crate turned on its side so that its top-load opening is facing him, and plenty of padding inside the reinforced metal container strong enough to keep its contents good while withstanding being jettisoned into space. "You'll want ta go up the chain a comman' ta organize that," he says to Zora, focusing now on his cigarette instead of his gun. "Speak with Syna, an' she'll get it done for ya. Now, this ain' a Coreworld hospital or a godship, Miss Zora. I have connections I get the medical supplies from - underhanded dealings, ya might call 'em. A ship is only worth so much, no matter how rich it is - the commodity here is what we, as a ship, can actually /do/. We do a certain someone a favor... an' suddenly, we've got a steady supply a medical whatevers fer a month. But, ta answer yer question, we mos'ly stick ta the necessities. Health and well-bein', luxuries are separate." <English>

Wren startles a little as Pix bellows, flushing suddenly as complaints are made about certain ship conditions. Her gaze shifts to Adila briefly, but there's a word or three coming from Zora that naturally grab at her attention. She stares at them both, particularly as whispering begins. "No secrets," she complains. And yet, she doesn't step closer in order to hear better. She actually takes a small step away, swaying a little unsteadily on her feet. <English>

Grey whispers: Why wouldn't you?

The long locked mechanic, of a seriously snarky bent (today), flicks irritated green eyes in the direction of the Captain of the Redemption. She notes the gun in his hand, and her eyes go to the targets, then back to Grey. "What kinda asshole does live target practice in a gorram cargo bay without warnin' ever'body 'specially the," she points up with the wrench, toward the catwalk where it joins the engine room, "Mechanic when ain't nobody will tell me what in the nine hells broke the ruttin' catwalk moorin's! We live in a gorram ghost ship as tries ta eat us once a week, we ain't recovered all th' blood stains," she barely pauses for a breath, "I found some in th' engine room yesterday." Okay, pause for breath, "I AM NOT PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS." Ya got the mechanic with the best lungs this side of Boros. <English>

Adila pushes up her glasses. Her arms cross loosely over her chest and for a moment she just...stares at the very angry mechanic. A flick of her tongue over her teeth and she doesn't say anything quite yet. Maybe she's contemplating who is a better target for words, Grey, the shooting man, or Pix, the yelling woman. A little click of her tongue and she seems to decide that neither is her decision. Blue eyes flicker to the newest Doctor, then to Wren, "You alright little bird?" <English>

Zora narrows her eyes in confusion when Grey whispers back, and she says something again in hushed tones. Straightening from the leaning position she took while doing so, she comments in a normal voice level, "Well, I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers by coming to you first, sir. I just didn't think it would be worth talking to Syna seriously about if we didn't even have the credits for it to begin with. And I understand what you mean as far as the medical budget goes. Would you consider birth control a necessity?" She takes a step back, throwing her hands up in a neutral pose - coughing as she does so, and covering her mouth afterwards once more. "Not that I'm saying it should be either way, please understand. I'm just merely asking, so I'll know what I'm talking about when I go to Syna." She arches an amused eyebrow at Pix, but doesn't yet introduce herself, nor to Adila. <English>

You whisper, "Well...because of her condition. Mentally. I assumed you were the girl's guardian...is there someone else I should speak with to ascertain their wishes as far as sexual education and protection is concerned?" to Grey.

Grey wags a finger to Pix. "But where else could ya ever put 'Ghost Ship' on yer resume?" he demands jokingly. "Yeah yeah, I'm the kind of asshole who does live-ammo target practice without warnin' anyone. Kinda had ta blow some steam, an' the feds'd be all over my ass if I tried ta do it out on the dirt." He tosses away his cigarette and shrugs. "No secrets, Wren. That's what I jus' tol' Zora." He nods to the Healer. "Birth control is an informed decision the crew kin make on their own. If it's enough of a demand, I kin look inta it. That kinna shit, I kin prolly get through local markets - I know the Doc who works the Clinic here." <English>

"Fine! I'm fine," Wren says rather loudly and quite defensively. Despite her protestations, she certainly doesn't look well. Skin should not be quite that color. Or so chalky. Stumbling a little as she continues to back away, she reaches out instinctively to catch herself on the stair railing and hisses in pain at the motion. Her left hand manages to latch onto the support however, steadying herself again. Whatever color was left in her skin however has now drained away, tiny beads of sweat popping out across her forehead. Adila's question and Grey's reassurance are both lost to her, all of her attention focused elsewhere. <English>

"Fuck birth control, and fuck--..." Pixie's yelling resumes, but there's a little pause as she suddenly affects a little perplexed sort of look. Her wrench hand wavers slightly, and she almost drops it. "I'm NOT DRUNK ENOUGH either..." Totally sober. Apparently totally sober is bad. Pixie's looking a little piqued. She advances on Grey, gun still out but lowered, wrench also lowered but still in hand. "Gorramit, Grey," She steps up to the Captain, "I want a raise, and I want a raise NOW--erg.." Ergh? NOW-ergh isn't a word. Maybe the whole not sleeping thing for 2 days was a bad idea. Maybe marathon binges and not sleeping for 2 days are a bad idea. She starts to turn away, but then pauses cos her balance ain't quite what it used to be. Ohnoes! There's no warning before Pixie bends over, and luges on the deck. Grey's shoes are goners. SPLASH DAMAGE! <English>

Adila's standing there, hand still loose on her gun... when she turns just a little more pale than usual. She clears her throat, turning briefly from the others and pacing just a few steps down the hall. Her hand falls to her stomach, then she brushes her hair back, pulling off her glasses and wiping her face. After a moment she seems to collect herself, replacing her glasses and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Gotta have sex to worry 'bout that." she mutters quietly. A glance at Wren and the gunslinger seems to pale a little more. She turns from the group, briefly resting her arm on the wall and her head on her arm. She's good, until she can hear Pixie's lunge... she tightens her shoulders, fighting off the urge to follow suit. <English>

Zora is a certain kind of nurse. She has an advanced nursing degree in a certain area of medicine, which involves seeing some of the grossest things the human body has to offer. So Pix ralphing over Grey’s shoes might not make her puke as well, and it might not even make her turn green. But the effort to keep from doing these things makes her knees stop doing their jobs, and she sits down hard on the cargo bay floor, apparently finally feeling the next symptom to follow her cough. "We got Sam's virus," she gasps out, sweat apparent on her forehead now, as well. "We all need to get into bed, now. Captain, you should leave, before you get infected as well. This is going to get much worse before it gets better." <English>

Grey frowns as people start acting strangely - Wren's loud protest, Pixie's sudden... vomiting. Awesome. Grey looks down at his combat boots, which are now covered in whatever Pix has recently eaten. He opens his mouth to say something, when something - maybe the scent of the vomitus, or sight of it, who knows? - hits him hard, and his cheeks start to balloon out, the technicolor yawn an inevitability. Slightly panicked eyes look left and right - and finding nothing suitable, he grabs the beret off his head and pukes into it, its form completely gone, now just a soggy bag of... ugh. "TOO LATE!" he announces in a gasping breath, before going for round two. <English>

Mutiny. Pix is sabotaging the Captain's shoes, Adila is looking decidedly worse for the wear, and Zora has just sat her butt down hard. The only one left is Grey. Poor Grey. He's no longer left. Wren stares at the disaster, the scent doing unkind things to her own innards, and she is having none of it. None. Staggering away from the stairs, she's no longer trying to escape to her room. No, she is leaving! Right arm tucked close to her side, left hand clapped firmly across her mouth as she exercises every iota of control she has. Get. Off. This. Ship. That is her single, solitary thought. <English>

Pixie remains bent over, trying to breathe but not through her nose. Oh gawd, the ew. And yet she doesn't release the sidearm or the wrench. Though it all, she holds fast. Oh yeah, hardcore. "This's what happens..." Oh god. She squeezes her eyes shut and breathes through her mouth. "When... Preachers screw around with Sam." The sound of Grey wretching makes her spew again. Ground zero: Grey's boots. Heck, they're made for combat an' trompin' through the innards of the enemy. A little puke should wash right off. <English>

Adila seems resistant to the whole puking thing, even if it's the last thing she does. She groans, slapping her hand against the ship wall. Pushing herself up, she takes in a deep breath, swallows /hard/ and tries her very best not to look at what's left of Pix's last meal. A stumbling step away, hand covering her mouth and nose as if that alone will save her. She has enough wits to whisper, "I'm going to kick Sam's ass." She moves carefully towards the infirmary. <English>

Yep, Zora definitely has that gene which allows people to be around puke and yet not puke themselves. She stands up, though her legs are shaking, and moves towards Grey. "Alright, everyone," she mutters, "You've got to follow me. We've got to get to the medbay, I can help you there." She links her arm through his, and starts to help him in that direction, if he lets her. Perhaps she doesn't see Wren, perhaps she's too focused on not puking herself to care, but she doesn't do or say a thing to stop the girl from leaving. Motioning to Adila and Pix to follow her, she makes her way with Grey towards the stairs. "Sam slept with the /Preacher/?" she mumbles in a confused tone to herself, shaking her head side to side. She's feeling very queasy. Maybe she just misheard. <English>

Quarantine. Oh no. No, no, no, no. She'd yell it, but for the hand clamped over her mouth. It is the perfect time to make her escape. And she does. Before anyone gets the idea of keeping her in a medbay. <English>

Grey grunts, groans like he's about to puke, makes a low growling noise in his throat, and manages the word, "Quarantine," before he pukes again. The beret overflows with regurgitated lunch and spills over; the Captain goes down to a knee, heaving, and one last time for good measure, really looking and sounding like it's coming from the very bottom of his stomach. "Huuuuuuurgh," he comments, as he gets shakily back to his feet and starts to sway toward the stairs, leaving a trail of vomit-bootprints. "'Sok," he mumbles to Zora, "Gotta... gonna... urghk..." He sways up the stairs, relying heavily on the railing, and makes it finally back to his quarters. <English>

Pixie's shaky, but a long-time tolerance for the icky-sickies following several epic booze binges deals her a special sort of hand. It's a talent, really. A sort of puke, then muddle through. The best cure for a throbbing sort of vomitous feeling is Whiskey. More whiskey! She even manages to answer the new medic. "Course she slept 'im. I heard he's easy." An attempt at a laugh is waylaid by a lurch of her tummy. But Pixie resists, just barely, and even straightens up most of the way. And then she pointedly heads for the hatch, having no idea Wren is out there. "Must have whiskey," she mutters. Gun still in one hand, wrench in the other. It takes her three tries to get the gun back in its holster under her jacket. <English>

Wren has left. Wren disembarks from the vessel.

Of all those gathered and puking, Adila seems to be the most stubborn. Either she's swallowing that vomit or she's managing not to puke everywhere. Barely. Hand over her mouth, she walks with a steady, calculated, slow step towards the infirmary. A glance at Pix as she mentions the 'easy' preacher and well, that's it. She can't hold it in anymore. She dashes around the corner, a retching sound following. <English>

Zora lets Grey go his own way, as he appears to manage to get to his quarters just fine. Wren and Pix are headed outside, which leaves Adila, who is losing her stomach contents around the corner. Zora takes this all in and decides that the best course of action would be to ready the medbay for the influx of patients...and to also medicate herself. And so she stumbles off in that direction, trusting the rest to get where they need to be, or find their way to her. <English>